
    Fronteer: unterbewertete Goldaktie! - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 16.05.04 16:08:22 von
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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 16.05.04 16:08:22
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      kennt jemand das Unternehmen?

      Fronteer: unterbewertete Goldaktie
      Da uns in letzter Zeit etliche Leser-Anfragen bezüglich Goldaktien erreichten, haben wir uns bemüht ein unterbewertetes Goldunternehmen zu finden. Der große „Goldrausch“ hat vor kurzem abrupt geendet und viele Goldaktien haben deutlich korrigiert. Einige Aktien büssten bis zu 50% ihres Wertes ein und das Interesse an Goldaktien hat deshalb auch spürbar nachgelassen. Aber sollten wir dem Goldsektor jetzt die kalte Schulter zeigen? Natürlich nicht! Der jüngste Kursrückgang bei den Goldwerten hat zu hochinteressanten Investmentmöglichkeiten geführt. Wir haben uns deshalb nach einer etwas risikoärmeren Aktie umgesehen, deren Fokus auch nicht ausschließlich im Goldbereich liegt.

      Wir sind bei unseren Recherchen letztendlich auf das kanadische Goldunternehmen Fronteer Development Group gestoßen, das an der Börse von Toronto unter dem Tickersymbol FRG notiert ist. Die Aktie ist aber auch in Frankfurt unter dem Kürzel FRR und der WKN 533050 notiert.

      Fronteer konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf das Entdecken von Gold-, Kupfer- und Uranvorkommen in vielversprechenden Gegenden Kanadas und der Türkei. Bevor wir näher auf das Potenzial des Unternehmens, dessen Strategie und die vorhandenen Assets eingehen, möchten wir Ihnen einen kurzen Überblick über interessante Fakten geben. Alle Beträge sind dabei in Kanadischen Dollars angegeben. Ein kanadischer Dollar entspricht dabei ca. 0,61 Euro.

      Die wichtigsten Fakten auf einen Blick:

      Erfahrenes und angesehenes Management-Team
      Keinerlei Schulden und 12 Mio. $ an Barreserven
      Marktkapitalisierung von 28 Mio. $ bei 30,5 Mio. ausstehenden Aktien
      Deutliche Unterbewertung im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Unternehmen
      Hervorragende Goldprojekte mit großem Potenzial für neue Goldfunde
      Der Goldgigant Placer Dome besitzt 1 Mio. Aktien von Fronteer
      Risiko Management: Die Projekte werden in der Regel von Partnerunternehmen finanziert

      Starke Partner und ein smartes Geschäftsmodell

      Mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von gerade mal 28 Mio. $ stellt die Fronteer Development Group ein relative kleines Unternehmen dar. In Anbetracht dessen sind die Partner des Unternehmens wahre Giganten, insbesondere Placer Dome. Dieses Unternehmen weist eine Marktkapitalisierung von etwa 5,74 Mrd. $ auf und ist damit eines der größten Goldunternehmen der Welt. Und Placer Dome ist offenbar zuversichtlich, was die Zukunft von Fronteer angeht, sonst hätte man nicht 1 Mio. Aktien des Unternehmens erworben. Darüber hinaus hat Placer Dome einige größere Projekte von Fronteer finanziert um sich daran zu beteiligen.

      Nun zu der Unternehmensstrategie. In erster Linie ist Fronteer ein Explorationsunternehmen. Das Unternehmen erwirbt zunächst Explorationsrechte in Regionen mit nachgewiesenen Goldvorkommen (bzw. Kupfer- oder Uranvorkommen). Dann werden Bohrprogramme durchgeführt um werthaltige Ressourcen ausfindig zu machen. Andere, größere Unternehmen können sich nach erfolgreicher Suche an den Projekten beteiligen. Damit werden die Entwicklungs- und Förderkosten zum großen Teil von den Partnern finanziert und trotzdem behält Fronteer immer noch einen deutlichen Anteil an den Projekten. Und genau das ist es, was wir als smartes Geschäftsmodell bezeichnen. Denn auf diese Weise werden Risiken von Dritten übernommen, während ein großer Teil der Gewinne Fronteer zugute kommt.

      Aussichtsreiche Projekte in Kanada und der Türkei

      - Fronteer besitzt ein beeindruckendes Explorationsportfolio. In Kanada werden zahlreiche Bohrprogramme durchgeführt (siehe Diagramm). Placer Dome hat beispielsweise einen Anteil von 65% an Fronteer`s Portage Projekt in das in den letzten 5 Jahren rund 5 Mio. $ gesteckt wurden.

      - Fronteer beschränkt sich aber nicht nur allein auf Gold. Zusammen mit einem anderen Partner, Altius besitzt Fronteer die Explorationsrechte für ein riesiges Uranvorkommen von geschätzten 10 bis 20 Mio. Pfund in der sog. Labrador-Region. Experten erwarten eine Uranknappheit von ungefähr 300 Mio. Pfund in den kommenden 10 Jahren. 20 Mio. Pfund bedeuten eine Riesenkapazität an Energie. Diese Menge ist vergleichbar mit 420 Mio. Barrel Öl bzw. 144 Mio. Tonnen Kohle. 20 Mio. Pfund Uran könnten damit 1 Mio. Haushalte für 45 Jahre mit Strom versorgen.

      - Darüber hinaus gibt es auch hochinteressante Projekte in der Türkei. Fronteer besitzt die Option vom großen kanadischen Goldunternehmen Teck Cominco fünf Goldprojekte in der Türkei zu erwerben. Die Goldresessourcen in diesen Regionen werden auf etwa 850.000 Unzen geschätzt. Natürlich könnte dort aber auch bedeutend mehr Gold gefunden werden. In den letzten 20 Jahren haben immer mehr Unternehmen die Türkei als Explorationsgebiet entdeckt. Zu diesen Unternehmen gehören u.a. RTZ, Inmet, Teck Cominco, BHP Billiton, Normandy (Newmont) und Eldorado. Es gibt jedoch immer noch Regionen (z.B. die von Fronteer), die noch nicht für Projekte erschlossen wurden. Sollten sich die Goldressourcen in der Türkei als größer erweisen wie erwartet, so wird sich dies mit Sicherheit auch positiv auf den Aktienkurs auswirken.

      Sie können sich für weitere Details zu den Projekten auch die Homepage des Unternehmens ansehen:

      Fronteer-Aktie stark unterbewertet

      Die Fronteer-Aktie wird im Moment für ca. 0,93 $ gehandelt und ist damit klar unterbewertet. In der untenstehenden Grafik haben wir den Wert der geprüften Gold- und Uranreserven dargestellt. Wir haben auch den Wert der Vorkommen in der Türkei hinzugefügt, da wir davon ausgehen, dass Fronteer in Kürze von seiner „Kaufoption“ Gebrauch machen wird und die Explorationsrechte erwirbt. Wir haben die Vorkommen sehr konservativ abgeschätzt und z.B. mehrere kanadische Projekte dabei nicht berücksichtigt. Diese Projekte werden zur Zeit erst auf ihr Potenzial untersucht.

      Basierend auf den geprüften Vorkommen in der Türkei, dem Dixie Lake-Projekt, den Uran-Vorkommen in Labrador und den Barreserven des Unternehmens kommen wir auf einen fairen Aktienkurs von 2,27 $. (69,25 Mio. $/30,5 Mio. ausstehende Aktien). Aufgrund dessen denken wir, dass die Aktie ein enormes Kurspotenzial besitzt. Erst im April schloss das Unternehmen mit institutionellen Investoren eine Kapitalerhöhung in Höhe von 9,6 Mio. $ bei einem Aktienkurs von 1,10 $ ab. Nachdem die Aktie nun stark unter Druck geriet, können Anleger die Aktie nun unterhalb des Preises erwerben, den die institutionellen Anleger bezahlt haben.


      Wie viele andere Goldaktien auch, hat Fronteer im Jahr 2003 eine beeindruckende Kursrally hingelegt. Das Allzeithoch von Anfang 2004 liegt auf Intraday-Basis bei 1,45 $. Seitdem ist der Aktienkurs wieder stark zurückgekommen. Am Freitag schloss die Aktie bei 0,93 $, das entspricht einem Kursrückgang von rund 36% vom Allzeithoch.

      Unterstützungslinien gibt es bereits bei 0,85$ sowie 0,80$. Wenn wir den Blick nach oben richten, gibt es bei 1,05 $ das erste Widerstandsniveau. Wenn dieses Niveau überschritten wird, so kann es schnell in Richtung 1,30 $ gehen, wo Januar/Februar ein klassisches Doppeltop ausgebildet wurde.


      Wir denken dass der Aktienkurs der Fronteer Development Group durch den sinkenden Goldpreis zu stark in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurde. Dies eröffnet Investoren jedoch die einmalige Gelegenheit die Aktien zum Discount-Preis zu erwerben. Das Unternehmen ist gut positioniert, verfolgt ein hervorragendes Geschäftskonzept und verfügt über ein diversifiziertes Portfolio an unterschiedlichen Projekten. Anleger, die ihr Portfolio ebenfalls diversifizieren wollen, sollten sich unbedingt dieses unterbewertete Goldunternehmen näher ansehen. Fronteer ist aus unserer Sicht ein klarer Kauf. Aufgrund der geringen Liquidität an den Börsen in Frankfurt und Berlin, empfehlen wir allerdings auf jeden Fall ein Limit zu setzen, dass dem kanadischen Kurs in etwa entspricht.

      Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

      Das Investor Alert Team.

      schrieb am 16.05.04 17:56:26
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Fronteer nicht besser als der Durchschnitt. Da würde ich eine Tournigan, Exeter Resource, Lalo Ventures oder Moto Goldmines eher ins Depot legen!;)
      schrieb am 17.05.04 16:18:06
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Ja kenne ich und habe sie auch im Depot, dieser Hinweis kam schon vor Wochen bei Trend,Zyklen & Signale Hertausgeber Trachsler Schweiz.Mein posting bei goldseiten de über diesen Wert brachte nur einen Daumen nach unten ( Effenberg-Zeiger) also kein bsonderen Anglang.
      mfg hpoth
      schrieb am 23.05.04 14:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Hab die Aktien vor Monaten zu Kursen um 0,95 CAD gekauft und für 1,26 CAD wieder verkauft (Gewinnmitnahmen) ... später dann für 0,90 CAD wieder zurückgekauft und hoffe jetzt auf die Umsetzung der diversen Vorhaben der Firma. In meinen Augen bietet sich bei Fronteer wirklich eine günstige Gelegenheit bei einem Explorer früh genug mit an Bord zu sein (lest dazu auch meinen Thread) ... übrigens würde ich wegen der höheren Liquidität Käufe immer an der Heimatbörse in Toronto ausüben, auch wenn die Transaktionskosten da natürlich höher liegen.

      Hier noch ´ne Meldung ...

      Letzte Woche haben wir Ihnen das kanadische Goldunternehmen Fronteer Development Group vorgestellt, dessen Aktien an der Börse in Toronto unter dem Kürzel FRG und in Frankfurt unter dem Symbol FRR und der WKN 533050 gehandelt werden. Am Montag gab es wichtige News, die wir Ihnen natürlich nicht vorenthalten wollen.

      Enormes Potenzial für Goldexplorer in der Türkei

      Bei der Türkei denken die meisten von uns bestimmt in erster Linie an ein Urlaubsziel. Seit einiger Zeit wird das Land jedoch auch von riesigen Goldexplorationsfirmen genauer unter die Lupe genommen. Unternehmen wie Newmont Mining (Nyse: NEM) und Eldorado Gold (Amex: EGO) haben Lizenzen für Goldvorkommen zwischen 1 und 5,2 Mio. Unzen erworben. Diese Zahlen sind durchaus beeindruckend. Aufgrund dessen ist es ganz logisch, dass auch andere Goldunternehmen Interesse an der Türkei bekunden.
      Fronteer tritt nun in die Fußstapfen der großen Goldexplorer und gab am Montag bekannt, dass man mit Teck Cominco für zwei Gold-Projekte im Westen der Türkei, Agi Dagi und Kirazli, eine Option vereinbart hat um 100% dieser Projekte zu erwerben.
      Teck Cominco hat in Agi Dagi bereits einige Bohrprogramme durchgeführt und dabei wurden Goldvorkommen von rund 450.000 Unzen nachgewiesen. Fronteer möchte die Bohrprogramme noch ausdehnen und hält die Wahrscheinlichkeit für weitere Goldreserven für sehr hoch. Falls es Fronteer gelingt weitere Goldvorkommen nachzuweisen, dann dürfte die Aktie einen deutlichen Sprung nach oben machen. Darüber hinaus verhandelt man mit Teck Cominco über den Erwerb von weiteren drei Goldprojekten in der Türkei.

      Fronteer CEO, Mark O`Dea sagte zu Abschlüssen: "Der Erwerb dieser drei Projekte ist ein Meilenstein bei der Verpflichtung unseren Aktionären gegenüber, wahre und solide Werte zu schaffen. Unser geologisches Team glaubt, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit in der Türkei in den nächsten 12 bis 24 Monaten bedeutende Entdeckungen zu machen sehr groß ist. Die Türkei hat das Potenzial ein großer Player in der Goldindustrie zu werden und das Entwicklungsstadium kann mit dem von Peru vor ca. 15 Jahren verglichen werden.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 23.05.04 16:50:57
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Das die mit Teck Cominco zusammen arbeiten hatte mich eigentlich dazu erwogen diesen Wert in meinem Depot aufzunehmen.Die Teck Leute verstehen ihr Handwerk,übrigens ist Teck auch eine gute Anlage, bi hier unter $ 9 eingestiegen.
      mfg hpoth:lick::lick::lick:

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1390EUR +11,20 %
      East Africa Metals: Geht jetzt der Kurs durch die Decke? mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 24.05.04 01:41:43
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      das mit der Türkei finde ich super, werde mir diese Aktie mal ein wenig genauer anschauen, um eventuel eine Kaufentscheidung zu treffen;)
      schrieb am 29.07.04 22:29:36
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      So, bin wieder drin ...

      Schaut euch mal deren neue Homepage an, gefällt mir ausgesprochen gut ... :

      Frequently Asked Questions

      How many shares are outstanding?
      30.5 million shares are outstanding

      How many shares are in the float?
      Approximately 21 million

      How many shares on a fully diluted basis?
      40.3 million

      How much money do we have in the bank?
      $12.2 million

      Where are our projects Located?
      Ontario, Labrador, NWT and Western Turkey

      Who are our joint venture partners?
      Placer Dome, Altius Minerals, Red Lake Resources, Northwestern Mineral Ventures and Alberta Star Development Corp

      Who are our largest shareholders?
      Placer Dome, Goldcorp, Institutions

      Who is on our Board of Directors?
      Dr. Mark O`Dea, Mr. George Bell, Mr. Oliver Lennox King, Mr Lyle Hepburn and Mr Donald McInnes

      How many ounces of gold does Fronteer currently have?
      Between our properties in Red Lake and Turkey, we have indications of 1,000,000 ounces of gold. 427,000 of these ounces are in a drill indicated resource in Turkey. The rest are yet to be confirmed by drilling

      Will Fronteer eventually mine its deposits?
      Probably not. Fronteer is on the exploration and discovery side of the gold mining business. Fronteer is in the business of building resources in the ground which may eventually be sold to mining companies for a large profit.

      What is Fronteer`s current market capitalization?
      Fronteer`s market capitalization is approximately $30 million

      Does Fronteer have any debt?

      How much will Fronteer be spending over the next fiscal year on exploration on its properties?
      Approx $3.5 million

      Will Fronteer be drilling on its uranium properties soon?
      Yes. Fronteer is planning to have drill targets by the end of the summer 2004.

      How many ounces of gold are currently on your Dixie Lake Project?
      There is an historical resource of approximately 120,000 ounces. However, we are in the process of updating this resource using the results of our latest drilling programs.

      When will the next round of drilling begin on the Dixie Lake Project? Drilling is being planned for the summer 2004

      If the Turkish projects are so good why would Teck Cominco want to sell them?
      Teck Cominco believes strongly in the potential of these projects, which is why they have reserved the right buy back from Fronteer 70% of any of the projects. If Teck Cominco earns back a 70% interest, and puts a project into production, Fronteer will receive 30% of the cash flow from the mining operation. It is a very good deal for both parties.

      Who did our last financing?
      Our last financing was led by Pacific International Securities and we raised approximately $10 million.

      What exchange do we trade on?
      We currently trade on the Toronto Stock exchange (FRG) on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (FRR)

      How can I purchase shares in your company?
      Canadian residents can purchase shares from an online account or from broker dealers with which you have accounts. US residents can`t trade Canadian stocks online. Instead, you`ll have to call your online/discount broker and ask them to facilitate the trade. Full service brokers, as well as the likes of Ameritrade, Schwab and Waterhouse should be able to place the order.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 29.07.04 22:31:42
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Thu Jul 29, 2004
      Fronteer Begins 6,000 Metre Drill Program in Turkey


      News Release 04-22

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG - Toronto Stock Exchange, FRR - Frankfurt Stock Exchange) is pleased to announce that a diamond/RC drilling program has commenced on the Agi Dagi Gold Project in Western Turkey. The Agi Dagi Gold Project is a large gold bearing system that has a current inferred resource of 11.3MT @ 1.2 g/t gold, or 435,000 ounces of gold with potential for expansion into a multi-million ounce deposit.

      Epithermal style deposits like Agi Dagi are characterized by wide intervals of near surface, oxidized gold mineralization that can be mined by open pit methods and treated by low cost heap leaching. Another nearby deposit of this type in Turkey is Eldorado`s Kisladag Deposit (5.1 million ounces at 1.2 g/t gold). Premier deposits of this type in Peru include Yanacocha (16.7 million ounces of gold @ 0.96 g/t gold) Pierina (2.76 million ounces of gold @1.4 g/t gold) and Alto Chicama (7.2 million ounces of gold @1.4 g/t gold).

      Bottle roll metallurgical tests, which were conducted by Kappes, Cassiday & Associates on nine samples from the Agi Dagi resource area indicate an average gold recovery of 93.8% and low reagent consumption.

      Historical drilling in this resource area by a subsidiary of Teck Cominco Limited intersected thick intervals of gold mineralization in widely spaced (125 metre x 62.5 metre grid) vertical drill holes including (see table attached):
      42 metres of 2.20 g/t gold;

      90 metres at 1.62 g/t gold;

      93 metres at 1.04 g/t gold

      101 metres of 0.98 g/t gold.

      Fronteer will undertake approximately 6,000 metres of drilling in this initial program with the objective of:
      Expanding the existing gold resource by intersecting strike extensions of the known mineralization, which is open is several directions.

      Identifying narrower corridors of high grade mineralization related to discrete underlying fault zones. These fault structures may be as narrow as 10-20 metres and may have been missed by previous widely spaced vertical drilling. Selected high grade assays (e.g. A-36, 3m @ 9.48 g/t gold and A-52, 3 metres @ 9.52 g/t gold) provide support for the existence of such zones

      Improving the continuity of higher grade portions of the deposit.

      Testing additional gold targets within the property, as defined by soil geochemistry, geophysical data and mapping.

      Fronteer is also pleased to announce that the Turkish government recently passed legislation exempting the gold mining industry (producers of gold and/silver in Turkey) from paying 18% VAT on activities such as exploration, construction, purchase of equipment, mine operation, smelting and refining. The amended VAT Law makes Turkey consistent and competitive with other countries in its treatment of VAT by reducing the cost of mine construction and production of precious metals.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 29.07.04 22:34:11
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Wed Jul 14, 2004
      Drill Results Expand Size Of Gold Shoot At Dixie Lake


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG - Toronto Stock Exchange, FRR - Frankfurt Stock Exchange) is pleased to report assays from the first three holes of a five hole (2,500 metre) diamond drill program at the Dixie Lake Gold Project. Two of the holes have extended the recently discovered gold shoot within the 88-4 zone. Gold mineralization in these two holes was intersected over broad intervals (12-15 metres of core length), characterized by higher grade sections (15-20 g/t gold) containing some visible gold.

      · DL-04-08 intersected 15.1 metres @ 1.7 g/t gold including 1.3 metres @ 7.4 g/t gold.
      · DL-04-10 intersected 12.4 metres @ 2.1 g/t gold including 1.5 metres @ 9.3 g/t gold.
      Hole (DL-04-09) deviated 30 metres to the southeast from its intended target and intersected the southeastern edge of the shoot. This hole returned 8.7 metres @ 0.78 g/t gold including 1.5 metres @ 1.5 g/t gold. Assays for holes DL-04-11 and DL-04-12 are pending.

      Drilling highlights within the 88-4 shoot are shown in the table below.

      Drill Hole Core Length Gold
      (metres) (g/t)
      DL-04-01 2.0 11.1
      DL-04-02 1.0 10.3
      DL-04-04 4.0 11.0
      including 2.1 18.5
      DL-04-05 2.0 7.4
      including 1.1 11.2
      DL-04-06 8.2 10.9
      including 5.1 15.1
      including 2.3 27.7
      DL-03-06 4.3 5.8
      including 0.9 12.0
      DL-03-08 4.0 12.5
      including 1.5 24.7
      DL-89-09 2.8 15.6
      DL-04-08 1.3 7.4
      DL-04-10 1.5 9.3

      Fronteer also completed property scale geochemical sampling and ground magnetic surveys as part of the current program. Fronteer and Alberta Star plan to commence a $750,000 Phase 4 drill program in September 2004, to begin targeting additional high grade gold shoots by testing new geochemical and geophysical targets.

      Over the past 12 months Fronteer, with its funding partner Alberta Star, has significantly upgraded the resource potential of the Dixie Lake Property, demonstrating that high grade gold mineralization is present over significant widths and that its geometry is both predictable and continuous over a vertical range of at least 400 metres.

      Fronteer is focused on "Discovery-Stage" opportunities that offer the potential for significant wealth creation. With a backstop of solid assets in Canada and Western Turkey, Fronteer is well positioned for growth. Fronteer has $11.1 million in working capital, no debt and 30.5 million shares outstanding.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 12.08.04 17:37:56
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      ... uupps ...
      schrieb am 17.08.04 18:38:36
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Wird ja langsam wieder :)
      schrieb am 15.09.04 16:09:14
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Uuuuuuuuuuups !!!

      schrieb am 15.09.04 18:39:10
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      So ist ein Anstieg doch am schönsten ... keiner merkt´s ... kein Gepushe ... einfach nur satte Plus ... und das jetzt schon länger :) :) :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :D
      schrieb am 24.09.04 23:12:08
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Das Smilen will gar nicht mehr verschwinden :):):):):)

      +20% again ... :D

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 30.09.04 22:51:40
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Hier ´ne Meldung von Fronteer (vom 21.9.04):


      DGAP-News: Fronteer Development


      Corporate-News übermittelt durch die DGAP.
      Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.


      Die Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG - Toronto Stock Excahnge, FRR -
      Frankfurt Stock Exchange) und Altius Minerals Inc. (ALS - TSX.V) sind erfreut,
      die Fertigstellung einer Untersuchung einer magnetischen und radiometrischen
      Begutachtung aus der Luft von 12.800 "line" Kilometern (12,800 line kilometre
      airborne magnetic and radiometic survey) auf ihrem Post Hill - Michelin Objekt
      im Central Mineral Belt von Labrador mitzuteilen. Die Untersuchung wurde von
      Fugro Airborne Surveys Corp. durchgeführt.

      Die Untersuchung hat die geophysikalischen Merkmale der historischen Uran-
      Lagerstätten in diesem Gebiet aufgezeigt (z.B. die Michelin-Lagerstätte, die
      Post Hill-Lagerstätte und die Kitts-Lagerstätte) und hat ungefähr 12 neue
      Uran-Anomalien an der Oberfläche gezeigt, die eine zu Tage tretende
      Uranmineralisation widerspiegeln könnten. Darüber hinaus hat die Untersuchung
      geophysikalische Anomalien aufgezeigt, die Ähnlichkeiten mit Kupfer-Gold-
      Lagerstätten im Olympic-Dam-Stil aufweisen.

      Fronteer und Altius haben eine auf vier bis sechs Wochen angesetzte Feldstudie
      begonnen, um diese neuen geophysikalischen Lagerstätten mit dem Ziel weiter zu
      verfolgen, diese so schnell wie möglich zum Bohrungsstadium zu bringen.

      Die Probenahmen und das Kartieren im Ausmaß einer Erkundung, die im
      vergangenen Sommer von den Joint-Venture-Partnern durchgeführt wurden, haben
      die hochgradige Uran-Ausstattung des Objekts bestätigt und haben zum ersten
      Mal das zu Grunde liegende Kupfer-Gold-Silber-Potential der Region offenbart.
      Untersuchungsergebnisse der Proben aus dem letzten Jahr sind in der unten
      stehenden Tabelle aufgeführt.

      Stichprobe 1.51 1.31 59 0.42
      Stichprobe 0.13 2.81 115 nil
      Splitter [chip]
      (1 Meter) 1.83 nil 2.7 nil
      Stichprobe 2.91 nil 139 nil
      Boulder Float
      [Oberflächenentnahme] 1.18 nil 2.7 nil
      Boulder Float 1.18 nil 1.2 nil
      Boulder Float 28.20 nil 7.1 nil
      Stichprobe 1.48 nil 1.7 nil
      Stichprobe 0.32 0.27 22.3 nil
      Stichprobe 0.85 0.37 26.9 nil
      Stichprobe 0.26 nil 0.2 0.16
      Stichprobe 0.60 nil 0.2 nil
      Stichprobe n/a 1.0 78.6 0.55
      Stichprobe n/a 1.46 72.8 0.29
      Stichprobe n/a 2.96 77 0.87
      Stichprobe n/a 0.9 21.5 0.28

      Das Post Hill - Michelin Objekt hat eine Größe von 181433 Acres und umfasst
      Dutzende von Uran-, Kupfer-, Molybdän- und Goldvorkommen einschließlich der
      historischen Post Hill (Nash Main und Inda Lake) und Mechelin
      Uranlagerstätten, die wesentliche Tonnengehalte von Uranmineralisation
      enthalten. Die folgenden historischen Mineral-Ressourcen stammen aus dem
      Mineral Occurrence Data System von Neufundland und Labrador:

      - Die Post Hill-Lagerstätte hat eine historische Ressoucenschätzung von 0,55
      Millionen Tonnen@0,16% U3O8

      - Die Michelin-Lagerstätte hat eine historische Ressourcenschätzung von 6,4
      Millionen Tonnen@0,13% U3O8

      - Es ist zu beachten, dass der weltweite durchschnittliche Grad
      uranproduzierender Minen 0,15% U3O8 beträgt.

      Die Ergebnisse von kürzlich durchgeführten Joint-Venture Explorationen geben
      klare Hinweise auf zusätzliche Kupfer- und Silberpotentiale im Michelin.
      Insbesondere zwei Proben vom Michelin-Objekt haben 1,09% Kupfer, 20,5 g/t
      Silber, bzw. 0,72% Kupfer und 26,5 g/t Silber hervorgebracht.

      Historische Probenahmen haben das Potential für hochgradigere Mineralisationen
      innerhalb der Michelin-Lagerstätte gezeigt. Zum Beispiel haben schmale Adern
      von U3O8, die im westlichen Teil der Lagerstätte auftreten, Berichten zufolge
      in der Untersuchung bis zu 40% U3O8 gezeigt.

      Die an der Oberfläche entnommene Probe (float sample), die in obenstehender
      Tabelle genannt wird und 28,2% U3O8 hervorgebracht hat, stammt aus einem 1200
      Meter langen, uranreichen Geröllfeld [boulder field] (endeckt von Brinex in
      den 1970er Jahren), aus dem durch Fronteer und Altius während der Feldsaison
      2003 Proben entnommen wurden. Dieser Wert ist mit historischen Untersuchungen
      des Objekts vergleichbar, wo zehn Geröllproben [boulder samples] im
      Durchschnitt 11,53% U3O8 mit Werten zwischen 2,25% und 18,08% U3O8
      hervorgebracht haben. Dieses Geröllfeld hat starke Charakteristika in den
      neuen geophysikalischen Daten und wird ein Schlüsselwerkzeug bei der
      Lokalisation der lokalen hochgradigen Quellen dieses Gerölls darstellen.

      Fronteer ist ein "Discovery-Stage" Explorationsunternehmen mit klarem und
      unmittelbarem Wachstumspotential. Mit einem herausragenden Projekt-Portfolio
      und einem zuverlässigen Management-Team bereit für den Erfolg.

      Für weitere Informationen über Fronteer besuchen Sie bitte oder wenden Sie sich an:
      Mark O´Dea, Präsident und CEO

      Ende der Mitteilung, (c)DGAP 21.09.2004
      WKN: 533050; ISIN: CA35903Q1063; Index:

      Diese Seite drucken
      Quelle: 21.09.2004 19:48:00
      schrieb am 30.09.04 22:56:11
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Pscht, nix verraten ... sonst wollen auch noch andere diese Aktie ;) ;) ;)

      Wir brauchen ja schließlich kein Gepushe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 06.10.04 17:49:38
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      schrieb am 12.10.04 16:19:20
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Und das Ding läuft und läuft

      schrieb am 12.10.04 17:40:08
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      # 18

      läuft es auch heute, habe noch nicht nachgeschaut.

      gruss hpoth
      schrieb am 12.10.04 22:29:08
      Beitrag Nr. 20 ()
      ... es läuft ...

      Gruß Seinfeld :D
      schrieb am 25.10.04 18:32:33
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()

      Fronteer zischt in letzter Zeit ja ganz schön ab.
      Heute wieder + 11,4 % (0,98 EURO) in Ffm.

      schrieb am 25.10.04 19:09:09
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      bei 1.60- 1.65 c$ ist doch ein größerer Wiederstand, hier scheitert die Aktie.Wir brauchen noch Geduld,
      gruß hpoth
      schrieb am 26.10.04 06:53:05
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Guten Morgen, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Den möglichen Grund für den erfeulichen Kursanstieg wollen wir doch nicht verschweigen::)

      Mon Oct 18, 2004
      Exceptional Historic Gold Results Advance Fronteer In Western Turkey


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG -- Toronto Stock Exchange) has acquired previously unreleased drill data from the Kirazli Gold Property in western Turkey which Fronteer has under option from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S.`s ("Teck Cominco"). The following intervals were drilled by Eldorado Gold Corporation`s Turkish subsidiary in the early 1990`s and are historic in nature:

      Historic Drill Intervals

      Interval Gold Grade Hole
      (m) (g/t) ID
      19.5 13.7 R-17
      52.5 5.0 R-07
      103.5 1.9 R-18
      99.2 1.4 C-08
      8.8 6.3 C-12
      36.0 1.4 R-05
      22.5 2.2 R-12
      25.8 1.6 C-16

      Fronteer has prepared a 4000 metre diamond drill program for the Kirazli property, supported by these historic results to further define, enhance, and quantify an oxide gold resource on the property. The Kirazli campaign will commence in mid-October.

      Kirazli is located 25km northwest of Fronteer`s Agi Dagi property, where a 6,000 metre drill campaign is currently in progress. Given their close proximity and excellent access to infrastructure, the Kirazli and Agi Dagi projects have good logistical synergies. Both properties host large epithermal gold systems characterized by encouraging grades, near surface oxide mineralization and geometries favorable to open pit mining operations.

      The commencement of the Kirazli drill program will reinforce Fronteer`s commitment to building a portfolio of solid assets that can be quickly advanced. Fronteer`s properties in Turkey are situated within the same geological province as the Kisladag Gold Deposit, owned by Eldorado Gold. Eldorado announced recently that it has received all the permits and approvals from the Turkish government necessary to construct its Kisladag Mine, with production scheduled to commence late in 2005.

      Fronteer is a Discovery-Stage exploration company with active exploration programs in Canada and Western Turkey, focused on gold and uranium-copper deposits.

      For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:
      Mark O`Dea, President & CEO
      Dan McIntyre, Corporate Communications
      (PH) 604-632-4677

      Dr. Rick Valenta P.Geo is the qualified person for this project. Gold assay results referred to from the Kirazli property are historical in nature, and were performed prior to NI 43-101. Fronteer has not independently analyzed the results of the previous exploration and therefore the historical assays should not be relied upon. Fronteer believes these historical assay results provide an indication of the potential of the property and are relevant to ongoing exploration.

      This News Release includes certain "forward looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Without limitation, statements regarding potential mineralization and resources, exploration results, and future plans and objectives of the Company are forward looking statements that involve that involve various degrees of risk. The following are important factors that could cause Fronteer`s actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward looking statements: changes in the world wide price of mineral commodities, general market conditions, risks inherent in mineral exploration, risks associated with development, construction and mining operations, the uncertainty of future profitability and the uncertainty of access to additional capital.

      Good Trades wünscht Euch


      schrieb am 01.11.04 16:09:39
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      True Good News are the best promotion::)

      And here they are::)

      Fronteer Development provides Agi Dagi drilling results

      2004-11-01 09:51 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has intersected a second large gold system on its Agi Dagi property in western Turkey, with grades of up to three grams per tonne (g/t) gold over 37.5 metres. The new Deli Dagi zone is located three kilometres to the northeast of the property`s main historical resource area.

      Widely spaced drilling in this new area has intersected thick intervals of near-surface oxide mineralization with geometries favourable to open-pit extraction. Gold mineralization is open in all directions and has a surface expression of at least 10 hectares. Drilling continues in the Deli Dagi zone with the following results returned to date:


      Hole From Width grade
      ID m m g/t

      A-92 49.5 45.0 2.6
      Incl. 37.5 3.0

      A-92 6.0 13.5 0.8
      Incl. 3.0 2.7

      A-90 56.3 105.9 0.4
      Incl. 17.8 0.6

      A-90 143.1 19.1 0.8

      A-87 51.0 40.5 0.9
      Incl. 12.0 1.7

      A-87 15.0 22.5 0.5
      Incl. 3.0 2.2

      A-103 55.5 39.0 0.8
      Incl. 6.0 1.4

      One of Fronteer`s goals during this drill campaign was to test the Agi Dagi property for new areas of gold mineralization and expand the resource potential of the property. Results from drill holes in the Deli Dagi zone confirm this new zone`s potential to match or exceed the size and grade of the historic resource area.

      One-hundred-metre step-out holes from A-92 are currently being completed in the Deli Dagi zone and assay results from drill holes completed in the main historic resource area are pending. The Agi Dagi property is under option from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret AS.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Rick Valenta, PGeo, who is designated as a qualified person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of these data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, B.C., and Global Discovery Labs using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      WARNING: The company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.


      schrieb am 03.11.04 09:09:51
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Gestern wurde im Rahmen eines "Early Warning Reports" bekannt gegeben, dass der Prudent Bear Fund und der Prudent Global Master Fund nicht unerhebliche Zukäufe von Fronteer-Aktien an der Toronto Stock Exchange getätigt haben.:eek:

      Der insgesamt nunmehr gehaltene Anteil an Fronteer beträgt nun 11,67 Prozent der von Fronteer ausstehenden Gesellschaftsaktien (=3.907.608 Stücke).:eek:

      Weitere Zukäufe seien momentan nicht geplant, werden aber für die Zukunft auch nicht ausgeschlossen.:)

      Good Trades wünscht allseits


      schrieb am 03.11.04 12:04:19
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()

      Das kan gut sein aber auch genau so schlecht,wenn dort jemand auf den Verkaufsknopf drückt kommt der Kurs unter die Räder.Allerdings machen sie sich ihren Kurs auch selber kaputt.

      gruß hpoth
      schrieb am 10.11.04 07:31:11
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Gestern hat Fronteer u.a. bekanntgegeben, dass ihre Aktien (Symbol:FTDGF) von sofort an auch an der OTC in USA gehandelt werden können!:)


      schrieb am 11.11.04 10:48:15
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()

      Danke daß Du uns hier immer mit Neuigkeiten versorgst ...

      Ist ja nicht immer so einfach News über Fronteer zu erfahren ... und die
      Beiträge hier sind ja beileibe nicht so zahlreich wie z.B. bei Cardero ;) ;) ;)

      Gruß Seinfeld :D
      schrieb am 15.11.04 23:21:32
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Und hier wieder einmal erfreuliche News::)

      Fronteer Development releases Agi Dagi drill highlights

      2004-11-15 12:56 ET - News Release

      Mr. Dan McIntyre reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has intersected 588 grams per tonne silver and 0.5 gram per tonne gold, for a combined result of 10.5 grams per tonne gold equivalent over 15.4 metres from drill hole AD-105 on the Agi Dagi project.

      Drill hole AD-105 is situated 137 metres to the south of previously announced hole AD-92, which was also rich in silver, returning three grams per tonne gold equivalent over 51 metres.

      Fronteer has also intersected 37.9 metres of 1.5 grams per tonne gold equivalent in hole AD-108, situated 100 metres to the north of hole AD-92.


      Gold Silver
      Hole ID From To grade grade
      (m) (m) (g/t) (g/t)

      AD-105 18.5 43.1 0.30 398.0
      including 23.6 39.0 0.50 588.0
      AD-105 92.7 112.9 0.95 0.8
      AD-92 49.5 100.5 2.30 41.0
      AD-108 167.7 205.6 1.30 7.5

      Hole ID From To equivalent
      (m) (m) (g/t)

      AD-105 18.5 43.1 7.10
      including 23.6 39.0 10.50
      AD-105 92.7 112.9 0.96
      AD-92 49.5 100.5 3.00
      AD-108 167.7 205.6 1.50

      Values for gold equivalent were calculated based on a gold price of $428 and a silver price of $7.30.

      Based on results to date, precious metal mineralization has been intersected in six widely spaced holes over a length of 500 metres, running north to south across the northeast end of the property. Additional holes in this new discovery zone (called the Deli zone) are currently being completed and assay results are pending.

      Fronteer has had rapid success in expanding the resource potential of the Agi Dagi project. Drilling in the Deli zone has intersected thick intervals of near-surface oxide mineralization, with shallow geometries favourable to open-pit extraction. The Deli zone has the potential to match or exceed the size and grade of the historic resource area, located at the southwest end of the property.

      The Agi Dagi project is under option from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Rick Valenta, PGeo, who is designated as a qualified person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of these data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex in North Vancouver, B.C., using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      WARNING: The company relies upon litigation protection for "forward-looking" statements.


      schrieb am 17.11.04 08:01:39
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Und wieder etwas Erfreuliches:

      Gestern erreichte die Fronteer-Aktie ein neues All Time High in Kanada auf Schlusskursbasis: 1,72 Can. Dollar!!! :)

      Und immer noch ist das Unternehmen drastisch unterbewertet ( geradezu ein Witz :cry: )!

      Dem, der das Unternehmen noch nicht kennt, empfehle ich dringend, es sich einmal unvoreingenommen näher anzusehen und auch diesen Thread auf jeden Fall zum Einstieg in Ruhe durchzulesen!:)

      Es grüsst Euch


      schrieb am 17.11.04 17:48:45
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Hallo Casson,

      wenn Du schreibst, daß Du Fronteer nach wie vor für
      stark unterbewertet erachtest, wo siehst Du denn nach den
      neuesten Meldungen den aktuellen fairen Wert der Aktie??
      Schließlich haben wir ja in den letzten Wochen schon
      eine ziemlich atemberaubende Rallye hinter uns ...

      Gruß Seinfeld :) :) :)
      schrieb am 17.11.04 20:29:30
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Hallo seinfeld,:)

      Zwischen drei und vier Can.Dollar! (nur meine Meinung :))


      schrieb am 02.12.04 17:46:47
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Bedeutsame News stehen an!:cool:

      Seit 9.32 Uhr kanadische Zeit wird die Aktie nicht mehr gehandelt!

      Der Grund: Ein "Trading-Halt"!

      Der letzte gehandelte Kurs lag bei 1,80 Can. Dollar und damit genau 4 Can. Cents unter dem bisherigen All Time High!:)

      Einen spannenden Abend wünscht allen Fronteer-Aktionären


      schrieb am 02.12.04 17:51:37
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()

      Hier ist sie, die Good News!:)

      Fronteer Development Group Inc
      Symbol FRG
      Shares Issued 32,786,780
      Close 2004-12-01 C$ 1.75
      Recent Sedar Documents

      Fronteer confirms significant gold at Kirazli

      2004-12-02 11:45 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has intersected significant oxide gold mineralization in its first drill hole on the Kirazli project in western Turkey.

      Diamond drill hole KD-01 intersected a high-grade zone of 44.01 grams per tonne gold over 9.1 metres followed by an additional zone of 2.69 g/t gold over 30.3 metres, for a total intercept of 12.23 g/t gold over 39.4 metres. Using a cut-off of 0.5 g/t gold, the hole contains an overall intercept of 4.54 g/t gold over 115.7 metres. The drill hole bottomed in gold mineralization at a depth of 223 metres. All high-grade assays are uncut.

      KD-01 was a confirmation hole designed to test the width and grade of a previously intersected high-grade zone on the property. Fronteer`s diamond drill results are comparable with historic reverse circulation intervals.


      Hole From To Interval Gold
      ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t)

      KD-01 43.30 159.00 115.7 4.54
      inc. 43.30 82.70 39.4 12.23
      inc. 43.30 52.40 9.1 44.01
      inc. 52.4 82.70 30.3 2.69

      KD-01 214.30 223.00 8.7 1.55

      KD-01 is Fronteer`s first hole of a 3,000-metre diamond drill campaign on the Kirazli property, which will continue through 2005 (see Fronteer`s website for further details, including detailed assay results).

      KD-01 was drilled at minus-60 degrees and the geometry of the hosting structures are interpreted to have a subvertical component. At present there is insufficient data available to determine the true width of the gold intervals.

      The Kirazli property is under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Rick Valenta, PGeo, who is designated as a qualified person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of these data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, B.C., using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      We seek Safe Harbor.


      schrieb am 02.12.04 18:01:56
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      2,1 cad:kiss:
      schrieb am 08.12.04 17:27:10
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Und wieder gibt`s was Neues!:)

      Fronteer, Altius find uranium in Labrador targets

      2004-12-08 10:47 ET - News Release

      Also News Release (C-ALS) Altius Minerals Corp

      Mr. Mark O`Dea of Fronteer reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. and Altius Minerals Corp. have identified widespread surface mineralization in eight target areas on their properties in the central mineral belt of Labrador.

      The 2004 exploration program involved a 13,000-line-kilometre airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, followed by four weeks of geological mapping, prospecting, and the collection of 350 rock samples and 265 soil samples. Rock samples assayed up to 13.33 per cent U3O8, and returned an average grade of 0.20 per cent U3O8.

      The exploration program confirmed widespread uranium mineralization in association with radiometric anomalies identified from the airborne survey. The program identified Otter Lake, Jacque`s Lake, Burnt Brook and Birch Brook as project areas with high exploration potential. None of these areas have been drill tested.

      The program also examined the Michelin, Post Hill, White Bear Lake and Melody Hill project areas. These areas have all seen previous exploration work that identified several deposits in the Michelin and Post Hill areas that have historical resource estimates. Fronteer and Altius believe that each of these areas exhibit excellent potential for further uranium discoveries.

      The eastern part of the central mineral belt is a uranium-rich example of an iron-oxide-copper-gold district with potential for large-tonnage breccia-style uranium deposits. Please see a detailed map at

      Sample highlights and descriptions of the eight project areas are listed below:

      Otter Lake

      The project area is situated around the largest radiometric anomaly in the district. The Otter Lake anomaly is a strong circular feature with an area covering four square kilometres. Rock samples were collected over several mineralized zones and have returned some exceptional uranium values. This project area has never been drilled. Sample highlights include:

      4.36 per cent U3O8, 0.62 gram per tonne gold, 80.4 grams per tonne silver, 0.63 gram per tonne palladium and 4 per cent lead from a grab sample of brecciated volcanic rock;
      2.02 per cent U3O8 over a one-metre chip sample;
      0.55 per cent U3O8, 0.42 gram per tonne gold and 87.6 grams per tonne silver from a grab sample of brecciated volcanic rock; and
      0.54 per cent U3O8 average grade of the 65 radiometric rock samples assayed.

      Jacque`s Lake

      The project area includes the second largest radiometric anomaly in the district. The Jacque`s Lake anomaly has a strike length of 5,000 metres and a width of up to 500 metres. It is defined on the ground by mineralized boulders and limited mineralized outcrop, which may reflect a corridor of underlying in situ uranium mineralization. Targets in this area have never been drilled. Sample highlights are as follows.

      0.40 per cent U3O8 was the maximum value returned.
      0.10 per cent U3O8 was the average grade of the 54 rock samples assayed.
      170 boulders were measured with radiometric readings in the range of 1,000 to 15,000 counts per second along a strike length of five kilometres.

      Burnt Brook

      The project area encompasses a circular anomaly measuring 500 metres in diameter and corresponds with widespread uranium mineralization in outcrop and large, locally derived, uranium-copper bearing boulders. Targets in this area have never been drilled. Sample highlights include:

      0.54 per cent U3O8 was the maximum value returned;
      0.14 per cent U3O8 was the average grade of the 18 samples assayed; and
      0.15 per cent U3O8 from over a 1.4-metre chip sample.

      Birch Brook

      The project area features linear radiometric anomalies that occur over a distance of approximately 1,800 metres, and correspond to uranium mineralization in bedrock. Targets in this area have never been drilled. Results of sampling include the following.

      13.3 per cent U3O8 was the maximum value returned and included 0.42 per cent copper and 2.8 per cent lead.
      0.79 per cent U3O8 was the average grade of the 11 samples assayed.


      The Michelin deposit has seen partial underground development and a historical resource defined by approximately 300 drill holes over a strike length of 1,000 metres. Mineralization is open below a depth of 150 metres. This project area includes:

      a historical resource of 6.4 million tonnes at 0.13 per cent U3O8; and
      the Rainbow deposit, which has a historical resource of 270,000 tonnes at 0.10 per cent U3O8 and lies 2,500 metres southwest of the Michelin deposit.

      Post Hill

      The Post Hill belt includes three small deposits with historically defined resources, including:

      Nash Lake historical resource of 230,000 tonnes at 0.22 per cent U3O8;
      Inda Lake historical resource of 500,000 tonnes at 0.16 per cent U3O8;
      Gear Lake also includes a small defined historic resource.

      Melody Hill

      Melody Hill features a high-grade boulder train that seem to end in nearby Melody Lake.

      Samples assayed up to 28.2 per cent U3O8 from the boulder train.
      A historical drill hole from this target area returned 0.14 per cent U3O8 over six metres.

      White Bear Lake

      Several uranium prospects, including one with a modest, near-surface resource, define this project.

      The potential for exploration near known uranium deposits is being evaluated using models constructed from historical drill information. Compilation of previous work and analytical results continues, and will be reported in future releases on a project-area basis. Future releases will also include details of planned exploration activities for 2005.

      Fronteer and Altius are equal partners in the central mineral belt, with mineral claims covering an area of 200,000 acres (780 square kilometres).

      Dr. Richard Hall, PhD, PEng, is the qualified person for Fronteer on this project. Uranium resources referred to for the Post Hill, Michelin, and other deposits are historical in nature, and were estimated prior to National Instrument 43-101. Fronteer has not undertaken an independent investigation of the resource estimate or independently analyzed the results of the previous exploration work in order to verify the classification of the resources, and therefore the historical estimates should not be relied upon. Fronteer believes these historical estimates provide a conceptual indication of the potential of the property and are relevant to continuing exploration. Samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex and also the Saskatchewan Research Council.


      schrieb am 10.12.04 23:03:31
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      FRONTEER DEVELOPMENT konzentriert sich auf die Exploration von Uran-, Gold und Kupfervorkommen in Kanada und der Türkei. Damit profitieren Sie nicht nur vom Mega-Markt Uran sondern auch vom stetig teurer werdenden gelben Edelmetall und roten Basismetall. Die letzte Probe im Post Hill- und Michelin-Projekt in Labrador hat die hochgradige Uran-Ausstattung bestätigt und zugleich das immense Potenzial für Kupfer, Gold und Silber offenbart. Experten taxieren alleine die Uranvorkommen auf zehn bis 20 Millionen Pounds. Sie können mit dieser Zahl wenig anfangen? Dann lassen Sie sich bitte diesen Vergleich auf der Zunge zergehen: 20 Millionen Pounds entsprechen 420 Millionen Barrel Öl oder 144 Millionen Tonnen Kohle! Ganz klar: Fronteer ist ein Explorationsunternehmen mit deutlichem und vor allem unmittelbarem Wachstumspotenzial. Der oben abgebildete Chart gibt die Richtung vor, in die dieses Play mittel- bis langfristig tendieren wird: Nach Norden! Denn FRONTEER ist im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Unternehmen –auch nach dem jüngsten Upmove – nicht nur deutlich unterbewertet, sondern auch noch schuldenfrei und ausgestattet mit einem üppigen Barpolster von satten zwölf Millionen Dollar. Nicht umsonst besitzt Goldgigant Placer Dome eine Million FRONTEER-Aktien. Tun Sie es den Profis aus Übersee gleich und sichern Sie sich einige Stücke dieses Top-Rohstoff-Plays (WKN 533050)!

      (Quelle Börse Inside)

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 15.12.04 15:26:21
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      werum fällt fronteer so stark ???? :(
      schrieb am 15.12.04 15:34:15
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Zumindest mir sind keine fundamentalen Gründe dafür bekannt.
      Da die getätigten Umsätze der letzten Tage auch nicht auffällig hoch sind, sehe ich das Phänomen derzeit recht gelassen.
      Der News-Flow war jedenfalls bislang erfreulich positiv, und das Management hat nach wie vor mein vollstes Vertrauen.


      schrieb am 17.12.04 23:11:47
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Also Sorgen brauch man sich aufgrund des leichten
      Rücksetzers der letzten Woche wirklich nicht machen.
      Wer noch nicht voll investiert ist, sollte die Gelegenheit
      eher zum Nachkauf oder Neueinstieg nutzen.

      Die Kernkraft steht vor einem furiosen Comeback! "Revival of Nuclear Energy is Inevitable – die Renaissance der Nuklearenergie ist unvermeidlich", bringt es die Société Générale auf den Punkt. Oder, anders ausgedrückt: URAN als Energieträger steht vor einer Zeitenwende - auch wenn sich dessen Preis seit Ende 2000 auf zuletzt mehr als 20 Dollar je Pound (1 engl. Pound = 454 Gramm) mehr als verdreifacht hat. Unsere aktuelle Top-Empfehlung aus diesem siedend heißen Sektor:

      FRONTEER DEVELOPMENT konzentriert sich auf die Exploration von Uran-, Gold und Kupfervorkommen in Kanada und der Türkei! Damit profitieren Sie nicht nur vom Mega-Markt Uran sondern auch vom stetig teurer werdenden gelben Edelmetall und roten Basismetall. Die letzte Probe im Post Hill- und Michelin-Projekt in Labrador hat die hochgradige Uran-Austattung bestätigt und zugleich das immense Potenzial für Kupfer, Gold und Silber offenbart. Experten taxieren alleine die Uranvorkommen auf zehn bis 20 Millionen englische Pounds. Sie können mit dieser Zahl wenig anfangen? Dann lassen Sie sich bitte diesen Vergleich auf der Zunge zergehen: 20 Millionen Pounds entsprechen 420 Millionen Barrel Öl oder 144 Millionen Tonnen Kohle! Ganz klar: FRONTEER ist ein Explorationsunternehmen mit deutlichem und vor allem unmittelbarem Wachstumspotenzial. Der oben abgebildete Chart gibt die Richtung vor, in die dieses Play mittel- bis langfristig tendieren wird: Gen Norden, zumal FRONTEER im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Unternehmen nicht nur deutlich unterbewertet, sondern auch noch schuldenfrei und mit einem üppigen Barpolster von satten zwölf Millionen Dollar ausgestattet ist. Nicht umsonst besitzt Goldgigant PLACER DOME bereits eine Million FRONTEER-Aktien. Tun Sie es den Profis gleich und holen Sie sich diesen Titel ins Depot (WKN 533050, Reuters FRG)

      Gruß und schönes Wochenende, Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 24.12.04 15:11:32
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      MERRY CHRISTMAS und ein spannendes Börsenjahr 2005 wünscht euch allen

      schrieb am 11.01.05 16:40:01
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:D

      Und hier sind wieder brandheisse TOP-NEWS von unserem Baby::D

      Fronteer finds 1.95 g/t Au over 61.2 metres at Kirazli :eek::eek::eek:

      2005-01-11 10:26 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reprts


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has intersected significant gold mineralization in a second diamond drill hole (KD-02) from the Kirazli property in western Turkey.

      KD-02 intersected 1.95 grams per tonne gold over 61.2 metres, including 4.07 grams per tonne gold over 22.9 metres, with oxide gold mineralization starting at a downhole depth of 33.9 metres. The lower half of the drill hole intersected continuous sulphide gold mineralization that assayed 0.34 gram per tonne gold over 125.4 metres, including 0.63 gram per tonne gold over 10.7 metres. KD-02 ended in gold mineralization at a downhole depth of 243.2 metres.

      Drill hole KD-02 is a 35-metre step-out scissor hole from hole KD-01 (which returned 12.23 grams per tonne gold over 39.4 metres), and demonstrates continuity of the high-grade zone at shallow depths. Drill results from KD-02 are comparable with an historic reverse circulation hole drilled in the same location.


      Hole From To Interval Gold
      m m m gpt

      KD-02 33.9 95.1 61.2 1.95
      Incl. 33.9 56.8 22.9 4.07
      KD-02 117.8 243.2 125.4 0.34
      Incl. 232.5 243.2 10.7 0.63
      KD-01 43.30 159.00 115.7 4.54
      Incl. 43.30 82.70 39.4 12.23
      KD-01 214.30 223.00 8.7 1.55

      For a map of the Kirazli property and a cross-section through KD-01 and KD-02, please visit

      The 2004 Kirazli drill program finished on Jan. 3, 2005, with the completion of a third hole, KD-03, the results of which are anticipated in late January.

      Based on the results from the first two drill holes and data from historical drilling, the gold zone at Kirazli appears to have a subhorizontal tabular shape with a high-grade upper zone, and a broader, underlying interval of economically significant, lower-grade gold mineralization.

      The high-grade zone confirmed by Fronteer`s first two drill holes shows considerable potential for extension. Fronteer`s analysis of the controls of the high-grade mineralization has also generated a number of similar targets nearby, that may represent additional high-grade zones.

      Historical drilling indicates that many of the deeper sulphide gold intersections are open laterally and at depth. As well, the extent of mineralization and alteration encountered in drilling to date shows that Kirazli is a large, intensely mineralized system with significant potential for a large bulk-tonnage gold target.

      Fronteer will accelerate its Kirazli exploration program over the first half of 2005 in an effort to test as many of its proposed targets as possible. An initial 5,000-metre, two-rig, diamond drill program, is scheduled to commence in early February.

      The Kirazli property is one of two large gold properties in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco. The other property is called Agi Dagi, which is also being rapidly advanced through drilling. In addition to gold in Turkey, Fronteer is also focused on the discovery of uranium deposits in Labrador and Northwest Territories in Canada.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Rick Valenta, PGeo, who is designated as a qualified person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of these data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, B.C., using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      Noch einen schönen Feierabend wünscht Euch


      schrieb am 11.01.05 22:28:02
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Na, das klingt doch nicht schlecht :) ... dann hat mein Nachkaufen ja durchaus Sinn gemacht ;)

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 13.01.05 23:00:02
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      ... und auch die heutigen 1000 Stück hab ich eingesammelt ;) ...

      In Toronto war übrigens jemand wesentlich fleißiger,
      da ging eine Order über 73.000 Stück über den Tisch :eek:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 24.01.05 17:24:00
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Eine neue Sensation scheint sich noch heute anzubahnen!

      Doch lest selbst::D

      Fronteer Development Group halted at 10:57 a.m. ET

      2005-01-24 10:58 ET - Halt Trading

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. was halted at 10:57 a.m. ET on Jan. 24, 2005.

      Der letzte Trading Halt katapultierte uns in ein neues All Time High!

      Unmittelbar kurz vor dem Stopp schoss der Kurs rasant in die Höhe und steht momentan knapp über 1,80 Can. Dollar!:)

      Einen spannenden Abend wünscht Euch noch allseits


      schrieb am 24.01.05 17:36:16
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Hey, das kann ja noch spannend werden :D ;) :D ;) :D

      Hoffnungsfroher Gruß, Seinfeld :laugh:
      schrieb am 24.01.05 17:48:04
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      So, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Die Katze ist schon aus dem Sack, und der Trading Halt wurde beendet.

      Fronteer konnte ein sensationell hohes Private Placement über die stolze Summe von über 10 Mio. Can. Dollarn quasi zum Tageskurs platzieren::D

      Fronteer Development to raise $10.5-million privately

      2005-01-24 11:18 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has arranged a private placement financing, on a best-efforts basis, to raise gross proceeds of up to $10.5-million, led by Pacific International Securities Inc.

      Pursuant to the financing, Fronteer will issue up to six million units at a price of $1.75 per unit. Each unit shall consist of one common share and one-half of one transferable common share purchase warrant. Each whole share purchase warrant shall be exercisable into one additional common share of the company at an exercise price of $2.75 per common share for a period of two years following closing. The agent has also been granted an option, exercisable prior to closing, which will allow the agent to offer for sale up to 1.2 million additional units. Completion of the financing is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory and shareholder approvals.

      The agent will be paid a cash commission of 7 per cent of the gross proceeds raised and compensation options equal to 8.5 per cent of the number of units sold. The agent may elect to take its cash commission in units. Each compensation option shall entitle the agent to acquire one common share of the issuer at an exercise price of $1.90 for a period of two years from the closing date. In addition, Pacific International Securities will receive a corporate finance fee of $15,000.

      All securities issued pursuant to this financing will be subject to a four-month hold period commencing from the date of closing.

      Proceeds of the offering will be used for the exploration of Fronteer`s mineral properties in Canada and Turkey.

      Meine persönliche Bewertung dieses Sachverhaltes geht eindeutig dahin, dass sich hier eine grössere Adresse offenbar restlos davon hat überzeugen lassen, in diesen Wert aussichtsreich und gewinnbringend zu investieren.

      Angesichts der übrigen Tatsachen, dass etwa bezüglich der beiden aktuellen Projekte in der Türkei bisher jedesmal stattliche Goldfunde aus quasi jedem Bohrloch vermeldet wurden, ein bekannter Fond zudem erst kürzlich seinen Aktienbestand kräftig aufgestockt hat, und Placer Dome an diesem Wert noch überdies ebenfalls mit einem grösseren Aktienpaket nicht unbeträchtlich hier beteiligt ist, sollte dieses jedem Leser hier zusammenfassend zu denken geben!:)

      Zum Einstieg in wirklich attraktive Explorer wird bekanntlich auch an der Börse nicht vorher erst geklingelt!:D

      Liebe Grüsse an alle sendet Euch


      schrieb am 27.01.05 16:56:23
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Und wieder kommen soeben brandneue TOP NEWS "über die Ticker::D

      Fronteer and Altius find more uranium at Otter Lake

      2005-01-27 10:44 ET - News Release

      Also News Release (C-ALS) Altius Minerals Corp

      Mr. Mark O`Dea of Fronteer Development reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. and Altius Minerals Corp. have discovered, through th their 50-50 partnership, widespread surface uranium mineralization associated with a large radiometric anomaly at the Otter Lake project in Labrador, Canada.

      The radiometric anomaly was highlighted by an airborne survey completed in September, 2004. The anomalous area has a radiometric footprint of approximately 3,000 metres by 1,500 metres and suggests a potentially significant, near-surface, uranium target. The anomaly has never been drill tested and will be an important focus of exploration by Fronteer and Altius in 2005.

      Rock samples were collected from outcrop, subcrop and boulders directly overlying the Otter Lake radiometric high.

      The average assay of 65 rock samples collected is from the project area was 0.54 per cent U3O8 with nine samples grading greater than 1.0 per cent U3O8.

      Highlights, which were previously released (see Fronteer news issued in Stockwatch on Dec. 8, 2004), include:

      4.36 per cent U3O8 associated with 0.62 gram per tonne gold, 80.4 grams per tonne silver and 0.63 gram per tonne palladium from a grab sample;
      0.55 per cent U3O8, 0.42 gram per tonne gold and 87.6 grams per tonne silver from grab sample;
      2.02 per cent U3O8 over 1.0 metre and 1.10 per cent U3O8 over 1.3 metres from chip samples; and
      1.03 per cent U3O8, 1.34 per cent U3O8, 2.69 per cent U3O8, 2.97 per cent and 3.84 per cent U3O8 from samples of float.

      Please see the detailed radiometric and sample location map of the Otter Lake prospect, as well as a table of sample results from the target area, both of which are available on the Fronteer website at:

      The partnership has defined eight project areas, covering 780 square kilometres, including four project areas that are historical uranium deposits (that is, Michelin, Rainbow, Nash and Inda Lake). All of these deposits show a clear response in the radiometric data.

      In addition to Otter Lake, the remaining three uranium projects: Jacque`s Lake, Burnt Brook and Birch Brook are also potentially significant, near-surface, uranium targets that have never been drill tested. The Companies are currently reviewing the 2005 exploration project budget, with exploration anticipated to commence in June.

      Fronteer announces appointment of new chief financial officer

      Fronteer has also appointed Sean Tetzlaff as its new chief financial officer and corporate secretary. Mr. Tetzlaff is a chartered accountant and brings 13 years of experience to Fronteer including Canadian corporate tax experience and public company financial reporting experience. This includes experience in public practice with KPMG and PricewaterhouseCoopers, specializing in tax and financial accounting, and experience as controller and chief financial officer for publicly traded corporations.

      Fronteer and its board of directors would like to thank Larry Johnson for his contributions as chief financial officer over the past year and wish him all the best in his future endeavours.

      Richard Hall, PhD, PEng, is the qualified person for Fronteer on this project. Uranium resources referred to for the Michelin, Rainbow, Nash and Inda Lake deposits are historical in nature, predate and are non-compliant with NI 43-101. Fronteer has not undertaken an independent investigation of the resource estimate or independently analyzed the results of the previous exploration work in order to verify the classification of the resources, and therefore, the historical estimates should not be relied upon. Fronteer believes these historical estimates provide a conceptual indication of the potential of the property and are relevant to continuing exploration. Samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex and also Saskatchewan Research Council.


      schrieb am 27.01.05 17:04:37
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Wenn wir Dich nicht hätten ... :D :D :D

      Aber mal im Ernst, wie kommst Du immer so schnell an diese Neuigkeiten?? Ich bin nie so aktuell :cry: ;)

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 27.01.05 17:08:06
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      Der Kurs gibt schon mal seine Antwort auf die News :D :D :D
      schrieb am 31.01.05 18:27:29
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Und wieder ein Paukenschlag von Fronteer wurde soeben bekannt::D

      Ein weiteres Riesen-Financing wurde gerade eben abermals quasi zum Marktkurs unter "Dach und Fach" gebracht!:D

      Damit haben die Jungs von der Company schon jetzt aktuell mehr "cash" gebunkert, als etwa Cardero in seinen besten Zeiten und ist damit wie man so schön sagt " very well financed"!:D

      Doch lest selbst:

      Fronteer Development to raise up to $10.5-million

      2005-01-31 12:04 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has arranged a private placement financing, on a best-efforts basis, to raise gross proceeds of up to $10.5-million.

      Pursuant to the financing, Fronteer will issue up to six million units at a price of $1.75 per unit. Each unit will consist of one common share and one-half of one transferable common share purchase warrant. Each whole share purchase warrant will be exercisable into one additional common share of the company at an exercise price of $2.75 per common share for a period of two years following closing. The agent for the offering has also been granted an option, exercisable prior to closing, which will allow the agent to offer for sale up to 1.2 million additional units. Completion of the financing is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory and shareholder approvals.

      The agent will be paid a cash commission of 7 per cent of the gross proceeds raised and compensation options equal to 8.5 per cent of the number of units sold. The agent may elect to take its cash commission in units. Each compensation option will entitle the agent to acquire one common share of the issuer at an exercise price of $1.90 for a period of two years from the closing date. In addition, the agent will receive a corporate finance fee of $15,000.

      Proceeds of the offering will be used for the exploration of Fronteer`s mineral properties in Canada and Turkey.[I/]:D

      Damit zeigt sich für mich, das wiederholt "grosses Geld" in die Company fliesst!

      Da wissen wahrscheinlich einige mal wieder etwas mehr als wir!;)

      Einen schönen Feierabend wünscht Euch noch allseits


      schrieb am 31.01.05 21:00:49
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Dann kann es ja bald los gehen ... bei Fronteer wie bei Cardero :D :D :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 02.02.05 21:43:51
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()…

      Im Cardero-Thread wird gerade über Seite 10 diskutiert ... schaut aber auch mal auf Seite 5!!!!

      Fronteer Development Group ... EIN KLARER MUSS :D :D :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 03.02.05 17:30:43
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Und Fronteer macht weiter "Nägel mit Köpfen" und erweitert seine Goldfelder in der Türkei beträchtlich::D

      Und hier die News::)

      Fronteer to buy three more Biga properties Teck Cominco

      2005-02-03 10:41 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has signed a third option agreement with Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S. to acquire a 100-per-cent interest in three additional gold properties located in the Biga Peninsula of western Turkey.

      These properties are collectively referred to as the Biga properties. They are located in the same porphyry/epithermal district within a 20-kilometre radius of the Agi Dagi and Kirazli properties, which Fronteer also has under option from Teck Cominco.

      Fronteer plans to advance these three new properties to the drill stage over the next 12 months with a minimum budget of $500,000.

      Under the terms of the agreement, Fronteer can earn a 100-per-cent interest in this new property package by:

      issuing Teck Cominco 111,930 Fronteer shares; and
      completing $2-million (U.S.) on exploration over four years, with a first-year commitment of $200,000 (U.S.).

      Upon earning a 100-per-cent interest, Teck Cominco will retain a net smelter return royalty of 1 per cent on the properties.

      Anytime prior to Fronteer earning a 100-per-cent interest, Teck Cominco may back in for a 60-per-cent interest in any designated project by spending, over a three-year period, 3.5 times Fronteer`s accrued expenditure, with 50 per cent or more being spent in the first year.

      Up to 60 days after Fronteer earns a 100-per-cent interest, Teck Cominco may back in for a 60-per-cent interest in any designated project by spending $4-million (U.S.) over three years, with 50 per cent or more spent in the first year.

      In both cases, Teck Cominco must also complete a feasibility study (to bankable standards) within five years of electing to back in. Upon back-in, Teck Cominco relinquishes its royalty.

      Teck Cominco may earn an additional 10-per-cent interest (70 per cent in total) by arranging project financing for Fronteer`s 30-per-cent portion of the production capital costs.

      "This expanded foothold in the Biga Peninsula provides new discovery opportunities that strengthen and complement our advanced gold portfolio in the region," states Dr. Rick Valenta, Fronteer`s vice-president of exploration.

      Noch einen wunderschönen Feierabend wünscht Euch allseits


      schrieb am 04.02.05 22:35:54
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Heute haben wir schon mal an den 2 CAD gekratzt :D
      schrieb am 11.02.05 07:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      ...und gestern schoss die Aktie sogar quasi "aus dem Stand" um 25,2 Prozent auf Schlusskurs 2,41 Dollar in Kanada nach oben, und das ganze nachrichtenlos und bei hohen Umsätzen!:D

      Zeitweise wurden sogar gestern 2,50 Can. Dollar für eine Aktie bezahlt!:D

      Platzt jetzt der Knoten bzw. Deckel?

      Ich meine: It`s time to place your bets now!:cool:


      schrieb am 11.02.05 21:23:06
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      ... und zum ersten Mal ist meine Position in Fronteer mehr wert als die in Cardero :D ... wenn auch nur um ein paar Euro :laugh:

      Auch heute wieder sehr große Umsätze bei relativ stabilen Kursen zu gestern ... und immer noch keine aktuellen News zu finden :eek:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 14.02.05 18:38:46
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      versuche es Heute nochmal 10000,St: afzustocken
      aber schön mit Limit, 1,35, in Ffm: ihr Geier.
      schrieb am 16.02.05 22:31:58
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      2,45 CAD :D
      schrieb am 18.02.05 11:52:40
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Gestern mußte unsere Fronteer noch einen kleinen "Dämpfer" an der kanadischen Börse hinnehmen, den ich als irrationale Reaktion auf folgende News interpretiere::D

      Fronteer raises $12.7-million privately

      2005-02-17 13:05 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has closed its previously announced private placement financing to raise gross proceeds of $12,722,500. This financing was brokered by a syndicate of agents led by Pacific International Securities Inc.

      Pursuant to the financing, Fronteer issued 7.27 million units at a price of $1.75 per unit. Each unit consists of one common share and one-half of one share purchase warrant. Each whole share purchase warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one common share of Fronteer until Feb. 17, 2007, at an exercise price of $2.75. Fronteer previously announced that the financing would result in the issuance of up to a maximum of six million units, subject to an overallotment option, granted to the agents, for up to an additional 1.2 million units. The agents in the offering were entitled to receive a commission equal to 7 per cent of the gross proceeds raised, to be satisfied in either cash or a combination of cash and units, at the option of the agents. The agents subsequently exercised the overallotment option in full and agreed to the allotment to other subscribers of up to 70,000 of the units to which they were otherwise entitled to receive in satisfaction of their cash commission. In satisfaction of the 7 per cent commission payable on closing, the agents elected to take approximately $535,850 in cash and the balance pursuant to the issuance of 202,695 units. The agents also received 617,950 broker warrants. Each broker warrant entitles the holder to acquire one common share of Fronteer at an exercise price of $1.90 until Feb. 17, 2007.

      Proceeds of the offering will be used for the exploration of Fronteer`s mineral properties in Canada and Turkey, and for general working capital. In closing this financing, Fronteer has approximately $21.3-million in its treasury and 42,062,006 shares issued and outstanding.

      Damit haben unsere Jungs mittlerweile ganz schön "Kohle" gebunkert, mehr noch als Cardero bisher in seinen besten Tagen!;)

      Es ist damit aus meiner Sicht sehr wahrscheinlich geworden, daß noch in diesem Jahr die kanadischen Liegenschaften explorativ näher unter die Lupe genommen werden dürften.
      Wie die Eingeweihten hier ja alle sicher wissen, schlummern dort noch ungeahnte Uran-Ressourcen im Boden, die ihrer Entdeckung und Nutzung harren!:D

      Als hochgradig aussichtsreicher Uran-Play ist unsere Fronteer leider noch nicht so ins Licht der Öffentlichkeit gerückt, wie sie es eigentlich verdient hätte.
      Ich denke aber, daß sich dieser Umstand im Verlaufe dieses Jahres bei entsprechenden Good News gründlich ändern dürfte.

      Wenn wir uns einfach mal klar machen, daß das gelbe Metall Uran in kurzer Zeit mit nahezu absoluter Sicherheit der begehrteste und gesuchteste Grundstoff der Welt sein dürfte (lest Euch mal, wenn noch nicht geschehen, in die einzelnen Uran-Threads ein), stehen uns Aktionären von Fronteer noch herrliche Börsenzeiten bevor!:D


      schrieb am 18.02.05 22:40:57
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Heute scheint der Markt die News richtig interpretiert zu haben ... Schlußkurs in Toronto 2,50 CAD

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 21.02.05 18:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Auch heute steigt unsere Aktie wieder schön, und markierte sogar bei 3 Can. Dollar und hohen Umsätzen ein neues Alltime-High!:)

      Wie mir heute berichtet wurde, hat diese erfreuliche Entwicklung einen guten Grund:

      Es ist die Tatsache, daß James Dines, einer der renommiertesten und geachtetsten Börsen-Publizisten in den USA und Verfasser des angesehenen "Dines letter", unsere Fronteer in der letzten Ausgabe seines Börsenbriefes offenbar wärmstens bei seinen Lesern empfohlen hat!:D

      James Dines

      Einen angenehmen Feierabend wünscht Euch noch allseits


      schrieb am 21.02.05 22:47:27
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      :D ... ich glaube ich träume ... :D

      Schlußkurs 2,88 CAD!!! Volumen über 1,3 Mio. Stück!!!

      Dines sei Dank :D :D :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 22.02.05 16:09:53
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      :eek: 1,88 EUR !!! Focus Money sei Dank, bin seit 0,65 EUR dabei, nur weiter so !!!! :) :) :) :)
      schrieb am 24.02.05 16:59:27
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Hallo, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Soeben erreichten mich brandneue TOP-NEWS aus Kanada!:D

      Und hier sind sie schon::)

      Fronteer, Altius find potential extensions to Michelin

      2005-02-24 10:48 ET - News Release

      Also News Release (C-ALS) Altius Minerals Corp

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. and Altius Minerals Corp., in their 50-50 alliance, have identified potential to significantly expand the Michelin uranium deposit located in Labrador, Canada.

      Previous drilling outlined the Michelin uranium deposit to a vertical depth of approximately 300 metres but compilation and review of historical drill hole data has shown the deposit remains open for significant expansion below that depth.

      In addition, the airborne geophysical signature of the Michelin deposit can be traced for seven kilometres along a folded rock sequence that also hosts the Rainbow uranium deposit. Several large uranium anomalies along this trend are therefore considered to be highly prospective for additional uranium mineralization, having similar radiometric footprints to the known deposits.

      For a 3-D portrayal of the Michelin deposit and geophysical maps of the Michelin area, please use the following links from the Fronteer website:; and

      The Michelin uranium deposit features a resource estimate of 6.4 million tonnes grading 0.13 per cent U3O8 (uranium oxide) containing approximately 18.3 million pounds of uranium. The deposit was historically defined by 308 drill holes and 642 metres of underground exploration workings.

      The presence of vein-style mineralization in the western portion of the Michelin uranium deposit, which assayed up to 40 per cent U3O8, also indicates potential for the discovery of higher-grade zones in this area.

      The companies are currently reviewing the 2005 exploration project budget, with exploration expected to commence in June.

      The alliance has defined eight project areas covering 780 square kilometres in the central mineral belt through its geological and geophysical programs over the past two years.

      Four project areas include historical uranium deposits (such as Michelin, Rainbow, Nash and Inda Lake). Four additional priority target areas have been identified at Otter Lake, Jacque`s Lake, Burnt Brook and Birch Brook, which feature areas of surface uranium mineralization that have not yet been drill tested.

      Richard Hall, PhD, PEng, is the qualified person for Fronteer on this project. Uranium resources referred to for the Michelin, Rainbow, Nash and Inda Lake deposits are historical in nature, predate, and are non-compliant with National Instrument 43-101. Fronteer has not undertaken an independent investigation of the resource estimate or independently analyzed the results of the previous exploration work in order to verify the classification of the resources, and therefore the historical estimates should not be relied upon. Fronteer believes these historical estimates provide a conceptual indication of the potential of the property and are relevant to exploration.

      We seek Safe Harbor.

      Weiterhin frohes Schaffen wünscht Euch allseits


      schrieb am 24.02.05 18:10:56
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      :confused: soeben kommt der börsenbrief von investor alert, der rät zum verkauf ! hat jemand ne meinung ??
      schrieb am 24.02.05 22:44:51
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Hier ist der gesamte Text der betreffenden Mail ...
      ... vielleicht wollen die aber auch nur nochmal günstig rein ;)

      Fronteer Development Group: Gewinne mitnehmen

      Im Mai 2004 haben wir Ihnen den Gold- und Uran-Explorer Fronteer Development Group vorgestellt, der an der Börse von Toronto unter dem Tickersymbol FRG notiert ist. Der Wert ist aber auch in Frankfurt unter dem Kürzel FRR und der WKN 533050 notiert. Die Aktie, die wir Ihnen bei 0,93 $ vorgestellt haben, hat unser Kursziel mittlerweile deutlich überschritten und wir denken, dass es nun an der Zeit ist, dass Sie Ihre schönen Gewinne mitnehmen.

      Fronteer konzentriert sich in erster Linie auf das Entdecken von Gold-, Kupfer- und Uranvorkommen in viel versprechenden Gegenden Kanadas und der Türkei.

      Das Unternehmen besitzt ein beeindruckendes Explorationsportfolio. So werden z.B. in Kanada zahlreiche Bohrprogramme durchgeführt (siehe Diagramm). Sehr interessant ist die Tatsache, dass der Branchenriese Placer Dome am sog. Portage Projekt von Fronteer mit rund 65% beteiligt ist. In den letzten 5 Jahren wurden insgesamt rund 5 Mio. $ in das Projekt gesteckt.

      Fronteer beschränkt sich aber nicht nur allein auf Gold. Zusammen mit einem anderen Partner, Altius, besitzt Fronteer die Explorationsrechte für ein riesiges Uranvorkommen von geschätzten 10 bis 20 Mio. Pound in der sog. Labrador-Region. Experten erwarten in den kommenden 10 Jahren eine Uranknappheit und rechnen damit, dass ungefähr 300 Mio. Pound zu wenig produziert werden. 20 Mio. Pound bedeuten eine riesige Kapazität an Energie. Diese Menge ist vergleichbar mit 420 Mio. Barrel Öl bzw. 144 Mio. Tonnen Kohle. 20 Mio. Pound Uran könnten damit 1 Mio. Haushalte für 45 Jahre mit Strom versorgen.

      Darüber hinaus gibt es auch hochinteressante Projekte in der Türkei. Fronteer besitzt die Option vom großen kanadischen Goldunternehmen Teck Cominco fünf Goldprojekte in der Türkei zu erwerben. Die Goldresessourcen in diesen Regionen werden auf etwa 850.000 Unzen geschätzt. Aber natürlich könnte dort auch bedeutend mehr Gold gefunden werden. In den letzten 20 Jahren haben immer mehr Unternehmen die Türkei als Explorationsgebiet entdeckt. Zu diesen Unternehmen gehören u.a. RTZ, Inmet, Teck Cominco, BHP Billiton, Normandy (Newmont) und Eldorado. Es gibt allerdings durchaus noch Regionen (z.B. die von Fronteer), die noch nicht für Projekte erschlossen wurden.

      In unserer Studie im Mai 2004 schrieben wir: "Basierend auf den geprüften Vorkommen in der Türkei, dem Dixie Lake-Projekt, den Uran-Vorkommen in Labrador und den Barreserven des Unternehmens kommen wir auf einen fairen Aktienkurs von 2,27 $. (69,25 Mio. $/30,5 Mio. ausstehende Aktien). Aufgrund dessen denken wir, dass die Aktie ein enormes Kurspotenzial besitzt."

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 24.02.05 22:49:21
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Tja, der Kurs schließt heute zumindest wiederum auf einem neuen Hoch :D

      In Toronto bezahlt man inzwischen glatte 3 CAD :)

      Casson, Dein erst kürzlich genanntes Kursziel von 3,40 CAD scheint ja schon fast erreicht ... meinst Du, daß aufgrund der positiven Nachrichtenlage weitere Kurssteigerungen denkbar sind oder wird jetzt doch erst einmal eine Konsolidierungsphase eintreten???

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 25.02.05 08:42:49
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      @seinfeld :)

      Ich habe mein vorläufiges Kursziel auf 5,50 CAD angehoben!

      Der Rat des Börsenbriefes wird sich für den, der sich danach richtet, letztendlich als falsch erweisen.

      Selbstverständlich wird es immer wieder Korrektur- bzw. Konsolidierungsphasen geben.
      Dies ist aber nur gesund für einen weiteren, insgesamt nachhaltigen Kursanstieg! :)

      Liebe Grüsse


      schrieb am 25.02.05 22:33:42
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Wie recht Du hast :D

      Ich hoffe es haben nicht zu viele aufgrund des Artikels von Investor Alert verkauft ...

      ... Schlußkurs in Toronto ... 3,50 CAD ... wieder ein Plus von 16,67%!!!!!!!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 25.02.05 22:48:44
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      3,50 CAD ... das bedeutet wohl Kurse über 2,10 Euro am Montag :D :D :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :) :) :)
      schrieb am 25.02.05 23:17:41
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Mail von Fronteer ... :)

      Thank you very much for your interest in Fronteer and thank you very much for your support as a shareholder. I have put you onto both the shareholders list and the e-mail list.

      I have put together a brief update and links to our material. Please also see this mornings press release and the maps linked in it, to get an idea on the scale of the uranium targets we are looking at in Labrador.

      I can also send you a hard copy of some material if you wish. Please get back to me if you need anything else.

      Fronteer has made great strides over the past year positioning itself to be a well managed, well funded, well traded, and solid investment vehicle that has exposure to both gold and uranium.

      We have traded our entire float over the past 12 months repositioning a majority our shareholder base into the hands of 30 different institutions. They now own 65-70% of our company, with really only 10% in the hands of retail shareholders.

      We were completely oversold on our recent financing and had to cut back or not include institutions that wanted to get involved. We had $20 million in orders for our $13 million financing.

      Our unique position of having strong gold and uranium projects has served us well over the past several months, as we have been able to shift momentum between the two commodities based on our ability to have steady news flow for each.

      We are now well financed with $20 million in the bank, and all of our warrants and options are in the money, which should provide an additional $20 million in cash over the coming months.

      We are going to aggressively explore both our gold properties in Turkey, spending $5.5 million Cdn on 6 drills (3 each property) until the summer and then plan a second campaign with additional expenditures. We are looking to prove up the 1 million ounces that we intersected already at Agi Dagi as well as drill several other similar targets on the property. Also we will prove up our high-grade pocket at Kirazli and drill several other nice targets pursuing more of these high-grade pockets. Either of these properties has the potential to be a multi-million ounce deposit on its own.

      We are also planning a $5 million program in Labrador to test our outstanding uranium targets. These have the same signatures as the historical deposits on the property that contain a combined 20 million lbs of uranium, but the kicker is there a 3 targets that are 5 or six times larger than the footprints of the known deposits. These new targets have never been drilled. They have to potential to make Labrador Canada`s next major uranium district and we have claimed the entire belt in our large land package.

      Below you will find the material I have online. Some of it is from our website so you may have seen it but the research you will not have seen.

      Recent Presentation

      Labrador Uranium Project Areas

      Labrador Uranium Targets

      Otter Lake Anamoly and Sample Locations

      Otter Lake Sample Result Table

      FN 05-08 Michelin Release Map

      3-D Michelin uranium deposit rendering

      Pacific International Sales Notes

      Uranium Paper Tom Neff

      Uranium Paper Jeff Combs

      Minesite Feature Story

      Deli Zone Map

      Kirazli Map w/ Cross Sections

      Mark O`Dea wins a spot on Business in Vancouver`s 40 under 40 List highlighting young executives in BC for 2004

      Kirazli KD-01 Drill Results

      Press Releases

      2003 Annual Report

      Gold News Letter Article

      Please get back to me if you have any questions, comments or feedback.
      I am on the road for the next 2 weeks and will be checking my e-mail periodically.

      I will follow up with you upon my return.

      Again, thank you very much for your interest and support and I will be in touch in a few weeks.

      Thank you,

      Dan McIntyre
      Corporate Communications
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG-TSX)

      Tel: 604-632-4677
      Fax: 604-632-4678
      schrieb am 28.02.05 09:46:35
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      2,19 bzw. 2,28 Euro sind ja zur Eröffnung auch nicht schlecht :D

      Bin ja mal gespannt wie es heute in Toronto läuft ... Gewinnmitnahmen???

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 01.03.05 09:33:04
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Leicht im Minus heute morgen, was meint Ihr wie`s weitergeht ??? :confused:
      schrieb am 01.03.05 10:42:12
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Nur nicht unzufrieden werden.
      Ruhig auch mal Gewinne mitnehmen.
      50 % der Position bei den dicken Plus verkaufen.
      Der Rest ist dann umsonst

      schrieb am 01.03.05 11:52:43
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Die Kurse in Deutschland sind ziemlich uninteressant, da es kaum ein nennenswertes Volumen gibt. Der Kurs wird in Toronto gemacht, wo auch gestern wieder über 500.000 Aktien gehandelt wurden. Der Schlußkurs dort lag wiederum im Plus bei 3,60 CAD, intraday gab´s sogar ein neues Hoch bei 3,82 CAD. Natürlich wird´s jetzt auch mal Gewinnmitnahmen geben und der Kurs wird auch Rücksetzer in Kauf nehmen müssen, aber das ändert ja nichts an den mittel- bis langfristigen Kurschancen, die uns Fronteer bietet. Deshalb werde ich auch noch keine einzige Aktie aus der Hand geben.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 01.03.05 13:25:34
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      An Gewinnmitnahme ist noch keiner gestorben

      schrieb am 01.03.05 15:21:20
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()

      Das mag vielleicht sein, aber vielen ist sicherlich noch nachträglich schlecht geworden, wenn sie als Nicht- oder Teilinvestierter mitansehen mußten, wohin der Kurs nach dem Ausstieg mit Höhen und Tiefen noch geklettert ist.

      Die Urangeschichte steht noch ganz am Anfang.
      Wenn sich das, was man sich von den türkischen Gold- und den kanadischen Uranlagerstätten verspricht, nur zur Hälfte als Tatsachen entpuppt, wird die Aktie "ratzfatz" sogar noch zweistellig!:D

      Zusehen, und den Wert in aller Ruhe wachsen lassen, das ist mein Tipp!:cool:


      schrieb am 01.03.05 17:50:52
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      # 78,
      gebe Dir im Prinzip recht, aber die Märkte sind so Sprunghaft, dass man schon eine Straegie haben sollte, ich jedenfalls habe bei 100% Gewinn eben 50% gegeben.Natürlich ärgert ein das schon wenn der Kurs weiter marschiert, aber ich habe es auch schon anders erlebt und mich dann geärgert wenn die Gewinne wie Eis in der Sonne wegschmolzen.

      gruß hpoth
      schrieb am 02.03.05 15:44:00
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      # All,

      Mein Informat setzt das PZ auf 6CAD hoch.Also drin bleiben.

      gruß hpoth
      schrieb am 02.03.05 15:58:45
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Dann wollen wir mal hoffen, das es so kommt! Wo kann man den den Kanadakurs sehen, hier bei wo doch nicht, oder :confused:
      schrieb am 02.03.05 19:10:11
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Da gibt´s mehrere Möglichkeiten ...

      z.B. auf der Homepage der Börse von Toronto oder
      auch auf, dann Kürzel FRG für Fronteer eingeben ...

      Aktueller Kurs 3,34 CAD (Volumen 138686)

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 02.03.05 22:38:33
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Schlußkurs in Toronto 3,18 CAD (Volumen 363666)

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 03.03.05 06:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Wir konsolidieren derzeit vernünftigerweise etwas, und bereiten uns anschließend zur Jahresmitte hin auf den Sturm auf die 4 CAD Dollar vor.

      Seien die guten News auch weiterhin mit uns!:)


      schrieb am 03.03.05 19:02:40
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      Na, da sind aber heute einige sehr hektisch geworden :D
      16 Kursfestellungen in Frankfurt, zeitweise runter auf 1,80 Euro, inzwischen
      aber schon wieder 2,03 Euro ... auch in Toronto geht´s hoch, 3,34 CAD :)

      Wie Casson schon mehrfach sagte, es besteht überhaupt kein Grund für
      hektisches Kaufen und Verkaufen, mittelfristig werden wir einen neuen
      Versuch starten die 4 CAD zu knacken ... und entsprechende News
      werden kommen :)

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 03.03.05 22:45:39
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      FRG 3.400 +0.220 +6.92 299,484

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 04.03.05 22:38:38
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Geschlossen auf Tageshöchststand ...

      FRG 3.500 +0.100 +2.94 124,751

      Hier noch ´ne News ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-08
      March 4, 2005


      Fronteer (FRG–TSX FTDGF-OTC) announced today that it has commenced a 13,000 metre drilling program on its Agi Dagi and Kirazli gold projects in western Turkey. There are currently five drills turning on the two properties with a sixth drill scheduled to arrive at the end of March.

      Fronteer anticipates completing the program by September 2005 with the goal of advancing both properties to the resource definition stage by year end.

      Kirazli Project - A 5,000 metre drill program using 3 rigs will focus on:

      · Grid drilling extensions of the high grade zone intersected by Fronteer in 2004. Fronteer drilled three holes on Kirazli (800 metres) in 2004 with results of up to 12.2 g/t gold over 39.4 metres.

      · Step out drilling along the axis of the hill to identify new parallel zones of high grade gold mineralization

      · Deeper drilling to test the bulk tonnage potential of the underlying sulfide gold zone.

      Agi Dagi Project - An 8,000 metre drill program using three rigs that will focus on:

      · Infill drilling the Deli Gold Zone which intersected near surface oxide gold mineralization last year in thirteen widely spaced drill holes

      · Step out drilling to test for extension of the Deli Gold Zone, which is currently open to the west, north, east and southeast.

      · Testing new targets on the Agi Dagi property. For example, a new target called Ayitepe is located 500 metres north-west of the Baba zone. In 2004, Hole AD-107 tested this target and intersected 0.52 g/t gold over 41.1m demonstrating its potential to be a third significant gold zone on the property.

      The program outlined above is a critical step towards deposit definition and value creation, and reflects the confidence Fronteer has in the potential of its growing Turkish property portfolio.

      For a table of 2004 drill results from the Kirazli Property and the Deli Zone on the Agi Dagi Property please follow the link at:


      Fronteer is also pleased to announce the promotion of Dr Rick Valenta to the position of Chief Operating Officer. In this new position, Dr Valenta will have direct responsibility for all of Fronteer’s exploration and project generation activities.

      Fronteer is a “Discovery-stage” exploration company with five gold properties in western Turkey, including Kirazli and Agi Dagi, under option from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S.’s. Fronteer is also focused on the discovery of Uranium Deposits in Labrador.

      For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:

      Mark O`Dea, President & CEO
      Dan McIntyre, Corporate Communications
      (PH) 604-632-4677

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 15.03.05 17:29:28
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Mal wieder was neues von der Company::D

      Fronteer spices up Turkey with a taste of Mexican gold

      2005-03-15 10:41 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has acquired 12 new gold properties in northwestern Chiapas state, Mexico. These properties are owned 100 per cent by Fronteer and cover 2,150 square kilometres (531,000 acres).

      The properties are located adjacent to Linear Gold`s new Ixhuatan discovery, which has highlighted the potential of this largely unexplored region. The Fronteer properties also encompass the rock sequence that hosts the 2.9-million-ounce Marlin gold deposit, just across the border in Guatemala.

      Fronteer already has extensive experience in this part of Mexico. Dr. Rick Valenta, Fronteer`s chief operating officer, was the Mount Isa Mines Exploration (MIM) regional manager for Mexico and Central America, from 2001 to 2003. During his time there, Dr. Valenta was a key participant in the discovery of the Ixhuatan property and exploration of other Chiapas projects that were subsequently sold by MIM to Linear Gold. Dr. Valenta commented, "This is one of the few remaining areas in the Americas where a company can enjoy first-mover status on a large exploration package in an emerging, world-class gold belt."

      Fronteer has established two exploration teams in Chiapas. They are currently carrying out a $500,000 reconnaissance program to identify drill targets by the end of 2005. "This strategic land package complements the advanced Turkish projects that currently form the core of Fronteer`s gold portfolio," said Dr. Mark O`Dea, Fronteer`s president and chief executive officer. "It allows the company to develop a 100-per-cent-owned project in an emerging, world-class gold belt, and leverage Dr. Valenta`s intimate knowledge and proven track record in the region."

      Fronteer has also appointed Miguel Heredia as its exploration manager for Mexico and Central America. Miguel has over 20 years experience with several companies, including BHP and Penoles, managing exploration in Mexico, Central America and North America. Miguel brings a high level of technical and managerial expertise to the job, together with detailed knowledge of the regional geology and mineralization styles of Mexico and Central America.


      schrieb am 15.03.05 18:47:37
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Die positiven Nachrichten lassen nicht nach :)
      ... dann ist es wohl nur noch eine Frage der
      Zeit bis wir die nächste Marke überspringen.
      Heute reagiert der Markt noch verhalten,
      kaum Umsätze ... aber bald :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 15.03.05 21:44:31
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      die machen Pause um neue Kraft zuschöpfen! Wird schon wieder!

      gruß hpoth
      schrieb am 15.03.05 22:21:25
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Ich bin auch der Letzte, der sich Sorgen macht ;)
      schrieb am 22.03.05 22:31:07
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      So langsam sollte der "Schöpfungsakt" aber abgeschlossen sein.Mit anderen Worten,ich hoffe,die Konsolidierung ist bald beendet.:)
      schrieb am 22.03.05 23:01:00
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Ist doch klar, wenn Klardoch ungeduldig wird, dann muss es weitergehen. Aber es geht erst weiter, wenn alle Klardochs aus dem Sack geschüttelt sind :laugh:
      schrieb am 23.03.05 22:33:15
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      So ... die 2,30 CAD-Marke sollte jetzt nach Möglichkeit halten :)

      Fronteer Development Group Price History for Symbol: FRG-T
      Last: 2.360 Last Trade: Mar 23, 2005 15:59 EST
      Date Close High Low Volume
      Mar 22 2.530 2.750 2.520 114,900
      Mar 21 2.720 2.780 2.640 211,400
      Mar 18 2.700 2.850 2.700 324,300
      Mar 17 2.850 2.950 2.760 114,800
      Mar 16 2.780 2.980 2.780 145,100
      Mar 15 2.910 2.950 2.800 91,700
      Mar 14 2.940 3.190 2.900 74,800
      Mar 11 3.110 3.250 2.900 112,500
      Mar 10 2.810 3.090 2.750 362,800
      Mar 09 3.050 3.420 3.000 269,700
      Mar 08 3.390 3.540 3.300 282,400
      Mar 07 3.450 3.600 3.240 270,900
      Mar 04 3.500 3.500 3.400 124,700
      Mar 03 3.400 3.450 3.100 299,400
      Mar 02 3.180 3.380 3.170 363,600
      Mar 01 3.410 3.580 3.360 282,700
      Feb 28 3.600 3.840 3.490 799,600
      Feb 25 3.500 3.510 3.100 1,044,300
      Feb 24 3.000 3.000 2.820 550,100
      Feb 23 2.930 2.970 2.800 982,300
      Feb 22 2.750 3.000 2.660 1,218,300
      Feb 21 2.880 3.000 2.660 1,390,200
      Feb 18 2.500 2.500 2.220 325,800
      Feb 17 2.290 2.400 2.240 358,100
      Feb 16 2.450 2.450 2.300 346,800
      Feb 15 2.350 2.400 2.280 72,700
      Feb 14 2.300 2.490 2.260 83,000
      Feb 11 2.300 2.540 2.000 387,200
      Feb 10 2.410 2.500 1.960 448,300
      Feb 09 1.920 1.920 1.900 61,100

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 23.03.05 23:29:50
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Der Kurs kann m.E. noch bis 2 CAD (Ausbruchlinie aus Untertasse) zurückkommen. Darunter gehen die Lichter aus.
      Gehe momentan noch davon aus, dass Gap bei 2,50 (mit Überschießen nach unten) geschlossen wurde.

      Gruß wuzge
      schrieb am 23.03.05 23:49:18
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Positive Nachrichten aus den Kanadischen oder Türkischen Gebieten könnten natürlich auch helfen :look:,
      ebenso eine weitere Erwähnung im nächsten Dines-Letter :) (das war ja der Anlass der letzten Hausse),
      natürlich auch jede andere positive Analystenstimme :rolleyes:

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 24.03.05 17:49:54
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Das nenn´ ich ja mal ´ne Order :D

      Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
      11:28 2.400 1,000 +0.040 Scotia Raymond James
      11:28 2.400 10,000 +0.040 Haywood Raymond James
      11:28 2.400 2,000 +0.040 TD Securities Raymond James
      11:28 2.400 1,000 +0.040 RBC Raymond James
      11:28 2.400 1,000 +0.040 RBC Raymond James
      11:28 2.400 2,000 +0.040 CIBC Raymond James
      11:28 2.400 3,300 +0.040 TD Securities Raymond James
      11:25 2.400 33 OLT Haywood Haywood
      11:25 2.400 833,300 +0.040 Haywood Haywood
      11:07 2.400 4,500 +0.040 TD Securities BMO Nesbitt

      Weiß da jemand was :look:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 31.03.05 23:25:47
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      FRG 2.620 +0.290 +12.45 124,700

      Last Trade: 31 Mar 2005 15:44 EST
      Last Traded 2.620
      Net Change +0.290
      Volume 124,700
      Last Bid Price 2.620
      Last Ask Price 2.770
      Open 2.390
      High 2.840
      Low 2.340

      Time Price Shares $ Chng Buyer Seller
      15:44 2.620 300 +0.290 Dundee Anonymous
      15:44 2.610 200 +0.280 Dundee Anonymous
      15:44 2.610 200 +0.280 Anonymous Anonymous
      15:34 2.840 400 +0.510 ITG Anonymous
      15:34 2.700 1,000 +0.370 ITG Canaccord
      15:34 2.650 1,000 +0.320 ITG E*TRADE Sec.
      15:34 2.640 200 +0.310 ITG Desjardins
      15:34 2.590 200 +0.260 ITG Anonymous
      15:34 2.590 100 +0.260 ITG Anonymous
      15:34 2.590 100 +0.260 ITG Canaccord

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 31.03.05 23:36:11
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Mar. 31, 2005 Market Closed

      Last Sale $ 2.20
      Change Net / % 0.34 18.28%
      Best Bid / Ask $ 2.20 / $ 2.30
      Today`s High / Low $ 2.359 / $ 1.93
      Share Volume 58,221
      Previous Close $ 1.86
      52 Wk High / Low $ 3.25 / $ 0.365

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 01.04.05 23:25:20
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Das ist doch wohl Posting Nr. 100 wert :D

      Auch heute geht´s wieder schön bergauf ... das Tief ist wohl durchschritten ... die wichtige Marke bei 2,20 bis 2,30 CAD
      hat gehalten und jetzt ist die 3 CAD-Marke schon wieder im Visier ... ist eh nur eine Durchgangsstation!!!

      FRG 2.930 +0.310 +11.83 271,301

      Last Trade: 01 Apr 2005 15:59 EST
      Last Traded 2.930
      Net Change +0.310
      Volume 271,301
      Open 2.640
      High 2.930
      Low 2.460

      Gruß und schönes Wochenende, Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 18.04.05 19:53:05
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      So ,jetzt ist sogar die 2CAD-Marke unterschritten.Aber einen Vorteil hat dieser schmerzhafte Abverkauf.Man kann billig nachlegen.
      schrieb am 18.04.05 23:11:20
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      ... eben ;) ...

      Gruß Seinfeld (wird schon wieder) :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 05.05.05 21:22:05
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Hallo Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Nicht die Köpfe hängen lassen, es ist wieder "Good News -Time"!;)

      Folgendes Update lief heute Morgen in Kanada über den Ticker::D

      Fronteer receives Kirazli drill results

      2005-05-05 10:48 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc.`s continuous drilling at the Kirazli gold project in western Turkey has extended the high-grade zone confirmed last year. New results from the current 2005 campaign have returned values up to 3.75 grams per tonne gold over 49.4 metres, including 7.51 g/t gold over 18.4 metres in hole KD-09.

      Additional step-out holes intersected thick intervals of near-surface oxide gold mineralization that returned:

      1.04 g/t gold over 92.5 metres including 3.17 g/t gold over 12.7 metres in hole KD-05;
      0.92 g/t gold over 108.7 metres, including 1.95 g/t gold over 19.4 metres in hole KD-07; and
      0.97 g/t gold over 70.9 metres including 1.35 g/t over 21.5 metres in hole KD-08.

      Holes are being drilled at 30-metre-spaced centres and interpretation to date indicates that the gold zone is horizontal with drill intervals reported herein, representing true widths.


      Hole From To Interval Au
      ID (m) (m) (m) (g/t)

      KD-05 26.0 118.5 92.5 1.04
      incl. 35.0 77.7 42.7 1.76
      incl. 37.5 50.2 12.7 3.17

      KD-07 37.3 146.0 108.7 0.92
      incl. 37.3 56.7 19.4 1.95
      and 69.8 85.5 15.7 1.55

      KD-08 36.7 107.6 70.9 0.97
      incl. 36.7 45.2 8.5 1.92
      and 53.1 74.6 21.5 1.35
      and 76.5 83.6 7.1 1.21

      KD-09 28.0 77.4 49.4 3.75
      incl. 35.0 53.4 18.4 7.51
      incl. 36.0 41.2 5.2 11.48

      KD-09 78.3 149.0 70.7 0.38

      All four holes were drilled vertically and intersected oxide gold mineralization at shallow depths, with both KD-08 and KD-09 bottoming in gold mineralization.

      These new results significantly expand the high-grade zone intersected in Fronteer`s 2004 drill program which returned 12.23 g/t gold over 39.4 metres in hole KD-01, and 4.07 g/t gold over 22.9 metres in hole KD-02.

      A second drill has been exploring to the southeast along the spine of Kirazli Hill for further zones of gold mineralization. Initial results from hole KD-04 returned 0.56 g/t gold over 1.6 metres. KD-06 returned no significant values.

      A continuous 6,000-metre drill program will continue to focus on expanding this new resource area and testing new target areas on the property. Fronteer`s geological interpretation suggests that this current gold zone, which may be one of several, has the potential to be up to 700 metres long and 300 metres wide.

      The Kirazli property is one of two large gold properties in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco. The other property is called Agi Dagi, which is currently being advanced through an 8,000-metre drilling program.

      The company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico, advancing 12 100-per-cent-Fronteer-owned gold projects. In addition to gold in Turkey and Mexico, Fronteer has an outstanding uranium portfolio in Labrador, with both historical resources and a series of untested near-surface bulk tonnage targets. An exploration program is scheduled to commence in Labrador in June.


      schrieb am 06.05.05 07:52:23
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      # All,

      Sage dazu nur " Geduld ist Gold wert"

      Der gesamte Markt ist doch brutal zusammengestaucht worden und das mit mickrigen kleinen Umsätzen.

      gruß hpoth
      schrieb am 06.05.05 17:54:41
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      Und weiter geht`s, Jungs und Mädels,:)

      Die Company konnte, wie soeben vermeldet wurde, ein neues "Financing" unter Dach und Fach bringen, zu besten Bedingungen!:D

      Und hier die News::)

      Fronteer Development plans $4.12-million financing

      2005-05-06 10:42 ET - News Release

      Mr. Mark O`Dea reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has arranged a private placement financing, on a best-efforts basis, to raise gross proceeds of up to $4,125,000 led by Pacific International Securities Inc.

      Pursuant to the financing, Fronteer will issue up to 1.5 million flow-through common shares at a price of $2.75 per share. Completion of the financing is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals.

      The agent will be paid a commission of 6 per cent of the gross proceeds raised payable in cash or shares (at a price of $2.75 per share), and compensation options equal to 8 per cent of the number of shares sold. Each compensation option shall entitle the agent to acquire one common share of Fronteer at an exercise price of $3.00 for a period of 18 months from the closing date.

      Proceeds of the offering will be used for exploration expenditures in Canada that qualify as Canadian exploration expenses as defined in the Income Tax Act and will be renounced for the 2005 taxation year. Upon completion of this proposed financing, assuming it is fully subscribed, Fronteer will have 46,205,234 shares issued and outstanding.



      nota bene:

      Wer hier immer noch nicht so langsam schnallt, was bei der Company bald abgehen könnte, dem ist sowieso nicht mehr zu helfen!:rolleyes:
      schrieb am 06.05.05 19:11:55
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      :D :cool: :D :cool: :D

      Ganz meine Meinung!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 12.05.05 21:53:07
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      NEWS :D :D :D

      Re: News Releases - Thursday, May 12, 2005
      Title: Fronteer Expands Gold Potential at Agi Dagi - Intersects 12.37 G/T Gold Over 8.40 Metres

      News Release 05-12

      Fronteer (FRG-TSX FTDGF-OTC) announced today that the current drill program has intersected a new zone of high grade gold mineralization at the Agi Dagi gold project in western Turkey. The first set of 2005 assays from the Deli gold zone returned 4.36 g/t gold over 39.0 metres including 12.37 g/t gold over 8.4 metres in hole AD-118.

      Other recent results from the Deli zone are:
      1.08 g/t gold over 50.7 metres including 2.23 g/t gold over 15.0 metres in hole AD-114, and
      1.19 g/t gold over 46.4 metres including 2.45 g/t gold over 19.5 metres in hole AD-116.
      Please see the table below for detailed results. For a map of the drill hole locations, please use the following URL:

      Agi Dagi Drill Holes - Deli Gold Zone
      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t)
      AD-114 34.7 85.4 50.7 1.08
      inc. 60.6 75.6 15.0 2.23
      AD-114 183.3 193.7 10.4 1.35
      inc. 183.3 188.1 4.8 2.09

      AD-116 52.2 98.6 46.4 1.19
      inc. 77.0 96.5 19.5 2.45
      inc. 82.7 89.4 6.7 4.06
      AD-116 110.8 130.8 20.0 0.32
      AD-116 158.6 181.4 22.8 0.49
      inc. 163.9 171.7 7.80 0.83

      AD-118 60.0 99.0 39.0 4.36
      inc 80.0 88.4 8.4 12.37

      The gold interval in AD-118 may represent a high grade feeder zone for the largely tabular and horizontal gold mineralization found throughout the Deli Zone. Fronteer will be planning additional step out drilling in the vicinity of AD-118 to determine the size, extent, and orientation of this high grade structure. The location of hole AD-118, on the western edge of the Deli zone, leaves significant room for the expansion of the zone for several hundred metres to the west and southwest.

      This set of holes is the first of eight designed to test the Deli gold zone which Fronteer discovered in 2004. The holes were drilled on 50 metre spaced centres and are oriented at -60 degrees to the southeast. The main gold zone intersected in holes AD-114 and AD-116 is interpreted to be dipping shallowly to the west, with true widths estimated to be 90% of intersected widths.

      An ongoing 8,000 metre drill program will also focus on expanding the Deli gold zone, as well as testing target areas on the southern half of the property. Fronteer anticipates completing the current program by September 2005 with the goal of advancing the Agi Dagi project to the resource definition stage by year end.

      The Agi Dagi Property is one of two large gold properties in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S. The other property is called Kirazli, which is currently being advanced through a 6,000 metre drilling program.

      The Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      In addition, Fronteer has an outstanding uranium portfolio in Labrador, with both historical resources and a series of untested near surface bulk tonnage targets. An exploration program is scheduled to commence in Labrador in June.

      For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:
      Mark O`Dea, President & CEO
      Rick Valenta, VP Exploration & COO
      Dan McIntyre, Corporate Communications
      (PH) 604-632-4677

      Gruß Seinfeld :) :) :)
      schrieb am 24.05.05 21:48:03
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Tue May 24, 2005
      Fronteer Looks North and Extends Kirazli Gold Zone


      News Release 05-13

      Fronteer (FRG-TSX; FTDGF-OTC) is pleased to announce that ongoing diamond drilling continues to extend the current resource area at the Kirazli Gold Project in western Turkey. New 30-metre step out holes located to the north of the gold zone, intersected significant widths and grades including intervals of:
      2.86 g/t gold over 47.0 metres in hole KD-13 and 2.34 g/t gold over 68.5 metres in hole KD-15.
      These results indicate that economically significant gold mineralization extends in a northerly direction into untested areas, expanding the resource potential of the project.

      The high grade zone remains open along the mineralized trend to the north and the south.

      Results from two other 30-metre step out holes just completed within the resource area, returned intervals of
      0.48 g/t gold over 15.5 metres in hole KD-17 and 0.55 g/t gold over 8.9 metres in hole KD-11.
      Fronteer`s interpretation to date indicates that gold mineralization at Kirazli is horizontal, with drill intervals reported herein representing near true widths. Based on widely spaced drilling to date, the footprint of this target area appears to be up to 700 metres long and up to 300 metres wide.

      Please see the table below for detailed results. For a map of the drill hole locations please use the following URL:

      Kirazli Drill Holes - High Grade Zone
      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Au (g/t)
      KD-13 53.0 100.0 47.0 2.86
      Inc. 54.0 64.1 10.1 10.48
      Inc. 54.0 55.8 1.8 17.28
      KD-15 31.5 100.0 68.5 2.34
      Inc. 39.0 48.0 9.0 9.10
      Inc. 40.0 44.5 4.5 12.05
      KD-11 61.5 70.4 8.9 0.55
      KD-17 77.4 92.9 15.5 0.48
      Inc. 86.9 90.1 3.2 0.95

      A second drill has been testing additional target areas to the southeast and northwest of the current resource area. Hole KD-10 returned 9.8 metres of 0.31 g/t gold while Hole KD-12 and KD-14 returned no significant values.

      An ongoing 6,000 metre drill program will continue to focus on expanding this current resource area and testing new target areas on the property.

      The Kirazli Property is one of two large gold properties in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Limited. The second property Agi Dagi, is currently being advanced through an 8,000 metre drilling program.

      The Company also has three exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      In addition, Fronteer has an outstanding uranium portfolio in Labrador, with both historical resources and a series of untested near surface bulk tonnage targets. An exploration program is scheduled to commence in Labrador in June.

      For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:
      Mark O`Dea, President & CEO
      Rick Valenta, VP Exploration & COO
      Dan McIntyre, Corporate Communications
      (PH) 604-632-4677

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 27.05.05 00:37:18
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Fronteer Development has raised CAD4.1 million in a brokered financing to fund exploration expenditures in Canada. Fronteer will issue up to 1.5 million flow-through common shares at a price of CAD2.75 per share, with Pacific International Securities as broker. Fronteer has copper-gold-uranium properties in the Northwest Territories, Red Lake in Ontario as well as Labrador.
      (Complete Text of May 25, 2005 News Release) PDF
      schrieb am 04.06.05 16:16:01
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      was haltet ihr eigentlich von Northwestern Minerals?Scheinen ja auf den ersten Blick ganz gut aufgestellt,zumal es ja wohl ein Joint-Venture mit Fronteer gibt.Darüberhinaus sind sie noch einigermaßen billig zu haben.Meinungen erwünscht!
      schrieb am 20.06.05 23:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Monday, June 20, 2005
      Fronteer Development Group and Altius Minerals have restructured their 50-50 partnership, and created a new special purpose private company to own and finance the next phase of exploration on their uranium projects in central Labrador, Canada. The companies plan to conduct detailed geophysical and geochemical surveys, along with geological mapping and environmental baseline studies. A two-rig diamond drilling program of up to 13,000 m is scheduled to commence by mid-August. Fronteer will have an initial controlling 52% interest in the new company to be formed. Altius will have a 48% interest plus a 2% gross sales royalty on uranium and a 2% net smelter royalty on base and precious metals.
      (Complete Text of Jun 20, 2005 News Release) PDF

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 28.06.05 22:06:36
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      GOOD NEWS :)

      Fronteer Press Release 05-16

      June 28, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (‘Fronteer’), (FRG–TSX) is pleased to announce that it has received approval of its application to list its common shares on the American Stock Exchange (AMEX). Fronteer`s common shares are expected to commence trading on the AMEX on June 29, 2005, under the symbol FRG.

      This approval is contingent upon Fronteer being in compliance with all applicable listing standards on the date it begins trading on the Exchange, and may be rescinded if Fronteer is not in compliance with such standards.

      “An AMEX listing is an important milestone in the growth of Fronteer” says Dr. Mark O’Dea, Fronteer’s President and CEO. “There is a strong appetite for resource stocks in the U.S. and this listing will make the company more accessible and provide greater liquidity for our investors.”

      Fronteer has approximately 47 million common shares outstanding, CAD $24 million in cash and no debt. Fronteer is a mineral exploration company focused on Discovery Stage gold and uranium projects in Canada, Turkey and Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 13.07.05 00:35:14
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      NEWS RELEASE July 12, 2005


      Fronteer (FRG–TSX / AMEX) continues to increase the resource potential of the Deli Gold Zone on its Agi Dagi project in western Turkey. Drill Hole AD-126, which is sixty five metres away from the nearest hole, returned 3.75 g/t gold over 57.3 metres including 8.67 g/t gold over 11.3 metres.

      These results expand the footprint of known mineralization to the northwest, and build continuity with adjacent holes such as Hole AD-118, which returned 4.36 g/t gold over 39.0 metres including 12.37 g/t gold over 8.4 metres (see press release May 12, 2005).

      Other new drill results from the Deli Gold Zone have come from Hole AD-115, Hole AD-124 and Hole AD-127, all of which intersected thick intervals (23 to 80 metres in thickness) of near surface oxide gold mineralization.

      Please see the table below for detailed results. For a map of the drill hole locations, please use the following URL:

      Agi Dagi Drill Holes – Deli Gold Zone

      Hole ID
      From (m)
      To (m)
      Interval (m)
      Au (g/t)













      Based on our interpretation, the orientation of the high grade mineralization is sub-horizontal with true widths estimated at approximately 90% of reported intervals.

      The Deli Gold Zone is currently one of two resource areas being delineated on the Agi Dagi Project. The other is called the Baba Gold Zone, which has an historical resource of approximately 500,000 ounces at a grade of 1.0 g/t gold (non-compliant with 43-101).

      Fronteer anticipates completing the current 8,000 metre drill program at Agi Dagi by September 2005. Geological models for both the Baba and Deli resource areas are currently being constructed as a basis for a 43-101 compliant resource estimate to be completed by the year end.

      The Agi Dagi Property is one of two gold properties in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S. The other property is called Kirazli, which is currently being advanced through a 6,000 metre drill program.

      The Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      In addition, Fronteer has a controlling 52% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador, which ranks among the best in North America for its potential to host open pittable, bulk tonnage uranium deposits. A CAD $5.0 million exploration program in Labrador is currently underway.

      For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:
      schrieb am 15.07.05 16:26:49
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Langsam wacht man auch hier auf.Wie schön!;)
      schrieb am 19.07.05 22:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      NEWS RELEASE 05-18 July 18, 2005


      Fronteer (FRG–TSX / AMEX) has intersected a new zone of high grade gold mineralization, which has unlocked the depth potential of the Kirazli Project.

      Drill Hole KD-31, which is sixty metres away from the nearest hole, returned 5.70 g/t gold over 51.2 metres including 16.62 g/t gold over 15.3 metres. This drill hole ended in gold mineralization grading 2.0 g/t gold at a depth of 156.3 metres.

      This new discovery is important because it suggests that a deeper zone of economically significant mineralization may underlie the near surface gold system that Fronteer has been drilling over the past 6 months.

      Other new results from the near surface oxide gold system include:

      · Drill hole KD-30, intersected 2.59 g/t gold over 48 metres including 8.09 g/t gold over 12.6 metres.

      · Drill hole KD-23, intersected 1.37 g/t gold over 98.0 metres including 14.1 g/t gold over 6.8 metres.

      · Drill hole KD-29, intersected 0.88 g/t gold over 49.4 metres including 1.48 g/t over 8.5 metres.

      · Drill hole KD-26, intersected 1.66 g/t gold over 47.2 metres including 5.05 g/t gold over 9.2 metres.

      For detailed drill results please see the table below. For a map of the drill hole locations, please use the following URL:

      Based on our interpretation, the orientation of the high grade mineralization is sub-horizontal with true widths estimated at approximately 90% of reported intervals.

      Fronteer anticipates completing the current 6,000 metre drill program at Kirazli by September 2005. Geological models for the resource area are currently being constructed as a basis for a 43-101 compliant resource estimate to be completed by the year end.

      The Kirazli Gold Property is one of two gold properties in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S. The other property is called Agi Dagi, which is currently being advanced through a 8,000 metre drill program.

      The Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      In addition, Fronteer has a controlling 52% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador, which ranks among the best in North America for its potential to host open pittable, bulk tonnage uranium deposits. A CAD $5.0 million exploration program in Labrador is currently underway.

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 27.07.05 17:17:20
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()

      Fronteer and Altius Receive Drill Permits for Uranium Project, Labrador Back

      via COMTEX

      Jul 27, 2005 9:34:00 AM

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jul 27, 2005 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) --

      Fronteer (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) and Altius Minerals Corp. (TSX VENTURE:ALS) have received approval from the Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources for a 13,000 metre drill program on their Central Mineral Belt uranium project in Labrador. The drill permits are an important endorsement both for the project and the companies involved, and have been obtained after consultation with local aboriginal groups and other stakeholders.

      A drill contract has been signed with Falcon Drilling, and two drill rigs are scheduled to arrive on site within the next 10 days, with drilling anticipated to commence by August 15th.

      Fronteer`s President and CEO, Dr. Mark O`Dea, who recently returned from a site visit, commented: "What makes this belt so promising is that you can literally stand on outcropping uranium mineralization knowing that it has never been drilled before. These aren`t buried targets with subtle geophysical signatures, they have big expressions, they outcrop and they are untested. This part of Labrador remains one of the largest district-scale uranium anomalies in North America and its underlying potential is completely untapped."

      A $5.0 million exploration program has been underway since June 15th consisting of detailed geophysical and geochemical surveys, along with geological mapping and environmental baseline studies. Fronteer is the operator and has a 52% controlling interest in the project.

      This pre-drilling component of the program has refined five key project areas that include dozens of targets with outcropping uranium mineralization, many of which are associated with extensive radiometric anomalies.

      According to Fronteer`s VP Exploration and COO, Dr Rick Valenta: "By any company`s standards, the geophysical signatures of some of these uranium target areas are very large. For example, the Jacques Lake target stretches for five kilometres and is up to four hundred metres wide. We have recently uncovered outcropping uranium mineralization associated with this anomaly and now have the opportunity to drill it for the first time."

      The target areas to be drill tested include: Otter Lake, Jacques Lake, Michelin, Michelin East and Melody Hill. A total of up to 9,000 metres of drilling is planned for Otter Lake, Jacques Lake, and Michelin East, which will be the first time that these project areas have ever been drill tested. In addition, a total of 3,000 metres of drilling is planned to test beneath the historic Michelin resource area, which remains open at depth. The fifth project area, Melody Lake, may also be drill tested should time and the budget allow. To view these target areas please use the following link.

      A testament to the discovery potential of the belt is its underpinning by five historic resource areas (Michelin, Rainbow, Inda, Nash, and Kitts), the first four of which form part of the Fronteer-Altius land package. Michelin is the largest of the four, and was the subject of feasibility work and exploration related underground development immediately prior to a prolonged period of depressed uranium prices that began around 1980.

      In addition, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco.

      The Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P.Eng, is the Qualified Person for Fronteer on this project. Uranium resources referred to for the Michelin, Rainbow, Nash, Inda and Kitts deposits are historical in nature. They were calculated by Brinex in the 1970`s prior to the implementation of National Instrument 43-101. The historic resources include proven, probable, possible and drill indicated reserves. The estimates were based upon extensive diamond drilling, and underground sampling. Fronteer has not undertaken an independent investigation of the resource estimate or independently analyzed the results of the previous exploration work in order to verify the classification of the resources, and therefore the historical estimates should not be relied upon. Fronteer believes these historical estimates provide a conceptual indication of the potential of the property and are relevant to ongoing exploration.

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 13.08.05 20:18:04
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Läuft gut!!!:D
      muß ja auch mal gesagt werden.;)
      schrieb am 13.08.05 21:32:14
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Das muß ich aber auch sagen :) :cool: :D

      Komme gerade aus dem Urlaub und hatte den Kurs
      die letzten 14 Tage gar nicht weiter verfolgt.
      Tja, dann kann ich ja wieder die Koffer packen ;);)

      Schönes Rest-Wochenende, Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 16.08.05 00:00:10
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      NEWS ...

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG–TSX; AMEX) has increased its controlling interest in Aurora Energy Inc. (“Aurora”) to 57%, reflecting its confidence in the economic potential of its uranium properties in Labrador.

      Aurora is a recently formed private company created specifically to hold uranium assets in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador previously owned 50-50 by Fronteer and Altius Minerals Inc. (“Altius”) (see Fronteer news release June 20 2005).

      To finance the remaining half of the current exploration program, Fronteer will subscribe for an additional $2.5 million worth of common shares in Aurora, thereby increasing its ownership in the private company from 52% to 57%. Accordingly, Altius’s interest in Aurora has been diluted to 43%.

      According to Fronteer President & CEO, Dr Mark O’Dea “Making new discoveries is our focus – and our business. Discoveries are the engines that drive this industry. There is a premium attached to being the majority owner of a new discovery. Increasing our majority position in Aurora to 57% puts us in that premium position and in control of a new discovery opportunity.”


      Fronteer, as operator, also confirms today that two diamond drill rigs have arrived in Goose Bay and are scheduled to arrive on site on the 17th of August. The 13,000 metre drilling program is anticipated to commence August 19th.

      A total of up to 9,000 metres of drilling is planned for the Otter Lake, Jacques Lake, and Michelin East targets, which will be the first time that these project areas have ever been drill tested. In addition, a total of 3,000 metres of drilling is planned to test beneath the historic Michelin Resource Area which remains open at depth. The fifth project area, Melody Lake, may also be drill tested should time and the budget allow.

      The 20 person exploration team has been carrying out detailed geophysical and geochemical surveys, along with geological mapping and environmental studies over each of these target areas since June 20th.

      The 800 square kilometre land package is the leading land position in one of the most prospective uranium districts in Canada. A testament to the discovery potential of the belt is its underpinning by five historic resource areas (Michelin, Rainbow, Inda, Nash, and Kitts), the first four of which form part of the Aurora land package. Michelin is the largest of the four, and was the subject of feasibility work and exploration related underground development immediately prior to a prolonged period of depressed uranium prices that began around 1980.

      In addition to uranium, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Limited.

      The Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 26.08.05 22:12:20
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      NEWS ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-24

      August 26, 2005

      Fronteer (FRG - TSX/AMEX) has signed a letter of intent with Grandview Gold Inc (CNQ:GVGI) whereby Grandview may earn a 51% interest in Fronteer’s Dixie Lake Gold Project.

      The Dixie Lake Project is located 25 kilometres southeast of the town of Red Lake, Ontario and 25 kilometres south of Placer Dome Inc.’s Campbell Mine and Goldcorp Inc.’s Red Lake Mine.

      Fronteer has carried out three significant drill campaigns on the project over the past 2 years with encouraging results, including 10.9g/t gold over 8.2 metres in the 88-4 Zone. Fronteer last worked the property in the fall of 2004, completing detailed soil geochemistry and ground geophysics designed to test for new zones of gold mineralization on the property. Several new targets were produced from this work, which are parallel to the 88-4 Zone, road accessible and drill-ready.

      According to Dr Mark O’Dea, Fronteer’s President and CEO “We are very pleased to be working with Grandview on this project. They have strong technical knowledge of the gold deposits in the Red Lake Belt and have the capability to advance the Dixie Lake property through aggressive exploration.”

      Fronteer is currently focused in its two large advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S.. The Agi Dagi and Kirazli Projects are currently being advanced through a combined 13,000 metre drill program.

      In addition, Fronteer has a 57% controlling interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador. A $5.0 million drill program is currently underway with 13,000 metres scheduled to be completed by the end of November, 2005.

      Finally, the Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      Gruß und schönes Weekend ... Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 13.09.05 22:58:19
      Beitrag Nr. 121 ()
      Fronteer Press Release 05-26 September 13, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG–TSX / AMEX) has expanded the Kirazli Gold Zone by approximately 400 metres to the north and south with results from five new drill holes. These results dramatically increase the footprint of the gold zone, which forms a north-south corridor that is now approximately 850 metres long and 100 metres wide. The Kirazli Gold Zone is still open to the north and south and at depth.

      Two important new drill holes demonstrate that gold mineralization continues and remains open to the north and northeast.

      Drill Hole KD-37 intersected 1.01 g/t gold over 117 metres, which was part of a broader interval that returned 0.80 g/t gold over 159 metres. This hole is 50 metres to the northeast of Hole KD-31, which intersected 5.70 g/t gold over 51.2 metres.
      Similarly, Drill Hole KD-33 intersected a broad zone of gold mineralization comprising 0.72 g/t gold over 37.2m. This hole is located 125 metres northeast of Hole KD-31.
      For a schematic cross section through the northern part of the project area, please use the following link:

      Three additional drill holes have intersected economically significant gold mineralization demonstrating that the emerging resource area extends much farther south than previously anticipated, and remains open in that direction.

      Hole KD-34 returned 1.63 g/t gold over 14.9 metres, as part of a broader interval that returned 0.74 g/t gold over 45.4 metres. It is located 500 metres south of KD-01A, which intersected 12.24 g/t gold over 50.9 metres.
      KD-36 intersected two stacked zones of gold mineralization that returned 0.43 g/t gold over 34.5m and 0.43m over 21.3m. This hole ended in gold mineralization.
      Hole KD-32 returned 0.34 g/t gold over 15.8m.
      The Kirazli Project is an open pit–style gold deposit, capped with a valuable component of near surface oxide gold mineralization that grades up to 44.01 g/t gold over 9.1 metres (KD-01A). This near surface component is underlain and surrounded by large tonnage gold mineralization with grades more typical of open pit deposits (0.3 – 2.0 g/t gold) which persist to depths of at least 280 metres.

      Based on our interpretation, the orientation of the high grade mineralization is sub-horizontal with true widths estimated at approximately 90% of reported intervals.

      Geological models for the resource area are currently being constructed as a basis for a 43-101 compliant resource estimate to be completed by the year end.

      The Kirazli Property is one of two advanced-stage gold properties currently being developed by Fronteer. The second property, Agi Dagi, is also being drilled and will be the subject of a separate resource estimate to be completed by the year end.

      Fronteer also has a controlling 57% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador. A $5.0 million drill program is currently underway with 13,000 metres scheduled to be completed by the end of November, 2005.

      Finally, the Company also has four exploration crews working in Chiapas, Mexico advancing twelve, 100% Fronteer owned gold projects.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 16.09.05 22:23:00
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Geschlossen auf Tageshoch ... zudem ein schönes Volumen :) :) :)

      FRG 3.380 +0.330 +10.82 340,950

      Schönes Wochenende, Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 16.09.05 22:49:08
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Läuft alles nach Maß.Hier haben wir offensichtlich ein Paradebeispiel für einen Nobrainer erwischt.;)
      schrieb am 19.09.05 22:23:47
      Beitrag Nr. 124 ()
      Der Kurs steigt weiter :D ... und das Volumen erst recht :eek: :)

      FRG 3.620 +0.240 +7.10 898,145 :eek: :D :cool:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 20.09.05 09:25:31
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      # All,

      werde heute die Hälfte nach 300% Gewinn weg geben,der Rest ist mehr als Umsonst!

      Gruss hpoth
      schrieb am 20.09.05 14:09:15
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Zu früh,die läuft auf über 10 Dollar.;)
      schrieb am 28.09.05 23:00:08
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Wednesday, September 28, 2005
      Fronteer Development has announced the discovery of a new high-grade silver zone at the Kirazli gold project located in Turkey. Drill hole KD-39, a 100-m step-out hole to the north of the gold zone, has returned 91 g/t Ag and 1.12 g/t Au over a width of 64 m starting at surface. Hole KD-39 also intersected a second distinctive gold-only zone that returned 0.66 g/t Au over 60 m beginning at a down-hole depth of 129.8 m. These new results increase the footprint of the Kirazli resource area, which forms a north-south corridor that is now approximately 900 m long, 100 m wide and has an average thickness of 40 m. The Kirazli gold zone is still open to the north and south and at depth.
      Property: KIRAZLI

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 04.10.05 20:39:09
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      ALL-TIME-HIGH :D :D :D ... und das ist der Grund ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-28 October 3, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) has completed its first deep drill hole beneath the historic Michelin deposit and intersected 0.12% U3O8 (2.64 pounds U3O8 per tonne) over a true width of 42 metres including 0.24% U3O8 over a true width of 9.6 metres in drill hole M-05-02C.

      This pivotal drill hole undercut the Michelin deposit by 100 vertical metres and is now both the deepest and widest uranium intersection in the Michelin orebody. This drill hole adds 110 metres of down dip extension to the 45 degree dipping orebody, representing an approximate 50% volume increase to this section of the resource area.

      For a detailed cross section map through this part of the Michelin orebody, please go to the following URL:

      Uranium mineralization in M-05-02C comprised three primary closely spaced zones separated by lower grade intervening material and thin post mineralization dikes. These intervals returned:

      1. 0.15% U3O8 over 8.3 metres from a down hole depth of 369.5 metres

      2. 0.14% U3O8 over 8.9 metres from a down hole depth of 387.1 metres

      3. 0.24% U3O8 over 9.6 metres from a down hole depth of 402.7 metres

      The composite interval of these three mineralized zones returned 0.18% U3O8 over a true width of 26.8 metres.

      This composite interval is approximately 60% wider than that of the deepest historical drill hole on the same section, which returned 0.17% U3O8 over a true width of 16.0 metres. These results unequivocally demonstrate that the Michelin orebody not only persists under the historically defined depth of the deposit, but also gets wider and increases in grade.

      In a statement by Dr Mark O’Dea, Fronteer’s President and CEO “The Michelin deposit is clearly open for expansion and our goal this year is to test its potential to host a 50 million pound uranium resource. This type of expansion would not only create a compelling stand alone opportunity, but would serve as a platform on which to build new discoveries in the district.”

      Fronteer also intersected 0.16% U3O8 over 11.4 metres including 0.24% U3O8 over 3.0 metres in drill hole TWM-05-92, a confirmation of hole M-72-92. This hole intersected the Michelin orebody at a vertical depth of 50 metres and confirms historical grades through this part of the deposit.

      To date, a total of three additional deep holes have been completed beneath the Michelin deposit at vertical depths of 350 metres and 450 metres, all of which have intersected broad zones of mineralization comparable to M-05-02C and TWM-05-92. Assay results from these holes are pending and expected to be available in 3-4 weeks.

      The Michelin deposit in Labrador, Canada, particularly when viewed in a broader district-scale context, certainly rivals many uranium deposits in Mongolia, Namibia, Queensland and parts of the USA. Specifically:

      · It is an orebody that starts at surface, is demonstrably open for expansion and has an historical resource base of 18.2 million pounds grading 0.13% U3O8. (2.86 pounds of U3O8 per tonne of rock).

      · It is located in the world’s premier uranium producing country, with progressive and stable mining laws, and in a region with a track record for getting big deposits into production.

      · It is in an area with good infrastructure and strong local and provincial support.

      Fronteer holds a 57% interest in Aurora Energy Inc. (“Aurora”), a private company created specifically to hold the above noted uranium assets in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador. (Please see Fronteer news release June 20 2005) Fronteer is the operator of the current exploration campaign.

      Drilling is also underway at the Otter Lake target area, and will soon commence at Jacque’s Lake. These target areas are the two largest airborne radiometric anomalies in the Labrador property holdings of Aurora, both of which have never been drill tested before. To view a map of the target areas please use the following link.

      In addition to uranium, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Limited, and has a portfolio of twelve 100% owned gold projects in Chiapas, Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 04.10.05 20:45:57
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Man beachte auch das Volumen :eek: ... und Toronto hat noch 90 MInuten auf :cool:

      Intraday hatten wir schon einen Höchststand von 4,20 CAD :D

      FRG 3.860 +0.410 +11.88 1,300,177 T

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 04.10.05 22:21:23
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      FRG 3.940 +0.490 +14.20 1,666,617

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 11.10.05 21:29:20
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Das nenn´ ich doch mal einen Umsatz :cool:

      14:49 3.850 148,800 :eek:

      Das sind mal eben 572.880 Kanadische Dollar (ca. 400.000 Euro)!!!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 11.10.05 22:06:37
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      ... und noch einmal :rolleyes:

      14:49 3.850 88,800
      14:49 3.850 60,000

      Schon bemerkenswert :D
      schrieb am 11.10.05 22:43:55
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Okay, okay, kam mit 1stündiger Verspätung, aber ist natürlich der selbe Handel :laugh: :D :laugh:
      schrieb am 19.10.05 19:17:37
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      Fronteer Press Release 05-29 October 19, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc (“Fronteer”) (FRG–TSX / AMEX) continues to discover new, near surface silver and gold mineralization on the Kirazli Project, with favourable grades.

      Current exploration has greatly expanded the project resource area, with silver mineralization now defined over a strike length of 300 metres, and gold mineralization defined over a strike length of 1,000 metres.

      Drill hole KD-37 has intersected 27g/t silver and 1.01 g/t gold over 117 metres starting at surface. Silver mineralization in this hole included an interval, beginning at surface, that returned 131.36 g/t silver over 10.5 metres. While gold values from KD-37 have been previously reported (Fronteer press release September 13, 2005), silver results were withheld pending confirmation by surface trenching.

      Channel samples taken from a 2 metre deep trench immediately next to KD-37 have confirmed the presence of a near surface silver-gold orebody. The average grade from 36 samples taken from these trenches was 45 g/t silver (with a high of 247 g/t silver) and 0.76 g/t gold (with a high of 2.18 g/t gold).

      Mineralization in KD-37 correlates with that in KD-39, situated 100 metres to the north, which returned 91 g/t silver and 1.12 g/t gold over a width of 64 metres starting at surface (see Fronteer press release September 28, 2005).

      In a new drill hole located 90 metres to the north of KD-39, hole KD-41 intersected 8.98 g/t silver over 24 metres and 0.51 g/t gold over 16 metres starting at a depth of 6.25 metres. Results from KD-41 indicate that the gold-silver system persists and remains open to the north.

      Also reported here for the first time are silver results from drill hole KD-30, located 100 metres south of KD-37. Drill hole KD-30 intersected 38.88 g/t silver over 36.8 metres within a broader interval returning 1.83 g/t gold over 70.8 metres.

      These new results increase the footprint of the Kirazli resource area, which forms a north-south corridor that is now approximately 1,000 metres long and 100 metres wide, with an average thickness of 40 metres. The Kirazli gold zone is still open to the north and south and at depth, and continues to yield economically significant near surface mineralization.

      The Kirazli Project is an open-pit style gold deposit endowed with a valuable component of near surface gold and silver mineralization. This near surface component is underlain and surrounded by large tonnage gold mineralization with grades more typical of open-pit deposits (0.3 - 2 g/t gold) which persist to depths of at least 280 metres. The orientation of the gold-silver zone is sub-horizontal and stated widths are approximately 90% of true widths.

      Geological models for the resource area are currently being constructed as a basis for a 43-101 compliant resource estimate to be completed by the year end.

      The Kirazli project is one of two advanced-stage gold properties currently being developed by Fronteer. The second property, Agi Dagi, is also being drilled and will be the subject of a separate resource estimate to be completed by the year end.

      Fronteer also has a controlling 57% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador. A $5.0 million, 13,000 metre drill program is currently underway.

      Finally, the Company is advancing twelve, 100% owned gold projects in Chiapas, Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 21.10.05 22:47:25
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Fronteer Press Release 05-30 October 21, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) announced today that it is approximately midway through its uranium drilling program in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador. Fronteer has completed 22 drill holes (approx. 8,000 metres) on three uranium targets, with assay results from 18 of these holes expected over the next several months. Approximately 2,000 metres of additional drilling is anticipated to be completed before the end of November, with a winter program to resume in March, 2006.

      Fronteer currently has two drill rigs operating in the project area. One rig is dedicated to drilling deep holes below the historic Michelin uranium deposit (“Michelin”)(approx. 18 million lbs U3O8) with the goal of testing its potential to host a 50 million pound uranium resource. The second rig is dedicated to sequentially testing new target areas for the first time including Otter Lake and Jacque’s Lake, two of the largest radiometric anomalies in the Central Mineral Belt.


      Drilling results to date at Michelin have been very encouraging. Two shallow confirmation holes have tested the historic resource area and show that new results are equal to, or better than, historical grades and widths. Specifically:

      1. TWM-05-174 intersected 0.18% U3O8 over 13.8 metres, including 0.27% U3O8 over 4.33 metres. This hole was a confirmation of historical hole M-76-174, which intersected 0.11% U3O8 over 14.33 metres.

      2. TWM-05-92 (previously announced in Fronteer release October 3, 2005) intersected 0.16% U3O8 over 11.4 metres including 0.24% U3O8 over 3.0 metres. This hole was a confirmation of historic hole M-72-92, which returned 0.16% U3O8 over 11.3 metres.

      A third drill hole, which was also reported October 3, 2005, undercut the historic Michelin resource by 100 vertical metres to a depth of 350 metres, and demonstrated that the deposit is open for significant expansion.

      3. M-05-02C intersected 0.12% U3O8 over 42 metres including 0.24% U3O8 over 9.6 metres.

      To date, a total of five additional deep holes have been completed beneath Michelin, which have tested the extension of the mineralization to vertical depths of at least 450 metres. Drilling has just commenced on a new hole that will test for extensions of Michelin to a vertical depth of 550 metres.


      Otter Lake is one of the largest airborne uranium anomalies in the Central Mineral Belt, covering approximately 2.5 square kilometres. It is a strong circular feature characterized by bedrock exposures of uranium mineralization, locally derived uranium bearing boulders and coincident radiometric hotspots.

      A total of 455 rock samples were collected this year from locally derived boulders within the Otter Lake anomaly. Using a cut-off of 0.03% U3O8 the average grade of 125 samples was 0.11% U3O8. Using a cut-off of 0.05% U3O8 the average grade of 77 samples was 0.16% U3O8.

      Fronteer has completed 10 drill holes (2,614 metres) on the Otter Lake target. Assay results are pending.


      Drilling on the Jacque’s Lake target is currently underway with 3 of 8 planned holes completed. The Jacque’s Lake target is centered over a uranium anomaly that is 5 kilometres long, 400 metres wide, and localized along a regional shear zone. Samples from the first three holes have been shipped to the lab with assay results pending.

      Detailed mapping at Jacque’s Lake has traced exposed uranium mineralization at surface for over 250 metres providing a clear bedrock source to the radiometric anomaly. Grab samples from this area have returned grades up to 0.13% U3O8.

      According to Dr Mark O’Dea, Fronteer’s President and CEO, “Fronteer is on track to demonstrate that the Central Mineral Belt has the potential to become Canada’s next uranium district. We have already confirmed the expansion potential at Michelin, and we are in the process of demonstrating the potential for new uranium deposits in the district.”

      Detailed radiometric and magnetic survey maps of the Jacque’s Lake target can be found using this link:

      A radiometric survey map of the target areas can be accessed by way of the following link:

      Drill core from the Labrador program is being shipped weekly to Activation Labs in Ancaster, Ontario, for analysis. Fronteer should begin receiving additional assay results shortly, with ongoing results to be announced regularly over the next few months.

      Fronteer holds a 57% interest in Aurora Energy Inc., a private company created specifically to hold the above noted uranium assets in the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador. (Please see Fronteer news release June 20 2005). Fronteer is the operator of the current exploration campaign.In addition to uranium, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Limited.

      The Company is also advancing twelve, 100% owned gold projects in Chiapas, Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 08.11.05 22:43:35
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Boah, ist das ruhig hier :look:

      Mal wieder ´ne News ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-31 November 8, 2005
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG–TSX / AMEX) continues to expand its gold portfolio in Mexico with the addition of two new discovery-stage projects optioned from Teck Cominco Limited’s Mexican subsidiary, Minera Teck Cominco SA de CV (“Teck Cominco”). The San Pedro and Clara projects (the “Projects”) are located in the western state of Jalisco, approximately 60 kilometres west and southwest of Guadalajara. The Projects are 100 kilometres apart and have large gold alteration footprints similar in style to Fronteer’s advanced gold projects in Turkey.

      Like Turkey, Mexico will continue to be a growing focus for Fronteer in 2006. These Projects are an important addition to the company’s growing gold portfolio. This deal with Teck Cominco gives Fronteer two new drill-ready properties on which work can start immediately. These Projects complement Fronteer’s other 100% owned Mexican projects in Chiapas state, which are currently being advanced to the drill stage.

      Clara and San Pedro Gold Projects

      Previous work on these Projects by Teck Cominco has demonstrated their potential to host large, high-sulphidation style gold systems.

      On San Pedro, the principal target is a gold-rich feeder zone beneath a 600 metre by 700 metre silica cap, the main target zone of which has never been drill tested. On Clara, previous rock and soil sampling, IP and PIMA results have outlined a large dickite zone which is interpreted to cap a gold-rich silica core. This three square kilometer target, along with peripheral anomalies, has never been drill tested. Silicified vein breccias from the Clara property assayed up to 24.8 g/T Au, and specularite-cemented breccias assayed up to 9.64 g/T Au

      Drilling is anticipated to commence on these projects by early 2006.

      The Deal

      Fronteer may earn 100% interest in both of these Projects by spending a combined total of US $2.0 million over four years on exploration, to be divided between the two properties. Teck Cominco will retain a back-in right to each project which must be exercised within 60 days of Fronteer expending US 2.0 million on such project. Teck Cominco will also retain a 1.5% - 2% net smelter royalty, on each project which will be extinguished for a project if Teck Cominco earns back an interest.

      Teck Cominco’s back-in right allows it to earn an initial 51% interest in each project individually by incurring twice Fronteer’s expenditures on such project over three years, with a firm first year work commitment of 25% of Fronteer’s expenditures. Thereafter, Teck Cominco may earn an additional 14% interest by funding a feasibility study on the project and can earn a further 5% by arranging project financing, for a total 70% interest.

      According to Dr. Mark O’Dea, President and CEO, “Again, we are very pleased to be building on our relationship with Teck Cominco and sharing the risk-reward on another gold opportunity”.

      In addition to gold in Mexico and Turkey, Fronteer also has a controlling 57% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador, eastern Canada. A $5.0 million, drill program is currently underway with results from this program being released over the coming weeks.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 09.11.05 06:40:51
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()

      danke für die infos ! :)
      ist wirklich recht ruhig hier um die aktie. aber sie steigt und steigt. immer ein paar rücksetzer - dann weitersteigen. dabei sammelt sie gebiet um gebiet und kaum einer merkt es. und das bei gold und uranium - tolle aufstellung bei dieser aktie. für mich eine langfristchance !

      gruß pietry
      schrieb am 15.11.05 00:25:50
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Nachbörslich kam gerade noch diese News ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-33 November 14, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) has undercut the Michelin uranium deposit (“Michelin”) in three new deep holes, demonstrating that mineralization not only persists at depth, but also gets significantly wider.

      Drill hole M-05-05 is the deepest intersection of Michelin reported to date. It intersected mineralization at a vertical depth of 470 metres and returned 0.10% U3O8 over 56.8 metres including 0.21% U3O8 over 14.8 metres. This drill hole adds 310 metres of down dip extension to the overlying deposit, and demonstrates at least a 100% volume increase to this section of the resource area.

      Drill holes M-05-03 and M-05-04 also intersected thick new zones of uranium mineralization beneath the Michelin Deposit, at vertical depths of 380 metres and 340 metres respectively. In conjunction with drill hole M-05-02 (announced previously), these three holes continue to add weight to Fronteer’s estimate that the Michelin Deposit is capable of hosting a 50 million pound uranium resource.

      Fronteer’s results to date from beneath Michelin now include the following intercepts:

      Hole M-05-05 intersected 0.10% U3O8 over 56.8 metres including 0.21% U3O8 over 14.8 metres
      Hole M-05-04 intersected 0.10% U3O8 over 40.5 metres including 0.25% U3O8 over 7.0 metres
      Hole M-05-03 intersected 0.23% U3O8 over 12.0 metres and 0.13% U3O8 over 2.45 metres
      Hole M-05-02 intersected 0.12% U3O8 over 42.8 metres including 0.24% U3O8 over 9.6 metres
      For a detailed vertical longitudinal projection through this part of Michelin, please go to the following URL:

      According to Dr Mark O’Dea, Fronteer’s President and CEO, “Outside of Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin, these new results from Labrador are amongst the most significant uranium drill intersections to come out of Canada in the past 25 years. Underpinned by the evolving Michelin deposit, the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador is emerging as Canada’s next major uranium district.”

      Three additional holes have recently been completed beneath Michelin, intersecting mineralization at vertical depths of 450 metres, 550 metres and 700 metres. Assay results for these remaining three holes are pending, and expected to be available within the next 4-6 weeks. Based on our interpretation, true widths are estimated at approximately 90% of reported intervals.

      Fronteer holds a 57% interest in Aurora Energy Inc., a private company created specifically to hold the above noted uranium assets. (Please see Fronteer news release June 20 2005) Fronteer is the operator of the current exploration campaign.

      The 2005 exploration program in the Central Mineral Belt is now completed. 9,400 metres have been drilled in a total of 28 holes, with results being released as assays are received from Activation Laboratories. To view a map of the target areas please use the following link.

      In addition to uranium, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Limited. Fronteer has also recently optioned two drill-ready gold projects in Jalisco, Mexico, which complement the company’s twelve 100% owned gold projects in Chiapas, Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 15.11.05 00:45:10
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Uupps, und diese News mit den Quartalsergebnissen vom letzten Donnerstag sind mir glatt durchgegangen :eek:

      Erklärt wohl auch die momentane Stagnation ...

      Thu Nov 10, 2005

      Fronteer Announces Third Quarter Results


      NEWS RELEASE 05-32

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (the Company") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) reports its financial and operating results for the three month and nine month periods ended September 30, 2005. Details of the Company`s financial results are described in the unaudited consolidated financial statements and Management`s Discussion and Analysis. These and further details on each of the Company`s projects and activities can be found on the Company`s website and on SEDAR at All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

      Exploration projects

      The 2005 drilling program on the Agi Dagi property in western Turkey commenced March 1, 2005. A total of 3,679 metres were drilled at Agi Dagi in the quarter and 7,765 metres drilled for the year to date, as compared to a budgeted total of 8,000 metres. In July 2005, the program was expanded to include an additional 2,000 metres of in-fill drilling and metallurgical testing of which 565 metres were drilled during the quarter. The Company is on plan and will complete the 10,000 metres of planned drilling by mid November 2005. Exploration expenditures on Agi Dagi for the quarter and for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 were $1,148,421 and $2,740,207 respectively out of a planned budget for the year of $3,600,000.

      During the nine months ended September 30, 2005, the Company issued 50,000 common shares with a value of $105,500 to Teck Cominco Limited as required under the Agi Dagi option agreement and incurred $194,846 of staking costs to acquire additional ground in and around the original property area.

      For the remainder of 2005, the Company plans to focus on completing the in-fill drilling, conducting resource modeling and metallurgical testing and will write a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource report on the Agi Dagi property. At September 30, 2005, the Company has incurred approximately 71% of the U.S. $5,000,000 required to be spent on the Agi Dagi property in order to earn its 100% interest.

      The 2005 drilling program on the Kirazli property in western Turkey commenced February 23, 2005. A total of 2,801 metres were drilled during the quarter and 6,847 metres drilled for the year to date. Budgeted metres for the 2005 program totaled 6,000 metres. Total exploration expenditures on Kirazli for the quarter were $600,089 and for the year to date were $1,966,059 out of a planned total budget for the year of $2,000,000. Year to date, the Company issued 25,000 common shares with a value of $52,750 to Teck Cominco Limited as required under the Kirazli option agreement. The Company anticipates continued drilling on Kirazli through early November with a total forecast of 7,250 metres drilled for the year, including one hole drilled for metallurgical testing.

      Plans for the remainder of the year include preparation of a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource report by year end. At September 30, 2005, the Company has incurred approximately 64% of the U.S. $3,000,000 required to be spent on the Kirazli property in order to earn its 100% interest.

      During the quarter, the Company incurred costs on the Biga properties totaling $107,801, including acquisition costs, for a year to date total of $466,920 as compared to a budget for the year of $500,000. Year to date, the Company also issued 111,930 common shares with a value of $129,086 to Teck Cominco Limited as required under the Biga properties option agreement.

      As of September 30, 2005, the Company has incurred approximately 19% of the U.S. $2,000,000 required to be spent on the Biga Properties in order to earn its 100% interest.

      The Company`s 57% share of exploration expenditures in Labrador for the quarter was $1,484,190 and for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 totaled $1,775,523, net of cost recoveries. Included in the balance of exploration properties and deferred exploration expenditures is an additional $3,195,539, offset by a future income tax liability of $1,137,612, representing the balance of the purchase price allocation from the Company`s acquisition of an additional 5% interest in Aurora Energy Inc., a joint-venture company incorporated to hold the Central Mineral Belt uranium assets.

      The Company anticipates completion of a National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource report on the Michelin Deposit, by the end of 2005.

      During the quarter, the Company incurred expenditures totaling $272,663 on its wholly-owned mineral claims in Chiapas, Mexico. Year to date expenditures totaled $702,181. The initial budget of U.S. $500,000 has been expanded to accommodate follow up of results from the initial sampling program.

      Subsequent to quarter end, the Company entered into an agreement with Minera Teck Cominco S.A de C.V, whereby the Company can acquire a 100% interest in both the Clara and San Pedro properties, located in the state of Jalisco, Mexico (see News release dated November 8, 2005).

      As the Company has no immediate plans for exploration on the Company`s remaining properties in Ontario and the Northwest Territories, a total of $1,144,414 of deferred exploration expenditures were written-off during the quarter. Total write-downs for the year to date are $1,369,122 which also includes amounts for the Dixie Lake property, written-off in the second quarter.

      Operating results

      The Company`s loss before discontinued operations for the quarter ended September 30, 2005 was $1,808,660 or $0.04 per share compared to $605,258 or $0.02 per share for the same period in the prior year. The Company`s loss before discontinued operations for the nine months ending September 30, 2005 totaled $3,331,347 or $0.08 per share as compared to a loss before discontinued operations of $2,206,871 or $0.07 per share for the same period in the prior year. Contributing to the period over period difference was an increase in write-downs of exploration properties, stock-based compensation expense, wages and benefits expense, office and general expense, property investigation costs, listing and filing fees, and interest income, offset by a decrease in promotion and advertising costs and management fees and a future income tax recovery.

      Stock-based compensation expense calculated using the Black Scholes model decreased to $133,035 for the quarter as compared to $436,686 for the same period in the prior year. Stock-based compensation expense for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 was $925,557 compared to $661,764 for the same period in 2004. The Company issued a further 50,000 stock options to an employee during the quarter and a total of 812,500 for nine months ended September 30, 2005.

      Wages and benefits costs increased to $160,194 for the quarter and $467,324 for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 as compared to $99,678 and $197,422 respectively for the same periods in the prior year. In 2005, the Company has hired additional staff commensurate with the growth in the Company and incurred severance costs and salary increases. In addition, commencing January 1, 2005, the Company began to pay a quarterly fee to its Chairman and non-management directors. Wages and benefits paid to staff involved directly in exploration are included in exploration properties and deferred exploration expenditures when a specific exploration project can be identified.

      Investor relations expense increased to $81,962 for the quarter and $242,266 for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 as compared to $16,396 in the quarter and $197,189 in the prior year. The increase in expense for the quarter is attributed to the timing of certain investor relations initiatives by the Company. Overall investor relations expense for the first nine months of 2005 is higher than the same period in 2004 as the company has contracted two investor relations consultants to assist in setting up meetings with institutional investors, which were not contracted in 2004.

      Office and general expenses increased to $58,737 for the quarter and $160,342 for the nine months ended September 30, 2005 as compared to $15,711 and $38,479 respectively for the same periods in 2004. The increase in costs is consistent with the increase in activity level of the Company over the same periods in the prior year and the increase in staff levels along with higher insurance costs. In addition, costs were incurred with respect to opening offices in Turkey and Mexico.

      The Company spent $81,990 investigating new property opportunities in the quarter and $150,965 for the first nine months of the year, compared to $5,638 and $68,466 respectively, for the same periods in of 2004.

      Listing and filing fees, which includes transfer agent costs, increased to $9,858 for the quarter and $120,758 for the first nine months of 2005 as compared to $5,721 and $49,672 respectively, for the same periods in the prior year. The increase over the same quarter in 2004 is directly attributable to an increase in transfer agent fees, while the year over year change is attributable to the Amex listing fee and an increase in the basic Toronto Stock Exchange annual maintenance fee and an increase in transfer agent fees.

      Interest income increased to $127,613 during the quarter and to $354,722 for the year to date as compared to $58,184 and $129,583 respectively for the same periods in the prior year. The increase is directly attributable to a higher average invested cash and short-term deposit balance in 2005.

      Promotion and advertising costs increased to $160,899 for the quarter and decreased to $366,953 for the year to date as compared to $105,280 and $972,896 respectively for the same periods in the prior year. The year to date difference relates to a marketing campaign in the first and second quarter of 2004 totaling $766,277 that was not repeated in 2005.

      During the first quarter of 2005, the Company formally renounced to shareholders the tax benefits of $1,100,000 of Canadian exploration expenses pursuant to an agreement from the October 2004 flow-through financing. As a result, the Company recognized the benefit of previously unrecognized future income tax assets in the amount of $391,600 to offset a future income tax liability arising when the Canadian exploration expenses were renounced.

      The Company`s discontinued real estate joint-venture incurred $25,329 of warranty repairs during the quarter and year to date as compared to nil for the quarter and $6,148 for the same periods in the prior year. Warranty costs are incurred as issues are identified.

      Total assets at September 30, 2005 increased to $34,130,300 from $14,558,608 at December 31, 2004, primarily as a result of the completion of the February 17, 2005 and May 25, 2005 financings and the exercise of warrants and options during the year to date, bringing in additional cash. Total cash flows from financing activities were $20,806,856 for the year to date compared to $9,319,770 for the same period in 2004.


      The Company currently has no operating revenues other than interest income and relies primarily on equity financings as well as the exercise of warrants and options to fund its exploration and administrative operating costs.

      The Company has no material off-balance sheet arrangements and no material capital lease agreements. The majority of the Company`s expenditures on its properties are of a discretionary nature.

      The Company has the following contractual obligations at September 30, 2005:

      Payments Due by Period

      Contractual Less than 1-3 4-5 After 5
      obligations Total 1 year years years years
      leases $ 72,788 $ 53,049 $ 19,739 Nil Nil
      commitment(1) U.S.$250,000 U.S.$250,000 Nil Nil Nil

      (1) The Company has a firm commitment to spend U.S. $250,000 on
      exploration of the San Pedro and Clara properties in Jalisco,
      Mexico by September 30, 2006.

      At September 30, 2005, the Company had cash and short-term deposits on its balance sheet of $18,519,112 and working capital of $18,586,396 as compared to cash and short-term deposits of $9,574,921 and working capital of $9,323,034 at December 31, 2004. The change in cash and working capital of $8,944,191 and $9,263,362 respectively is primarily due to the receipt of proceeds of $20,806,856 from financing activities, including the exercise of stock options and warrants, offset by exploration expenditures of $9,952,110 and cash used in operations of $1,723,381 during the year to date.

      Subsequent to quarter-end, the Company received a further $544,462 from the exercise of additional 454,569 warrants and employee stock options. The Company currently has cash and short-term deposits of approximately $17,400,000 on its balance sheet and working capital of approximately $18,000,000, including the Company`s 57% proportional interest of the cash and working capital of Aurora. At this time, the Company believes that this is sufficient to fund its currently planned exploration budgets and administrative operating costs for the next 12 months. The Company has exploration expenditures planned for the remainder of 2005 of approximately $200,000 on its Turkish properties, $670,000 for the Labrador properties and U.S. $60,000 in Mexico. The Company expects that cash flow used in operations will be approximately $275,000 for the remainder of 2005.

      Capital resources

      The Company has warrants and stock options outstanding which could potentially bring an additional $21,050,000 to the Company`s treasury upon exercise. The Company has no outstanding debt facility upon which to draw.


      The Company is completing its exploration programs for 2005 and for the remainder of the year will focus its efforts on evaluating results, data interpretation and modeling and will work towards completing National Instrument 43-101 compliant resource estimates on the Agi Dagi and Kirazli properties in Turkey and the historic Michelin Deposit in Labrador. The Company also anticipates identifying drill targets on its Chiapas properties and newly optioned San Pedro and Clara properties in Mexico, by year end.

      Over the next few months the Company will develop drill programs and exploration budgets for its properties with the goal of continuing to expand the resource in the Michelin Deposit and completing its expenditure requirement and earning 100% of the Agi Dagi and Kirazli properties in Turkey.

      Mark O`Dea, President & CEO

      Gute Nacht wünscht Seinfeld :yawn:
      schrieb am 15.11.05 06:25:06
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      [posting]18.795.907 von seinfeld am 15.11.05 00:45:10[/posting]moin,moin........................ausgeschlafen?
      Dann lest mal diesen Hammer !!!

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 15.11.05 06:38:04
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      @seinefeld und @opi

      tolle news. am besten gefällt mir der satz:

      - According to Dr Mark O`Dea, Fronteer`s President and CEO, "Outside of Saskatchewan`s Athabasca Basin, these new results from Labrador are amongst the most significant uranium drill intersections to come out of Canada in the past 25 years. Underpinned by the evolving Michelin deposit, the Central Mineral Belt of Labrador is emerging as Canada`s next major uranium district." - :D:D:D

      und fronteer ist dabei !!!:lick:

      hey seinefeld, du sagtest, die quartalsergebnisse erklären die derzeitige stagnation ? woraus schlußfolgerst du das ? mein englisch ist ein bischen holprig.

      gruß pietry
      schrieb am 15.11.05 09:12:16
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      [posting]18.818.575 von pietry am 15.11.05 06:38:04[/posting]jeeep................
      jetzt wird das Teil richtig radioaktiv.

      Der Satz "to come out of Canada in the past 25 years."

      ist geil.

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 15.11.05 09:37:33
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      Die Zahlen erscheinen mir recht unspektakulär ... alles im Rahmen, alles schon bekannt ...

      ABER ... bei Fronteer zählt ja sowieso nicht der Rückblick auf Vergangenes sondern allein der Ausblick auf die Zukunft ... und die sieht meiner Meinung nach sehr rosig aus :) :)

      Vielleicht holen wir jetzt nur kurz Luft um dann richtig durchzustarten. Ich mache mir jedenfalls überhaupt keine Sorgen um unser Schätzchen ;) ;)

      Die eine News kam ja gestern auch erst nach Börsenschluß, konnte also in Toronto noch nicht eingepreist werden.

      So long, Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 15.11.05 15:08:11
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      [posting]18.818.575 von pietry am 15.11.05 06:38:04[/posting]Hi pietry
      Grosses Desinteresse,
      oder lauern auf Canada?

      Ich habe jedenfalls noch ein
      paar Stück in Ffm. nachgekauft.
      Halte eine schöne Position seit
      3.12.03, die sich mittlerweile
      mehr als vervierfacht hat.

      Grüsse opi
      schrieb am 15.11.05 18:02:09
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      [posting]18.824.704 von opiping am 15.11.05 15:08:11[/posting]tja opiping, was soll man machen. noch scheint es nicht durchzudringen. aber das kennen wir ja schon, dann kommen irgendwann 10 oder 20 % an einem tag und keiner weiß warum.

      ich hab leider seit meinem ersten investment nicht langfristig durchgehalten. dann hätte ich jetzt sicher ne größere position und auch mehrere hundert % :mad:

      ich hab seit mitte 2004 ab und an immer mal teilgewinne mitgenommen und dann probleme gehabt, günstig wieder reinzukommen. so´ne sch.... aktie ;). im moment fehlt mir leider die kohle. die steckt in CARDERO !

      aber hab insgesamt gesehen recht ordentlich verdient.

      den nächsten gold/uran - hype will ich aber voll mitnehmen.


      gruß pietry
      schrieb am 21.11.05 22:23:39
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Ein schöner Start in die Woche ... :)

      Last Trade: 21 Nov 2005 15:58 EST
      Last Traded 3.950 Net Change +0.210
      Last Bid Size 29 Volume 465,687
      Last Bid Price 3.930 Open 3.750
      Last Ask Price 3.990 High 3.990
      Last Ask Size 30 Low 3.740

      3,95 CAD = ca. 2,84 EUR

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 21.11.05 23:32:02
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      [posting]18.930.234 von seinfeld am 21.11.05 22:23:39[/posting]hey seinfeld

      gibts irgend was neues oder sind das jetzt die erwarteten (besser gewünschten;)) reaktionen auf die uran-news von letzter woche ?

      auf jeden fall freue ich mich, dabei zu sein :D

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 21.11.05 23:48:27
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Hab zumindest keine News entdeckt ... manchmal erfolgt die Reaktion tatsächlich erst mit einigen Tagen Verspätung ;)
      schrieb am 22.11.05 11:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      [posting]18.931.050 von pietry am 21.11.05 23:32:02[/posting]jetzt kommt in CA richtig Kaufdruck auf.
      Letzte Nacht 466000 Stück gehandelt.
      Mehr als zweieinhalbmal soviel wie normal.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 23.11.05 22:43:19
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      WOWWWWWW ... :eek: :eek: :eek:

      FRG 4.500 +0.550 +13.92 1,251,705 :D :D :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 24.11.05 06:17:06
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      [posting]18.959.625 von seinfeld am 23.11.05 22:43:19[/posting]moin, moin
      kurz nach 13:00 Uhr ET ging der Tanz los.
      Eine Riesenorder von über 200 000 Stück brachte Bewegung in
      das Teil. Volume 1,264,705; Day High 4.55 ; 52 Week High 4.55
      Waaaahhhhhhnnsinn ohne News.

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 24.11.05 07:44:29
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      [posting]18.961.002 von opiping am 24.11.05 06:17:06[/posting]seid gegrüßt, freunde von fronteer :D

      kaum ist man mal 2 tage nicht im lande geht´s ab wie schmidtß´s katze :):):).

      nun bin ich ja auch mal gespannt ob noch ne new´s kommt. oder vielleicht liegts auch am enorm steigenden uran preis > 34,.. $ ?!.

      nal sehen wie´s heute weiter geht

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 24.11.05 09:07:27
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      [posting]18.961.160 von pietry am 24.11.05 07:44:29[/posting]Oder daran, dass Dines sie gestern zum Kauf empfohlen hat ;)
      schrieb am 24.11.05 10:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      [posting]18.961.667 von Neono am 24.11.05 09:07:27[/posting]hey neono,

      du bist wohl überall ;):).
      danke für die info zu dines. das erklärt ja so manches.

      dann ist sicher auch noch mehr zu erwarten beim kurs bzw. bei empfehlungen durch andere Analysten/Börsenbriefe. :D

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 24.11.05 22:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Gewinnmitnahmen ...

      FRG 4.100 -0.400 -8.89 431,202

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 25.11.05 02:25:11
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      [posting]18.972.965 von seinfeld am 24.11.05 22:25:15[/posting]Hat Dir schonmal jemand Tips zur Persönlichkeitspflege gegeben ....? Bitte Bild raus, muss jedesmal würgen.
      schrieb am 25.11.05 18:35:37
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Dir auch einen schönen Tag :confused:

      Hier ein aktueller Zwischenstand ...

      FRG 4.200 +0.100 +2.44 574,040
      schrieb am 08.12.05 22:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()

      Fronteer Discovers New Gold-Silver-Copper Zone, Also Intersects 5.23 g/t Gold Over 25.5 Metres at the Agi Dagi Project, Turkey
      Thursday December 8, 3:33 pm ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 8, 2005) - Fronteer Development Group Inc ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) has discovered a new zone of gold-silver-copper mineralization at the Agi Dagi project ("Agi Dagi") in western Turkey. Drill hole AD-163, located 130 metres to the west of previous drilling in the Deli Zone, intersected 3.07 g/t gold, 13.8 g/t silver and 0.5% copper over 19.3 metres. This drill hole opens up the western flank of the Deli Zone for expansion to the north, west, and south, and demonstrates the untapped sulfide potential of the project, which until now had not been tested.

      mehr hier:

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 08.12.05 22:56:35
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Das liest sich doch mal wieder richtig gut ... und erklärt den erhöhten Umsatz gegen Ende des Handels in Toronto ... und mit einem Schlußkurs von 4,24 CAD können wir ja auch sehr gut leben. Denke mal, dass diese News erst in den nächsten Tagen so richtig vom Markt wahrgenommen wird :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 09.12.05 22:34:40
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      NEWS AGAIN ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-36

      December 9, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc (“Fronteer”) (FRG–TSX / AMEX) has discovered additional gold-silver mineralization at the Kirazli project (“Kirazli”) in western Turkey. Drill hole KD-46 intersected 5.68 g/t gold over 42.7 metres including 17.28 g/t gold over 12.5 metres. This new hole is located 40 metres northwest of KD-31, which intersected 5.33 g/t gold over 55.6 metres.

      Hole KD-46 also returned a separate and overlying interval of broadly coincident gold-silver mineralization including:

      · 0.47 g/t gold over 103.5 metres and 45.33 g/t silver over 27.2 metres.

      Fronteer has also intersected additional gold-silver mineralization in drill hole KD-44, an infill metallurgical hole in the central part of the resource area, which returned:

      · 3.18 g/t gold over 79.3 metres including 10.11 g/t gold over 21.6 metres

      · 80.23 g/t silver over 5.2 metres

      Two other new holes located along the western margin of the current resource area have also encountered encouraging gold mineralization.

      · Hole KD-43 intersected 0.87 g/t gold over 25.5 metres including 1.29 g/t gold over 11.8 metres

      · Hole KD-42 intersected 1.03 g/t gold over 1.8 metres

      For a complete description of the results from these new drill holes please refer to the table at the end of this release.

      These new results continue to expand the footprint of the Kirazli resource area, which forms a north-south corridor that is now approximately 1,000 metres long and 100 metres wide. The Kirazli gold zone is still open to the north and south and at depth.

      Exploration on Kirazli in 2005 has been very successful in expanding the size of the known resource area and identifying new areas of near surface gold mineralization. A geological model for Kirazli is currently being constructed as a basis for National Instrument 43-101 resource estimates to be completed in January, 2006.

      Kirazli is expected to be amenable to open-pit mining methods. The orientation of mineralized zones is near horizontal and true widths are 90 percent of those stated.

      Kirazli is one of two advanced-stage gold properties currently being developed by Fronteer. The second property, Agi Dagi, is also being drilled and will be the subject of a separate resource estimate to be completed in early 2006.

      Fronteer also has a controlling 57% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador. Drill results from the 2005, $5.0 million drill program, are being released on an ongoing basis.

      Finally, the company will be drilling two new gold projects in Jalisco state, Mexico, in early 2006, which have been recently optioned from Teck Cominco Limited.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 10.12.05 12:10:58
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      [posting]19.225.093 von seinfeld am 09.12.05 22:34:40[/posting]hey seinfeld,

      nun wird ja mal zeit, daß fronteer sich kursmäßig weiterbewegt. :mad:

      mein gott, uran, gold, silber alles steigt ohne ende, fronteer findet an allen ecken hohe mineralisationen - was ist los ......? :mad::confused::D

      gruß, pietry :D
      schrieb am 13.12.05 22:41:24
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      NEWS ...

      Fronteer Press Release 05-37 December 13, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) has received assay results from the final two drill holes of the 2005 exploration program at the historic Michelin uranium deposit (“Michelin”).

      In a pivotal drill hole that intersected Michelin 700 metres below surface, Hole M-05-08 has pierced the north eastern margin of the deposit, intersecting two intervals that returned:

      · 0.10% U3O8 (2.2 lbs per tonne) over 8.15 metres and

      · 0.32% U3O8 (7.0 lbs per tonne) over 0.5 metres.

      Interpretation of the long section illustrates that the thickest part of Michelin is immediately to the south west of hole M-05-08. For a detailed inclined longitudinal section through this part of Michelin, please go to the following URL:

      Fronteer is also pleased to report results from drill hole M-05-07 which pierced the south western margin of Michelin at a vertical depth of 450 metres returning:

      · 0.11% U3O8 (2.42 lbs per tonne) over 21.65 metres including two separate intervals that returned

      · 0.21% U3O8 (4.62 lbs per tonne) over 7.15 metres and

      · 0.24% U3O8 (5.28 lbs per tonne) over 4.10 metres.

      The 2005 drill campaign has now demonstrated that uranium mineralization at Michelin extends from surface down to a vertical depth of at least 700 metres. The eight holes that Fronteer drilled underneath the historic resource have added 450 vertical metres to the deposit, which now has a dip length of approximately 990 metres.

      Michelin remains open for expansion at depth and along strike.

      According to Dr Mark O’Dea, Fronteer’s President and CEO, “We have now nearly tripled the down-dip extent of the Michelin deposit and are confident that the system will continue at full strength, past the limit of the 2005 drill program.”

      The 2005 exploration program in the Central Mineral Belt is now complete. A total of 9,400 metres have been drilled in 27 holes. All Michelin results have now been released. The drill results from the Otter and Jacque’s Lake targets to be announced in the coming weeks.

      Fronteer anticipates commencing the 2006 exploration program at Michelin by late April with a focus on infill drilling the newly extended area, and drilling for additional extensions at depth. It is anticipated that the 2006 program will involve at least 10,000 metres of drilling.

      Fronteer holds a 57% interest in Aurora Energy Inc., a private company created specifically to hold the above noted uranium assets. (Please see Fronteer news release June 20, 2005). Fronteer is the operator.

      In addition to uranium, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey that are under option to Fronteer from Teck Cominco Limited. Fronteer has also recently optioned two drill-ready gold projects in Jalisco, Mexico, which complement the company’s twelve 100% owned gold projects in Chiapas, Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 24.12.05 14:17:17
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      MERRY CHRISTMAS ... an alle Investierten und Interessenten von Fronteer :kiss: :cool: :)
      schrieb am 04.01.06 16:29:56
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Ein gutes neues Jahr an alle Fronteer-Aktionäre:cool:

      Unser Baby entwickelt sich imo gerade wieder gut gen Norden. Technisch sieht es auch gut aus.
      Wenn es neue Unternehmensnachrichten gibt, bitte einstellen.

      Gruß Bull

      Fronteer Development Group Inc (H:FRG:AMEX) Last Trade: 01/04/2006 10:28:44 EDT

      Last Sale 3.35
      Change (USD) 0.14
      Bid Tick
      Change (%) 4.36 %
      Volume 210,700

      Open 3.21 Day High 3.50
      Previous Close 3.21 Day Low 3.16
      Bid 3.33 Ask 3.35

      52 Week High 3.98 Market Cap 109.36791M
      52 Week Low 1.85 Shares Outstanding 34.0M
      schrieb am 04.01.06 17:00:06
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Neue Uranfunde in Canada:

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 04.01.06 22:18:41
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      FRG 3.950 +0.250 +6.76 444,528

      Fronteer Press Release 06-01 January 4, 2005


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) has made two uranium discoveries on new drill targets in coastal Labrador. These new discoveries demonstrate the potential for multiple, economically-significant uranium deposits in the region. The two targets, Jacques Lake and Otter Lake, are located 25 kilometres to the east of the historic Michelin uranium deposit (“Michelin”). Outside Saskatchewan, Michelin is one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in Canada.


      Jacques Lake is a 4,000 metre long target first identified by Fronteer in 2004 from a regional airborne radiometric survey. Approximately 400 metres was drill tested in seven widely spaced holes. Near surface uranium (at 20 to 80 metres depth) was intersected in four holes. These results include:

      1. 0.10% U3O8 over 9.2 metres including 0.20% over 2.1 metres in hole JL-05-05

      2. 0.10% U3O8 over 5.0 metres and a separate interval that returned 0.10% U3O8 over 1.0 metres in hole JL-05-01

      3. 0.10% U3O8 over 4.0 metres in hole JL-05-03

      4. 0.10% U3O8 over 3.0 metres including 0.21% U3O8 over 1.0 metres in hole JL-05-02

      These new results are similar to the upper parts of Michelin. The first seven holes drilled at Michelin in the 1960’s, averaged 0.11% U3O8 over 3.9 metres at vertical depths ranging from 20 to 70 vertical metres. Fronteer’s fall 2005 drilling has extended Michelin to 700 metres depth and increased its width to 65 metres. For a map of drilling and new target areas at Jacques Lake please use the following URL:


      Otter Lake is a three square kilometre uranium hotspot also identified by the 2004 airborne survey. It is characterized by over 700 widespread radioactive boulders and less than 5% bedrock exposure. Fronteer drilled Otter Lake for the first time this fall, and intersected bedrock uranium in 4 out of 10 holes in three distinct areas within the anomaly.

      The most encouraging results came from Otter South, which returned the highest grade uranium values of the entire 2005 drill program. Specifically:

      1. Drill hole OL-05-04 intersected 1.0% U3O8 (22 pounds uranium per tonne) over 0.5 metres and a separate interval that returned 0.14% U3O8 over 1.0 metres

      “These are significant grades to intersect at only 60 metres depth,” according to Dr Rick Valenta. “Assuming a uranium price of US$35 per pound, these grades translate into rock that is worth US$770 per tonne. Results from Otter South clearly demonstrate the potential for high grade uranium not only at Otter Lake but also in the district”.

      Scout drilling in the Otter Main and Otter North target areas also returned encouraging values including:

      2. 0.12% U3O8 over 0.9 metres in hole OL-05-07

      3. 0.11% U3O8 over 0.5 metres in hole OL-05-09

      4. 0.11% U3O8 over 1.0 metres in hole OL-05-10

      “We are extremely pleased with our initial results from Jacques Lake and Otter Lake,” said Fronteer President Dr Mark O’Dea. “We went into an historical uranium district with new technology and a new exploration approach. We identified new targets, drilled them for the first time, and have made new discoveries. This outcome reinforces both our exploration approach and the untapped uranium potential of the district.”

      2006 DRILL PROGRAM

      Fronteer anticipates a major follow-up drill program at Jacques Lake and Otter Lake. At Michelin, there will be a focus on in-fill drilling and resource expansion at depth. It is anticipated that the 2006 drilling program will involve at least 20,000 metres of drilling.


      Fronteer is a ‘discovery stage’ exploration company focused on precious and strategic metals.

      Fronteer owns 57% of Aurora Energy, a private company in which the Labrador assets are held, and is the operator. (Please see Fronteer news release June 20, 2005).

      In addition to uranium, Fronteer is actively drilling two advanced stage gold projects in western Turkey with multi-million ounce potential. Fronteer is also scheduled to commence drilling on two new gold projects in Jalisco, Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 24.01.06 16:52:41
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Fronteer meldet super news

      klick hier:

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 26.01.06 20:06:39
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Der Handel mit frg wurde ausgesetzt wegen Pending News.
      Ich hoffe auf positive News…
      schrieb am 26.01.06 20:09:39
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Handel wieder aufgenommen mit schönem Kurssprung nach oben:lick:
      schrieb am 26.01.06 20:19:05
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Da wurden wohl einige Stop/Los ausgelöst!?:eek:

      Fronteer Development Group Inc (FRG:AMEX) Last Trade: 01/26/2006 14:14:13 EDT

      Last Sale 3.60
      Change (USD) 0.24
      Bid Tick
      Change (%) 7.14 %
      Volume 482,000

      Open 3.38 Day High 3.71
      Previous Close 3.36 Day Low 3.00
      Bid 3.59 Ask 3.60

      52 Week High 3.98 Market Cap 114.47856M
      52 Week Low 1.85 Shares Outstanding 34.0M

      *Market data provided by S&P Comstock.
      schrieb am 26.01.06 20:29:25
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Und hier die News dazu:

      Fronteer Increases Turkish Gold Resources by 400 Percent
      13:18 EST Thursday, January 26, 2006
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 26, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) announced today that a new resource estimate by Giroux Consultants Ltd. ("GCL") has increased the combined resource of the Kirazli and Agi Dagi projects, which it holds under option from Teck Cominco Limited`s Turkish subsidiary, by over 400% for a total of 461,000 indicated ounces of gold and 1,606,000 inferred ounces of gold (at a 0.5g/t gold cut-off). A new silver resource has also been calculated at 2,118,000 indicated ounces of silver and 8,556,000 inferred ounces of silver. See tables below for details.

      "This current resource estimate is an important milestone for Fronteer," according to Dr. Mark O`Dea, "and helps quantify the company`s exploration success in Turkey over the past 18 months. More importantly, it provides a solid foundation upon which to build additional ounces through ongoing exploration in 2006."

      Based on this new resource estimate, Fronteer`s discovery cost per ounce of gold in Turkey to date is US$4.10.


      Currently the Agi Dagi Project comprises two separate resource areas referred to as the Baba Zone and the Deli Zone, which are located 3 kilometres apart on the same hill. The grade, tonnage and classification of new resource estimates from the Deli and Baba Zones are as follows:

      Indicated Inferred
      Indi- Indi- Infe- Infe-
      cated cated rred rred
      Au Ag Au Ag
      tonnes Au Ag oz oz tonnes Au Ag oz oz
      Zone (000) g/T g/T (000) (000) (000) g/T g/T (000) (000)
      Oxide 1,110 0.83 5.00 30 178 12,350 1.12 7.16 444 2,843
      Sulfide 250 1.12 8.46 9 68 4,060 1.06 9.65 138 1,260
      Total 1,360 0.90 5.63 39 246 16,410 1.10 7.78 582 4,103
      Oxide 6,270 0.86 0.86 172 174 16,940 0.77 1.01 418 551
      Sulfide 170 1.10 0.91 6 5 1,430 1.06 9.65 43 43
      Total 6,440 0.86 0.86 178 179 18,370 0.78 1.01 461 594
      Agi Dagi
      Total 7,800 0.86 1.69 217 425 34,780 0.93 4.20 1,043 4,697

      The Deli Zone is open for expansion in all directions. Similarly, the Baba zone is open for expansion to the north-northwest. In addition, multiple new exploration targets have been identified on the property during the course of 2005, all of which will be drill tested this year.


      Currently the Kirazli Project consists of a large resource area that has a minimum strike length of 1,000 metres. The grade, tonnage and classification of the resource estimate from Kirazli is as follows:

      Indicated Inferred
      Indi- Indi- Infe- Infe-
      cated cated rred rred
      Au Ag Au Ag
      tonnes Au Ag oz oz tonnes Au Ag oz oz
      Zone (000) g/T g/T (000) (000) (000) g/T g/T (000) (000)
      Oxide 2,730 1.69 16.18 148 1,420 4,790 1.04 18.92 160 2,914
      fide 2,700 1.11 3.14 96 273 13,020 0.96 2.26 403 945
      Total 5,430 1.40 9.70 244 1,693 17,810 0.98 6.74 563 3,859

      The resource area on Kirazli is open for expansion to the north and south and at depth. In addition, several new targets have been identified on the property during the course of 2005, all of which will be drill tested this year.

      Technical reports for the Kirazli and Agi Dagi resource estimates will be completed and filed on Sedar within the next 30 days.


      Fronteer is planning an intensive exploration program in 2006 with the objective of adding more ounces at Kirazli and Agi Dagi, and moving both projects along towards pre-feasibility. Column leach metallurgical testing is also currently underway under the direction of Kappes Cassidy Ltd.

      The 2006 exploration budgets for both Agi Dagi and Kirazli are currently being formulated, with the expectation that drilling will resume in early March.


      Fronteer is a `discovery stage` exploration company focused on precious and strategic metals.

      In addition to gold in Turkey, Fronteer is also scheduled to commence drilling on two new gold projects in Jalisco, Mexico within the next few months.

      Fronteer also has a controlling 57% interest in an outstanding uranium district in Labrador and is earning an 80% interest in a new copper-gold-uranium district in the Yukon.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ian Cunningham-Dunlop P.Eng, Exploration Manager - Canada / Turkey for Fronteer Development Group Inc., who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES and fire assay. The Independent Qualified Person responsible for the above resource estimates is Gary Giroux, P. Eng. Of Giroux Consultants Ltd. A Technical Report prepared to NI43-101 requirements will be lodged within 30 days of this Release.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation and exploration and potential mining method involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer`s Annual Information form and Fronteer`s latest Form 20-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Mark O`Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Rick Valenta
      VP Exploration & COO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dan McIntyre
      Corporate Communications
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 26.01.06 22:21:12
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Tolle News ... schöner Kurs ... erfreulicher Umsatz

      :) :) :) :) :)

      Last Trade: 26 Jan 2006 15:59 EST
      Last Traded 4.170
      Net Change +0.310
      Volume 529,517
      Open 3.900
      High 4.230
      Low 3.790

      Schönen Abend noch, Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 27.01.06 12:18:40
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      Da steht wohl eine grundlegende Neubewertung an.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 27.01.06 22:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Schönes Wochenende :)

      Last Trade: 27 Jan 2006 15:58 EST
      Last Traded 4.300
      Net Change +0.130
      Volume 374,323
      Open 4.180
      High 4.390
      Low 4.070

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 30.01.06 22:20:29
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      ... und wieder ein Stückchen näher ans All-Time-High :D

      FRG 4.500 +0.200 +4.65 470,720 T

      ... und dazu auch wieder ein schöner Umsatz :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 30.01.06 23:06:40
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      [posting]19.966.458 von seinfeld am 30.01.06 22:20:29[/posting]nach den meldungen der letzten tage müßte es ja locker über die 4,55 can$ gehen......:D:D:D

      die meldung heute zu den uran-properties ist ja auch nicht von schlechten eltern..:):cool:

      "Verdoppelung der Uranresourcen beim Michelin-Deposit in Labrador....." :eek:

      gruß, pietry

      " stay loooonnnggggg.....":D
      schrieb am 06.02.06 17:15:34
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Neues ATH bei C$ 4,82 :D:D
      schrieb am 06.02.06 17:28:13
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      [posting]20.065.992 von bull70 am 06.02.06 17:15:34[/posting]Jau, wollte ich auch grad posten.
      warst schneller.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 06.02.06 17:49:07
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      [posting]20.066.174 von opiping am 06.02.06 17:28:13[/posting]Hi opi
      Neues ATH CA$ 4,95
      schrieb am 06.02.06 22:19:04
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Zwischenzeitlich sogar über 5 CAD (genau 5,05!!),
      geschlossen dann bei hohen Umsätzen bei 4,76 CAD ...

      FRG 4.760 +0.330 +7.45 664,637

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 07.02.06 15:50:33
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Kurs wieder ausgesetzt. News im Anmarsch :lick:

      An der Amex Kurs bei 4,46$ = +7,47%

      Gruß bull
      schrieb am 07.02.06 15:52:48
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Kurs wegen News ausgesetzt:lick:
      schrieb am 07.02.06 16:07:54
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Fronteer to Launch Aurora by Way of IPO

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Feb 7, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX) --
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) announced today that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") will be launched by way of an initial public offering (IPO).

      Aurora is currently owned by Fronteer (57%) and Altius Minerals Inc. ("Altius") (43%), and was created specifically to take ownership of the Labrador uranium portfolio held by the two partners.

      This uranium portfolio includes the Michelin deposit and three other deposits with historic resources (Nash, Inda and Rainbow). These four deposits, along with two new uranium discoveries and multiple drill ready targets, underpin the growing value of Aurora, and attest to the largely untapped potential of Aurora`s 829 square kilometre land package in coastal Labrador.


      "Aurora`s IPO is specifically designed to maximize the value of our Labrador uranium project," says Fronteer President & CEO, Dr. Mark O`Dea. "By taking Aurora public, we are creating a pure uranium vehicle whose assets can now be judged independently, and valued in the context of other pure uranium companies. Fronteer will remain the single largest shareholder of Aurora following the IPO, and as such, this transaction is anticipated to be highly beneficial to Fronteer shareholders."


      Fronteer has been the project operator in Labrador for the past twelve months and has been the technical driver behind the project since its inception in 2003. To ensure seamless continuity in all aspects of the project, Aurora will continue to be managed by Fronteer.


      The syndicate of underwriters will be co-led by Sprott Securities Inc. and GMP Securities L.P.

      Fronteer anticipates that the IPO will consist of a base treasury offering for gross proceeds of CDN$25 million with an over-allotment option equal to 15% of the base offering.

      The company is in the process of completing a preliminary prospectus which will be filed with the securities regulatory authorities as soon as possible. The IPO remains subject to and conditional upon the receipt of necessary regulatory approvals.


      Fronteer is a `discovery stage` exploration company focused on precious and strategic metals.

      In addition to uranium in Labrador, Fronteer recently acquired an 80% interest in a new copper-gold-uranium district in the Yukon called the Wernecke Breccias (see release dated Jan 24, 2006).

      Furthermore, the company recently completed new resource estimates on two of its gold projects in western Turkey. The combined resource estimate of the Kirazli and Agi Dagi projects totals 461,000 Indicated and 1,606,000 Inferred ounces of gold. A new silver resource has also been calculated on these two projects totaling 2,118,000 Indicated and 8,556,000 Inferred ounces of silver (see release dated Jan 26, 2006).

      Fronteer is also currently advancing two drill-ready gold projects in Jalisco, Mexico.

      Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P.Eng, Exploration Manager - Canada / Turkey for Fronteer Development Group Inc., who is the designated Qualified Person for Fronteer on the Central Labrador Uranium Project. CIM definitions were followed for Mineral Resource estimates. Mineral Resources are estimated at a cut off grade of 0.05% U3O8 and a minimum vein width of 2.0 metres. Density of mineralized rock is 2.83 t/m3. Tonnage and contained lbs. uranium numbers are rounded. Drill core was prepared and analyzed in accordance with industry standards by Activation Laboratories Ltd, Ancaster, Ontario The mineral resource estimate was prepared by independent consultants Roscoe Postle & Associates Inc., under the supervision of Mr. Hrayr Agnerian, M.Sc. (Applied), P.Geo. See Fronteer release dated January 30, 2006.

      The Independent Qualified Person responsible for the gold resource estimates for Agi Dagi and Kirazli in Turkey is Gary Giroux, P. Eng. of Giroux Consultants Ltd. A Technical Report prepared to NI 43-101 requirements will be lodged within 30 days from the release of those estimates. See Fronteer press release dated January 26, 2006.

      Uranium resources referred to for the Nash, Inda, and Rainbow deposits are historical in nature, and were estimated prior to NI 43-101. Fronteer has not undertaken an independent investigation of the resource estimates or independently analyzed the results of the previous exploration work in order to verify the classification of the resources, and therefore the historical estimates should not be relied upon. Fronteer believes these historical estimates provide a conceptual indication of the potential of the property and are relevant to ongoing exploration. See Fronteer press release dated December 8, 2004.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to the price of uranium; the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to joint venture operations, international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium and gold, economic and political stability in Canada, Turkey and Mexico, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer`s recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      SOURCE: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Mark O`Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Rick Valenta
      VP Exploration & COO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dan McIntyre
      Corporate Communications
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      Copyright (C) 2006 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

      © 2006 Stockgroup Media Inc. | Disclaimer

      FRG Releases SHfn

      Fronteer to Launch Aurora by Way of IPO

      Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - Fronteer Development Group Inc. - FRG

      Market Regulation Services Halt Notice: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Doubles Uranium Resource at Michelin Deposit, Labrador

      Market Regulation Services - Trade Resumption - Fronteer Development Group Inc. - FRG

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      schrieb am 07.02.06 16:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      [posting]20.082.506 von bull70 am 07.02.06 15:52:48[/posting]auf yahoo sind die new´s jetzt

      fronteer lagert seine uran aktivitäten in einem IPO aus. :confused::)

      die firma heist Aurora Energy Resources Inc. und gehört zu 57 % FRONTEER und der Rest ALTIUS

      was bedeutet das für uns ? gibt´s aktien von aurora ?

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 07.02.06 16:15:52
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      [posting]20.082.790 von bull70 am 07.02.06 16:07:54[/posting]Sssssuuuuuuuuuuuppppeeeeeerrrrrr.........................geiiiiiiiilllll
      dat makes mir häppy
      Fronteer will remain the single largest shareholder of Aurora following the IPO,
      and as such, this transaction is anticipated to be highly beneficial to Fronteer shareholders.

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 07.02.06 16:30:39
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      [posting]20.082.896 von pietry am 07.02.06 16:13:35[/posting]Was das bedeutet??????.........Super IPO !!!!!!
      bringt uns mehr Kohle.
      schrieb am 07.02.06 17:02:50
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      [posting]20.083.220 von opiping am 07.02.06 16:30:39[/posting]aber wie läuft das jetzt im einzelnen genau ab.

      klar, der firmenwert an aurora bleibt FRONTEER ja erhalten. wenn die steigen, steigt auch der wert von FRONTEER´s anteil. :):)

      aber bekommen wir auch aktien von aurora ? und wenn ja, zu welchem preis ?

      vielleicht weiß ja einer wie sowas gehändelt wird !

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 07.02.06 18:06:49
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      [posting]20.083.733 von pietry am 07.02.06 17:02:50[/posting]Hi pietry

      Ein Prospekt wird so schnell wie möglich complettiert und
      Normalerweise macht man den Anteilseignern ein bevorzugtes
      Zeichnungsangebot in Preis (nicht so oft) und Stück pro x Anteile.
      we will see.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 07.02.06 19:46:26
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      [posting]20.084.814 von opiping am 07.02.06 18:06:49[/posting]ok, danke opiping !:)
      laß uns also warten. so recht glücklich scheinen die FRONTEER-aktionäre aber nicht zu sein. abwärts geht´s :cry::(

      ich hoffe mal, es liegt nur am abschmieren des ganzen edelmetallsektors heute.:eek::confused:

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 24.02.06 10:01:46
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Fronteer ist an der AMEX gelistet, hat in Deutschland aber eine kanadische ISIN "CA...". Wie paßt das zusammen? Weiß jemand etwas? Würde mich interessieren. Danke.
      schrieb am 24.02.06 13:46:34
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Press Release

      Fronteer`s Aurora Files Preliminary Prospectus for Underwritten Initial Public Offering
      Thursday February 23, 1:23 pm ET

      Hier der Link zur Pressemitteilung bzgl. AURORA IPO:
      schrieb am 24.02.06 13:52:45
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      @ realritchierich:
      Fronteer ist eine kanadische Firma und die Heimatbörse ist Toronto, dort laufen auch die eigentlichen Umsätze.
      schrieb am 24.02.06 13:59:26
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      OK. Danke für die Info. Dann ist alles klar. Hab` mich bei meiner Watchlist wohl nur beim Tickersymbol verklickt.
      schrieb am 01.03.06 21:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Heute mal wieder sehr positive Umsätze und Kurse :)

      Aktuell 4,48 CAD (+12%), vorhin ging eine Order von 100.000 Stück über die Bühne :eek: :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 28.03.06 10:14:50
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.453.746 von seinfeld am 01.03.06 21:50:21Irgendwelche Meinungen??? Der Kurs reagiert zumindest positiv :)
      4,90 CAD :D

      Fronteer Press Release 06-07 March 22, 2006


      Fronteer Development Group Inc (FRG-TSX/AMEX)) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Aurora Energy Resources Inc. (“Aurora” AXU-TSX), has closed its Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) of 6,944,444 shares at a price of Cdn$3.60 per share, for gross proceeds of Cdn$24,999,998.

      Aurora’s common shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange and will commence trading today under the symbol AXU. For full details of Aurora’s IPO, please see their most recent release which can be found at:

      Fronteer remains the controlling shareholder of Aurora following the IPO, with an ownership of 50.2%. Fronteer’s ownership may be further modified to 49.3% upon the underwriters exercising their full over-allotment option on Aurora within the next 30 days.

      “We are very pleased, that with minimal dilution to our ownership of Aurora, we have created a new, uranium focused, vehicle to fund the Labrador uranium projects.” says Fronteer President & CEO Dr Mark O’Dea. “Aurora can now be valued in the context of its uranium peer group, with the expectation that it may reach new valuation highs and drive added value back to Fronteer shareholders. In addition, this transaction will allow Fronteer’s significant gold assets to attain their own competitive valuation.”


      Through Fronteer’s efforts in coastal Labrador over the past 12 months, the Michelin deposit (“Michelin”) has more than doubled in size. Michelin is now one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in Canada, with a measured and indicated resource of 22.2 million pounds and an additional inferred resource of 13.4 million pounds. Aurora management anticipates that with further drilling, the tonnage of Michelin has the potential to increase significantly, and new uranium discoveries may emerge in the district.

      In addition to Michelin, Aurora owns four other deposits called Nash, Inda, Gear and Rainbow, which are also open for expansion.

      These five deposits, when combined with two new uranium discoveries at Jacques Lake and Otter Lake, and multiple drill ready targets, attest to the untapped mineral potential of Aurora’s 829 square kilometre land package in coastal Labrador.

      The 12 month exploration budget for Aurora is $14.5 million, which is anticipated to include approximately 40,000 metres of drilling. The 2006 exploration program is scheduled to commence in April.

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 28.03.06 17:28:14
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.969.976 von seinfeld am 28.03.06 10:14:50Gerade neues ATH 5,19 CA$
      schrieb am 28.03.06 18:32:40
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      vielleicht darum:

      Fronteer Mobilizes Six Rigs and Starts 8,000 Metre Drill Program at Agi Dagi Gold Project, Western Turkey
      Tuesday March 28, 10:42 am ET

      Hier die ganze Meldung:
      schrieb am 29.03.06 11:33:18
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 20.979.104 von Mo2 am 28.03.06 18:32:40Da sich bei Fronteer gute News erfahrungsgemäß erst nach 2 bis 3 Tagen im Kurs niederschlagen,
      dürften wir bis zum Wochenende wohl bei 5,40 CAD liegen :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 04.04.06 16:30:41
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      Hallo Fronteerianer............
      wir haben ein neues gewaltiges ATH von 5,95 CA$.
      Ein Plus von 15%
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 04.04.06 17:18:09
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.070.812 von opiping am 04.04.06 16:30:41Korrektur:
      ich meinte 5,99 CA$
      schrieb am 04.04.06 18:56:39
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Dies ist die letzte News, die ich finden konnte ...
      ... kann eigentlich nicht der Auslöser für´s neue ATH sein.
      Wer weiß was Insider schon wieder wissen :look: :cool: ;)

      March 30, 2006
      Fronteer Strengthens Team with Key Senior Appointments

      News Release 06-09

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (FRG-TSX/AMEX) announced today that Mr Jim Lincoln has joined the senior management team as Vice President Operations, and Dr Craig Bow has joined the Advisory Team with a mandate to identify and secure new high quality gold opportunities.

      "These two key appointments bring important bench strength to our team as we move our advanced gold projects towards pre-feasibility over the coming year," says Dr Mark O'Dea, Fronteer's President and CEO. "Mr. Lincoln and Dr. Bow strengthen Fronteer's collective skill set in project development and will enable the Company to accelerate the growth of the group's gold portfolio."


      Mr. Jim Lincoln has joined Fronteer as VP Operations, responsible for managing the transition of the Company's Turkish gold projects through resource definition, economic analysis, and feasibility.

      Mr. Lincoln has been a key participant in over 15 feasibility and development stage projects. He has held senior roles with Boliden, Cominco, Pegasus Gold, Dayton Mining, Mount Isa Mines, and a number of junior companies. He has played key development roles in Pueblo Viejo, Andacollo and Red Dog.


      Dr. Craig Bow has joined Fronteer's Advisory Team with an initial role of identifying and securing high quality gold assets around the world. Dr. Bow has a strong track record in successful early stage exploration, prospect evaluation, advanced project development, and exploration management.

      Over his extensive international career, he has led early entry initiatives into the USSR for gold and platinum, and into Peru and Colombia for copper-gold opportunities, and more recently managed a technically and financially successful gold exploration program in Central America and Canada. Dr. Bow has held senior exploration roles with Anaconda Minerals, Cyprus Amax, Boulder Gold, Newcrest and most recently Goldfields.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 04.04.06 19:10:25
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.073.494 von seinfeld am 04.04.06 18:56:39Vielleicht schon eher dieser Gold Newsletter des Herrn Lundin ...

      Lundin says buy Fronteer for Aurora and Turkey drilling

      Thursday March 30 2006 - In the News

      In the March, 2006, edition of the Gold Newsletter, Brien Lundin says buy Fronteer Development Group for its joint venture spinoff Aurora Energy and for two successful drill programs in Turkey. Mr. Lundin said buy Fronteer, now trading at $4.65, at 60 cents in July, 2003, at 90 cents in October, 2003, and at $1.05 in April, 2004. The letter writer said take some profits -- sell half perhaps -- on Jan. 13, 2006. Assuming $1,000 invested each time, selling half would yield a net profit of $5,717.46. The remaining investment ($1,500 cost) would now be worth $8,453.70. Fronteer and Altius have decided to take Aurora public. Mr. Lundin says Aurora has more than just slightly radioactive moose pasture, with an advanced stage group of uranium assets. In particular, the Michelin deposit in Labrador has upgraded its resource to 35.6 million pounds in all categories. Altius and Fronteer plan to raise $25-million with an Aurora IPO. Fronteer itself has just finished successful drill programs at its Kirazli and Agi Dagi gold/silver projects in Turkey. According to Giroux Consultants, these projects host 2.07 million ounces of gold and 10.7 million ounces of silver. This is a 400-per-cent increase over past estimates. Mr. Lunding suggests Fronteer may have a couple of near-surface bulk-minable deposits here, but more drilling is needed. The company is preparing its 2006 exploration programs for that purpose. Drilling should begin soon, so stay tuned.

      (Quelle Stockhouse Canada)

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 04.04.06 19:28:52
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.073.494 von seinfeld am 04.04.06 18:56:39Auszug aus einer weiteren Empfehlung!!!

      Beachtet bitte den letzten Absatz!!

      Bei einem Kurs von 4,50 US-Dollar wird dort von einer klaren Verdopplung gesprochen!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

      9 US-Dollar wären ca. 7,50 Euro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Atomic profit potential

      Commentary: Forget gold and silver; buy uranium

      Last Update: 10:53 AM ET Apr 3, 2006

      ... ... ... ...

      But you can play the uranium rally in the U.S. stock market. That brings me to today's pick: Fronteer Development Group (FRG : fronteer dev group inc com

      Last: 5.00 +0.55 +12.36%

      It's a gold and uranium prospector that is making all the right moves. For one thing, it focuses on exploring in Canada, Turkey and Mexico -- all stable countries that are exploration friendly.
      Did I mention gold? Yes, FRG is working on two large gold/silver deposits in western Turkey called Agi Dagi and Kirazli. The totals for the two projects:

      Indicated gold: 461,000 ounces
      Inferred gold: 1,606,000 ounces
      Indicated silver: 2.1 million ounces
      Inferred silver: 8.6 million ounces

      Have you seen the price of gold lately? How about the price of silver? I like these resources because it gives Fronteer a diversity of metals, all red-hot.
      Uranium's new frontier
      Fronteer recently acquired an 80% interest in a new copper-gold-uranium district in the Yukon called the Wernecke Breccias, and will start exploratory drilling there this summer. Its big uranium story, though, is the 50.2% equity interest it holds in its spin-off, Aurora Energy Resources (CA:AXU: news, chart, profile) . Fronteer spun off Aurora to develop its uranium project in Labrador, the Michelin Deposit -- 22 million pounds of uranium with additional inferred resources of 13.4 million pounds.
      In addition to Michelin, Aurora owns four other deposits that are ripe for exploiting.
      Sure, Fronteer loses money every quarter -- that's par for the course for an explorer. The important thing is Fronteer is debt-free, has plenty of cash, and has great projects. It has a market cap of a paltry $215 million -- its resources are valued at pennies on the dollar.
      Now, look at Fronteer's chart: Not only is it trending higher, it is breaking out to the upside! Buzz should continue to build around this stock. It recently traded around $4.50, and I think it's an easy double from current prices.

      Sean Brodrick is a contributing editor to and editor of Red Hot Canadian Small-Caps, an electronic trading service focusing on natural resources and other hot Canadian sectors, and Red-Hot Asian Tigers, which focuses on Asia and Australia. Sean has no positions in FRG. (

      Gruß Seinfeld :D
      schrieb am 04.04.06 22:22:07
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Die Empfehlung schlägt voll durch ...

      FRG 6.260 +1.060 +20.38 1,103,831 :eek: :D :cool:

      Das neue Allzeithoch liegt jetzt sogar bei 6,39 CAD!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 05.04.06 16:11:29
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      der Renner der Saison,
      in CA schlagen sich die Leute um Fronteer-Aktien.
      Eben mal so 280 000 Stück in 18 Minuten bis ATH CA$ 6,75
      Mal sehen wie es weitergeht.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 05.04.06 18:34:23
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.088.514 von opiping am 05.04.06 16:11:29Das ATH ging noch auf 7.- CA$
      dann war erstmal Schluss.
      Z.Zt. CA$ 6,25........... heftiger Downmove.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 08.04.06 09:57:05
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      Ich sag nur ... 6,72 CAD :D :eek: :)

      Wenn ich bedenke, dass mein Einstandskurs 1,60 CAD sind :cool: :rolleyes: :D

      5 Dollar Gewinn pro Aktie, wirklich nicht schlecht ;) :D :kiss:

      ... und ich denke nicht daran zu verkaufen, bestimmt nicht!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 10.04.06 21:15:12
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Inzwischen liegen wir knapp unter 7 Dollar ... das neue ATH heute lag schon bei 7,35 CAD :eek: :D :cool:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 10.04.06 22:34:40
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.151.705 von seinfeld am 10.04.06 21:15:127,20 CAD :)
      schrieb am 17.04.06 22:19:13
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Schlußkurs heute 7,05 CAD ... aber zwischenzeitlich neues ATH von 7,40 CAD :cool:
      schrieb am 18.04.06 22:30:28
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      Ich komme mir vor, als würde ich hier ständig neue Hochwasserstände der Elbe etc. verkünden :D

      Heute schon wieder neue Rekorde:

      Schlußkurs 7,80 CAD ... neues ATH 7,86 CAD :eek: :) :cool:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 18.04.06 23:12:48
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.232.361 von seinfeld am 18.04.06 22:30:28NEWS!!

      Tuesday, April 18, 2006
      Fronteer Development discovered a new silver-gold zone on its Clara project in southwestern Mexico. The zone, measuring 2 kilometers by 34 meteres wide, has returned values of up to 6.02 ounces per ton (187g/t) silver and 4.90 grams per tonne gold over 7.5 metres. This new 2 kilometer long precious metal system has also widespread lead, zinc, and copper mineralizations with grades of up to 5.06% Pb, 1.56% Zn and 0.75% Cu, associated with 3.39 oz/t (105.4 g/t) Ag and 6.79 g/t Au over 3.6 metres. Fronteer has completed land use agreements with all the local Ejidos and private landowners and expects to receive drill permits in the coming weeks.
      Property: CLARA & SAN PEDRO

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 19.04.06 22:52:12
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Alles wie gehabt :D

      Schlußkurs 8,04 CAD, neues ATH 8,21 CAD ...

      Langsam wird´s einem unheimlich :rolleyes:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 29.04.06 07:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.247.249 von seinfeld am 19.04.06 22:52:12Bin erst teilinvestiert und möchte gern nachkaufen. Bei welchem Kurse bietet sich deiner Meinung ein Nachkauf an?
      schrieb am 29.04.06 17:16:37
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Bei 6,60 bis 6,70 CAD scheint momentan der Boden zu sein. Sollte diese Marke doch noch mal nachhaltig nach unten durchbrochen werden, wären theoretisch Kurse von ca. 5 CAD möglich. Halte ich aber für recht unwahrscheinlich ...
      ... und ich hoffe es natürlich auch nicht ;)

      Date Close High Low Volume

      Apr 28 7.100 7.180 6.750 104,049
      Apr 27 6.650 7.000 6.570 199,244
      Apr 26 7.130 7.400 6.970 193,600
      Apr 25 7.410 7.780 7.340 87,794
      Apr 24 7.500 7.890 7.380 192,968
      Apr 21 7.600 7.890 7.350 371,668
      Apr 20 7.500 8.230 7.280 381,653
      Apr 19 8.040 8.210 7.710 672,973
      Apr 18 7.800 7.860 7.020 561,827
      Apr 17 7.050 7.400 7.030 307,774
      Apr 14 7.020 7.020 7.020 0
      Apr 13 7.020 7.040 6.500 235,022
      Apr 12 6.800 7.000 6.060 747,750
      Apr 11 6.530 7.240 6.410 477,641
      Apr 10 7.200 7.350 6.750 782,353
      Apr 07 6.720 6.750 6.380 400,429
      Apr 06 6.700 6.750 6.100 591,993
      Apr 05 6.150 7.000 5.890 809,627
      Apr 04 6.260 6.390 5.430 1,103,331
      Apr 03 5.200 5.240 4.750 921,103
      Mar 31 4.960 5.150 4.830 111,750
      Mar 30 5.150 5.340 4.980 121,075
      Mar 29 5.150 5.150 4.830 90,020
      Mar 28 4.840 5.190 4.820 270,520
      Mar 27 4.890 4.980 4.770 160,288
      Mar 24 4.780 4.800 4.430 328,470
      Mar 23 4.500 4.530 4.430 77,097
      Mar 22 4.430 4.550 4.400 139,550
      Mar 21 4.500 4.650 4.450 115,616
      Mar 20 4.600 4.650 4.500 113,718

      Auffällig ist, daß es bei großen Umsätzen immer nach oben geht.

      Fällt der Kurs, ist das Volumen immer recht gering ... das ist ganz klar positiv zu bewerten!!

      Gruß und schönes Wochenende, Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 05.05.06 22:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Fronteer Press Release 06-12 May 5, 2006


      Fronteer Development Group Inc ("Fronteer") (FRG-TSX / AMEX) has discovered more gold mineralization at its 100% owned Agi Dagi project in western Turkey. The first three drill holes have expanded the Deli resource area by 100 metres.

      Hole A-177 returned 2.27 grams per tonne gold over 52.5 metres, including 6.35 grams per tonne gold over 6.0 metres. This new hole is located 50 metres to the northwest of hole A-164, which intersected 2.34 grams per tonne gold over 66 metres including 5.23 grams per tonne gold over 25.5 metres. The zone remains untested and open to the northwest.

      Similarly, holes AD-170 and A-175 intersected new gold mineralization in a previously untested area at the southeastern end of the Deli resource area. Hole AD-170 intersected 0.72 grams per tonne gold over 40.5 metres, including 1.02 grams per tonne gold over 9 metres, while A-175 intersected 0.71 grams per tonne gold over 31.5 metres, including 1.2 grams per tonne gold over 4.5 metres. The zone remains untested and open to the southeast. The orientation of mineralized zones is sub-horizontal and stated widths are approximately 90% of true widths.

      “These drill results demonstrate our capacity to add ounces quickly.” says Dr. Mark O’Dea, Fronteer President and CEO. “Our project portfolio in the Biga Peninsula is showing every indication of rapidly becoming a world-class gold district.

      The ongoing US$5 million exploration program at Agi Dagi is designed to expand the resource base while concurrently fast tracking the project towards pre-feasibility. Agi Dagi is expected to be amenable to open pit, heap leaching mining and processing methods. Initial metallurgical work on the oxide gold completed by Kappes, Cassiday & Associates indicate gold recoveries ranging from 78% to 94% with leach times of approximately two weeks.

      Teck Cominco’s Turkish subsidiary, (TCAM) has recently elected to earn a 60% interest in Fronteer’s 100% owned Agi Dagi gold project by spending US$10 million over two years, US$5 million of which must be spent within the next 12 months. TCAM will be the project operator while Fronteer will maintain strong technical involvement and ensure continuity by providing technical expertise and ground personnel.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 06.05.06 14:08:59
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.451.458 von seinfeld am 05.05.06 22:25:27@ seinfeld,

      ich kann Englisch nicht ganz so gut. Falls es irgendwas Wichtiges ist, könntest du das Wichtigste in Kurzform übersetzen ?
      schrieb am 10.05.06 22:16:04
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Fronteer Press Release 06-13 May 9, 2006
      Fronteer Development Group (Fronteer) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) is pleased to announce that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. (AXU-TSX) (“Aurora”), of which Fronteer owns a 49.3% interest, has commenced it’s 2006 exploration program in Labrador’s Central Mineral belt.

      “Fronteer’s interest in Aurora is a key value driver for the company,” says Dr Rick Valenta, Fronteer’s VP Exploration and COO. “We are pleased to see that Aurora’s 2006 program has begun on schedule, and we look forward to a season of positive results and significant project advancements.”

      Aurora’s exploration program, one of the largest in Canada in 2006, will include at least 40,000 metres of drilling on seven distinct target areas, each with the potential to host a stand alone uranium deposit. By June of this year, the project will be operating at full capacity with five drill rigs turning.

      Last year, Aurora established the Michelin deposit (“Michelin”) as one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in Canada outside of Saskatchewan. The current mineral resources at Michelin include 342,000 tonnes at 0.113% U3O8 for a Measured resource of 851,000 pounds, 8,615,000 tonnes at 0.113% U3O8 for an Indicated resource of 21,374,000 pounds, and 4,116,000 tonnes at a grade of 0.148% U3O8 for an Inferred resource of 13,460,000 pounds. Management anticipates that with further infill drilling, the tonnage of Michelin has the potential to increase significantly at comparable grades.

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 10.05.06 22:55:25
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.454.779 von Frank888 am 06.05.06 14:08:59@Frank888

      Die letzten beiden Press Releases sind auf jeden Fall sehr positiv, wirken sich aber aktuell noch nicht groß aus, da der zuletzt starke Anstieg solch gute News schon eingepreist hatte. Auf längere Sicht werden sich das hochwertigere Gold im Agi Dagi Projekt in der Türkei aber genauso positiv im Kurs ausschlagen wie die starke Beteiligung an Aurora Energy, die an einem der größten Explorationsprogramme in Kanada beteiligt sind.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 11.05.06 18:54:14
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.514.679 von seinfeld am 10.05.06 22:55:25gut gemacht, danke
      schrieb am 11.05.06 22:51:34
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.527.167 von Frank888 am 11.05.06 18:54:14Das erklärt den heutigen Rückgang in den Bereich um ca. 6,40 CAD ...

      Fronteer Announces $38.4 Million Bought Deal Financing

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH CLOUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 10, 2006) -


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company")(TSX:FRG) (AMEX:FRG) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters led by National Bank Financial Inc., (the "Underwriters") pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase 6,000,000 common shares on a "bought deal" basis, at a price of $6.40 per common share for aggregate gross proceeds of $38,400,000. The net proceeds of the offering shall be used by the Company to advance its exploration programs in Turkey, the Yukon and Mexico, for future acquisitions and for general working capital.

      The offering is scheduled to close on or about June 1, 2006 and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals including the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange.

      The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or applicable state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

      All figures in this news release are expressed in Canadian dollars.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 12.05.06 13:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      Dazu kommt noch, dass Minenaktien insgesamt gestern geschwächelt haben. Hoffen wir mal, dass unser Schätzchen sich wieder fängt, denn sowas wie Unterstützung ist natürlich nach der raketenartigen Entwicklung der letzten Monate erstmal nicht in Sicht ...

      Grüße von Mo
      schrieb am 16.05.06 18:34:44
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      An der Amex hat TMY heute ein konstant steigendes Buy/sell ratio.
      Zu Beginn des Handels lag das Ratio bei 0,3:1 jetzt liegt es bei 2,45:1.
      Es wird momentan fast nur noch aus dem Ask gekauft.
      Es entsteht Kaufdruck. Wer also noch ein paar Stücke kaufen will, der sollte
      das jetzt tun, denn es kann sein, dass sich heute der nächste Schub über die
      7.- US$ aufbaut.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 16.05.06 18:47:29
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.609.712 von opiping am 16.05.06 18:34:44sorry, falsche Baustelle
      schrieb am 18.05.06 19:03:34
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      Okay, dann geht es wohl doch noch mal auf 5 CAD zurück ... bei dem Umfeld leider nicht zu vermeiden :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 18.05.06 19:22:15
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.647.405 von seinfeld am 18.05.06 19:03:34May 15, 2006
      Fronteer Reports Income Of $0.20 Per Share For The First Quarter And Files Amended Financial Statements


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (the "Company") (FRG-TSX/AMEX) reports its financial and operating results for the three month period ended March 31, 2006. Details of the Company's financial results are described in the unaudited consolidated financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis. These and further details on each of the Company's projects and activities can be found on the Company's website and on SEDAR at All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated. The results reported herein are amended and updated for a calculation error that was uncovered in the Company's original filing on May 12, 2006. The correction of the error has resulted in an increase in net earnings from $9,322,208 to $10,014,363 and a decrease in the amount reported as Investment in Aurora Energy Resources Inc. from $17,132,819 to $16,291,940 and a corresponding decrease in the future income tax liability from $2,365,048 to $832,014 on the Balance Sheet.


      The Company is a discovery stage mineral exploration company with exploration properties in western Turkey, Canada and in Mexico. At May 10, 2006, the Company also owns 49.3% of Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") a company focused on exploring for uranium in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, which is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AXU. The Company accounts for its investment in Aurora as an equity investment.

      At December 31, 2005, the Company owned 56.8% of Aurora and accounted for its investment in Aurora as a jointventure and therefore proportionately consolidated its results. The ownership change to 49.3% resulted from Aurora completing an initial public offering ("IPO") of its common shares in March 2006 followed by the exercise of an underwriter's over-allotment option. Aurora raised gross proceeds of $28,750,000, which is sufficient to fund its planned 40,000-metre drill program in Labrador for the year. Aurora shares employees and management with the Company. During the first quarter, the Company focused on developing exploration plans for its gold properties in western Turkey and Mexico, the IPO of Aurora and completion of 43-101 compliant resource estimates for the Turkish gold assets and Aurora's uranium assets in Labrador (See News Releases dated January 26 and January 30, 2006).

      Subsequent to quarter end, the Company received notification from Teck Cominco Limited that its Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") would be exercising its right to earn an interest on both the Agi Dagi and Kirazli properties. TCAM is required to spend a minimum of US$15 million on these properties over the next two years to earn a 60% interest. This decision frees up some of the Company's technical staff and resources in Turkey to focus on completing the earn-in on the Biga regional properties. At March 31, 2006, the Company must spend approximately US$1,350,000 to earn a 100% interest in the Biga properties, which are expected to be completed by September 2006.

      On May 10, 2006, the Company announced that it has entered into an agreement with a syndicate of underwriters, (the "Underwriters") pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase 6,000,000 common shares on a "bought deal" basis, at a price of $6.40 per common share for aggregate gross proceeds of $38,400,000. The net proceeds of the offering shall be used by the Company to advance its exploration programs in Turkey, the Yukon and Mexico, for future acquisitions and for general working capital.

      The offering is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals.


      The Company's income before discontinued operations for the quarter ended March 31, 2006 was $10,022,205 or $0.20 per share compared to a loss of $289,075 or $0.01 per share for the same period in the prior year. Contributing to the period over period difference was a dilution gain realized on the IPO of Aurora offset by the Company's share of the operating loss for the period from Aurora, an increase in investor relations costs, office and general expenses, listing and filing fees, property investigation costs, offset by a decrease in stock-based compensation.

      In March 2006, the Company successfully listed Aurora on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The resulting dilution reduced the Company's percentage ownership in Aurora from 56.8% to 50.2%. In April 2006, Aurora issued additional common shares on exercise of an underwriter's over-allotment option reducing the Company's interest down to 49.3%. The Company realized a gain on dilution at March 31, 2006 of $11,898,243 and now accounts for its investment in Aurora through the equity method. At March 31, 2006, the Company included its share of the loss of Aurora of $2,449,374, the majority of which relates to stock-based compensation expense.

      Exploration projects

      Exploration expenditures for first quarter of 2006 and 2005 totalled $675,328 and $889,795 in Turkey, $172,271 and $144,329 in Mexico and $333,031 and nil in the Yukon, Canada, respectively.


      The Company currently has no operating revenues other than interest income and relies primarily on equity financing as well as the exercise of warrants and options to fund its exploration and administrative costs. At March 31, 2006, the Company had cash on its balance sheet of $19,244,970 and working capital of $18,937,577 as compared to cash of $16,096,933 and working capital of $15,538,871 at December 31, 2005. The change in cash and working capital of $3,148,037 and $3,398,706 respectively, is primarily due to the receipt of proceeds of $5,810,425 from financing activities, consisting of the exercise of stock options and warrants, offset by exploration expenditures of $1,451,618 and cash used in operations of $762,860 during the quarter.

      Subsequent to quarter end, the Company received a further $2,318,480 from the exercise of additional 1,253,000 warrants and options. The Company currently has cash and short term deposits of approximately $21,400,000 on its balance sheet and working capital of approximately $21,000,000. In addition, the Company granted 860,000 stock options to employees at exercise prices ranging from $6.50 to $7.10 exercisable until May 1, 2011 and May 9, 2011.

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 19.05.06 18:10:43
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      kann mal jemand übersetzen?
      Kurze Zusammenfassung in Deutsch reicht auch aus-gute oder schlechte NEWS?

      schrieb am 19.05.06 22:46:23
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.675.578 von glasmaennlein am 19.05.06 18:10:43FRG 5.720 +0.820 +16.73 705,655

      Nach einem Tagestief bei 4,49 CAD ein wohl mehr als gelungener Schlußkurs. Nicht viele Rohstoffaktien haben bereits heute gedreht ... und schon gar nicht in diesem Ausmaß. Da die Deutschen Börsen schon geschlossen hatten, müßte es Montag wieder um 20% heraufgehen ... Börse ist schon ziemlich crazy ;)

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 20.05.06 12:46:36
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.680.747 von seinfeld am 19.05.06 22:46:23MAY 19, 2006 - 09:00 ET

      Fronteer Unveils Highlights of Exploration Plans and Key Value Drivers

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 19, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) is pleased provide an update on its aggressive exploration and development program focused on ongoing discovery and value creation.

      Over the past year, Fronteer has demonstrated its ability to make new discoveries that result in appreciable gains for shareholders. The Company unlocked two gold deposits in Northwest Turkey and made a new silver-gold discovery in Mexico. On the uranium front, Fronteer established the Michelin deposit as one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in Canada outside of Saskatchewan, confirming the Company's track record as an aggressive and successful explorer.

      Over the next 12 months, Fronteer will have exposure to US$27 million in exploration, and be actively seeking new acquisitions. The following project and exploration summary provides detail on the key value drivers of Fronteer for 2006.


      In northwestern Turkey, Fronteer has recently consolidated two new large gold properties named Pirentepe and Halilah. These properties are situated immediately between Fronteer's 100%-owned Agi Dagi and Kirazli gold projects and are strategic components of a much larger world-class gold district.

      Pirentepe and Halilah have never been drill tested but have large geochemical and geophysical signatures that are comparable in size to Agi Dagi. Drill targets on these two properties will be refined over the next four weeks, followed by an initial 3,000-metre drill program. Fronteer anticipates earning its 100% interest in these two projects within the next six months.

      In addition, Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary (TCAM) will be spending an aggregate of $US7.5 million on Fronteer's Agi Dagi and Kirazli projects over the next 12 months, as part of their requirement to earn an initial 60% interest in these two projects.


      In Mexico, Fronteer has recently made a significant new silver-gold discovery on a vein system that returned surface values of up to 6.02 ounces per ton silver and 4.90 grams per tonne gold over 7.5 metres. This system, which measures over two kilometres long, is an outstanding new target with no historical drilling and excellent potential. Fronteer has recently signed a drilling contract for an initial 3,000-metre program, scheduled to commence in early June.


      In the Yukon, Fronteer recently signed a deal with Newmont Exploration of Canada Limited to acquire their proprietary Geoscience Dataset covering a 2,000-square-kilometre region of the northern Yukon known as the Wernecke Breccias. This region is under-explored and is prospective for Olympic Dam-style copper-gold-uranium deposits.

      Fronteer has a dominant foothold in this emerging district controlling 1,500 claims (336 square kilometers) over the most-prospective geophysical targets in Newmont's dataset.

      Fronteer has recently signed a contract with Bell Geospace to fly 7,819 line kilometers of airborne gravity over the district beginning in early July. Once the gravity data is combined with the existing airborne magnetic and radiometric data it will immediately focus the exploration efforts of a three-month ground program commencing in mid-June.


      Through its 49.3% equity ownership of Aurora Energy Resources Inc., Fronteer has exposure to one of the largest uranium exploration programs in Canada this year with a budget of US$14.5 million. The 2006 exploration program, which is currently underway, will include at least 40,000 metres of drilling on seven distinct targets areas Half of the drilling will focus on expanding the Michelin uranium deposit while the other half is divided between several other high potential uranium targets that have already been partially defined with previous drilling. By June of this year, the project will be operating at full capacity with five drill rigs turning.


      Fronteer is a 'discovery stage' exploration company focused on precious and strategic metals.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium and gold, economic and political stability in Canada, Turkey and Mexico, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Mark O'Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677


      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Rick Valenta
      VP Exploration & COO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677


      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Robert Simpson
      Manager Corporate Communication
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 21.05.06 13:13:01
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 21.688.740 von seinfeld am 20.05.06 12:46:36haben ja schön gedreht. Kann man schon nachkaufen?
      schrieb am 24.05.06 22:18:27
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      MAY 24, 2006 - 13:47 ET

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Aurora Discovers Potential Source for High-Grade Uranium Boulders at Melody Lake in Labrador

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - May 24, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) announces that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (TSX:AXU), in which Fronteer has a 49.3% interest, has identified through a new geophysical survey, a cluster of seven "gravity highs" beneath Melody Lake which may be the bedrock source for the hundreds of uranium-rich boulders ("Melody Hill boulders") found near the lake.

      The Melody Hill boulders were discovered by Brinex in 1956. Historical results produced an average grade of 8.4% U3O8 from 27 boulders and a high of 28.2% U3O8 from a grab sample collected by Aurora in 2004. Despite Brinex having drilled 58 holes beneath the boulder field, their bedrock source has remained unsolved for 50 years.

      Aurora has made an important step toward solving this long-standing exploration mystery. Because of their high density, near-surface uranium deposits create gravity highs which can be detectable by conducting gravity surveys. "A near-surface uranium deposit with even a fraction of the grades found in the Melody Hill boulders would be of enormous value to Fronteer through its strategic interest in Aurora," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO of Fronteer.

      The new targets identified from Aurora's recent survey are bulls-eye gravity highs that correlate directly with uranium-rich anomalies in the lake-bottom sediments, in excess of 100 parts per million (greater than 0.01%) U3O8.

      What is particularly encouraging is that these gravity highs and associated lake bottom anomalies are situated directly in line with, and immediately up-ice from the Melody Hill boulders, suggesting that the boulders were derived from a bedrock source beneath the lake.

      An additional isolated gravity anomaly was identified by Aurora under Jamson Lake to the northwest of Melody Lake. Jamson Lake has the second highest uranium lake bottom sediment anomaly in Labrador, with a value of 372 parts per million (0.03%) U3O8.

      The gravity survey was conducted by GeoScott Exploration Consultants, with a line spacing of 200 metres and a reading spacing of 25 metres. The on-land portion of the gravity survey will be completed during the summer 2006 exploration program.

      Aurora has indicated that these lake bottom targets will be drilled in early 2007 when cold weather allows drilling on the ice.


      Fronteer is a 'discovery stage' exploration company focused on precious and strategic metals.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer or Aurora to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium and gold, economic and political stability in Canada, Turkey and Mexico, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Mark O'Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677


      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Rick Valenta
      VP Exploration & COO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677


      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Robert Simpson
      Manager Corporate Communication
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 02.06.06 21:19:45
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      Thursday, June 01, 2006


      Fronteer Development Group closed a Can$38.4 million bought deal financing. The company sold six million common shares at $6.40 each. The syndicate of investment dealers was led by National Bank Financial Inc. Net proceeds will be used for working capital, future acquisitions and exploration programs in Turkey, Yukon and Mexico.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 06.06.06 22:29:07
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      Vielleicht testen wir noch mal die 5-CAD-Marke, aber unterstützt von guten News sollte es dann wieder aufwärts gehen ... aber der Gesamtmarkt muß natürlich auch mitspielen ...

      Hier schon mal eine erste gute News :)

      JUNE 6, 2006 - 09:06 ET

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Metallurgical Tests Confirm Excellent Gold Recoveries at Agi Dagi and Kirazli Gold Deposits

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - June 6, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) ("the company") announced today that new metallurgical tests on its 100% owned Agi Dagi and Kirazli gold projects have yielded gold recoveries averaging 92% within an average of 17 days of leaching. These excellent results confirm that both deposits are amenable to low cost heap leach processing.

      Sixteen heap leach column tests were conducted by Kappes Cassiday and Associates on six samples from the Agi Dagi deposit and two samples from the Kirazli deposit. Two column tests were conducted on each sample; the first at a coarse crush size (approximately 20 millimeters), and the second at a fine crush size (approximately 6 millimeters).

      The Agi Dagi test work was conducted on fresh oxide material from five diamond drill holes (ten samples) and a surface trench (two samples). The samples ranged in grade from 0.47 grams per tonne gold to 4.52 grams per tonne gold (see Table 1 for details). Recoveries averaged 90% for the coarse crushed material and 91% for the fine crushed material. The average leach time to reach the maximum extractions was 17 days.

      The Kirazli test work was conducted on fresh oxide material from one diamond drill hole (four samples) using material from a high-grade section (7.68 and 7.36 grams per tonne gold) and material from a low-grade section (0.54 grams per tonne gold) (See Table 1). The recoveries from the coarse crushed samples averaged 94% and the samples from the fine crushed samples averaged 95%. Maximum extractions were reached in 13 days.

      "We are encouraged by these metallurgical results. They confirm that a relatively standard crushing circuit should be possible at both projects and that processing costs should not be excessive," says Mr. Jim Lincoln, VP Operations of Fronteer.

      Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary (Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik y Sanayii A.S.) ("TCAM") has recently elected to exercise its right to earn a 60% interest in both the Agi Dagi and Kirazli projects, currently owned 100% by Fronteer. Before April 30th, 2007, TCAM is required to spend US$5 million at Agi Dagi and US$2.5 million at Kirazli. These expenditures will significantly advance both projects towards development and are anticipated to increase the size of both deposits.

      Mr. Jim Lincoln, V.P. Operations of Fronteer Development Group Inc., is the designated Qualified Person for Fronteer.


      Over the past year, Fronteer has demonstrated its ability to make new discoveries. The company has rapidly advanced both the Agi Dagi and Kirazli gold projects towards feasibility and made a new silver-gold discovery in Mexico. In uranium, Fronteer has established the Michelin deposit to be one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in Canada outside of Saskatchewan.

      Fronteer has US $51 million in the treasury and will continue to seek new projects and acquisitions.

      Table 1--------------------------------------------------------------- Crush Total AuDeposit Sample size Head Grade Extraction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kirazli KD-44 Coarse 0.54 g/t Au 92%Kirazli KD-44 Fine 0.54 g/t Au 94%Kirazli KD-44 Coarse 7.68 g/t Au 97%Kirazli KD-44 Fine 7.36 g/t Au 97%
      Agi Dagi (Deli) AD-154 Coarse 2.56 g/t Au 95%Agi Dagi AD-154 Fine 2.64 g/t Au 97%
      Agi Dagi (Baba) AD-155 Coarse 0.74 g/t Au 82%Agi Dagi AD-155 Fine 0.68 g/t Au 82%
      Agi Dagi (Deli) AD-156 Coarse 0.57 g/t Au 84%Agi Dagi AD-156 Fine 0.56 g/t Au 90%
      Agi Dagi (Baba) AD-158 Coarse 0.56 g/t Au 88%Agi Dagi AD-158 Fine 0.47 g/t Au 87%
      Agi Dagi (Deli) AD-162 Coarse 4.26 g/t Au 93%Agi Dagi AD-162 Fine 4.52 g/t Au 94%
      Agi Dagi (Baba) Pit 1-17 Coarse 2.63 g/t Au 98%Agi Dagi Pit 1-17 Fine 2.88 g/t Au 99%
      ---------------------------------------------------------------Kirazli Average Coarse 4.11 g/t Au 94%Kirazli Average Fine 3.95 g/t Au 95%
      Agi Dagi Average Coarse 1.89 g/t Au 90%Agi Dagi Average Fine 1.96 g/t Au 91%
      ---------------------------------------------------------------Total Average 2.45 g/t Au 92%------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium and gold, economic and political stability in Canada, Turkey and Mexico, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 14.06.06 14:20:32
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      Okay, anscheinend testen wir sogar noch die 4-CAD-Marke :(

      Das ist natürlich sehr enttäuschend, liegt aber nicht direkt an Fronteer (bei denen ist nach wie vor alles im Lot!!) sondern einfach an den Gesamtmärkten, die einfach alle eine (große) Korrektur wollen. So bald sich die Lage wieder beruhigt hat (was allerdings leider noch ein bißchen dauern kann), wird sich auch der Kurs von Fronteer wieder gen Norden aufmachen, denn an den sehr guten fundamentalen Dingen hat sich ja überhaupt nichts geändert.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 28.06.06 21:27:26
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()

      Fronteer Press Release 06-21 June 27, 2006


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (FRG-TSX/AMEX) has started an initial 3,000 metre drill program on the Clara Property testing a large gold-silver plus base metal vein system that is over 2,000 metres long and 30 metres wide. This vein system has numerous shallow artisinal workings along its length, but has never been drilled before. Sampling conducted by Fronteer earlier this year returned positive surface results with grades of up to 6.02 ounces per tonne silver and 4.90 grams per tonne gold over 7.5 metres.

      “This is certainly an interesting new target for Fronteer that fits nicely in our Discovery sweet spot. The target has excellent grade-tonnage potential and is a new opportunity to again increase shareholder value through discovery,” says Dr. Mark O’Dea, President & CEO for Fronteer.

      Surface results to be followed up by drilling include:

      4.29 oz/ton silver, 0.28 g/tonne gold, 0.18 % lead, and 0.52 % zinc over 34 metres
      · Including 7.94 oz/ton silver, 0.52 g/tonne gold, 0.27% lead, and 1.22% zinc over 8 metres

      5.23 oz/ton silver, 2.86 g/tonne gold, 0.27 % lead, and 0.63 % zinc over 15.1 metres
      · Including 6.02 oz/ton silver, 4.90 g/tonne gold, 0.37% lead and 0.85% zinc over 7.5 metres

      3.39 oz/ton silver, 6.79 g/tonne gold, 5.06% lead, 1.56% zinc and 0.75% copper over 3.6 metres
      2.10 oz/ton silver and 2.74 g/tonne gold over 5.0 metres
      2.77 oz/ton silver and 1.97 g/tonne gold over 3.4 metres
      0.90 oz/ton silver, 2.77 g/tonne gold, 2.35% lead and 0.62% zinc over 5.0 metres
      The Clara Property is one of two gold projects in Mexico that Fronteer is currently advancing. The other, San Pedro, is undergoing target refinement, mapping and sampling in preparation for a drill program to follow the Clara program.


      Fronteer is a 'discovery stage' exploration company focused on precious and strategic metals.

      For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:

      Mark O'Dea, President & CEO

      Rick Valenta, VP Exploration & COO

      Mr. Robert Simpson, Manager Corporate Communications

      (PH) 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 11.07.06 22:19:35
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.324.696 von seinfeld am 28.06.06 21:27:26NEWS :D

      Fronteer Press Release 06-22 July 10, 2006


      Fronteer Development Group Inc ("Fronteer") (FRG-TSX/AMEX) announced today that field crews have been mobilized, and a $2.5 million exploration program is underway on its extensive copper-gold-silver-uranium properties in the Wernecke Breccias, northern Yukon.

      “Fronteer has established a prominent foothold in this emerging district, which has become Canada’s newest area play. The region is grossly under-explored with vast untapped mineral potential” says Dr. Mark O’Dea, Fronteer President & CEO. “We believe this district has the potential to host both Olympic Dam-style copper-gold-uranium deposits and stand alone uranium deposits.”

      The key component of the exploration program will be a regional airborne gravity survey designed to locate density contrasts, which are often associated with underlying uranium and/or Olympic Dam-style deposits.

      This gravity data will be a powerful exploration tool to integrate with Fronteer’s existing proprietary magnetic and radiometric data (purchased from Newmont Exploration of Canada Limited “Newmont”) in order to fine tune and filter drill targets.

      Fronteer is the largest landholder in the district, controlling 25 closely spaced properties which cover approximately 285 square kilometres. These properties were selected largely on the basis of telltale geophysical anomalies identified in the Company’s proprietary dataset.

      Fronteer is the operator of the project earning an 80% interest, with Rimfire Mineral Corporation earning 20% interest. Subsequent to $2.0 million being spent on the properties by Fronteer, an 80-20 joint venture will be formed with Rimfire, and ongoing exploration expenses will be shared pro-rata, subject to dilution for non participation.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 12.07.06 22:37:52
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.531.677 von seinfeld am 11.07.06 22:19:35NEWS AGAIN ... :D

      Fronteer Press Release 06-23 July 12, 2006


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (“Fronteer”) (FRG-TSX/AMEX) announces that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. (“Aurora”) (AXU – TSX) in which Fronteer holds a 49.3% interest, has reported new wider and higher grade drill intersections that continue to expand the heart of the Michelin uranium deposit (“Michelin”). Results from M-06-16 and M-06-13 returned the best grade-thickness intervals ever intersected at Michelin, all within 420 metres of surface:

      · Drill hole M-06-16 returned 0.18% U3O8 over 59.4 metres (3.96 pounds per tonne over 195 feet)

      · Drill hole M-06-13 returned 0.19% U3O8 over 48.5 metres (4.18 pounds per tonne over 159 feet)

      “There are very few mineral deposits around the world that show this degree of continuity in terms of geometry and mineralization” says Jim Lincoln, VP Operations of Aurora. “Our exploration model is reliable and has allowed us to be extremely efficient at expanding the size of this deposit.”

      In addition, six other new holes have also intersected the deposit at various depths with impressive grade intervals. Please use the following link for a detailed long section of the Michelin deposit.

      Drill Holes M-06-10 and M-06-09 cut several wide intervals of uranium mineralization, expanding the eastern flank of Michelin:

      · Hole M-06-10 intersected 0.14% U3O8 over 18.7 metres including 0.22% U3O8 over 6.1 metres

      · Hole M-06-09 intersected two parallel intervals including 0.11% U3O8 over 11.0 metres and 0.12% U3O8 over 2.4 metres

      Drill Hole M-06-15 and M-06-17, intersected two closely spaced parallel zones of uranium mineralization testing the western flank of Michelin:

      · Hole M-06-17 intersected 0.11% U3O8 over 36.0 metres including 0.27% U3O8 over 7.2 metres

      · Hole M-06-15 returned 0.19% U3O8 over 5.1 metres and 0.10% U3O8 over 3.3 metres

      Drill Holes M-06-11 and M-06-14 and M-06-12 were infill holes through the center of the deposit:

      · Hole M-06-14 intersected 0.18% U3O8 over 14.2 metres and 0.15% U3O8 over 7.0 metres

      · Hole M-06-11 intersected 0.19% U3O8 over 2.1 metres, 0.12% U3O8 over 7.8 metres and 0.15% U3O8 over 12.1 metres

      · Hole M-06-12 intersected 0.16% U3O8 over 11.0 metres and 0.10% U3O8 over 16.7 metres

      Since the start of the 2006 program, approximately 6,900 metres of drilling have been completed at Michelin out of a proposed 25,000 metre program. A full table of the 2006 Michelin results released to date can be viewed using the following link:

      The Michelin deposit dips approximately 53 degrees towards the SSE and widths are approximately 90% of true widths.


      Michelin falls into a unique class of uranium deposit, quite distinct from those found deeply buried in Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin. Michelin is a deposit that starts at surface and extends to a tested depth of at least 700 vertical metres. Michelin is demonstrably open for expansion in all directions, and has a resource base that makes it one of the largest undeveloped uranium deposits in Canada. Regionally, Labrador has good coastal infrastructure, a strong, talented work force, and a track record for getting big deposits into production.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries, and strategic acquisitions. Over the next 12 months, Fronteer will have the benefit of approximately US$27 million in exploration expenditure on seven projects, in three countries. Fronteer also has a 49.3% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (AXU-TSX), which has a current market capitalization of approximately US$220 million. Fronteer has US$43 million in the treasury.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 13.08.06 09:30:38
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 22.552.025 von seinfeld am 12.07.06 22:37:52Up :D
      schrieb am 15.08.06 22:10:19
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.426.072 von seinfeld am 13.08.06 09:30:38NEWS :D

      AUGUST 15, 2006 - 09:20 ET

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: New Surface High Grade Zones Discovered at Kirazli, Northwestern Turkey

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Aug. 15, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) announced today that four new, high- grade gold +/- silver zones have been discovered at Kirazli outside the current resource area. These new zones are an important indication of both the property's untapped potential, and the ability to add significant ounces to Kirazli's current resource base.

      Drill hole KD-48 tested a new gold-silver surface geochemical anomaly located approximately 500 metres south of the resource area. This hole returned:

      - 2.86 grams per tonne gold and 144.2 grams per tonne silver over 21.0 metres starting at surface, including 7.05 grams per tonne gold and 315.8 grams per tonne silver over 3.0 metres.

      Drill hole KD-52 tested a new target located 400 metres to the southwest of the resource area. This hole intersected:

      - 1.89 grams per tonne gold over 11.5 metres including 3.29 grams per tonne gold over 6.0 metres with mineralization starting at a depth of 5 metres.

      Drill hole KD-51 tested a new target located 1,400 metres from the resource area, known as Catalkaya Tepe and intersected multiple zones of mineralization as follows:

      - 0.82 grams per tonne gold over 2.75 metres and 0.86 grams per tonne gold over 7.1 metres.

      Finally, drill hole KD-50 tested a target located 200 metres from the resource area known as the saddle zone and intersected 1.15 grams per tonne gold over 6.5 metres starting at 84 metres depth.

      "The current US$2.5 million exploration program at Kirazli is off to a successful start as we continue to add gold and silver ounces and expand the resource potential of the property," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO. "Kirazli is a near surface gold deposit, with a low strip ratio and excellent metallurgical qualities. With the commitment of Teck Cominco Limited to the project, Kirazli has the potential to evolve into a viable, heap leach development project."

      Unannounced results from KD-47, the last hole of the 2005 campaign, include 0.8 grams per tonne gold over 75 metres including 5.11 grams per tonne gold over 2.2 metres. KD-47 was located 150 metres southwest of the resource area. The orientation of mineralized zones is near horizontal and true widths are 90 percent of those stated.


      Currently, the Kirazli Project consists of a large resource area that has a minimum strike length of 1,000 metres. The grade, tonnage and classification of the resource estimate from Kirazli is as follows:

      ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indicated Inferred ------------------------------ ----------------------------- Indic- Indic- Infe- Infe- ated ated rred rred ton- Au Ag ton- Au Ag nes Au Ag oz oz nes Au Ag oz ozZone (000) g/T g/T (000) (000) (000) g/T g/T (000) (000)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kirazli Oxide 2,730 1.69 16.18 148 1,420 4,790 1.04 18.92 160 2,914Kirazli Sulfide 2,700 1.11 3.14 96 273 13,020 0.96 2.26 403 945--------------------------------------------------------------------Kirazli Total 5,430 1.40 9.70 244 1,693 17,810 0.98 6.74 563 3,859----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries, and strategic acquisitions. Over the next 12 months, Fronteer will have the benefit of approximately $27 million in exploration expenditure on seven projects, in three countries. Fronteer also has a 49.3% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU), which has a current market capitalization of approximately $360 million. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet with approximately $55 million in cash and short term investments.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ian Cunningham-Dunlop P.Eng, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      The Independent Qualified Person responsible for the above resource estimates is Gary Giroux, P. Eng. Of Giroux Consultants Ltd. A Technical Report prepared to NI43-101 requirements can be found on SEDAR.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation and exploration and potential mining method involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 20-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 01.09.06 22:22:41
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.461.071 von seinfeld am 15.08.06 22:10:19Also, das darf jetzt schon mal eine Erwähnung wert sein ...

      Heute haben wir in Toronto zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit wieder über 7 CAD geschlossen, eine schöne Rallye in den letzten Tagen und Wochen :)

      In Deutschland dürfte die 5-Euro-Marke auch bald wieder fallen :cool:

      Auf einen schönen Herbst :rolleyes: ... ich bin jetzt erst mal den kompletten September im Ausland ...

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 26.09.06 19:45:46
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 23.727.113 von seinfeld am 01.09.06 22:22:41:eek::eek::eek:bohrergebnisse:eek::eek::eek:
      schrieb am 27.09.06 10:53:24
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      ich denke heute könnte was gehen gestern nach den bohrergebnissen super umsatz und plus 5% gemacht gold erholt sich auch langsam mal schauen wie es weitergeht:D
      schrieb am 03.10.06 23:07:19
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.227.532 von bonti am 27.09.06 10:53:24Heute schlechtes Marktumfeld, dickes Minus un Toronto ... aber Fronteer dreht noch schön ins Plus und schließt sicher über 6 CAD!!

      Es sieht gut aus ... und bald bestimmt noch deutlich besser :cool:
      schrieb am 04.10.06 17:05:42
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.390.066 von seinfeld am 03.10.06 23:07:19Hi
      fronteer (FRG) ist absolut irrsinnig niedrig bewertet. Seit der Ausgliederung der Uranaktivitäten in AURORA (AXU) hält FRG knapp 50% von AXU. Kurs 9,50 CA$. Das macht alleine schon 4,70 CA$ auf eine FRG Aktie. Nur konnte mir seitdem niemand erklären, warum FRG seit der besagten Ausgliederung von AXU plötzlich nur noch 1,20 CA$ (bezogen auf den FRG Kurs von 6,00 CA$) wert ist. Das hat nun auch Dines sich gefragt und FRG zum Winner-Pick gemacht. Endlich....!!!
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 17.10.06 23:03:40
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.401.547 von opiping am 04.10.06 17:05:42NEWS :)

      OCTOBER 17, 2006 - 11:36 ET

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Encouraging Silver-Gold Results From Clara and San Pedro Projects in Mexico - Phase II Drilling Program Underway

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Oct. 17, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) is pleased to report new silver-gold results from its recent drilling and trenching program at the Clara and San Pedro projects in Jalisco state, Mexico. Encouraging results to date have prompted a 3,000 metre follow-up Phase II drill program, which is currently underway. Results to date include favorable grades and widths of mineralization at both projects, which include the following highlights:


      The Clara Project hosts a large gold-silver and base metal vein system that is at least 2,000 metres long and up to 30 metres wide. This vein system had never been drilled before.

      Drilling Highlights

      Eight widely spaced holes were drilled along the Clara vein system testing approximately 800 metres of its strike length. Five holes intersected mineralization, two of which intersected economically encouraging silver-gold values as described below. Note that "gold equivalent" values described below are all based on a gold-silver conversion of 1 gram per tonne gold to 55 grams per tonne silver.

      - Drill hole FCL06-04 intersected 10.2 metres of 4.0 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 189.8 grams per tonne silver and 0.55 grams per tonne gold.

      - Drill hole FCL06-7 intersected 2.03 metres of 5.4 grams per tonne gold.

      Trenching Highlights

      Subsequent trenching and surface sampling along the Clara vein system has returned the following highlights:

      - 11.0 metres at 8.5 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 276.2 grams per tonne silver and 3.48 grams per tonne gold. This interval included 2.5 metres at 17.9 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 531 grams per tonne silver and 8.3 grams per tonne gold.

      - 4.7 metres at 6.6 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 82.3 grams per tonne silver and 5.1 grams per tonne gold.

      - 10.0 metres at 2.5 grams per tonne gold equivalent including 48.3 grams per tonne silver and 1.6 grams per tonne gold.


      Eight widely spaced holes were drilled at San Pedro designed to test a series of broad gold-silver soil geochemistry anomalies over a 2,000 square metre area. Highlights from this first round of drilling are as follows:

      - Drill Hole FSP06-1 intersected 10.15 metres of 1.55 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 77.1 grams per tonne silver and 0.15 grams per tonne gold. This interval also included 2.83% zinc and 0.89% lead.

      - Drill Hole FSP06-6 intersected 60.9 metres of 0.5 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 9.7 grams per tonne silver and 0.3 grams per tonne gold. This interval includes 8.1 metres of 1.62 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 17.4 grams per tonne silver and 1.39 grams per tonne gold.

      - Drill hole FSP06-5 intersected 2.0 metres of 1.3 grams per tonne gold equivalent consisting of 57.0 grams per tonne silver and 0.24 grams per tonne gold. This interval also included 2.08% zinc and 0.44% lead.

      A 3,000 metre Phase II diamond drilling program is currently underway designed to follow up on results from both projects. Clara and San Pedro are currently under option from Teck Cominco Limited's Mexican subsidiary, Minera Teck Cominco SA de CV.

      To view a complete table of recent drilling and trenching results from Clara and San Pedro please use the following URL link:

      The limited drilling to date Fronteer estimates that widths are approximately 90% of true widths.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 23.10.06 17:30:14
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.401.547 von opiping am 04.10.06 17:05:42@alle Interssierten
      fronteer (FRG) ist weiterhin irrsinnig niedrig bewertet. Seit der Ausgliederung der Uranaktivitäten steigt AURORA (AXU) heute auf 11,20 CA$ :kiss:
      Fronteer hält 48% an AXU. Marktwert dieser 48% heute 321 Mio CA$. Das sind 5,40 CA$ auf eine FRG Aktie. FRG notiert gerade mal bei 6,70 CA$. Man bekommt also den gesamten schuldenfreien und Cash haltigen Explorer-Krempel namens FRG zum Winner-Pick-Preis von 1,30 CA$.
      Wenn das kein Schnäppchen ist.
      mfg op
      schrieb am 23.10.06 22:23:06
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()

      Steinschlag und Wassereinbruch bei Cameco
      Cameco cannot stop the water inflow at its Cigar Lake uranium project in Saskatchewan, after a rockfall over the weekend sent water into the mine area.
      Axu und Fronteer legen daraufhin kräftig zu, da eklatante Lieferausfälle den Uranpreis nach oben katapultieren werden.

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 23.10.06 22:24:38
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.803.257 von opiping am 23.10.06 17:30:14Scheint sich heute auch in Kanada herumgesprochen zu haben ;)

      FRG 7.350 +0.660 +9.87 950,791 :) :D :cool:
      schrieb am 24.10.06 05:53:13
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      Guten Morgen
      Es knistert am Uranmarkt.

      52 WEEK HIGHS
      New Highs ....................... Last......%Chg
      Energy Metals Corp.......... 7.69....+19.0%
      Paladin Resources Ltd...... 4.80....+14.8%
      Urenergy Inc......................3.33....+14.0%
      Uranium Participation Cor.10.90....+12.8%
      Mountain Boy Mineral Ltd.. 0.83....+12.2%
      Aurora Energy Res. Inc...11.90....+12.1% (48% bei Fronteer)

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 28.10.06 10:41:17
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 24.811.038 von opiping am 24.10.06 05:53:13Dann mach ich mal die 250 voll :D

      Hier eine Posting aus einem Kanadisch-Amerikanischen Board ...

      SUBJECT: Excellent Price Opportunity

      Post Time: 10/24/2006 15:20

      FRG has not followed AXU up near as much as it should.

      AXU has a market cap of 770mil approx
      FRG has a market cap of 437 mil approx

      FRG owns 50% of AXU = 385 miilion therefore all FRG's projects are only valued at 52 million. This includes the Turkey gold project, the uranium jv in alaska and the silver project in Mexico!! The Turkey gold project alone is worth more than 52 million is as far as I am concerned.
      I just bought more FRG yesterday.

      Wir sind noch lange nicht am Ende der Aufwärtsbewegung :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 02.11.06 22:02:37
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      Hallo Fronteer-Freunde
      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Fronteer's Aurora Continues to Expand the Jacques Lake Uranium Deposit, Central Labrador
      Thursday November 2, 1:24 pm ET
      klickt doch mal hier:
      Da kann man nur die süssesten Freudentränen kerzengrade in die Luft
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 02.11.06 22:22:29
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.091.106 von opiping am 02.11.06 22:02:37Man schaue und staune ... :D :D :D

      FRG 8.050 +0.870 +12.12 845,440 :eek: :) :cool:
      schrieb am 02.11.06 22:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.091.807 von seinfeld am 02.11.06 22:22:298,05 CAD = 5,75 Euro :kiss:

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 02.11.06 22:33:48
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      wie war das doch mit dem Winner-Pick von Dines anfang Oktober???
      schrieb am 02.11.06 23:08:52
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.092.134 von opiping am 02.11.06 22:33:48Apropos Dines :)

      FRIDAY, November 3

      MARKET MONITOR: James Dines, Editor of The Dines Letter will be interviewed by NBR Anchor Paul Kangas
      about recent stock market performance, the outlook and some favorite stock picks. :D

      Man darf ja mal spekulieren ... :look:
      schrieb am 03.11.06 16:43:08
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()
      8,45 CA$, neues ATH
      schrieb am 03.11.06 20:45:43
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.106.747 von opiping am 03.11.06 16:43:08Yippiayeee, das ist Schnee von heute mittag.
      Neues ATH CA$ 8,65 momentan.
      Ich schleich mich jetzt vor die Glotze und schlürfe einen Trollinger.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 03.11.06 22:26:38
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.111.208 von opiping am 03.11.06 20:45:43Kurse zum Träumen :kiss: ... und das bei einem Super-Volumen :eek:

      FRG 8.750 +0.700 +8.70 858,375 :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 03.11.06 22:32:48
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.112.459 von seinfeld am 03.11.06 22:26:38Die Parität läge jetzt bei 6,25 Euro :eek: :eek: :eek:

      Wo wird das noch hinführen :lick: :lick: :lick:
      schrieb am 05.11.06 22:21:45
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.112.529 von seinfeld am 03.11.06 22:32:48In einem anderen Board "geklaut" ;)

      SUBJECT: James Dines Interview

      Friday, November 03, 2006

      PAUL KANGAS: My guest "market monitor" this week is James Dines, editor and publisher of the "Dines Letter" based in Bellvedere, California. Welcome back to NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Jim. Good to see you.


      KANGAS: Wall Street's blue chip surged above the Dow 12,000 level to record highs just recently, but have fallen this week. Do you feel this market has topped out and could go through an extended correction? If so, why?

      DINES: This market looks lower. Whether it's going to go into '07 we'll decide with our annual forecast issue coming up. But I think the reason is the real estate bubble has burst and I've been negative on real estate as you know for the recent years and I'm very bearish on it.

      KANGAS: OK. As a market analyst, you have predicted major up trends for certain stock sectors and commodities. Gold prices and Internet stocks were two things you saw heading higher before they did and you were the gold bug, the original one. Now you're the uranium one. That's your new favorite. Why uranium?

      DINES: I think that the whole world is going to have to move from burning things for energy, including ethanol, towards a mineral and that's nuclear. The whole world is going nuclear and that's what will keep us going for the next few centuries. And it could be cut off by geopolitical things or we could run out of it, but global warming is the big reason. We are going nuclear and that's the bottom line.

      KANGAS: We have a chart of the Dines uranium average, which consists of about 30 stocks in understand and it's in a sharp up trend. Aren't you afraid that it's had too big a run?

      DINES: No. It's the only uranium average that I know about in the world. And that's why most people have missed this uranium bull market. But it's in what a call a streaming uptrend and as long as that uptrend is intact, we're going to stay bullish.

      KANGAS: Now on your last visit in October of last year, you recommended several stocks. Let's see how they've done since then. First we have up on the board, let's see, Camico, the world's largest uranium miner, up a mere 42 percent. I know you got out higher than hat because of the flooding of a major line they own, Cigar Lake.

      DINES: Yes, we sold that, luckily at the top and we took a profit of 553 percent out of it because we had that the last six years.

      KANGAS: OK, Laramide Resources has done well, up over 30 percent and let's move right along in some of the others you recommended in October. Mega, that's only up about 200 percent. That's almost unbelievable. And Whole Foods Markets, the only one down here, but I understand you sold it long before today.

      DINES: Yes, we got out at the top, fortunately.

      KANGAS: OK and there was one other on the American Exchange that you liked, Apex Silver. It's up about 8 percent or so. Are you still with it?

      DINES: It's a great deposit, but they'd elected a Leon Trotsky to run Bolivia, so I don't know. It's a political decision, not a stock market decision.

      KANGAS: OK, do you have any new recommendations, Jim?

      DINES: I do. I can't give you my whole list, obviously, but I'll share a few. I like Pine Tree very much. It's the only fund of uranium stocks. And it's a closed end venture fund. I think that's going to do very well. It's already been a tremendous winner for --.

      KANGAS: We can see that by the chart up here, unbelievable.

      DINES: Right.

      KANGAS: OK, number two.

      DINES: Number two, I like Mega Uranium.

      KANGAS: Even now after that huge run-up?

      DINES: I think you ain't seen nothing yet. They've been acquiring properties around the world, and that's going to be one of my biggest winners ever, I believe.

      KANGAS: OK and then, we have time for about one or two more, Fronteer Development.

      DINES: Well, Fronteer is another very good one. They're opening up new areas in Canada, particularly Labrador and the Yukon.

      KANGAS: All of these are traded on the Toronto exchange except for fronteer which is on the American exchange, correct?

      DINES: All the uranium companies are basically Canada and Australia.

      KANGAS: OK, Laramide is your fourth choice and you liked that before and it's still.

      DINES: I like that again.

      KANGAS: A little choppy. Do you own any of these securities, Jim?

      DINES: Absolutely. I own all of them and have owned them all the way up, and so have my subscribers.

      KANGAS: We have about 20 seconds for any parting thoughts for our viewers. Go right ahead.

      DINES: If loneliness can be defined as two people alone with a roast turkey, then experience can be defined as something you really need just before you get it.

      KANGAS: OK, our resident philosopher, Jim, thanks very much for sharing your time with us.

      DINES: It's always my pleasure, Paul.

      KANGAS: My guest, James Dines, editor of the "Dines Letter."

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 07.11.06 16:25:10
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      Das muss man sich erst mal auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: New High Grade Discovery in the Yukon Returns 99 Grams Per Tonne Gold and 0.57% U3O8
      CCNMatthews (Tue 9:53am)

      Hier klicken:
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 09.11.06 16:38:29
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      Und noch eine super NEWS:

      Fronteer Makes New Gold Discovery at Pirentepe Project, NW Turkey
      Thursday November 9, 8:48 am ET

      hier klicken:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 09.11.06 17:00:40
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      fronteer hat nun eine mk von mehr als 500 mio.
      billich ist das nicht mehr.

      die letzten be waren so toll auch nicht .
      schrieb am 09.11.06 17:24:02
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.242.841 von berrak am 09.11.06 17:00:40Hi
      Fronteer hält knapp 48% an AXU, das sind Pi mal Daumen 6,40 CA$.
      Da bleibt für Fronteer noch 2,80 CA$ (MK 166 Mio CAD) als Bewertung für das eigene operative (schuldenfreie und cashhaltige) Geschäft.

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 09.11.06 17:57:58
      Beitrag Nr. 265 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.242.841 von berrak am 09.11.06 17:00:40Aus CA-Board
      Based on AXU's price, FRG should be trading at CA$ 17 share, a market capitalization of CA$ 1 Billion (in D = 1 Mrd CAD)to reflect it's two Gold Deposits with TeckCominco in Turkey.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 09.11.06 18:30:37
      Beitrag Nr. 266 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.244.011 von opiping am 09.11.06 17:57:58Alleine die Yukon Erzvorkommen sind riesig. Gold, Silber, Kupfer und
      Uran. Und Fronteer gibts noch zum Ausverkaufspreis.
      Aber nicht mehr lange.
      schrieb am 09.11.06 22:35:07
      Beitrag Nr. 267 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.244.721 von opiping am 09.11.06 18:30:37:D :D :D FRG 9.500 +0.620 +6.98 352,843 :D :D :D

      Die Parität läge jetzt bei ca. 6,70 Euro :rolleyes: ...

      ... und mein EK bei 1,06 :eek:

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 09.11.06 23:54:07
      Beitrag Nr. 268 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.249.838 von seinfeld am 09.11.06 22:35:071,06 :eek: Das freut mich für Dich! Meiner liegt bei 2,46 Euro - immerhin!

      Übrigens vielen Dank an Dich und auch opiping für das Einstellen der Infos! Ich kümmere mich etwas stiefmütterlich um meine Titel, schaue aber auch hier ab und zu mal rein! Bin aber fest davon überzeugt, dass die Reise noch in positivem Sinne weiter geht.

      Bin sehr begeistert von diesem Unternehmen und dessen Entwicklung!

      Beste Grüße

      talwac :D
      schrieb am 09.11.06 23:59:56
      Beitrag Nr. 269 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.250.659 von talwac am 09.11.06 23:54:07Willkommen im Club :) :) :)

      Hab die Aktie schon ca. 3 Jahre, daher der günstige Einstiegskurs ... aber auch mit Deinen 2,46 liegst Du sehr, sehr gut im Rennen!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 13.11.06 15:56:55
      Beitrag Nr. 270 ()
      ich bin leider jetzt erst auf diese Aktie aufmerksam geworden.
      Kann mir jemand sagen wieviel Aktien sind von Fronteer am Markt?
      Wieviel von Aurora Energy?
      Ist das Besitzverhältnis an Aurora noch bei 57 % Fronteer und 43 % Altius?
      Sind Verdienstmeldungen der Beiden veröffentlicht worden?
      Danke und Gruß
      schrieb am 14.11.06 08:56:51
      Beitrag Nr. 271 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.360.551 von ritterberny am 13.11.06 15:56:55Hi
      P/E Ratio 116.50 ............. Market Cap (m) 546.83
      Earnings/Share 0.08 ...... Shares Out (m) 59.44
      shares Aurora 47,8%
      shares Altius ?

      P/E Ratio N/A ............... Market Cap (m) 776.08
      Earnings/Share N/A .... Shares Out (m) 59.74

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 14.11.06 17:38:08
      Beitrag Nr. 272 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.377.495 von opiping am 14.11.06 08:56:51@ opi,
      vielen Dank!
      schrieb am 14.11.06 21:19:31
      Beitrag Nr. 273 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.388.757 von ritterberny am 14.11.06 17:38:08Fronteer Reports Third Quarter Results

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Nov 14, 2006 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (the "Company") (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) reports its financial and operating results for the three months and nine month period ended September 30, 2006. Details of the Company's financial results are described in the unaudited consolidated financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis for the nine months ended September 30, 2006. Further details on each of the Company's projects and activities can be found on the Company's website: and on SEDAR at All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.


      The Company is a discovery stage mineral exploration company with exploration properties in western Turkey, Canada and Mexico. The Company also owns 47.25% of Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") a company focused on exploring for uranium in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, which is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "AXU". The Company accounts for its investment in Aurora as an equity investment.

      In April 2006, the Company received notification from Teck Cominco Limited that its Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") would be exercising its right to earn an interest on both the Agi Dagi and Kirazli properties. TCAM is required to spend a minimum of US$15 million on these projects over a two year period, in order to earn a 60% interest. This decision freed up the Company's technical staff and resources in Turkey to focus on completing the earn-in on the Biga properties referred to as Pirentepe and Halilaga, which are also optioned from TCAM. As of September 30, 2006, the Company must spend approximately US$0.8 million to complete its earn-in requirement on the Biga properties, subject to a back-in right held by TCAM.

      The Company has completed IP surveys and a regional sampling and mapping program on the Halilaga and Pirentepe project areas and expects to commence drill programs on each of these projects in the fourth quarter.

      In Mexico, the Company completed a soil sampling and mapping program on the San Pedro and Clara properties. By the end of the third quarter, the Company had also completed phase I of its drill program, totalling 2,716 metres on the properties. The Company has now commenced a follow up drill program on the Clara property.

      In the Yukon, the Company conducted staking of additional ground identified as prospective through review of the extensive database obtained from Newmont Inc.. Crews also completed a sampling and mapping program over the staked claims and surrounding areas. A gravity survey is currently being flown over the area which will be used to identify additional areas for staking and will assist in the determination of drill locations for a drill program in 2007.

      Exploration Projects

      Cash and non-cash exploration and acquisition expenditures for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 and 2005 totaled $2.2 million and $5.7 million in Turkey, $0.8 million and $0.7 million in Mexico and $2.3 million and nil in the Yukon, Canada, respectively.


      The Company's net loss before discontinued operations for the three months ended September 30, 2006 was $0.6 million or $0.01 per share compared to a net loss of $1.8 million or $0.04 per share for the three months ended September 30, 2005. The Company's net income before discontinued operations for the nine months ended September 30, 2006 was $7.6 million or $0.14 per share ($0.13 diluted), compared to a net loss of $3.3 million or $0.08 per share for the nine months ended September 30, 2005. Contributing to the period over period differences were the recognition of dilution gains on the Company's investment in Aurora offset by the Company's pickup of its percentage of the operating loss for the periods from Aurora. Also, the Company experienced period over period increases in stock-based compensation expense, property investigation costs, and investor relations , advertising and promotion costs, which were offset by a decrease in the amount of write-downs taken on exploration properties.

      The Company's successful listing of Aurora on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the subsequent exercise of the over allotment option and various stock option and warrant exercises in Aurora has resulted in the Company recognizing a dilution gain for the three months ended September 30, 2006 of $0.6 million and for the nine months ended September 30, 2006, a dilution gain of $14.3 million. The dilution gain represents the fair value of the Company's share of the consideration paid by the new investors in excess of the amount of the carrying value of the Company's investment in Aurora. For the three and nine months ended September 30, 2006, the Company has picked up its share of Aurora's operating loss and included it in the Company's net loss for the periods presented. The Company's share of Aurora's operating loss amounted to $1.1 million and $4.4 million for the three months and nine months ended September 30, 2006, respectively.


      At September 30, 2006, the Company had cash on its balance sheet of $50.4 million and working capital of $54.6 million as compared to cash of $16.1 million and working capital of $15.5 million at December 31, 2005. The change in cash and working capital of $34.3 million and $39.1 million respectively is primarily due to the receipt of net proceeds of $35.9 million from the June 2006 bought deal financing and exercise of stock options and warrants, offset by exploration expenditures of $4.6 million and cash used in operations of $2.0 million.

      The Company currently has no operating revenues other than interest income and relies primarily on equity financing as well as the exercise of warrants and options to fund its exploration and administrative costs.

      Subsequent to September 30, 2006, the Company received $0.3 million on the exercise of stock options and warrants. On October 5, 2006, the Company purchased 956,938 common shares of Aurora at $10.45 per share for gross proceeds of $10,000,000 to Aurora in a private placement. Concurrently, Aurora completed a bought-deal financing whereby 1,722,500 common shares were issued at $10.45 per share and 956,200 flow-through shares were issued at $12.55 per share for gross proceeds of $30,000,000.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 15.11.06 22:33:45
      Beitrag Nr. 274 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.394.452 von seinfeld am 14.11.06 21:19:31Ich bin mit dem Kursverlauf sehr zufrieden ...

      Nach dem wir das ATH von 8,23 CAD noch oben durchbrochen hatten, stiegen wir ja im Hoch bis auf 9,69 CAD. Danach gab es jetzt 2 Tests der Unterstützung des alten Hochs und beide mal ging es runter bis auf 8,25 CAD, bevor der Kurs wieder nach oben drehte und in beiden Fällen gleich wieder üner 9 CAD schloss. So auch heute, bei 8,25 CAD war Schluß mit den Verkäufen und geschlossen haben wir jetzt bei 9,10 CAD. Das ist aus charttechnischer Sicht für mich ein sehr gutes Zeichen, wir dürften kaum noch mal unter 8,25 CAD fallen, aber stattdessen bei richtigen Unternehmen-News bald die magische 10 sehen :D :eek: :)

      Gruß zur Nacht, Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 16.11.06 17:50:50
      Beitrag Nr. 275 ()
      Waaaauuuuu !!!
      In CA gerade 10,17 CAD plus 11,2%
      neues ATH
      schrieb am 16.11.06 17:59:04
      Beitrag Nr. 276 ()
      zweistellig :eek: aber da war doch noch was ? ach ja, die bei "cardero" warten darauf schon seit 2003 :laugh: !
      schrieb am 16.11.06 20:13:48
      Beitrag Nr. 277 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.463.688 von opiping am 16.11.06 17:50:50Und sie haben noch bis 10,40 CAD nachgelegt.
      schrieb am 16.11.06 23:19:48
      Beitrag Nr. 278 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.467.737 von opiping am 16.11.06 20:13:48Fronteer's Aurora Intersects 0.42% U308 Over 3 Metres at the Rainbow Project in Coastal Labrador
      Thursday November 16, 11:24 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 16, 2006 -- Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer")(TSX:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) reports that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (TSX:AXU.TO - News), in which Fronteer holds a 47.25% interest, has announced that near surface uranium mineralization has been intersected in nine holes on the Rainbow project, which is located approximately three kilometres southwest of Aurora's Michelin deposit ("Michelin").

      These new results confirm another deposit in this emerging district with the potential to develop into a meaningful resource with further drilling. Highlights of Aurora's recent drilling include:

      - 0.13% U3O8 over 18.80 metres in RZ-06-01A (confirmation hole RZ-71-6).

      - 0.15% U3O8 over 9.35 metres in RZ-06-02.

      - 0.15% U3O8 over 7.7 metres in RZ-06-07.

      - 0.42% U3O8 over 3.00 metres in RZ-06-11.

      In July, Aurora completed a 2,483 metres drill program, which was designed to validate historic results from the limited drilling carried out by Brinex in the 1970s (six historic drill holes), as well as to test for mineralized ore shoots similar to those found at Michelin and Jacques Lake.

      Aurora has delineated an initial deposit that is at least 300 metres long and up to 13 metres wide (true thickness). This deposit was intersected at depths of between 15 and 115 vertical metres and is open for expansion along strike. It has not been drill tested below 150 metres. Follow up drilling is planed for 2007. The orientation of mineralized zones is interpreted to be near perpendicular to the dillholes and true widths are approximately 90% of those stated.

      Hole ID From To Interval(m) % U3O8
      RZ-06-01A 39.00 57.80 18.80 0.125
      incl. 39.00 43.00 4.00 0.252
      RZ-06-02 64.35 73.70 9.35 0.154
      incl. 64.35 67.95 3.60 0.278
      RZ-06-03 NSV
      RZ-06-04 NSV
      RZ-06-05 46.50 52.00 5.50 0.116
      RZ-06-06 NSV
      RZ-06-07 70.00 77.69 7.69 0.147
      incl. 70.00 74.00 4.00 0.246
      RZ-06-08 NSV
      RZ-06-09 65.50 67.50 2.00 0.110
      RZ-06-10 104.00 112.45 8.45 0.070
      incl. 104.00 105.00 1.00 0.106
      RZ-06-11 116.00 119.00 3.00 0.415
      RZ-06-12 NSV
      RZ-06-13 20.00 21.50 1.50 0.223
      and 107.24 108.24 1.00 0.105
      RZ-06-14 161.20 163.34 2.14 0.129
      RZ-06-15 NSV

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 17.11.06 00:04:44
      Beitrag Nr. 279 ()
      UPDATE 1-Aurora, Fronteer get boost from uranium find
      Thu Nov 16, 2006 3:41pm ET
      Company Market News

      TORONTO, Nov 16 (Reuters) - Shares of Aurora Energy Resources (AXU.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) and key stakeholder Fronteer Development Group Inc. (FRG.TO: Quote, Profile, Research) climbed to record highs on Thursday after Aurora reported a "significant" uranium discovery near its Michelin deposit in eastern Canada.

      Aurora stock was up 71 Canadian cents, or 5.5 percent, at C$13.70 on the Toronto Stock Exchange by late afternoon, after briefly touching a record C$14.44. Fronteer, which holds a 47.25 percent stake in Aurora, was up 60 Canadian cents, or 6.6 percent, at C$9.70, a record high for the small exploration company.

      The Vancouver, British Columbia-based companies announced the near-surface uranium mineralization find was intersected in nine new holes drilled in their Rainbow project in Labrador.

      Full coverage
      "These new results confirm another deposit in this emerging district with the potential to develop into a meaningful resource with further drilling," the companies said in separate statements.

      In January, Aurora will update its estimates for the size of the reserve, based on the new drilling.

      From an out-of-date estimate of 40 million pounds, "I think we're on track to double it," Mark O'Dea, president and chief executive, said in an interview.

      "It's still too early to say what a production timeline would look like," he said.

      Follow-up drilling is planned for next year, the companies said.

      schrieb am 17.11.06 22:47:53
      Beitrag Nr. 280 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.476.310 von Fantomas96 am 17.11.06 00:04:44Erstmals in der Historie von Fronteer Schlußkurs über 10 CAD :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

      10,35 CAD :D :D :D ... mir fehlen echt langsam die Worte :)

      Gruß und ein wunderschönes Wochenende, Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 17.11.06 22:50:32
      Beitrag Nr. 281 ()
      #126 ...sag ich doch!:D

      17.11.06 21:59 Uhr

      10,35 CAD

      +5,40 % [+0,53]
      schrieb am 17.11.06 22:59:31
      Beitrag Nr. 282 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.499.204 von Klardoch am 17.11.06 22:50:32 ... und Deine Aussage ist gerade mal 14 Monate her ... schon Wahnsinn!!!! :D :D :D
      schrieb am 18.11.06 14:46:15
      Beitrag Nr. 283 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.499.452 von seinfeld am 17.11.06 22:59:31In Kanada erstmals über 10 Dollar geschlossen ... 10,35 CAD

      In den USA erstmals über 9 Dollar geschlossen ... 9,01 USD

      In Deutschland erstmals über 7 Euro geschlossen ... 7,05 Euro

      :) :cool: :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 18.11.06 14:55:39
      Beitrag Nr. 284 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.505.870 von seinfeld am 18.11.06 14:46:15ich würde es sehr begrüßen, wenn sich das management von fronteer mal ein wenig zeit nimmt, um der gesellschaft "cardero" mal unter die arme greift, damit die in den nächsten jahren auch mal zweistellig notieren :laugh: immerhin wird schon seid dem jahr 2003 immer und immer wieder verkündet, daß man zweistellig wird aber bis zum heutigen zeitpunkt kann ich dies leider nicht fest stellen :laugh: allein mit pushen von morgens bis abends wird nie was mit der zweistelligkeit :laugh::laugh:
      schrieb am 18.11.06 15:01:10
      Beitrag Nr. 285 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.506.051 von BarceloFuerte am 18.11.06 14:55:39zusatz: vielleicht waren sie ja schon mal zweistellig in den letzten jahren aber da ich kein "INSIDER" bin, ist es mir leider auch nicht aufgefallen :laugh:
      schrieb am 20.11.06 17:27:34
      Beitrag Nr. 286 ()
      Hallo alle
      diese News bringt neues ATH zu CAD 11,07

      Fronteer Intersects 11 Grams per Tonne Gold Over 15 Metres and Continues to Expand Its Kirazli Deposit, Northwestern Turkey
      Monday November 20, 11:15 am ET

      hier klicken:

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 25.11.06 01:09:04
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()
      Und der Zug rollt weiter zu neuem ATH (CAD 11,16):


      Last Trade: 11.16
      Trade Time: 3:58PM ET
      Change: 0.39 (3.62%)
      Prev Close: 10.77
      Open: 10.80
      Bid: 11.16
      Ask: 11.22
      Day's Range: 10.70 - 11.24
      52wk Range: 3.28 - 11.07
      Volume: 150,982
      Avg Vol (3m): 321,715
      Market Cap: N/A
      P/E (ttm): N/A
      EPS (ttm): 0.00

      schrieb am 25.11.06 01:16:34
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      Und nicht zu vergessen, die Meldung vom 22.11. zu neuem Gebiet:


      Fronteer Discovers New Uranium Prospect in the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Nov 22, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) is pleased to announce results from the Fireweed prospect ("Fireweed"), a new uranium discovery in the Wernecke Mountains, north central Yukon.

      At Fireweed, assays from 88 locally derived boulders averaged 0.23% U3O8, (5.1 pounds U3O8 per tonne) with anomalous gold and copper.

      These boulders were collected over an area measuring 400 metres by 200 metres on a gently sloping plateau, and are interpreted to occur immediately above or slightly down slope from the bedrock source. In addition, two boulder samples taken 1.5 kilometres west of Fireweed returned 0.34% U3O8 and 0.14 % U3O8, confirming the broader potential of this area.

      "We are extremely encouraged by our initial results from Fireweed," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO of Fronteer. "These surface results will be combined with our geophysical data to form the basis for new drill targets in 2007."

      Fireweed is one of several drill-ready areas that have emerged from Fronteer's recent $2.0 million summer field program. Results from new target areas will be released sequentially as assay results are received and compiled.

      ASSAY HIGHLIGHTS FROM FIREWEED--------------------------------------SampleType Gold (g/t) Copper (%) U3O8 (%)--------------------------------------Float 0.21 0.14--------------------------------------Float 0.20--------------------------------------Float 0.21--------------------------------------Float 0.37 2.64--------------------------------------Float 0.93--------------------------------------Float 1.06--------------------------------------Grab 0.85--------------------------------------Grab 1.53--------------------------------------Float 0.22--------------------------------------Float 0.32--------------------------------------Float 0.30--------------------------------------Float 0.09 0.55--------------------------------------Float 5.55--------------------------------------Float 0.13 1.42--------------------------------------Float 0.30--------------------------------------Float 0.24--------------------------------------Float 0.41 0.33--------------------------------------Float 0.86--------------------------------------Float 0.25--------------------------------------Float 0.38--------------------------------------Float 0.22--------------------------------------Float 0.26--------------------------------------Float 0.30 0.34--------------------------------------Float 0.65--------------------------------------
      Fronteer holds an 80% interest in the 400 square kilometre Wernecke Mountains Project, where attention has been focused on the discovery of "Olympic Dam-style" copper-gold-uranium deposits and shear-hosted uranium deposits. The project is a joint venture with Rimfire Minerals Corporation (TSX VENTURE:RFM), which holds a 20% interest. Newmont Exploration of Canada Limited, and NVI Mining Ltd. (a subsidiary of Breakwater Resources Ltd.) hold a combined 2% Net Smelter Royalty.


      Fronteer is a company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries, and strategic acquisitions. Fronteer currently has 10 drill rigs operating in Turkey on four gold projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer holds a 47.24% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU), which has a current market capitalization of approximately CDN$900 million. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet with approximately CDN$41 million in cash and marketable securities.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Richard Valenta, P. Geo, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES, fire assay and XRF on U overlimits.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to the price of uranium; the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, risks related to joint venture operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium, economic and political stability in Canada, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factor that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      SOURCE: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. Dr. Mark O'Dea President & CEO (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677 Fronteer Development Group Inc. Dr. Rick Valenta VP Exploration & COO (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677 Email: Website:

      Copyright (C) 2006 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

      schrieb am 26.11.06 10:48:06
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.682.795 von Fantomas96 am 25.11.06 01:16:34Fronteer buys 17.42% interest in Latin American

      Fronteer Development Group Inc (C:FRG)

      Wednesday November 22 2006 - News Release

      Also Latin American Minerals Inc (C:LAT) News Release

      Dr. Mark O'Dea of Fronteer reports


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. has acquired 17.42 per cent of the issued and outstanding common shares of Latin American Minerals Inc.

      This strategic investment gives Fronteer immediate exposure to a pipeline of advanced-stage projects in the mining-friendly jurisdiction of Argentina at a relatively low cost of entry.

      Pursuant to a private placement which closed on Nov. 20, 2006, Fronteer has purchased 4,932,000 units of securities of Latin American. Each unit was purchased for 25 cents and comprises one common share in the capital of Latin American and one-half of one common share purchase warrant. Each whole warrant entitles the holder thereof to acquire one common share at an exercise price of 35 cents for a period of 12 months from the closing of the private placement.

      As of Nov. 20, 2006, the common shares comprising part of the units acquired by Fronteer pursuant to the offering represented 17.42 per cent of the issued and outstanding common shares of Latin American and the warrants comprising part of the units acquired by Fronteer represented 28.45 per cent of all of the outstanding warrants of Latin American. If all the warrants of Latin American were exercised, the number of common shares owned by Fronteer would represent 20 per cent of all of the issued and outstanding common shares.

      The acquisition of the common shares and warrants comprising the units were made for investment purposes. Fronteer may from time to time acquire additional securities of Latin American, dispose of some or all of the existing or additional securities it holds or will hold, or may continue to hold its current position.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 27.11.06 18:32:56
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      Short and Distort

      da hat so ein Schreiberling Fronteer und Uranerz schlecht gemacht und sicher zum Short genutzt.

      Ich sage immer, Schreiberlinge sollten das tun, was sie am besten können, nämlich Schreibzeugs zu produzieren.

      Der wird nämlich gekilled mit seinen Shorts. Freu mich schon.

      Nur gut, dass Schreiberlinge nicht traden können; wo kämen sonst unsere Profite her?!

      hier noch das Schreibzeugs:

      Radioactive Stocks
      By Seth Jayson (TMF Bent)
      November 24, 2006

      Running out of energy
      The stock market has always got a great new way for investors to lose their shirts. Many of this year's darlings have been "alternative" energy companies. For a while, solar was the next big thing. Investors who bought at the top of Evergreen Solar (Nasdaq: ESLR) and Suntech Power (NYSE: STP) have taken their lumps, and I expect that to continue so long as giants like BP (NYSE: BP) and Kyocera remain in this biz.

      Next up was ethanol and biodiesel. Pacific Ethanol (Nasdaq: PEIX) and Xethanol (AMEX: XNL) are great examples of the trouble you can get into in that field by buying on peak hype. You think integrated giants like Archer Daniels Midland and Shell won't squish the minor players here? Think again.

      But that's already old-school. Apparently, the new new thing is uranium. There are websites out there promising a "new bull market" in nuke fuel -- websites funded, investors should note, by advertising paid for by the very uranium companies that are hawking shares to the public.

      To be sure, the price of uranium has been on the climb, but that doesn't make "uranium stocks" into winners. In fact, I'm pretty sure this fall's uranium investors will soon be nursing wounds similar to those incurred by trigger-happy solar and ethanol investors.

      Amazing AMEX
      As is so often the case, a few of the most toxic-looking are based in Canada and trade on the AMEX.

      Uranerz Energy (AMEX: URZ) is perhaps the most baffling of these. This stock has quadrupled over the past year, yet this is a company with $0 (that's zero, zilch, nada) revenues. What it's got going for it is various claims for uranium properties in various locations across the globe -- often acquired for such negligible amounts that you have to wonder just how promising they are.

      And even the Uranerz filings note that it has never earned revenues and can't be assured of getting any of its claims (in places like Mongolia, for instance) to the operational stage.

      The filings also note that there's enormous lead time to get any of these claims up and running -- if they should prove economical -- and that the company lacks the money to bring them to the commercial stage. The latest Q3 10QSB even raised doubt as to whether the company can even continue as a going concern.

      So, no revenues. Burning cash. Why on earth is this stock rising?

      Who knows? I suspect much of it has to do with self-promotion. It's pretty frequent with the PR, and this is the keynote on the company's website: "Uranerz Energy Corporation is the only pure-play uranium company listed on the American Stock Exchange (symbol URZ)."

      But I suggest investors treat it as if it's radioactive.

      In cases like this, where we can count on no revenues or profits, and are basically asked to trust management to make good things happen in the future, I find it especially instructive to look into the past. What's the track record for other publicly traded companies in the histories of management and directors? In the case of Uranerz, investors have more to fear.

      According to the filings, Uranerz's chairman, Dennis Higgs, is the CFO at Miranda Gold, a company that (according to my information from Capital IQ) has not earned any revenue since at least 1999. (Several other members of Uranez's advisory board are also Miranda Gold alums.)

      The resumes of other managers and directors include stocks such as Asia Payment Systems, Manaris, China World Trade, and Lincoln Gold Corp.

      If that's not enough to give you second thoughts, dig deeper. The filings (check out page F-11 in the recent 10-QSB) reveal a nest of related-party transactions that ensure that managers and directors get plenty of company business (via consulting fees and other deals) while investors foot the bill.

      Of course, none of this is proof that Uranerz can't succeed, but I have to believe that if the future were as bright as market action implies, managers and directors wouldn't be shedding shares at the pace they have been over the past couple of months.

      Fronteer Development (AMEX: FRG) is another one of these head-scratchers. It's another revenue-free wonder, this time trading at a market cap of more than $600 million. What's it got? "Interests" in mineral properties in Canada, Turkey, and Mexico. I'll let the company tell the rest of the tale:

      The Company is an exploration stage company and there is no assurance that a commercially viable mineral deposit exists on any of its properties. Further evaluation will be required on each property before a final evaluation as to the economics and legal feasibility of the property is determined.

      On other words, investors are paying $600-odd million for plans and high hopes. Can management pull it off?

      As above, I've got my doubts.

      Fronteer's CEO is also director of Frontera Copper, a company founded in 2002 that has yet to put any revenue on the books. The CFO's resume includes Emgold Mining, a Canadian penny-stock company that has not recorded any revenue ever, according to my records, which go back to 1995.

      Histories like these make me very skeptical, and I suggest you give them a wary look as well.

      Foolish bottom line
      From where I sit, the best-case scenario is that Fronteer and Uranerz are overpriced speculations that will take years to pan out, with significant dilution guaranteed along the way. More likely, I think, is that we're looking at a typical Canada-based penny-stock promotion, the kind of thing we (unfortunately) have come to expect from the AMEX.

      Either way, the smart bet is to stay away. Hot stocks like these have a way of leaving latecomers with near-fatal burns.
      schrieb am 28.11.06 01:42:55
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.750.078 von FANNIEMAE am 27.11.06 18:32:56Und hier noch was auch stockhouse zu diesem "selbsternannten Experten" und der "fundierten Recherche" zu seinen Aussagen:

      DD on Motley Fool writer - Seth Jayson
      Here's some DD on this "expert" who drove us down today. Real winner.

      Hope all you "Fools" who sold know who it is you're putting your faith in...


      This is the Bio of the Motley Fool guy who wrote the article? So he’s smarter than Jim Dines?????

      Seth is an Art History major???

      Seth Jayson, Motley Fool

      Art historian, photojournalist, and Fool writer Seth Jayson is a curious Iron Range boy who relishes the challenges of living cheaply and investing successfully. He has degrees from Carleton College, New York University, the University of Missouri, and some Internet divinity school that purports to be located in Utah.
      He washed up on the shores of Fooldom after stints at newspapers and magazines across the U.S.A. During past lives, his work appeared in places like The New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, and Burlington Magazine, and on his mother's refrigerator door.
      As the kind of nerd who never lets ignorance stop him from disassembling expensive machinery, he's interested in computers, software, and every other kind of gee-whiz technology out there. As an investor, he's partial to damaged goods and companies with great margins.
      Among his favorite things are bike rides, fresh bread, red wine, stinky cheese, and warm golden retrievers. If he can get all of that in one day, plus poke a little fun at the world's smarty pantses -- himself included -- all the better.


      And finally, some of his calls (Is he the next Dines?):

      January 2005:

      Apple Computers AAPL, Trading at $35.00 p/shr Writes an article trashing Apple and their iPod. Ridicules Analysts for their $100 dollar target.…

      January 2006:

      Apple Computers AAPL tops $85 bucks, and we all have an iPod.

      Article pointing out Seth's flawed reports:…


      September 2006.

      Seth publishes a piece - which turns out has inaccuracies - on X-box (Microsoft). Seth owns Microsoft, and Motley has it as one of their inside picks (inside picks, LOL!). Problem is, he fails to do any serious fact checking and makes inaccurate claims about x-box's features (the guy obviously didn't bother actually trying one out).

      Here's an article from a Motley Fool subscriber pointing out his false claims:,guid,1cd7151d-acd7-40f5…

      Selected number of wonderful articles and opinions by or about Seth.

      How is this guy employed?????…

      Google too (over $120 dollars p/shr ago)?…

      Likes to post on Cycling forums:

      Eagles fans are Idiots?…

      Earthbiofuels response from Nov. 10, 2006 Seth bash:

      Man, I don't even have time to go on there's so much!

      schrieb am 28.11.06 15:15:51
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 25.761.616 von Fantomas96 am 28.11.06 01:42:55
      what Motley Fool states is applicable to all but 2 Uranium Companies (DEN & CCO). No other public company has ANY production, all public U companies portfolios were aquired on the cheap, and none is woth investing in based on the same fundamentals presented for FRG.

      Motley Fool, der Name ist Programm.
      schrieb am 06.12.06 02:52:07
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer's Aurora Extends the Depth of Jacques Lake Uranium Deposit to 235 Metres
      Tuesday December 5, 10:35 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Dec 5, 2006 -- Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer")(TSX:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) announces that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (TSX:AXU.TO - News), in which Fronteer holds a 47.2% interest, has announced that new drill holes from the Jacques Lake deposit ("Jacques Lake") in coastal Labrador have further expanded the size of the deposit.

      Results from drill holes JL-06-43 and JL-06-45 are highly significant as they now firmly establish that uranium mineralization extends from surface to a depth of 235 metres in the central part of the deposit. Mineralization remains open at depth for further expansion.

      "Aurora has delivered on one of its key 2006 objectives," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Aurora President and CEO. "We've advanced Jacques Lake from a conceptual target to a growing uranium resource. Our findings suggest that this is just the beginning of a strategically significant uranium district."

      Highlights are as follows:

      1. JL-06-43 intersected 0.11% U3O8 over 29.00 metres, including 0.30% U3O8 over 3.42 metres.

      2. JL-06-45 intersected two parallel zones of mineralization:

      - 0.13% U3O8 over 27.50 metres; including 0.25% U3O8 over 5.35 metres, and

      - 0.12% U3O8 over 10.0 metres.

      To date, mineralization at Jacques Lake has been intersected intermittently over a strike length of approximately 600 metres. The best results, thus far, define a thick, central, high grade zone that is similar in size, shape and grade to Michelin, located 30 kilometres to the southwest. This high grade zone currently has been defined to a depth of 235 metres, with an average true thickness of 20 metres and remains open for expansion. For comparison purposes, mineralization at Michelin has been intersected to depths of 750 metres and it too remains open for expansion. The stated widths are between 70% and 90% of true widths

      For a current long section of Jacques Lake please visit…

      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) %U3O8
      JL-06-43 9.58 39.00 29.42 0.11
      including 9.58 13.00 3.42 0.30
      and incl. 19.00 25.18 6.18 0.16
      and incl. 30.30 39.00 8.70 0.12
      JL-06-45 278.50 306.00 27.50 0.13
      including 278.50 283.00 4.50 0.16
      and incl. 287.80 293.50 5.35 0.25
      and 347.00 357.00 10.00 0.12
      Four exploration holes were drilled to test other discrete targets along the five kilometre long Jacques Lake uranium anomaly; however, no significant values were returned. Additional drill results from Jacques Lake are pending.

      About Fronteer

      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries, and strategic acquisitions. Fronteer currently has 10 drill rigs operating in Turkey on four gold projects, one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer also has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon where it has just completed an extensive exploration program. Fronteer holds a 47.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU.TO - News). Fronteer has a strong balance sheet with approximately CDN$41 million in cash and marketable securities

      Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P.Eng, Vice President, Exploration for Aurora, is the designated Qualified Person for Aurora on the Central Labrador Uranium Project.

      Drill core was prepared and analyzed in accordance with industry standards by Activation Laboratories Ltd, Ancaster, Ontario. Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forwardlooking statements". Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates potential for expansion and potential size of future exploration programs involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Aurora to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to the actual results of current exploration activities, future technical and country risks and mineability of the deposits, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Aurora's Prospectus dated March 8, 2006 available on SEDAR at . Although Aurora has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Aurora disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dr. Mark O'Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dr. Rick Valenta
      Chief Geoscientist
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      schrieb am 09.12.06 00:34:58
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      CORRECTION FROM SOURCE: Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Correction to Michelin Release
      Thursday December 7, 1:57 pm ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Dec 7, 2006 -- Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (Tokyo:AXU.T - News) wishes to make a correction to today's release. Drill hole M-06-39 intersected mineralization at a vertical depth of 600 metres as opposed to the reported 750 vertical metres. In addition the mineralized interval in drill hole M-06-30A should have read 35.98 metres rather than 37.49 metres. The grade of the interval remains unchanged. The corrected release is provided below in its entirety.
      Fronteer's Aurora Continues to Expand the Michelin Uranium Deposit in Labrador

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) announces that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (Tokyo:AXU.T - News), in which Fronteer holds a 47.2% is pleased to announce that ten new drill holes have further expanded the thick, high grade centre of the Michelin uranium deposit ("Michelin"). Drill hole M-06-39, which intersected Michelin at 600 metres depth, indicates that significant grade and thickness have excellent continuity at this depth. Mineralization remains open in all directions. Hole M-06-39 intersected:


      - 0.15% U3O8 over 35.16 metres (3.3 pounds of U3O8 per tonne over 115.35 feet) including

      - 0.24% U3O8 over 15.79 metres (5.3 pounds of U3O8 per tonne over 51.80 feet)

      "In 2006, we drilled 37 holes at Michelin, totaling 25,000 metres," says, Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO of Aurora. "100% of the holes drilled at Michelin this year have intersected uranium mineralization, which has had a profound impact on the size of this growing deposit. Mineralization still remains open for expansion."

      Highlights from five other new drill holes include the following intervals:

      - 0.12% U3O8 over 37.49 metres in M-06-30A

      - 0.26% U3O8 over 17.27 metres in M-06-32

      - 0.16% U3O8 over 10.50 metres in M-06-35

      - 0.19% U3O8 over 10.85 metres in M-06-37

      - 0.17% U3O8 over 9.20 metres n M-06-40

      Also of significance, drill hole M-06-33, located 200 metres east of Michelin's main zone, intersected 0.11% U3O8 over 4.00 metres and 0.10% U3O8 over 1.86 metres. This drill hole highlights the potential for a significant expansion of Michelin along strike.

      For a current long section of Michelin please visit…


      Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) %U3O8
      M-06-29 888.43 889.43 1.00 0.10
      M-06-30A 597.89 633.87 35.98 0.12
      incl 597.89 602.84 4.95 0.13
      and incl 613.95 620.92 6.97 0.34
      and incl 629.87 633.87 4.00 0.22
      M-06-31 991.00 992.50 1.95 0.07
      M-06-32 703.02 720.29 17.27 0.26
      M-06-33 667.17 671.17 4.00 0.11
      and 674.96 676.82 1.86 0.10
      M-06-35 658.30 668.80 10.50 0.16
      incl 658.30 663.30 5.00 0.22
      M-06-36A 726.94 733.97 7.03 0.11
      M-06-37 581.00 591.85 10.85 0.19
      M-06-39 622.18 657.34 35.16 0.15
      incl 622.18 637.97 15.79 0.24
      M-06-40 617.51 626.71 9.20 0.17
      Reported widths are approximately 85 to 90% of true widths.

      Subject to the receipt of four final drill holes, the company will be updating its 43-101 compliant resource for the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits in early 2007.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries, and strategic acquisitions. There are currently 10 drill rigs operating in Turkey and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer also has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon where it has just completed an extensive exploration program. Fronteer holds a 47.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU.TO - News). Fronteer has a strong balance sheet with approximately CDN$41 million in cash and marketable securities.

      Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P.Eng, Vice President, Exploration for Aurora, is the designated Qualified Person for Aurora on the Central Lbrador Uranium Project. Drill core was prepared and analyzed in accordance with industry standards by Activation Laboratories Ltd, Ancaster, Ontario.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to the price of uranium; the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to the actual results of current exploration activities, future technical and country risks and mineability of the deposits, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium, economic and political stability in Canada, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled"Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20- F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factor that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dr. Mark O'Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dr. Rick Valenta
      VP Exploration
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 10.12.06 00:20:57
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()
      Uran auf $ 65 (08.12.06) ! :lick:

      In the Market ...
      The uranium spot price rose again this month with TradeTech’s Exchange Value increasing to $64.00 per pound U3O8, up $3.75 from last month’s value. Prices were under pressure during November due to Cameco’s Cigar Lake mine flood that was reported in late October. Spot and long-term demand rose as several utilities entered the market to buy. Most sellers adopted a “wait and see” approach, choosing to offer only small quantities in anticipation of Future price increases.

      "Stärkere Marktnachfrage durch neue Käufer im Markt. Verkäufer zögerlich und warten weitere Preisentwicklung ab, daher nur kleine Mengen im Angebot".

      Sollte sich diese Situation in den nächsten Wochen fortsetzen, sehen wir ganz schnell Preise > $ 70 im neuen Jahr.

      schrieb am 10.12.06 02:42:08
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Teck Cominco Excercises Earn-Back Rights on Four More Fronteer Gold Projects, Northwestern Turkey
      Thursday December 7, 2:56 pm ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 7, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) announces that Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary, Teck Cominco Arama ve Madencilik Sanayi Ticaret A.S. ("TCAM"), has elected to exercise its right to earn a 60% interest in four more gold projects in northwestern Turkey. As a result of TCAM's election, Fronteer is deemed to have earned a 100% interest in the properties. These projects include: Halilaga, Pirentepe, TV Tower and Dedidagi.

      To earn its interest in any one project, TCAM must spend 3.5 times Fronteer's expenditures on that project over the next three years, half of which must be spent within the first year. TCAM can earn an additional 10% on a project by completing additional requirements. Fronteer retains its 100% ownership of any project until TCAM has completed its earn-back requirements on that project. Moving forward, TCAM will be the project operator. Fronteer will maintain technical involvement, ensuring project continuity.

      TCAM has now exercised its earn-back right on all six of Fronteer's designated projects (including Kirazli and Agi Dagi) in northwestern Turkey. This is a reflection of the quality of the work carried out by the Fronteer and TCAM staff and is a testament to the world class potential of this emerging gold district. We are delighted with TCAM's decision and are optimistic that these projects will continue to develop into important gold assets for both Fronteer and Teck Cominco.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries, and strategic acquisitions. There are currently 10 drill rigs operating in Turkey and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer also has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon where it has just completed an extensive exploration program. Fronteer holds a 47.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU - News). Fronteer has a strong balance sheet with approximately CDN$41 million in cash and marketable securities.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of copper and gold, economic and political stability in Canada and Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Dr. Mark O'Dea
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Sean Tetzlaff
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      CFO & Corporate Secretary
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      schrieb am 17.12.06 22:31:40
      Beitrag Nr. 297 ()
      Uran auf $72 ! (+ $7 / + 10%) :eek:…

      schrieb am 19.12.06 22:42:54
      Beitrag Nr. 298 ()
      NEWS !

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Identifies Three Additional Uranium-Copper-Gold-Silver Target Areas on its Yukon Project
      Tuesday December 19, 1:07 pm ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Dec. 19, 2006) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) is pleased to announce encouraging new uranium-copper-gold-silver results from three additional Olympic Dam-style prospects in the Wernecke Mountains, Yukon. These prospects - Hail, Hail West, and Pagisteel, along with two previously announced prospects called Fireweed and Thunder Mountain, will be the focus of a 10,000 metre follow up drill program in the summer of 2007.


      The Hail prospect is defined by abundant uranium-bearing boulders, which occur over an area measuring at least 160 metres by 60 metres. The source of these locally derived boulders is interpreted, by Fronteer, to be immediately up slope, beneath a thick veneer of breccia talus.

      - Seventeen boulders were sampled, returning an average grade of 0.15% U3O8, with a maximum value of 0.30% U3O8.

      The Hail Prospect has never been drilled. Further mapping and sampling, in preparation for drilling, is planned for the 2007 field season.


      Impressive zones of outcropping copper-gold-silver mineralization were sampled over a strike length of 200 metres. Mineralization is exposed intermittently within deeply incised gullies that dissect an area of very limited outcrop exposure.

      - One sample, taken from an outcropping massive copper bearing vein (approximately 1 foot wide), returned 24.5% copper, 2.45 grams per tonne gold and 62.50 grams per tonne silver.

      - Seven other rock samples taken from outcropping veins and adjacent boulders averaged 7.92% copper with individual values of up to 4.12 grams per tonne gold, 123 grams per tonne silver, 0.70% Cobalt and 0.33% Nickel (see Table 1).

      The Hail West Prospect has also never been drilled. Further mapping, trenching and sampling, in preparation for drilling, is planned for the 2007 field season.

      Table 1: Assay highlights from the Hail West showing.

      Sample Type Gold (g/t) Silver (g/t) As (ppm) Co (ppm) Cu (%)
      Grab 0.02 0.54 80.8 30 0.16
      Float 1.53 30.2 1055 280 11.50
      Float 0.13 71.5 3380 1265 7.14
      Grab 2.45 62.5 1755 422 24.50
      Grab 4.12 26.0 9550 6960 7.18
      Grab 0.89 123 266 212 3.71
      Float 0.85 51.6 59.9 133 1.27


      The Pagisteel Fault is a regional scale structure that follows a broad valley with no outcrop and extensive soil development. A soil geochemistry survey was carried out over a 2.5 kilometre long section of this fault.

      Results have defined a 1.8 kilometre long coincident uranium-gold-copper in soil anomaly. This anomaly is characterized by uranium values in soil of up to 0.01%, gold values of up to 0.29 grams per tonne and copper values of up to 0.32%.

      - Rock samples collected within the soil grid area returned maximum values of 5.75% copper, 1.24 grams per tonne gold and 5.75 grams per tonne silver.

      The Pagisteel Prospect has also never been drilled. Ground geophysics and further soil sampling, in preparation for drilling, is planned for the 2007 field season.


      To date, Fronteer has identified six large target areas for immediate follow up exploration work in 2007. The estimated exploration budget in 2007, will be a minimum of $5.5 million and include at least 10,000 metres of drilling. Field exploration work is anticipated to commence in May-June.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently 10 drill rigs operating in Turkey and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and holds a 47.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU - News).

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Richard Valenta, P. Geo, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES, fire assay and XRF on U overlimits.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates and the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to joint venture operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future metal prices, economic and political stability in Canada, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factor that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements

      Dr Mark O'Dea
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Dr Rick Valenta
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      VP Exploration & COO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      schrieb am 02.01.07 00:05:09
      Beitrag Nr. 299 ()
      schrieb am 02.01.07 19:25:18
      Beitrag Nr. 300 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.631.091 von VeuveClicquot am 02.01.07 00:05:09Das neue Jahr beginnt mit einem neuen Allzeithoch!!!! :D :D :D

      Was will man mehr ... aktuell 11,30 CAD!!! :D:D:D

      Nur aufgrund des schwachen Dollar sind wir in Deutschland noch ein Stück von neuen Höchstständen entfernt ...

      Gruß Seinfeld :) :) :)
      schrieb am 06.01.07 01:22:46
      Beitrag Nr. 301 ()
      Bei 6,30 kann man im Zuge der neuen Ergebnisse hier auch nichts mehr falsch machen - wenn der Markt hält.
      schrieb am 12.01.07 00:36:52
      Beitrag Nr. 302 ()

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Continues to Expand Agi Dagi Gold Project, NW Turkey

      Tuesday January 9, 10:47 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 9, 2007) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) is pleased to announce that Teck Cominco's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM"), who has the property under option, continues to intersect significant new gold mineralization at Fronteer's 100% owned Agi Dagi project in northwestern Turkey. Currently, five drill rigs are operating at Agi Dagi, focussed on expanding the 2006 resource areas, as well as testing additional targets for new discoveries. In total, 16,357 metres of drilling was completed at Agi Dagi in 2006.


      Four new drill holes from the Deli Zone continue to demonstrate that this resource area remains open for expansion. In particular:

      - Drill hole AD-230 intersected 1.41 grams per tonne gold over 60.20 metres, including 5.55 grams gold per tonne over 11.00 metres. This intersection is interpreted to be a continuation of the same zone that was intersected 116 metres to the east of AD-212, which returned 3.96 grams per tonne gold over 111.3 metres.

      Other new significant intersections from the Deli Zone include:

      - 0.91 grams per tonne gold over 24.00 metres, including 1.21 grams per tonne gold over 15.00 metres from hole A-218, a hole outside the southeast limit of the 2006 resource area.

      - 0.71 grams per tonne gold over 16.35 metres, including 1.06 grams per tonne gold over 8.40 metres from hole AD-222.

      - 0.80 grams per tonne gold over 17.60 metres including 1.15 grams per tonne gold over 9.95 metres from hole AD-211, a hole outside the northern limit of the 2006 resource area.


      Firetower is a new target area located approximately 1.5 kilometres to the southwest of the Deli Zone that has seen very little drilling to date. Significant results intersected at Firetower are:

      - 1.00 gram per tonne gold over 11.10 metres from hole AD-214

      - 0.82 grams per tonne gold over 8.75 metres from hole AD-232

      - 1.15 grams per tonne gold over 14.90 metres from hole AD-136

      - 1.14 grams per tonne gold over 7.50 metres from hole A-143

      The orientation of mineralized zones is variable but true widths are estimated to be 90 percent of those stated. For a drill hole location map of the Agi Dagi area please use the following link:

      In addition to the drilling at Agi Dagi, Fronteer and TCAM completed nearly 7,000 metres of drilling at Kirazli and 2,200 metres of drilling at Pirentepe and Halilaga in 2006. In 2007, TCAM is planning an aggressive 10-12 rig drilling campaign to follow up on this past year's promising results. In May 2006, TCAM elected to exercise its right to earn a 60% interest in the Agi Dagi project, currently 100% owned by Fronteer. To earn its 60% interest, TCAM is required to spend approximately US$10 million at Agi Dagi before April 30th, 2008.

      Hole ID From To Au g/T Interval (m)
      AD-211 101.90 119.50 0.80 17.60
      incl 107.35 117.30 1.15 9.95
      AD-213 65.00 68.50 0.82 3.50
      and 137.30 140.10 1.32 2.80
      AD-214 4.00 14.10 0.79 10.10
      incl 10.70 14.10 1.73 3.40
      and 100.55 111.65 1.00 11.10
      incl 101.50 108.45 1.17 6.95
      AD-217 22.40 44.40 0.63 22.00
      incl 34.10 44.40 0.65 10.30
      incl 36.20 39.40 1.28 3.20
      A-218 1.50 25.50 0.91 24.00
      incl 10.50 25.50 1.21 15.00
      A-220 6.00 58.50 0.44 52.50
      and 85.50 100.50 0.59 15.00
      AD-221 50.30 51.40 4.90 1.10
      AD-222 4.50 18.00 0.64 13.50
      and 91.00 133.15 0.46 42.15
      incl 108.00 124.35 0.71 16.35
      incl 110.30 118.70 1.06 8.40
      AD-225 93.50 107.30 0.65 13.8
      A-228 22.50 30.00 0.90 7.50
      and 60.00 66.00 0.52 6.00
      and 164.40 167.00 1.38 2.60
      and 210.50 219.00 0.76 8.50
      AD-230 78.50 138.70 1.41 60.20
      incl 84.00 122.00 2.16 38.00
      incl 95.00 106.00 5.55 11.00
      and 184.50 191.50 1.02 7.00
      AD-231 103.50 107.90 0.51 4.40
      AD-232 134.00 182.40 0.62 48.40
      and 215.45 224.20 0.82 8.75
      AD-136 278.50 301.50 0.91 23.00
      incl 278.50 293.40 1.15 14.90
      A-143 69.00 76.50 1.14 7.50
      incl 69.00 72.00 2.39 3.00
      and 154.5 187.50 0.64 33.00


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently eight drill rigs operating in Turkey and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and holds a 47.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (AXU-TSX).

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ian Cunningham-Dunlop P.Eng, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. Samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, and GDL, Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES and fire assay. Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation and exploration involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 20-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Camon Mak
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Jessica Delaney
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 12.01.07 00:40:35
      Beitrag Nr. 303 ()
      Und die guten Meldungen halten an (fast täglich was Neues):

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer's Aurora Intersects 2.19% U3O8 Over 3.62 Metres at Inda Deposit, Coastal Labrador

      Wednesday January 10, 3:03 pm ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 10, 2007) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) reports that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (TSX:AXU - News), in which Fronteer holds a 47.24% interest, has announced today that the phase one drill holes at its historic "Inda", "Nash" and "Gear" deposits have intersected extremely positive, high grade uranium mineralization over encouraging widths. These holes confirm the potential of this part of Aurora's project area to host additional near surface uranium deposits, that may be even higher in grade than the Michelin or Jacques Lake deposits.

      One hole (I-06-01) completed at the historic Inda Deposit, intersected three separate parallel zones of mineralization as follows:

      - 2.19% U3O8 over 3.6 metres including 6.77% U3O8 over 1 metre.

      - 0.39% U3O8 over 2.9 metres.

      - 0.12% U3O8 over 5.0 metres.

      Two holes were drilled at the historic Nash Deposit with results as follows:

      - 0.21% U3O8 over 4.0 metres in N-06-01.

      - 0.25% U3O8 over 3.4 metres in N-06-02.

      Two holes were drilled at the historic Gear Deposit with results as follows:

      - 0.33% U3O8 over 2.0 metres in G-06-01A.

      - 0.17% U3O8 over 1.9 metres in G-06-03.

      "Results from Inda are the highest grade intercepts ever encountered by Aurora," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, President & CEO. "These results will drive further discovery in this new target area. Once again, these results provide evidence of an emerging uranium district in which Aurora is the leader."


      The historic Inda, Nash and Gear deposits are located along a 15 kilometre corridor called the Inda Lake Trend. This trend is characterized by highly prospective host rocks and the presence of carbonaceous sediments. Carbonaceous rocks are an important element in uranium mineralization because of their chemical properties, and, as such, they tend to host higher grade deposits. Essentially, all of the uranium deposits in the Athabasca Basin tend to be spatially associated with carbonaceous host rocks and can achieve grades as high as 25% U3O8.

      In addition, Inda, Nash and Gear are each associated with a discrete (0.35 to 0.70 kilometre wide) elongated radiometric anomaly, related to mineralization that is exposed at surface. Aurora plans to further drill test these anomalies, as well as other untested targets along the Inda Lake Trend in 2007.

      Drilling Results from the Inda Lake Trend

      Hole ID From To % U3O8 Interval
      I-06-01 117.00 122.00 0.118 5.00
      and 138.52 143.00 0.142 4.48
      and 146.88 150.50 2.185 3.62
      including 147.87 148.95 6.77 1.08
      and 163.50 166.40 0.390 2.90
      Hole ID From To % U3O8 Interval
      N-06-01 28.00 32.00 0.205 4.00
      N-06-02 23.38 26.79 0.246 3.41
      Hole ID From To % U3O8 Interval
      G-06-01A 217.32 220.98 0.102 3.66
      and 222.81 225.00 0.128 2.19
      and 229.00 231.00 0.332 2.00
      G-06-02 NSV
      G-06-03 73.00 74.86 0.167 1.86
      and 81.50 83.50 0.110 2.00
      and 87.50 89.50 0.098 2.00

      True widths are interpreted to be 70-80% of intersected widths.

      For an updated plan map of the Inda, Nash, and Gear drilling, please use the following link:


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently nine drill rigs operating in Turkey on three projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon. Fronteer holds a 47.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU - News).

      Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng, Vice President - Exploration for Aurora, is the designated Qualified Person for Aurora on the Central Labrador Uranium Project.

      Drill core was prepared and analyzed in accordance with industry standards by Activation Laboratories Ltd, Ancaster, Ontario.

      Some diamond drill holes are confirmatory holes of historic drilling, with equivalents as follows: (I-06-01) - (N-69-65); (N-06-01) - (N-69-20); (N-06-02) - (N69-19); (G-06-01A) - (G-70-146); (G-06-03) - (G-68-143).

      In addition to the Michelin Uranium Deposit, the portfolio of Aurora Energy Resources Inc. also contains four other occurrences known as Gear, Nash, Inda and Rainbow. The historical estimates for these occurrences are documented in the Mineral Occurrence Data System (MODS), a website sponsored by the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador, and are stated to be based upon reports and references dated between 1967 and 1984 (none of which are available to the Corporation). Accordingly, these estimates are historical in nature and do not meet the definition of Mineral Resources as contained in National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Furthermore, neither the Corporation nor the Qualified Person have reviewed any of the reports or exploration results underlying such estimates and accordingly, such estimates (and any assumptions underlying such estimates) have not been independently verified. As a result, there can be no assurance that such historic estimates are reliable, or that such estimates are indicative of any mineralization which would meet the criteria of Mineral Resources as defined in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. Consequently, no reliance should not be placed upon these historical estimates. However, the Corporation believes that these historical estimates may be indicative of the potential for mineralization on these properties.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation and exploration involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium, gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 20-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Camon Mak
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Jessica Delaney
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 12.01.07 00:43:59
      Beitrag Nr. 304 ()
      Und weiter geht´s :

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer's Aurora Wraps Up Michelin Drilling With More Positive Results

      Thursday January 11, 11:37 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 11, 2007) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) reports that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (TSX:AXU - News), in which Fronteer holds a 47.24% interest, has announced today that the final five holes of the 2006 Michelin drill program have further expanded the wide, high grade centre of the Michelin uranium deposit ("Michelin"). Results demonstrate that the main Michelin shoot remains thick and high grade at depth, and is open for further expansion during the upcoming 2007 drill program. Over the past year, Michelin has rapidly evolved into the anchor asset for both Aurora and the entire Central Mineral Belt.

      Drill hole M-06-44, which intersected Michelin at 668 metres depth, returned two parallel zones of mineralization as follows:

      - 0.20% U3O8 over 21.83 metres including 1.83% U3O8 at 1 metre

      - 0.13% U3O8 over 16.00 metres

      "The 2006 drilling has extended the Michelin deposit by more than 400 metres," says, Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO of Aurora. "We are very pleased with these results and look forward to further deposit expansion in 2007."

      Highlights from four other new drill holes include the following intervals:

      - 0.23% U3O8 over 17.8 metres in M-06-43, including 1.52% U3O8 at 1.17 metres

      - 0.11% U3O8 over 39.0 metres in M-06-42

      - 0.20% U3O8 over 9.6 metres in M-06-41

      - 0.31% over 4.6 metres in M-06-38A

      For a current long section of Michelin please visit

      Hole ID From (m) To (m) %U3O8 Interval (m)
      M-06-41 635.78 645.42 0.20 9.64
      M-06-42 689.00 728.00 0.11 39.00
      including 689.00 701.00 0.17 12.00
      and incl. 714.00 728.00 0.14 14.00
      M-06-43 700.43 718.18 0.23 17.75
      incl. 707.70 708.87 1.52 1.17
      M-06-44 713.75 735.58 0.20 21.83
      incl. 717.25 718.25 1.83 1.00
      and 745.71 761.71 0.13 16.00
      M-06-38A 604.26 608.86 0.31 4.60

      Reported widths are approximately 85% to 90% of true widths. The company will be updating its NI 43-101 compliant resource for the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits in the upcoming weeks.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently nine drill rigs operating in Turkey on three projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon. Fronteer holds a 47.24% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU - News).

      Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng, Vice President - Exploration for Aurora, is the designated Qualified Person for Aurora on the Central Labrador Uranium Project.

      In addition to the Michelin Uranium Deposit, the portfolio of Aurora Energy Resources Inc. also contains four other occurrences known as Gear, Nash, Inda and Rainbow. The historical estimates for these occurrences are documented in the Mineral Occurrence Data System (MODS), a website sponsored by the Geological Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador, and are stated to be based upon reports and references dated between 1967 and 1984 (none of which are available to the Corporation). Accordingly, these estimates are historical in nature and do not meet the definition of Mineral Resources as contained in National Instrument 43-101 of the Canadian Securities Administrators. Furthermore, neither the Corporation nor the Qualified Person have reviewed any of the reports or exploration results underlying such estimates and accordingly, such estimates (and any assumptions underlying such estimates) have not been independently verified. As a result, there can be no assurance that such historic estimates are reliable, or that such estimates are indicative of any mineralization which would meet the criteria of Mineral Resources as defined in accordance with National Instrument 43-101. Consequently, no reliance should not be placed upon these historical estimates. However, the Corporation believes that these historical estimates may be indicative of the potential for mineralization on these properties.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation and exploration involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium, gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 20-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Camon Mak
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Jessica Delaney
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 12.01.07 09:38:41
      Beitrag Nr. 305 ()
      Es wurden seit langere Zeit keine News mehr veröffentlicht auf Deutsch!
      schrieb am 12.01.07 14:58:08
      Beitrag Nr. 306 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.852.761 von bödel am 12.01.07 09:38:41Wer kann schon deutsch???
      schrieb am 12.01.07 16:07:17
      Beitrag Nr. 307 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.860.151 von opiping am 12.01.07 14:58:08ICH SPRECHEN DEUTSCH;)
      schrieb am 12.01.07 17:32:38
      Beitrag Nr. 308 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 26.862.313 von bödel am 12.01.07 16:07:17Du auch???..............:eek:
      schrieb am 18.01.07 00:33:13
      Beitrag Nr. 309 ()
      Und weitere super News aus der Türkei, daher heute mal eben über CAD 11 geschossen (SK 11,02 = +0.71):

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Discovers New Copper-Gold Porphyry in Turkey Intersecting 1.03 Grams Per Tonne Gold and 1.03% Copper Over 105.4 Metres :eek:

      Wednesday January 17, 9:26 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - Jan. 17, 2007) - Fronteer Development Group (Fronteer) (TSX:FRG - News; AMEX:FRG - News) is pleased to announce that the first hole ever drilled in the new Central Zone, on its 100% owned Halilaga Project in northwestern Turkey, has intersected a wide interval of porphyry copper-gold mineralization. Mineralization occurs over the full length of this 298.2 metre long drill hole and is interpreted to continue to further depth. This exciting new copper-gold discovery solidifies the importance and enormous resource potential of this rapidly evolving mining district.

      Drill hole HD-01 intersected:

      - 0.50 grams per tonne gold and 0.53% copper over the entire length of 298.2 metres, including 1.03 grams per tonne gold and 1.03% copper over 105.4 metres. Both intervals start from surface.

      - A thick zone of secondary copper enrichment returned 2.15% copper and 0.93 grams per tonne gold over 25.8 metres starting at a depth of 23.8 metres.

      "We are very proud to have discovered this new copper-gold system adding to our track record of success in the district," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO of Fronteer. "This discovery lies in the center of a 20 kilometre-long gold belt, which is anchored at either end by Fronteer's 100% owned Kirazli and Agi Dagi gold deposits."


      The Central Zone is exposed over an area measuring 300 metres by 400 metres; however, its geophysical footprint is much larger, covering an area measuring 1,200 metres by 400 metres. This geophysical footprint is comparable in size to that of some of the world's big porphyry copper-gold deposits such as Bajo de la Alumbrera in Argentina or Batu Hijau in Indonesia, both of which contain in excess of 7.5 billion pounds of copper and 8 million ounces of gold.

      HD-01 is the first of three 100 metre spaced holes drilled across the Central Zone, all of which intersected similar porphyry stockwork with visible disseminated copper mineralization. A total of five holes have been completed at Halilaga with assays pending for four.

      From To Length Au (g/t) Cu (%)
      Entire Interval 0.00 298.20 298.20 0.50 0.53
      Leached Zone 0.00 23.85 23.85 0.83 0.06
      Supergene Zone 23.85 49.60 25.75 0.93 2.15
      Hypogene Zone 49.60 298.20 248.60 0.42 0.41
      Interval 0.5
      cutoff Au 0.00 105.40 105.40 1.03 1.03

      As this is the first drill hole, true widths are as of yet unknown.

      Teck Cominco's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has now exercised its earn-back right on all six of Fronteer's designated projects in northwestern Turkey including Halilaga. Please see press release dated December 7, 2006 for earn-back rights details.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently nine drill rigs operating in Turkey on three projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon. Fronteer holds a 47.24% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU - News).

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, Romania, using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect the timing and amount of estimated future resources and resource conversion rates; the timing and level of exploration activities, including drilling activities; and the potential for further equity dilution involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of uranium and gold, economic and political stability in Canada, Turkey and Mexico, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's recent Form 20-F and Annual Information Form on file with the United Sates Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. and the Canadian Securities Commissions. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Camon Mak
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Jessica Delaney
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677
      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 18.01.07 18:36:59
      Beitrag Nr. 310 ()
      11,65 CA$. Neues ATH
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 18.01.07 18:50:07
      Beitrag Nr. 311 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.016.959 von opiping am 18.01.07 18:36:59;)
      schon Geschichte.
      Jetzt 11,72 CA$
      schrieb am 18.01.07 20:16:57
      Beitrag Nr. 312 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.017.336 von opiping am 18.01.07 18:50:07Wow....
      Das hätte ich nicht gedacht.
      Neues ATH 12,20 CA$
      schrieb am 18.01.07 20:21:28
      Beitrag Nr. 313 ()
      da kann sich henk van alphen und das pusher team von cardero mal was abschauen :laugh: keine großkotzigen sprüche, sondern fakten ergeben hier den zweistelligen kurs :eek:
      schrieb am 21.01.07 19:07:24
      Beitrag Nr. 314 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.019.902 von BarceloFuerte am 18.01.07 20:21:28:yawn:
      schrieb am 23.01.07 18:35:53
      Beitrag Nr. 315 ()
      Neues ATH 12,45 CAD
      schrieb am 23.01.07 22:23:21
      Beitrag Nr. 316 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.135.268 von opiping am 23.01.07 18:35:53Es fehlen einem echt die Worte :eek: :eek: :eek:

      Geschlossen mit einem sagenhaften neuen ATH von 12,72 CAD!!!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 23.01.07 23:34:47
      Beitrag Nr. 317 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.139.729 von seinfeld am 23.01.07 22:23:21ich bin baff........!!!

      mfg opi
      schrieb am 26.01.07 17:58:14
      Beitrag Nr. 318 ()
      In USA geht schon wieder was;)
      schrieb am 26.01.07 17:58:59
      Beitrag Nr. 319 ()
      schrieb am 02.02.07 22:20:29
      Beitrag Nr. 320 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.203.434 von bödel am 26.01.07 17:58:59Einstellung des All-Time-Highs :) ... dieses Mal aber als Schlußkurs.

      FRG 12.830 +0.450 +3.63 232,508 :rolleyes:

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 04.02.07 10:36:45
      Beitrag Nr. 321 ()
      Börse: Toronto
      schrieb am 04.02.07 10:38:07
      Beitrag Nr. 322 ()
      FRONTEER DEV GROUP INC 02.02.07 22:16 Uhr

      12,83 CAD +3,63 % [+0,45] Typ: Aktie WKN: 533050

      Börse: Toronto
      schrieb am 07.02.07 17:29:26
      Beitrag Nr. 323 ()
      so langsam kommt mir das unheimlich vor.
      Fast jeden Tag ein neues ATH.
      Heute momentan ATH 13,65 CAD
      und das alles nachrichtenlos.
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 12.02.07 18:21:16
      Beitrag Nr. 324 ()
      ja das ist schon sagen haft was Fronteer da hin legt und die große Masse hat diese Aktie noch nicht entdeckt.
      schrieb am 12.02.07 18:22:53
      Beitrag Nr. 325 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.665.155 von bödel am 12.02.07 18:21:16wenn man sich die letzten 3 Jahre anschaut immer verdoppelt;)
      schrieb am 12.02.07 18:44:41
      Beitrag Nr. 326 ()
      Fronteer Development ist ein Uran- und Goldexplorer und in Kanada, der Türkei und in Mexiko aktiv, also in politisch relativ sicheren und explorer-freundlichen Ländern.

      Im Uranbereich ist das Unternehmen indirekt über die Ausgliederung Aurora Energy Resources (AXU) aktiv, an der Fronteer 47 Prozent hält.

      Im so genannten Michelin Deposit sind 22 Millionen Pfund Uran nachgewiesen und weitere 13,4 Millionen Pfund wahrscheinlich. Zusätzlich gehören Aurora vier weitere Lagerstätten. Neueste Bohrergebnisse unterstreichen den hohen Gehalt an Uran (0,1% bis 0,31%).

      Gleichzeitig meldete Fronteer zuletzt aber auch große Erfolge im Bereich der Kupfer- und Goldexploration. Über eine Länge von 105 Metern wurde Gold und Kupfer mit einem Gehalt von 1,03 Gramm je Tonne entdeckt.

      Die Aktie schaffte nach diesen beiden Meldungen gestern den Ausbruch über das alte Allzeit-Hoch und notiert nun erstmals im zweistelligen Bereich. Die Aktie hat damit ein neues Kaufsignal generiert. Trend-Trader-Lesern habe ich Fronteer übrigens bereits im Oktober 2005 als Aktie der Woche bei einem Kurs von 3,24 US-Dollar zum Kauf empfohlen.


      + Beim Uran-Boom ist kein Ende in Sicht. Kurse um 100 US-Dollar bis Jahresende sind möglich.

      + Das Cigar Lake-Desaster verknappt das zur Verfügung stehende Angebot weiter

      + Uran-Junior-Explorer bieten bei weiter steigendem Uranpreis extrem hohe Kurschancen von mehreren 100% sind aber auch entsprechend riskant

      - Sie können ein bis zwei der genannten Werte als Depotbeimischung kaufen. Die Gewichtung sollte aber nicht mehr als 2 bis 3 Prozent des Gesamtdepots betragen.

      ________________________________________ Anzeige

      Die BESTEN Aktien 2007...

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      > Jetzt testen:

      Lieber Trader,
      ++ STRENG GEHEIM!!! ++

      Am MONTAG 21:00 Uhr
      wird das GEHEIMNIS gelüftet:

      Meine 5 Aktien-Raketen für 2007:

      * eine völlig unterbewertete (KGV= 3!!) Wachstumsrakete
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      (Ressourcenbewertung: 22 USD/Unze!)?

      * der zukünftig größte Casino-Betreiber in Osteuropa
      (KGV< 20 bei Gewinnwachstum von 132%!)

      * ein milliardenschwerer Blue Chip der zwar wie ein
      Blue Chip bewertet ist (KGV= 12) aber schneller wächst als
      die erfolgreichsten Wachstumsaktien (zuletzt 158% Gewinnwachstum!)?

      * ein weiterer absoluter Top-Wert
      aus den Emerging Markets für 2007

      2007 IM DEPOT HABEN!!

      GRATIS für Sie in unserer
      Spezial-Ausgabe 2007 (Wert: 79 EUR)!

      Jetzt Abo testen und Jahresausblick 2007
      gratis erhalten:


      2.) Deutsche Börse - Jetzt noch einsteigen?

      Satte 18 Prozent haben die Papiere der deutschen Börse seit Jahresbeginn schon zugelegt. Und das obwohl die Deutsche Börse bereits zu den Top-Performern der Jahre 2005 und 2006 im DAX gezählt hat.

      Selbstverständlich profitiert das Unternehmen vom freundlichen Börsenumfeld. Steigende Kurse gehen mit höheren Transaktionsvolumina und allgemein verstärktem Handel einher, weil das Interesse an Aktien entsprechend größer wird. Das ist eine Binsenweisheit unter Börsianern.

      Trotzdem überrascht das Ausmaß der relativen Stärke bei der Aktie. Immerhin sehen die Charts von Unternehmen wie Baader Wertpapier oder anderen kleineren Marktmachern, die eigentlich auch vom Umfeld profitieren sollten, weit weniger gut aus.

      Woran also liegt es, dass die Deutsche Börse-Aktie kein Halten mehr kennt? Nun bereits seit Monaten, ja eigentlich schon seit über einem Jahr, tobt ein erbitterter Übernahmekampf bei den wichtigsten Börsen dieser Welt, ausgehend von den USA. In dessen Rahmen wurde auch die Deutsche Börse immer wieder als Übernahmekandidat gehandelt - auch wenn das Unternehmen davon sprach/spricht, dass man selbst am Merger&Transactions-Markt aktiv werden möchte.

      *Interessante Hintergründe

      Nun scheint eine interessante Wende bevorzustehen. Wie das "Wall Street Journal" berichtet prüft die Gesellschaft eine Neugliederung des Managements nach Bereichen. Das hört sich zunächst wenig spektakulär an, dürfte aber - wenn es denn stimmt - einen interessanten Hintergrund haben. Denn: Eine Veränderung der Struktur könnte den Weg für eine mögliche Aufspaltung der Gesellschaft in drei Teile ebnen. Das würde die Flexibilität und damit den Marktwert der Deutschen Börse im Falle einer Übernahme insgesamt erhöhen.

      Dass hier "was im Busch" ist, unterstreicht zudem die Tatsache, dass der US Hedge Fonds "The Children`s Investment Fond" (TCI) seine Beteiligung an der Deutschen Börse weiter aufgestockt hat. Bisher war TCI bereits mit über 10 Prozent an den Frankfurtern beteiligt.

      *Hohe Bewertung

      Aus rein fundamentalen Gesichtspunkten ist das Papier mit einem 2008er-KGV von 21 allerdings bereits mehr als ausreichend bewertet. Zudem ist die Aktie charttechnisch kurzfristig massiv überverkauft. Selbst trend-orientierte Anleger sollten daher einen Rücksetzer in den Bereich um 155 Euro vor einem Einstieg abwarten.

      • Deutsche Börse AG
      • WKN / ISIN 581005 / DE0005810055

      • Börsenwert 16,7 Milliarden Euro
      • KGV 08e 21
      • Div.-Rend. 06e 2,6 %
      • Akt. Kurs 163,90 EUR


      + Intakter Aufwärtstrend

      + Direkter Profiteur vom freundlichen Gesamtmarkt

      + Gute Marktstellung

      - Kurs aus fundamentaler Sicht überzogen, da Aktie Übernahmekandidat

      - Aktie ist charttechnisch kurzfristig überkauft. Rücksetzer abwarten


      3.) Wo gibt's die höchsten Zinsen?

      Diese Woche gibt es keine Veränderungen bei den Zinsen auf Tagesgeld. Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Consors-Angebot auf eine Einlage von 20.000 Euro begrenzt ist.

      • Institut Zinssatz pro Jahr
      • Cortal Consors 4,5 %
      • 1822direkt Bank 3,6 %
      • Advanzia Bank 3,6 %


      > Themen der nächsten Ausgabe (27.01.2007)

      KGV-Bewertung im DAX: Spielraum nach oben?
      Der Top-DAX-Wert im Check
      Aktuelle Zinsen

      Viel Erfolg bei Ihrer Geldanlage wünscht

      Armin Brack
      Chefredakteur Geldanlage-Report

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      Der Geldanlage-Report (kurz GR) ist ein Informationsdienst für spekulativ orientierte Anleger, die zur Steigerung Ihrer Rendite nach hochprofitablen Anlagemöglichkeiten suchen. Der GR sieht dieses Potential nicht zuletzt Aktien, Hebel- und Turbo-Zertifikaten, sowie Optionsscheinen. Der GR stellt seinen Newsletter-Abonnenten die auf der Internetpräsenz und im kostenlosen Börsenbrief veröffentlichten Informationen zur Verfügung. Diese umfassen die Beschreibung und Umsetzung einer erfolgreichen Handhabung von Aktien und Derivaten. Konkrete Handelsvorschläge mittels Kauf- und Verkaufsempfehlungen werden nicht gegeben. Der GR erscheint einmal wöchentlich. Alle übermittelten bzw. bereitgestellten Informationen geben die Meinung, Gedanken und Intuitionen der bei GR beschäftigten Autoren wieder und stellen insbesondere keine Beratung dar.

      Sie sind keine Aufforderung zum Kauf- oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren. Eine Haftung für mittelbare und unmittelbare Folgen aus diesen Vorschlägen ist somit ausgeschlossen. Eine Garantie für die Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit des Inhalts kann nicht übernommen werden. Die in der Vergangenheit erzielten Gewinne sind keine Gewähr für die Zukunft. Keinesfalls sollten Sie anhand der Information unreflektiert Anlageentscheidungen treffen. Die von GR bereitgestellten Informationen ersetzen nicht die eigene Recherche, sowie Beratung durch Ihre Hausbank oder einen Anlageberater. Zu der Natur von Anlageentscheidungen und damit zusammenhängender Informationen gehört, dass sie auch falsch sein können.
      schrieb am 13.02.07 08:45:58
      Beitrag Nr. 327 ()
      schließt auf TH
      schrieb am 13.02.07 16:42:36
      Beitrag Nr. 328 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.665.563 von bödel am 12.02.07 18:44:41Hallo bödel:
      Was soll der aufgewärmte Mist eigentlich?
      Diese News macht die Suppe heiss:
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 13.02.07 22:48:35
      Beitrag Nr. 329 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.684.251 von opiping am 13.02.07 16:42:3614,50 CAD ... wenn mir das einer vor 2 bis 3 Jahren gesagt hätte :cool:

      Gruß eines langsam ungläubig dreinblickenden Seinfeld ;)
      schrieb am 13.02.07 23:24:53
      Beitrag Nr. 330 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.684.251 von opiping am 13.02.07 16:42:36Bei der Ressourcenentwicklung :

      1. A Measured and Indicated resource of 58 million pounds of U3O8 ("uranium"), and

      2. An additional Inferred resource of 38 million pounds of uranium (see table below for grade-tonnage details).

      + steigenden Uran-Preisen
      + Übernahmekarussel (UrAsia durch SXR, Denison etc.) zur Sicherung der Ressourcen

      macht die Situation fur Aurora / FRG und für potentielle Käufer besonders interessant.

      Würde mich über Übernahmeversuche nicht wundern.

      schrieb am 14.02.07 12:22:21
      Beitrag Nr. 331 ()
      hallo zusammen,
      ich habe ein wenig herumgesucht nach fundamental daten von fronteer, aber nix gefunden. wer kann mir links zu umsatz, gewinn etc. geben?

      tja, hätte wohl meinem bauchgefühl anfang februar folgen sollen und einsteigen...

      danke für infos
      schrieb am 15.02.07 00:57:08
      Beitrag Nr. 332 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.700.333 von muellerthurgau am 14.02.07 12:22:21Schau mal hier nach:

      schrieb am 16.02.07 16:34:47
      Beitrag Nr. 333 ()
      die Rally geht weiter
      schrieb am 16.02.07 17:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 334 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.714.676 von Fantomas96 am 15.02.07 00:57:08danke für link, da hätt ich auch selber drauf kommen können ;-)
      seh ich das richtig?
      fronteer ist mit 550 m euro bewertet, macht aber keinen müden euro umsatz?
      uff, da fällt mir der einstieg schwer, trotz ordentlicher bodenschatz-reserven...

      schrieb am 16.02.07 18:12:36
      Beitrag Nr. 335 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.751.968 von muellerthurgau am 16.02.07 17:12:47ist aber in einem schönen 2 jährigen Aufwärtstrend;)
      Wahrscheinlich wissen da einige etwas mehr;)
      schrieb am 16.02.07 18:19:31
      Beitrag Nr. 336 ()
      Uran ist und bleibt der Brennstoff der Zukunft:)
      schrieb am 16.02.07 18:57:24
      Beitrag Nr. 337 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.751.968 von muellerthurgau am 16.02.07 17:12:47Hi
      Alleine die 47,8% Beteiligung an Tochter AXU macht schon satte 490.- Mio CAD aus, sodass Du Fronteer für schlappe 60.- Mio nachgeworfen
      Ist das nichts?
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 16.02.07 19:11:42
      Beitrag Nr. 338 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.756.410 von opiping am 16.02.07 18:57:24Halt!!!!
      Meine Antwort stimmt nicht. Fronteer wird mit 890.- Mio CAD
      bewertet, 490.- Mio davon fallen auf AXU.
      Damit ist die reine Fronteer mit 400.- Mio CAD kapitalisirt.
      (Hatte Deine 550.- € mit 1065.- Mio CAD verglichen.)
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 17.02.07 00:14:05
      Beitrag Nr. 339 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.757.020 von opiping am 16.02.07 19:11:42... und wieder ein neues ATH :D ...

      Zwei magische Marken stehen kurz davor überwunden zu werden!!!

      15 CAD und 10 Euro ... wann werden sie genommen :kiss: :) :cool:
      schrieb am 19.02.07 18:44:01
      Beitrag Nr. 340 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.764.536 von seinfeld am 17.02.07 00:14:05JETZT AUCH DIE EURO-ZWEISTELLIGKEIT ERREICHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :D :D :D

      P.S: Was mich betrifft, noch 60 Cent bis zur Verzehnfachung :eek: :eek: :eek:
      schrieb am 25.02.07 09:37:46
      Beitrag Nr. 341 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 27.829.928 von seinfeld am 19.02.07 18:44:01Hier noch eine News von Donnerstag:

      February 22, 2007
      Fronteer Announces $60.5 Million Underwritten Marketed Deal In Canada


      NEWS RELEASE 07-07

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG -- TSX/AMEX) is pleased to announce that it has entered into an underwriting agreement with a syndicate of Canadian underwriters to sell 4.1 million common shares at a price of $14.75 per share to raise gross proceeds of C$60,475,000 (the "Offering"). The Company intends to use the net proceeds of the Offering for strategic investments and for future acquisitions.

      In addition, the Company has granted the underwriting an option, exercisable for a period of 30 days following the closing date, to purchase an addition 615,000 common shares on the same terms described above to cover over-allotments and for market stabilization purposes.

      The Company will be filing an amendment to its preliminary short form prospectus with the applicable securities regulatory authorities giving effect to the pricing of the Offering. The Offering is scheduled to close on or about March 15, 2007 and is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals including the approval of the Toronto Stock Exchange and the American Stock Exchange.

      The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or applicable state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

      All figures in this news release are expressed in Canadian dollars.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 10.03.07 09:53:37
      Beitrag Nr. 342 ()
      Aus einem anderen Thread:

      " Australien ist die größte Uranmine des Landes nun auch noch ausgefallen. Die von Energy Resources betriebene Mine im australischen Northern Territory bedient derzeit knapp 9 % der weltweiten Urannachfrage und wurde vom Zyklon „George“ in der letzten Woche schwer getroffen. Der heftige Regen erforderte eine Schließung der Mine. Da aber feste Abnahmekontrakte bestehen (ERA verkaufte vor Jahren sein Uran zu Kursen um 25 USD im voraus) und man das Uran derzeit nicht liefern kann, ist man gezwungen zu JEDEM PREIS am Spotmarkt diese Lieferverpflichtungen zu erfüllen!
      Gerüchte besagen, dass die nächste Preisfeststellung sogar bei 100 USD am Montag liegen könnte. :) Wie wir aus Industriekreisen erfahren haben, sind etliche Kontrakte in dieser Woche zu diesem Preis gelaufen."
      schrieb am 11.03.07 09:28:44
      Beitrag Nr. 343 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.217.717 von powergero am 10.03.07 09:53:37Standard & Poor's Canadian index operations have made the following index changes as a result of the quarterly S&P/TSX Composite Index review. These changes will be effective at the open on Monday, March 19, 2007.


      Addax Petroleum AXC Completion Energy Corp.
      Anvil Mining AVM Completion Materials, metals and mining Ltd.
      Cominar REIT CUF.UN Completion REIT, real estate
      Dundee Wealth DW Completion Financials Management Inc.
      Dynatec Corp. DY Completion Materials, metals and mining
      Eastern Platinum ELR Completion Materials, metals and mining Ltd.
      Fronteer Development FRG Completion Materials, metals and mining Group Inc.
      North West NWF.UN Completion Consumer discretionary Company Fund
      Pinetree Capital PNP Completion Financials Ltd.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 13.03.07 13:35:36
      Beitrag Nr. 344 ()
      Uran: Aufwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!
      13.03.2007 (12:59)

      Welcher Rohstoff war der unumstrittene „Superstar“ der vergangenen Jahre? Öl, Silber, Kupfer oder vielleicht Orangensaft? Nein! Es war Uran! Anfang 2001 war ein Pound noch für rund sieben US-Dollar zu haben. Derzeit notiert das „strahlende“ Metall jenseits der 80-US-Dollar Marke pro amerikanisches Pfund. Und ein Ende der „Jahrhundert-Rallye“ ist längst noch nicht abzusehen.

      Massives Angebotsdefizit

      Der Uranmarkt weist bereits seit mehreren Jahren ein massives Angebotsdefizit auf: Die 440 weltweit existierenden Kernkraftwerke verbrauchen mehr als 70.000 Tonnen Uran pro Jahr. Demgegenüber beträgt die gesamte jährliche Minen-Produktion nur etwa 40.000 Tonnen (rund 60 Prozent). Geschlossen wurde die beträchtliche Lücke bislang hauptsächlich durch die Wiederverwertung alter russischer Nuklearsprengköpfe aus ausgemusterten Atomwaffen. Doch diese Reserven schwinden rapide und gehen bereits langsam aber sicher zur Neige. Eher früher als später könnte es daher zu echten Versorgungsengpässen kommen.

      Produktionssteigerungen kurzfristig nicht möglich

      Denn kurzfristig lässt sich der Minen-Output kaum in einem nennenswerten Ausmaß steigern. Zwar belaufen sich die globalen Reserven (nach dem derzeitigen Stand der Technik wirtschaftlich abbaubarer Vorkommen) je nach Höhe der unterstellten Förderkosten auf circa 1,73 bis 3,17 Millionen Tonnen und reichen damit bei stagnierendem Verbrauch im günstigsten Fall noch mehr als 40 Jahre. Allerdings haben es die meisten Unternehmen in der Vergangenheit wegen des unattraktiv niedrigen Uranpreises versäumt, neue Uran-Minen in Betrieb zu nehmen. Da in den allermeisten Ländern auf Grund der potenziellen Gefährlichkeit der Substanz komplizierte und langwierige Genehmigungsverfahren erforderlich sind, haben Uran-Minen eine Vorlaufzeit von wenigstens vier bis fünf Jahren. Auch wenn 2005 und 2006 in einigen Regionen teilweise mit der Planung neuer Minen begonnen wurde, wird frühestens 2010 neues substantielles Angebot in den Markt kommen.

      Explodierende Nachfrage

      Die Nachfrage wird in dieser Zeit demgegenüber kontinuierlich dynamisch zunehmen. Allein China und Indien bauen momentan 26 neue Kernkraftwerke, um ihren explodierenden Strombedarf wenigstens ansatzweise sichern zu können. Aber auch in den USA, Russland und Europa (mit Ausnahme von Deutschland) findet Atomkraft angesichts der sich längerfristig abzeichnenden Energiekrise immer mehr Anhänger. Schätzungen zufolge werden weltweit längerfristig zwischen 200 und 300 zusätzliche Meiler benötigt. Selbst wenn man davon ausgeht, dass die nächsten Generationen von Kernkraftwerken effizienter arbeiten und somit für ihren Betrieb etwas weniger Uran benötigen sollten, dürfte die Nachfrage in einem absehbaren Zeitraum auf mindestens 100.000 Tonnen jährlich ansteigen.

      schrieb am 17.03.07 07:49:32
      Beitrag Nr. 345 ()
      Noch ein schöner Wochenausklang für FRG:

      Und das schnelle Closing der Aktienplatzierung finde ich auch sehr positiv:

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Closes $60.5 Million Public Offering

      Thursday March 15, 8:55 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Mar 15, 2007 -- Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (Toronto:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) is pleased to announce that it has completed its previously announced offering (the "Offering") pursuant to which it has issued an aggregate of 4,100,000 common shares at a price of $14.75 per share to raise gross proceeds of $60,475,000. The Offering was underwritten by a syndicate of Canadian underwriters. The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering for strategic investments and for future acquisitions.

      The underwriters have an over-allotment option exercisable until April 14, 2007 to purchase up to an additional 615,000 common shares at $14.75 per share to cover over-allotments and for market stabilization purposes.

      The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or applicable state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an exemption from the registration requirements. This press release shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy nor shall there by any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. All figures in this news release are in Canadian dollars.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently nine drill rigs operating in Turkey on three projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon. Fronteer holds a 47.13% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (Toronto:AXU.TO - News).

      Except for statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among other things, risks related to the exploration stage of the Fronteer's projects, market fluctuations in prices of securities for exploration stage companies, uncertainties about the availability of additional financing, uncertainties related to fluctuations in uranium and gold prices and other risks and uncertainties described in the Fronteer's recent annual report on Form 20-F and reports on Form 6-K filed with or furnished to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as future events and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Mark O'Dea
      President & CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Sean Tetzlaff
      Chief Financial Officer
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 17.03.07 09:10:46
      Beitrag Nr. 346 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.339.347 von Fantomas96 am 17.03.07 07:49:32Auf jeden Fall :) ... und auch das gestrige sehr hohe Volumen von über 2,2 Mio. Shares ist überaus positiv zu werten :)

      Gruß Seinfeld :cool:
      schrieb am 19.03.07 08:55:06
      Beitrag Nr. 347 ()


      Russland will Uran bunkern

      Russland setzt auf Atomstrom. So will das Land zum einen den Anteil der Atomenergie an der Energieversorgung verdoppeln, aber auch mehr Uran produzieren und lagern.

      Moskau - Russland könnte in den kommenden drei Jahren zum Land mit den drittgrößten Uranerz-Reserven aufsteigen. Beim Jahrestreffen der russischen Atomenergiebehörde Rosatom sagte der erste Vize-Ministerpräsident Sergej Iwanow am Freitag, das Land habe angesichts der gegenwärtigen Preistrends die große Chance die Produktion von Uranerz deutlich zu steigern.

      Strahlende Zukunft: Russland setzt auf Atomstrom und will dazu die Uranproduktion erhöhen
      Auf den Weltmärkten hat sich der Preis für Uran im vergangenen Jahr verdoppelt. Offizielle Angaben über die Uranerz-Reserven Russlands sind nicht bekannt. Industriekreisen zufolge liegt das Land gegenwärtig auf Platz sieben.

      Zugleich kündigte Iwanow an, den Anteil der Atomenergie in Russland bis 2030 auf rund 30 Prozent nahezu verdoppeln zu wollen. "Mit dem gegenwärtigen Niveau können wir nicht zufrieden sein", sagte der Politiker. Dem Westen warf Iwanow vor, der russischen Atomwirtschaft Hindernisse beim Export von Nuklearbrennstoff und Atomtechnologie in den Weg zu legen. Rosatom ist beim Bau von Atomkraftwerken im Ausland engagiert - unter anderem am umstrittenen Atomreaktor Buschehr im Iran.
      schrieb am 22.03.07 01:07:14
      Beitrag Nr. 348 ()
      Das nenne ich mal einen "namhaften" Zugang im BoD von FRG:

      Scott Hand Joins Fronteer's Slate of Directors for Election at Upcoming Annual General Meeting
      Tuesday March 20, 5:00 pm ET

      Scott Hand war der Chairman und CEO von INCO von 2002 bis Januar 2007.

      Nachdem INCO letztes Jahr in einer Übernahmeschlacht mit Phelps Dodge, Teck Cominco und Falconbridge schließlich von der Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (“CVRD”) übernommen wurde, hat sich Scott Hand Anfang diesen Jahres dort verabschiedet.

      Das ist wirklich ein "dicker Fisch" in der Minenbranche (mit sicherlich viel Know-How und Kontakten).

      Kann FRG nur gut tun.

      schrieb am 04.04.07 00:33:14
      Beitrag Nr. 349 ()
      Es geht wieder Richtung ATH:

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer's Aurora Expands Metallurgical Database of the Michelin Uranium Deposit in Coastal Labrador

      Tuesday April 3, 11:50 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Apr 3, 2007 -- Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (Toronto:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) is pleased to report that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (Toronto:AXU.TO - News), in which Fronteer holds a 46.92% interest, has announced very encouraging metallurgical results on samples from its Michelin uranium deposit ("Michelin") in coastal Labrador. These metallurgical results provide Aurora's development team with an in-depth understanding of how the ore will behave under various processing conditions and are a vital component in the design and optimization of processing facilities.

      Aurora's results indicate that all levels of the deposit, from surface to 750 metres depth, yield 88% U3O8 extraction using relatively simple, conventional metallurgical methods. In addition, the results confirm the absence of deleterious metals, low levels of sulphides and high levels of carbonate meaning that acid rock drainage (ARD) is not a concern. Tests further indicate that mineralized material at Michelin is not highly abrasive and will require only modest grinding energy.

      "This is an important step forward towards the development of Michelin," says Mr. John R. Goode, Aurora's Consulting Metallurgist. "The metallurgy of the deeper part of the deposit is similar to that of the near-surface zone investigated in the 1970s. This means that earlier test data are very relevant to the expanded, deeper Michelin deposit giving Aurora a very comprehensive understanding of this resource."

      Since May 2006, SGS Lakefield Research Limited ("SGS") has tested twelve composite Michelin samples prepared from drill core generated during the 2005 and 2006 exploration programs. The program design and direction was led by Mr. Goode, P.Eng.

      Metallurgical tests are also being conducted on the Jacques Lake deposit and results will be released upon completion.


      SGS has performed fourteen Bond work index tests on representative mineralized samples of the Michelin deposit. Results show low rod and ball mill work indices indicating the materials are amenable to a relatively simple standard grinding circuit. There are minimal differences between the work indices of near-surface (0 to 250 metres), intermediate (250 to 500 metres) and deep (500 to 750 metres) mineralized material. The Bond ball mill work index values obtained in the current program of work are 10 kilowatt hours per tonne or less and are similar to the many work index values obtained when the deposit was investigated in the 1970s. Recent abrasion index measurements indicate values of about 0.1 grams, meaning that grinding media consumption would be low.

      Forty acid leach tests have been performed by Aurora, to determine U3O8 extraction, acid consumption and optimum conditions for the acid leach circuit. Michelin samples yield approximately 88% uranium recovery under mild leaching conditions and typically require an acid addition of about 30 kilograms per tonne. These results are similar to values obtained when the deposit was investigated in the 1970s. Leach tests on Michelin samples show very little variation in uranium recovery or acid consumption with sample depth.

      Analyses and acid-base accounting work on Michelin mineralized and barren material show that sulphide levels are low and excess carbonate is present and is available. Leachate and other tests are continuing but current indications are that Michelin rock is non-acid generating.

      SGS is continuing with grinding, leaching, liquid-solid-separation, solvent extraction, ion exchange, neutralization and effluent treatment tests on Michelin deposit samples.


      Acid rock drainage: Acid rock drainage occurs naturally within some environments as part of the rock weathering process but can be accelerated by large-scale earth disturbances characteristic of mining and other large construction activities, usually within rocks containing an abundance of sulfide minerals.

      Bond rod and ball mill work index tests: These are standard tests for determining the resistance of material to grinding and are used to determine the grinding power required for a given throughput of material.

      Abrasion Index: This test quantifies the abrasivity of rock and can be used to calculate grinding media and liner wear rates.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently nine drill rigs operating in Turkey on three projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and has a prominent foothold in an emerging uraniumcopper- gold district in the northern Yukon. Fronteer holds a significant interest in Aurora Energy Resources (Toronto:AXU.TO - News).

      Mr. John R. Goode is the designated Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of the data. Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements". Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to the consistency of recoveries with deposit depth, use of conventional metallurgical methods, non-acid generating nature of the deposit, absence of deleterious metals in the deposit, simplicity of the required grinding circuit and, estimates of future recovery percentages, involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Aurora to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to the actual results of future metallurgical tests, and ongoing grinding, leaching, liquid-solid-separation, solvent extraction, ion exchange neutralization and effluent treatment tests, as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Aurora's Annual Information Form available on SEDAR at . Although Aurora has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Aurora disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Camon Mak
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Jessica Delaney
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 05.04.07 22:04:00
      Beitrag Nr. 350 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.650.667 von Fantomas96 am 04.04.07 00:33:14Fronteer Closes C$5,870,500 Over-Allotment Option

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG --
      TSX/AMEX) is pleased to announce that in connection with its previously
      announced offering (the "Offering") pursuant to its short form
      prospectus dated March 8, 2007, the underwriters have partially
      exercised their over-allotment option pursuant to which Fronteer has
      issued today an additional 398,000 common shares at C$14.75 per share
      to raise additional aggregate gross proceeds of C$5,870,500. The
      Offering was underwritten by a syndicate of Canadian underwriters. The
      Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering for strategic
      investments and for future acquisitions.

      The securities offered have not been registered under the U.S.
      Securities Act of 1933, as amended or applicable state securities laws,
      and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration
      or an exemption from the registration requirements. This press release
      shall not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer
      to buy nor shall there by any sale of the securities in any
      jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be
      unlawful. All figures in this news release are in Canadian dollars.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 16.04.07 21:23:52
      Beitrag Nr. 351 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.684.425 von seinfeld am 05.04.07 22:04:00Monday, April 16, 2007

      Aurora Hires John Roberts As Vice President, Environment

      Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (AXU -- TSX) is pleased to announce that Mr. John Roberts, M.Eng, P.Eng, is joining Aurora as Vice President, Environment. In his role, John will lead Aurora's environmental programs and initiatives as well as oversee the regulatory process as Aurora advances its Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits. John, who is from Newfoundland and Labrador, and a graduate of Memorial University, is well known for his contribution to environmental management, sustainable development, public outreach and climate change policies for the resource sector.

      "We are delighted that John has agreed to join the Aurora team," says Oliver Lennox-King, Aurora Chairman. "As our projects evolve and grow, John's experience in environmental best practices and regulatory matters will be invaluable."

      As Vice President, Environment, John will be responsible for all environmental aspects of the Company's projects including the environmental assessment ("EA") process, and management of the permitting process, including communications with Nunatsiavut, federal and provincial regulatory agencies.

      "Responsible environmental management is a key priority for Aurora," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Aurora's President and CEO. "John's leadership will ensure that Aurora's activities are carried out with due attention to the well-being of local communities and in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and all applicable laws and regulations."

      >From 2004 to the present, John has been the Director of Environment and Energy at the Conference Board of Canada, where he was responsible for directing research into public policy as it related to regulatory impact analysis, adaptation to climate change, water governance and infrastructure and an energy framework for Canada.

      Following five years in Noranda Inc., where he was responsible for environmental policy related to mining and manufacturing assets, John joined Noranda Forest in 1993 as Vice President, Environment. At Noranda Forest, he undertook corporate policy initiatives, and development of environmental, health and safety management systems that resulted in Nexfor, a successor company to Noranda Forest. Nexfor is considered one of the most environmentally responsible forest companies in Canada.

      John has also served on association committees and task forces dealing with climate change, environmental management and public outreach. Internationally he has been an active participant in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development forest issues caucus, and in the International Forestry Round Table. John has also served as Senior Advisor for Canadian Affairs for the International Emissions Trading Association.


      Aurora is a uranium exploration and development company focused on the Central Mineral Belt in coastal Labrador. It is the 100% owner of one of Canada's largest undeveloped uranium deposits. Aurora is committed to generating superior shareholder value and responsible development, with lasting local benefits. Aurora has offices in Postville and Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador, St. John's, Newfoundland, Toronto and Vancouver.

      For further information on Aurora please contact:

      Camon Mak, Investor Relations Jessica Delaney, Media Relations
      (PH) 604-632-0110 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 19.04.07 22:12:39
      Beitrag Nr. 352 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.844.624 von seinfeld am 16.04.07 21:23:52Time to rebound :)

      APRIL 19, 2007 - 10:54 ET

      Fronteer Continues to Expand its Kirazli Gold Deposit, NW Turkey

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(CCNMatthews - April 19, 2007) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG) is pleased to announce that Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM"), as operator, has reported several new, significant gold and silver intersections at Fronteer's 100%-owned Kirazli gold deposit in northwestern Turkey. These new intersections continue to expand and reinforce this project's potential to be a cornerstone to a major gold district.

      Drill hole KD-69, located 100 metres southeast of the 2006 resource area, forms part of a new high grade zone that is open for expansion. This hole intersected:

      - 1.75 grams per tonne gold over 62.9 metres including 7.65 grams per tonne gold and 31.1 grams per tonne silver over 4.15 metres.

      Drill hole KD-63, located near the western edge the 2006 resource area, intersected a thick interval of gold mineralization. This hole returned:

      - 0.72 grams per tonne gold over 235.2 metres including 1.20 grams per tonne gold over 82.2 metres.

      Two other gold-silver intervals were also intersected in drill hole KD-63 as follows:

      - 1.66 grams per tonne gold over 27.1 metres; and

      - 29.31 grams per tonne silver over 38.7 metres starting from surface.

      Additional significant drill results are summarized in the table below. The orientation of mineralized zones is interpreted to be near horizontal and true widths are approximately 90 percent of those stated.

      Significant Drill Results
      ---------------------------------------------------------------------Drill Hole From To Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)---------------------------------------------------------------------KD-63 (Main Zone) 0.0 38.7 38.7 - 29.31--------------------------------------------------------------------- And 32.3 267.5 235.2 0.72 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 32.3 114.5 82.2 1.20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 93.9 109.45 15.55 2.05 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- And 294.4 321.5 27.1 1.66 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-65 (North Zone) 86.5 94.5 8.0 0.56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 103.8 109.5 5.7 0.36 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-67 (West Flank) 105.0 119.8 14.8 0.68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 108.65 113.1 4.45 1.30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-68 (Fire Tower) 135.5 168.5 33.0 0.34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-69 (SW Zone) 110.0 172.9 62.9 1.75 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 117.55 131.0 13.45 4.36 12.02--------------------------------------------------------------------- Incl 125.85 130.0 4.15 7.65 31.10---------------------------------------------------------------------KD-70 (Main Zone) Only pre-collar completed to date---------------------------------------------------------------------KD-71A (Main Zone) Only pre-collar completed to date---------------------------------------------------------------------KD-72 (Fire Tower) 219.2 221.2 2.0 0.56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- And 290.5 301.4 10.9 0.96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- And 325.8 341.0 15.2 1.69 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-73 (East Flank) 64.0 207.5 143.5 0.26 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-74 (SW Zone) 0.0 6.2 6.2 0.96 15.71--------------------------------------------------------------------- And 69.7 71.5 1.8 0.86 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-75 (RC pre-collar) 39.0 45 6.0 0.48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------KD-76 (West Flank) 15.0 51.5 36.5 0.50 29.8--------------------------------------------------------------------- And 155.5 157.5 2.0 2.52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- And 207.1 209 1.9 23.70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------

      TCAM has exercised its right to earn back a 60% interest in the Kirazli project. TCAM is required to spend approximately US$5 million at Kirazli before April 30th, 2008. This expenditure will significantly advance Kirazli towards feasibility and is anticipated to substantially increase the size of its gold-silver resource.


      Fronteer is a rapidly evolving company committed to building long term value through ongoing discoveries and strategic acquisitions. There are currently nine drill rigs operating in Turkey on three projects and one drill rig operating in Mexico on two gold-silver projects. Fronteer has a prominent foothold in an emerging uranium-copper-gold district in the northern Yukon. Fronteer has a strong balance sheet and holds approximately a 47% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU).

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng, Vice President, Exploration, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation size of future exploration budgets and exploration potential involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 22.04.07 19:21:38
      Beitrag Nr. 353 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.908.646 von seinfeld am 19.04.07 22:12:39Seit gut einem Jahr auf der Watchliste und leider vergessen und somit den Aufstieg verpasst:)

      Allen Altinvestierten hier herzlichen Glückwunsch:)!!!!
      Ich hingegen werde mich während der Verschnaufpause im Kurs zunächst mal schlau machen und vielleicht noch den Einstieg wagen, sofern ich knapp um 10Euro reinkomme.

      Die Website von Fronteer sieht sehr vielversprechend aus und ich bin angenehm überrascht, dass trotz des gewaltigen Erfolgs, dieser Thread hier fast völlig unbeachtet ist. IRgendwelche billigen BB Empfehlungen sah ich auch nicht und die letzten News hinsichtlich der Türkeiergebnisse waren auf dem asiatischen Kontinent schon mal ein Anfang.

      Sollten hier noch Alte Hasen (Altinvestierte) sein, würde mich Eure Meinung zur weiteren Perpektive mal interessieren. Ich mache mir zwar eh mein eigenes Bild, aber wer lange und intensiv mit der Fronteer zu tun hatte, der hat noch den einen oder anderen Hintergrund, der einem Neuling fehlt. long! :)
      schrieb am 25.04.07 21:42:30
      Beitrag Nr. 354 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 28.943.945 von Eichkatz am 22.04.07 19:21:38Ich kann mich wohl mit Fug und Recht als "alten Hasen" in Bezug auf Fronteer bezeichnen und sehe nach wie vor sehr gute Kurschancen, allerdings muß man sich natürlich langsam mal die Frage stellen, ob eine Marktkapitalisierung von 1 Mrd. Kanadischer Dollar gerechtfertigt ist. Da ich schon seit drei Jahren zu Kursen von 1,06 Euro investiert bin, fällt es mir daher jetzt schwer den Wert guten Gewissens noch zu empfehlen. Das muß jeder für sich entscheiden.

      So, jetzt zu den heutigen News:

      Wednesday, April 25, 2007
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Porphyry Copper-Gold Mineralization Expands Significantly at Halilaga, NW Turkey

      View News Release in PDF Format

      News Release 07-19

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (FRG - TSX/AMEX) is pleased to report that encouraging porphyry copper-gold mineralization at Halilaga has been extended by an additional 800 metres along strike. Mineralization has now been intersected over a one kilometre strike length in eight widely-spaced drill holes, demonstrating the potential for this property to host an economically significant copper-gold deposit.

      Drill hole HD-08, drilled 800 metres east of previously released holes, has intersected:
      0.91 grams per tonne gold and 0.41% copper over 43.9 metres as part of a broader interval that returned 0.50 grams per tonne gold and 0.26% copper over 267.3 metres.
      Drill hole HD-07A, drilled 400 metres east of the previously released holes, has intersected:
      0.30 grams per tonne gold and 0.22% copper over 241.2 metres; including 0.52 grams per tonne gold and 0.35% copper over 10.0 metres.
      "We continue to be encouraged by the size and continuity of this new porphyry system," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Fronteer President and CEO. "All eight holes that intersected this new system have returned significant copper-gold grades over an average thickness of 250 metres."

      AuEQ CuEQ
      From To Interval Au Cu (g/T) (%)
      Hole No. (m) (m) (m) (g/T) (%) (1) (1)
      HD-01 Entire
      Interval 0.00 298.20 298.20 0.50 0.53 2.43 0.67
      Including 0.00 105.40 105.40 1.03 1.03 4.78 1.32
      Including 23.85 49.60 25.75 0.93 2.14 8.72 2.40
      Including 49.60 287.00 237.40 0.44 0.43 2.01 0.55
      HD-02 Entire
      Interval 0.00 292.80 292.80 0.40 0.35 1.67 0.46
      Including 4.70 233.00 228.30 0.47 0.41 1.96 0.54
      Including 15.00 91.40 76.40 0.59 0.63 2.88 0.80
      Including 15.00 32.00 17.00 0.73 1.04 4.52 1.24
      Including 81.30 91.40 10.10 1.35 1.18 5.65 1.56
      HD-03 Entire
      Interval 0.00 242.90 242.90 0.14 0.16 0.72 0.20
      Including 101.80 109.70 7.90 0.46 0.24 1.33 0.37
      HD-04 Entire
      Interval 0.00 320.40 320.40 0.40 0.48 2.15 0.59
      Including 0.00 110.80 110.80 0.74 0.89 3.98 1.10
      Including 22.30 84.80 62.50 0.91 1.34 5.79 1.59
      HD-07A Entire
      Interval 0.00 330.70 330.70 0.23 0.17 0.85 0.23
      Including 61.30 302.50 241.20 0.30 0.22 1.10 0.30
      Including 78.50 167.50 89.00 0.33 0.23 1.17 0.32
      Including 237.50 302.50 65.00 0.34 0.26 1.29 0.36
      Including 263.50 273.50 10.00 0.52 0.35 1.79 0.50
      HD-08 Entire
      Interval 167.20 434.50 267.30 0.50 0.26 1.45 0.40
      Including 208.70 248.00 39.30 0.36 0.19 1.05 0.29
      Including 248.00 381.05 133.05 0.69 0.34 1.93 0.53
      Including 248.00 328.20 80.20 0.81 0.38 2.19 0.61
      Including 258.30 302.20 43.90 0.91 0.41 2.40 0.66
      HRC-02 Entire
      Interval 0.00 145.50 145.50 0.36 0.34 1.60 0.44
      Including 0.00 78.00 78.00 0.48 0.47 2.19 0.60
      Including 4.50 25.50 21.00 0.69 0.92 4.04 1.11
      HRC-03 Entire
      Interval 0.00 100.50 100.50 0.20 0.20 0.93 0.26
      Including 0.00 16.50 16.50 0.38 0.36 1.69 0.47
      Including 9.00 16.50 7.50 0.51 0.75 3.24 0.89
      (1) Copper and gold-equivalent calculations use metal prices of
      US$689/oz for gold and US$3.65/lb for copper. Metallurgical
      testing has yet to be conducted for the Halilaga project.
      Therefore, copper and gold-equivalent calculations reflect gross
      metal content that has not been adjusted for metallurgical
      AuEq g/T equals Au g/T + (Cu% x 3.64)
      CuEq % equals Cu% + (Au g/T x 0.28)

      The true width of mineralized zones is estimated to be 90 per cent of those stated.

      Currently, there is one drill rig turning at Halilaga. The 2007 exploration program is focused primarily on the broader geophysical footprint of the Central Zone, as well as drilling into the wide zone of known surface mineralization. Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has the property under option from Fronteer and is currently the operator. TCAM has exercised its right to earn back a 60% interest in the Halilaga project, which is 100%-owned by Fronteer.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 08.05.07 21:13:56
      Beitrag Nr. 355 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.003.592 von seinfeld am 25.04.07 21:42:30Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Dr. Mark O'Dea Selected as One of Canada's Top 40 Under 40

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, May 08, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (the "Company") (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) is pleased to announce that Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO of Fronteer Development Group and Aurora Energy Resources, has been selected as a recipient of Canada's Top 40 Under 40 Awards for 2006.

      In this year's competition, Mark was selected from a group over 1,000 candidates. Along with the other 2006 winners, Mark will be recognized at a ceremony being held today in Toronto, Canada.

      "This is another milestone for both companies," said Oliver Lennox-King, Chairman of both Fronteer and Aurora. "Mark has been instrumental in leading a team of experts and forging the paths of both companies. On behalf of all shareholders, staff and the Board of Directors, I extend my congratulations to Mark on this great achievement!"
      schrieb am 15.05.07 22:34:09
      Beitrag Nr. 356 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.220.595 von seinfeld am 08.05.07 21:13:56Gewinnmitnahmen ... bald könnte sich ein Einstieg für Neuinteresssenten lohnen :rolleyes:

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (the "Company") (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) reports its financial and operating results for the three month period ended March 31, 2007. Details of the Company's financial results are described in the unaudited consolidated financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MDA") for the three months ended March 31, 2007, available on the Company's website at or on Sedar at All amounts presented are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.


      The Company is an international mineral exploration and development company, focused on exploring and developing gold, copper, and uranium properties in northwestern Turkey, Canada and Mexico.

      The Company currently owns 46.8% of Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") a company focused on exploring and developing uranium properties in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, which is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "AXU". The Company accounts for its investment in Aurora as an equity investment.

      Exploration Projects

      Cash and non-cash exploration and acquisition expenditures (net of recoveries) for the three months ended March 31, 2007 and 2006 totaled $135,037 and $675,328 in Turkey, $281,647 and $172,271 in Mexico, and ($55,631) and $333,031 in the Yukon, Canada, respectively.

      At March 31, 2007, Teck Cominco's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has spent approximately US$6,975,000, US$3,660,000 and US$939,800 towards its earn-back on the Agi Dagi, Kirazli, and Halilaga properties respectively, out of a total earn-back requirement of approximately US$10,000,000, US$5,000,000 and US$2,000,000. TCAM continues to actively drill all three projects with a total of nine drills working the properties. A tenth drill has been added to the Pirentepe project, the fourth out of a total of six projects on which TCAM can earn-back an interest by spending approximately US$2,800,000. It is expected that TCAM will have completed its earn-back on the Agi Dagi, Kirazli and Halilaga properties by the end of the first quarter in 2008.

      The Company continues to conduct regional exploration in the Biga region of Turkey looking for additional targets and properties for acquisition. An airborne geophysical survey has been planned and is scheduled to commence in the second quarter upon receipt of the necessary permits. The Company is also evaluating other opportunities elsewhere in Turkey as part of its ongoing generative program.

      During the quarter the Company received partial results from a geophysical survey and geochemical sampling program over the Samli IOCG property in Turkey, and currently plans to conduct an I.P. resistivity survey on the property in the second quarter.

      Drilling also continued on the Clara and San Pedro properties in Mexico with one drill rig. The company expects to complete its programs on these properties in the second quarter and will review results obtained to date before planning the next phase of exploration for these properties.

      The 2007 field season on the Wernecke properties in the Yukon, commenced in April 2007. The Company and its joint venture partner Rimfire Minerals Inc. have planned a $6,000,000 program which will include 10,000 metres of drilling to test a variety of geological, geochemical and geophysical targets. Drilling is expected to commence on the property in May.

      Subsequent to quarter end, the Company acquired an additional 900,000 common shares of Latin American Minerals Inc. ("LAT"), bringing its total ownership to 6,210,000 common shares (approximately 20%) and 2,655,000 share purchase warrants expiring in November and December 2007, which allow the Company to acquire an additional 2,655,000 common shares of LAT at a price of $0.35 per share. LAT has several highly prospective land packages in Argentina and Paraguay, which are being actively explored.

      The Company continues to look for additional properties or companies with properties of interest, for acquisition.


      Selected Financial Data

      This summary of selected unaudited financial data should be read in conjunction with the MDA and the unaudited consolidated financial statements and related notes related thereto for the periods indicated.

      --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Three Months ended March 31 2007 2006---------------------------------------------------------------------------Earnings (loss) for the period ($ 1,142,677) $ 10,014,363Basic and diluted earnings (loss) per share ($0.02); ($0.02) $0.20; $0.18Cash invested in mineral properties, net of recoveries $ 329,319 $ 1,451,618Cash generated by financing activities $ 62,686,357 $ 5,810,425------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As at March 31, December 31, 2007 2006---------------------------------------------------------------------------Cash and cash equivalents $ 104,774,878 $ 40,391,913Working capital $ 105,099,825 $ 43,338,290Investment in Aurora (1) $ 36,614,954 $ 37,508,155Long term investments (2) $ 4,711,821 $ 1,330,994Total assets $ 166,080,380 $102,311,386Shareholders' equity $ 164,763,205 $ 99,364,065---------------------------------------------------------------------------(1) the Company accounts for its investment in Aurora using the equity method of accounting. At March 31, 2007, the Company owned 46.9% of Aurora compared to 47.2% at December 31, 2006. Total market capitalization of Aurora at March 31, 2007 was approximately $1.022 billion.(2) Represents the fair value of the Company's investment in Latin American Minerals Inc.
      The Company's net loss for the three months ended March 31, 2007 was $1,142,677 or $0.02 per share as compared to net income of $10,014,363 or $0.20 per share for the three months ended March 31, 2006. Contributing to the period over period difference was the recognition of a smaller dilution gain (non-cash) on the Company's investment in Aurora in 2007 as compared to 2006, offset by the Company's share of the operating loss for the periods from Aurora.

      Operating expenses increased from $1,075,871 for the three months ended March 31, 2006 to $1,274,455 for the three months ended March 31, 2007, primarily due to increased wages and benefits costs, legal expenses and listing and filing fees, offset by a decrease in stock based compensation expense.

      During the quarter, the Company adopted new accounting standards relating to financial instruments and comprehensive income. These new accounting standards require a corporation to mark to market certain financial assets and liabilities and record the fair value adjustments in income during the period or to a new equity category called accumulated other comprehensive income, depending upon the classification of the financial asset or liability. As a result of the adoption of these new standards, which are treated prospectively for prior periods, the Company realized an opening adjustment to retained earnings and opening accumulated other comprehensive income of $555,812 and $779,839, net of future income taxes, respectively. In addition, during the quarter, the Company recorded a gain of $653,421 on certain trading securities which was included in income for the quarter and an addition to accumulated other comprehensive income of $1,346,084 on its certain assets categorized as available for sale.


      At March 31, 2007, the Company had cash on hand of $104,774,787 and working capital of $105,099,825 as compared to cash of $40,391,913 and working capital of $43,338,290 at December 31, 2006. The change in cash and working capital of $64,382,874 and $61,761,535 respectively, is primarily due to the receipt of gross proceeds of $60,475,000 from the March 2007 financing and proceeds received from the exercise of stock options and warrants totaling $5,551,538, offset by exploration expenditures of $329,319, net of recoveries and cash used in operations of $1,264,296 during the period.

      Subsequent to March 31, 2007, the Company was informed by the Underwriters of the March 2007 financing that they were exercising a portion of their Greenshoe option, to acquire an additional 398,000 common shares for gross proceeds of $5,870,500 to the Company.

      The Company currently has cash on hand of approximately $108,000,000.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 18.05.07 21:49:03
      Beitrag Nr. 357 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.334.787 von seinfeld am 15.05.07 22:34:09... und hier sind schon die nächsten News :D :D :D

      Fronteer Commences 2007 Drill Program in Wernecke Mountains, Yukon

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, May 17, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or "Company") (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) is pleased to announce that it has commenced a 10,000 metre drilling program on its Wernecke Mountains Project in north central Yukon. Fronteer is building on the success of last year's exploration program, and remains focused on the discovery of Olympic Dam-style copper-gold-uranium deposits in this exciting new Canadian mineral district. This C$6 million exploration program will be operated by Fronteer, and funded pro-rata by Fronteer (80%) and its joint venture partner Rimfire Minerals Corporation (20%).

      "We are delighted to have Rimfire as a participating joint venture partner in this year's exploration program" says Dr. Mark O'Dea. "It is a strong endorsement from a well-respected company with a wealth of experience in this area. We are optimistic that we have created a new road map to discovery in this emerging mineral belt."

      A series of high priority drill targets have now been identified on Fronteer/Rimfire's 400 square kilometre land package, all of which are characterized by coincident geophysical, geological and geochemical anomalies. Many of these targets were newly defined in 2006 and have never been drilled, while some are historical targets that remain open for expansion and have been reinterpreted in light of new data.


      Thunder Mountain was discovered by Fronteer in 2006. It is characterized by space grade gold-uranium-copper mineralization over an interpreted source area measuring at least 550 metres by 400 metres. Surface sampling highlights include 99.2 grams per tonne gold (2.9 oz/ton), 0.57% U3O8 and 5.1 grams per tonne silver taken from locally derived frost-heaved blocks.


      Fireweed, a new uranium target, was also discovered by Fronteer in 2006. Last summer, 88 locally derived frost heaved blocks were sampled returning an average grade of 0.23% U3O8, with anomalous gold and copper. These boulders were collected over an area measuring 400 metres by 200 metres on a gently sloping plateau, and are interpreted to occur immediately above or slightly down slope from the bedrock source.


      Hail is a uranium target where seventeen boulders were sampled in 2006 over an area measuring at least 160 metres by 60 metres returning an average grade of 0.15% U3O8. The source of these locally derived boulders is interpreted to be immediately up slope, beneath a thick veneer of Wernecke Breccia talus.


      Hail West is a copper-gold-silver target characterized by impressive zones of intermittently outcropping copper-gold-silver mineralization over a strike length of at least 200 metres. One grab sample, taken from a copper bearing vein, returned 24.5% copper, 2.45 grams per tonne gold and 62.50 grams per tonne silver.

      Both Hail and Hail West are located at opposite ends of a 2 kilometre long coincident radiometric (uranium), gravity and multi-element geochemical anomaly.


      The Pagisteel Fault is a regional scale structure that follows a broad valley with extensive soil cover. It is characterized by uranium-gold-copper soil geochemistry anomalies over a 2.5 kilometre long strike length. Rock samples collected within the soil grid area returned maximum values of 5.75% copper, 1.24 grams per tonne gold and 5.75 grams per tonne silver.


      The Hoover and Auks are large bulk tonnage copper-gold targets that were tested by 17 holes drilled by the previous operator in the mid 1990s, all of which intersected copper mineralization. These targets have never been assayed for uranium; they remain open in all directions and will be further drill tested this summer. Significant historical intervals include 0.24% copper over 282 metres and 0.405% copper over 75 metres at Hoover.

      Gruß Seinfeld :lick:
      schrieb am 19.05.07 00:02:37
      Beitrag Nr. 358 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.334.787 von seinfeld am 15.05.07 22:34:09@ seinfeld & all

      Gewinnmitnahmen ... bald könnte sich ein Einstieg für Neuinteresssenten lohnen

      Dein Posting von vor 3 Tagen haben hoffentlich einige zum Einstieg genutzt, denn heute ist es wieder deutlich teurer geworden:


      Last Trade: 13.92
      Trade Time: 4:10PM ET
      Change: 1.12 (8.75%)
      Prev Close: 12.80
      Open: 13.19
      Bid: 13.92
      Ask: 13.93
      Day's Range: 12.54 - 14.00
      52wk Range: 4.05 - 17.59
      Volume: 688,791
      Avg Vol (3m): 523,436

      Der Grund:

      EMC in Verkaufsverhandlungen und daher ein Riesen-Sprung bei allen Uran-Near-Term-Producern heute, die viele aus der Lethargie gerissen haben wird:

      Press Release Source: Energy Metals Corporation

      Energy Metals in Exclusive Negotiations Regarding Potential Sale of Company

      Friday May 18, 3:59 pm ET

      Und das war die Reaktion (EMC auf ATH , 16.65 , + 10,2%):

      Und hier noch mehr:

      Gruß und ein schönes Wochenende allen Investierten,

      schrieb am 24.05.07 00:38:51
      Beitrag Nr. 359 ()
      Fronteer's Agi Dagi in Northwestern Turkey Continues to Expand With Ongoing Drilling

      Tuesday May 22, 10:33 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--May 22, 2007 -- Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (Toronto:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) is pleased to announce that Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM"), who holds the project under option, has reported ongoing widely spaced drilling which has intersected significant gold mineralization in three new areas of the Agi Dagi gold project in northwestern Turkey. These new areas are all outside the limits of the 2006 resource estimate boundaries, and indicate that this deposit is still open for expansion. A total of 322 drill holes, for 51,000 metres of drilling, have now been completed at Agi Dagi. An additional 21,500 metres of drilling is planned for the 2007 with four drill rigs currently operating. Fronteer anticipates completing an updated resource estimate for Agi Dagi within the coming weeks.


      Expansion drilling at the Deli Zone continues to yield very encouraging results. In particular:

      1. AD-248, located 250 metres southwest of the 2006 Deli resource boundary, intersected 1.24 grams per tonne gold over 51.85 metres, including 2.30 grams gold per tonne over 22.20 metres.

      2. AD-272, located 50 metres southwest of the 2006 Deli resource boundary, intersected two separate zones averaging 3.95 grams per tonne gold over 11.5 metres and 3.25 grams per tonne gold over 12.60 metres, including 6.49 grams per tonne gold over 5.30 metres.

      3. AD-241, located 135 metres northeast of the 2006 Deli resource boundary, intersected 1.08 grams per tonne gold over 11.90 metres.

      4. AD-284, located at the southeast corner of the Deli resource area, returned 1.52 grams per tonne gold over 18.65 metres.


      Similarly, wide step-out drilling around the Baba Zone indicates that this resource area is also open for expansion. In particular:

      1. A-256, located 140 metres north of the 2006 Baba resource boundary, intersected 0.54 grams per tonne gold over 163.50 metres including 2.12 grams per tonne gold over 15.00 metres.

      2. AD-258, located on the southern edge of the 2006 Baba resource boundary, intersected 4.35 grams per tonne gold over 7.50 metres.


      Firetower is a new mineralized area that is situated midway between the Deli and Baba Zones. It has recently returned some encouraging drill results as follows:

      1. AD-242 intersected 0.60 grams per tonne gold over 25.50 metres, including 0.93 grams per tonne gold over 10.50 metres.

      2. AD-233 intersected 0.59 grams per tonne gold over 6.90 metres.

      A table of drilling highlights is provided below for further reference.

      Drill Hole From To Interval (m) Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
      Deli Dagi
      AD-241 65.50 92.00 26.50 0.68
      Incl 73.80 85.70 11.90 1.08
      Incl 79.30 83.10 3.80 1.42
      AD-244 100.30 123.00 22.70 0.67
      Incl 103.30 105.80 2.50 1.58
      Incl 112.90 122.10 9.20 1.06
      Incl 112.90 116.00 3.10 2.09
      Incl 119.00 121.10 2.10 1.67
      AD-260 66.10 81.70 15.60 0.84
      A-269 48.00 124.50 76.50 0.57 6.25
      Incl 49.50 67.50 18.00 0.34 3.58
      Incl 75.00 106.50 31.50 0.61 6.73
      Incl 109.50 118.50 9.00 1.62 13.97
      AD-272 47.30 58.80 11.50 3.95
      Incl 48.30 51.60 3.30 4.30 10.41
      Incl 50.00 58.80 8.80 5.02
      Incl 50.80 53.80 3.00 9.02
      And 66.90 79.50 12.60 3.24
      Incl 74.20 79.50 5.30 6.49
      Incl 75.80 78.75 2.95 11.08
      AD-276 0.00 30.60 30.60 0.57 6.40
      AD-284 7.50 66.20 58.70 0.63
      Incl 41.50 60.15 18.65 1.52 10.54
      Baba Dagi
      A-256 3.00 166.50 163.50 0.54
      Incl 7.50 79.50 72.00 0.86
      Incl 16.50 33.00 16.50 1.98
      AD-258 108.00 115.50 7.50 4.35
      Incl 108.00 114.00 6.00 5.29
      AD-264 117.00 167.40 50.40 0.56
      AD-268 51.00 81.00 30.00 0.90
      AD-242 72.00 97.50 25.50 0.60
      Incl 79.50 90.00 10.50 0.93
      Incl 84.00 87.00 3.00 1.50
      AD-248 162.60 214.45 51.85 1.24
      Incl 163.60 186.30 22.70 2.30
      Incl 174.60 186.30 11.70 3.68
      Incl 177.60 185.40 7.80 4.51
      Incl 181.60 183.70 2.10 6.49
      The orientation of mineralized zones is variable but, true widths are estimated to be roughly 90 per cent of those stated. For a location map of the drill holes in the Agi Dagi area, please use the following link:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">

      TCAM has exercised its right to earn a 60% interest in the Agi Dagi project, which is currently owned 100% by Fronteer. To earn its interest, TCAM is required to spend approximately US$10 million on exploration at Agi Dagi before April 30th, 2008.


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making new big discoveries. Fronteer will have exposure to approximately C$42 million in exploration/development expenditures and 130,000 metres of drilling throughout 2007. Fronteer has $105 million in cash, no debt, and holds approximately a 46.8% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (Toronto:AXU.TO - News).

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng, Vice President, Exploration, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES and fire assay.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation size of future exploration budgets and exploration potential involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Camon Mak
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Jessica Delaney
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 18.06.07 15:33:36
      Beitrag Nr. 360 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 29.444.495 von Fantomas96 am 24.05.07 00:38:51übernahmeanebot von Areva für URAMIN

      mal schauen ob das die Explorer allgemein wieder etwas interessanter macht.

      was meint ihr??
      schrieb am 18.06.07 18:05:19
      Beitrag Nr. 361 ()
      sieht schon mal nciht schlecht aus, aber liegt es am allgemeinen markt oder an den news

      Fronteer's Turkish Deposits Increase to 3.5 Million Ounces Gold Equivalent…

      habe in 2 wochen klausuren d.h. hab den bericht nur kurz angelsen scheint aber gut zu sein oder?

      schrieb am 01.07.07 09:58:55
      Beitrag Nr. 362 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.002.388 von mr.Brns am 18.06.07 18:05:19Wednesday, June 27, 2007
      New High Grade Silver Zone Intersected at Kirazli Gold Deposit
      News Release 07-28

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (FRG - TSX/AMEX) announced today that an encouraging near-surface, high-grade silver zone has been intersected at its Kirazli deposit in NW Turkey. These new drill holes were not included in the recently reported resource calculation for Kirazli (Press Release 7-27) and are an important new development for the project.

      Specifically, drilling at the southern end of the Kirazli resource area has returned:

      523 grams per tonne silver over 23.50 metres including a higher grade core of 1,213 grams per tonne silver over 9.30 metres (approximately 24.26 grams per tonne gold equivalent*) in drill hole KD-97 starting at a depth of 48 metres.

      1.47 grams per tonne gold over 31.50 metres and a separate zone of 0.52 grams per tonne gold and 10.50 grams per tonne silver over 21.70 metres in drill hole KD-99.
      "Silver mineralization is becoming an increasingly notable component of the Kirazli deposit," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Fronteer's President and CEO, "and the grades and widths intersected in this new hole are extremely encouraging."

      Also of note is a recent result from Fronteer's Agi Dagi project which returned:
      3.82 grams per tonne gold over 48.00 metres including 6.60 grams per tonne gold over 15.00 metres in RC hole A-298. This hole was a twin of an earlier RC hole, A-177, which returned 2.27 grams per tonne gold over 52.50 metres but had poor drill recoveries. The results from this hole indicate that higher grades can be expected with improved drilling techniques and better recoveries.
      Agi Dagi and Kirazli are the two anchor assets in Fronteer's gold portfolio in northwestern Turkey. Together, these projects form an emerging gold and copper district that Fronteer is playing a leadership role in building.

      There are currently three drill rigs operating at Agi Dagi and Kirazli, with approximately 25,000 metres of drilling planed for 2007. These projects, currently owned 100% by Fronteer, are under option to Teck Cominco's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM"). To earn a 60% interest in both projects, TCAM must spend approximately US$15 million on exploration over a two year period, ending April 30, 2008.
      schrieb am 01.07.07 10:01:26
      Beitrag Nr. 363 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.423.208 von seinfeld am 01.07.07 09:58:55Thursday, June 28, 2007
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. To Seek To Acquire Newwest Gold Corporation; Enters Into Agreement With Significant Shareholder
      Fronteer Development Group (TSX and AMEX -- FRG)("Fronteer") and NewWest Gold Corporation (TSX -- NWG)("NewWest") announced today that Fronteer has entered into a lock-up agreement (the "Lock-Up Agreement") with NWG Investments Inc. (the "Significant Shareholder"), the owner of approximately 86% of the outstanding common shares of NewWest, pursuant to which the Significant Shareholder has agreed to tender to and support a transaction (the "Proposed Transaction") whereby Fronteer would seek to acquire all of the outstanding common shares of NewWest on the basis of 0.26 of one common share of Fronteer for each common share of NewWest.

      Fronteer and NewWest have entered into a mutual confidentiality agreement pursuant to which NewWest has granted to Fronteer a 30 day exclusivity period in which to complete due diligence and pursuant to which NewWest has agreed not to solicit other proposals. Fronteer and the Significant Shareholder have also entered into an exclusivity agreement pursuant to which the Significant Shareholder has agreed not to solicit other proposals for a 30 day period. The Lock-Up Agreement permits the Significant Shareholder to tender its NewWest common shares to a superior transaction in certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions, including offering Fronteer an opportunity to match any such proposal and the payment by the Significant Shareholder of a termination fee to Fronteer in the amount of C$5.6 million.

      Fronteer's obligation to proceed with the Proposed Transaction is subject to a number of conditions including Fronteer being satisfied, in its sole and absolute discretion, with its due diligence investigations. The Significant Shareholder can terminate the Lock-Up Agreement in certain circumstances, including if Fronteer has not made an offer to all holders of NewWest common shares by August 17, 2007. Under the Proposed Transaction, the exchange ratio of 0.26 common shares of Fronteer for each issued share of NewWest represents a value of approximately C$3.20 per share based upon the closing price of Fronteer on the TSX on June 28, 2007. This represents a premium of 36.17% to the closing price of NewWest's shares on the TSX on June 28, 2007 and 37.93% based on the 20 day volume weighted average trading price of NewWest's common shares on the TSX.

      There are currently 67,857,681 Fronteer common shares outstanding and 58,392,000 NewWest common shares outstanding. Should the Proposed Transaction be completed and Fronteer acquires 100% of the NewWest common shares, current Fronteer shareholders would own approximately 81.7% of Fronteer and current NewWest shareholders would own approximately 18.3% of Fronteer.

      A special committee of the NewWest board of directors has been established to consider the transaction. The committee has not yet made any recommendation to the board of directors of NewWest in respect of the proposed transaction.

      NewWest has engaged GMP Securities L.P. as its financial advisor and Stikeman Elliott LLP as its legal advisor. Fronteer's financial advisor is Canaccord Capital Corporation and its legal counsel is Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP. The Significant Shareholder is being advised by Goodmans LLP.

      No agreements have been reached between NewWest and Fronteer, other than the confidentiality agreements described above. There can be no assurances that any agreements will be reached or that a transaction will result.
      schrieb am 01.07.07 10:19:14
      Beitrag Nr. 364 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.423.242 von seinfeld am 01.07.07 10:01:26NewWest Gold stock soars on Fronteer approach

      6/29/2007 4:20:00 PM ET Related symbols: T.FRG
      Reuters Canada

      TORONTO (Reuters) - Shares of NewWest Gold Corp. <NWG.TO> soared more than 30 percent on Friday, after NewWest and Fronteer Development Group <FRG.TO> said late on Thursday that Fronteer may buy the Nevada-focused gold explorer in a share swap.

      Fronteer, based in Vancouver, British Columbia, said it has a conditional agreement with NWG Investments Inc. to buy the latter's 86 percent stake in NewWest.

      NWG Investments has agreed to support a Fronteer offer to all NewWest shareholders at a ratio of 0.26 of a Fronteer common shares for each NewWest share, the companies said.

      Based on Thursday's closing share prices, the proposed transaction would be worth about C$3.20 per NewWest share, a 36 percent premium to its C$2.35 closing price, or about C$187 million for NewWest overall.

      Fronteer has 30 days to complete due diligence.

      A special committee of the NewWest board has not made any recommendation about the proposed acquisition, the two companies said.

      NWG Investments can tender its shares to a superior transaction in certain circumstances, they said.

      GMP Securities is financial adviser to NewWest while Canaccord Capital is advising Fronteer.
      schrieb am 06.07.07 23:05:34
      Beitrag Nr. 365 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.423.440 von seinfeld am 01.07.07 10:19:14Thursday, July 05, 2007
      Fronteer Identifies New High Grade Uranium Target at its Wernecke Project, Yukon
      News Release 07-30

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG - TSX/AMEX) is pleased to report that a new high-grade uranium drill target has been identified on its TVA Property in the Wernecke Mountains of north central Yukon. The RIO Zone ("RIO"), a new target area that has never been drill tested, returned an average grade of 0.31% U3O8 from 41 surface samples.

      Mineralized rocks at RIO have been identified over an area measuring at least 15 metres by 150 metres, which is thought to be parallel to a nearby radioactive zone that is over 500 metres long. Surface rock samples are locally derived and have not been transported. Uranium assays range from 0.08 % U3O8 to 0.60% U3O8.

      Surface trenching is currently underway in preparation for upcoming drilling. Highlights of overall surface sampling can be viewed at the following link:

      TVA is one of at least 14 key areas that have emerged from Fronteer's exploration efforts on its 450 square kilometer land package. The Company's attention has been focused primarily on the discovery of "Olympic Dam-style" copper-gold-uranium deposits. A C$6 million exploration program is currently underway that will be drill testing the five highest priority targets. This program is operated by Fronteer, and funded pro-rata by Fronteer (80%) and its joint venture partner Rimfire Minerals Corp (20%).

      Results from new target areas will be released sequentially as assay results are received and compiled.
      schrieb am 14.07.07 14:23:29
      Beitrag Nr. 366 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.530.159 von seinfeld am 06.07.07 23:05:34Leider legte der Wert nicht proportional zu den guten News zu.
      Ich habe ihn aktuell nur auf der Watchliste aber sehe nach dem bereits steilen Erfolg in den letzten Monaten noch keine echte Einstiegschance.

      VIele haben sich sicherlich schon die Taschen gefüllt und die Nachhut wird unter Umständen noch einige Monate warten müssen, denn das Niveau aktuell ist immer noch recht hoch.

      Nun ja, ich bleibe dran.
      schrieb am 15.07.07 00:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 367 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.683.749 von Eichkatz am 14.07.07 14:23:29Tja, Eichkatz,
      sollte Gold sich weiter so entwickeln, wie ich das erwarte, sieht es mit einer günstigen Einstiegschance demnächst schlecht aus (die Metalle spielen auch wieder mit).
      Und bei weiteren Top-Bohrergebnissen geht der Zug entsprechend schnell voran.
      Nur meine Meinung.

      schrieb am 21.07.07 21:39:25
      Beitrag Nr. 368 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.692.599 von Fantomas96 am 15.07.07 00:44:03
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Initial Drilling Shows Encouraging Copper-Gold Results at Yukon Wernecke Project

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jul 20, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) announced today that thick intervals of copper-gold mineralization have been intersected in new widely spaced drilling at its Hoover property in the Wernecke Mountains of north-central Yukon.

      These new results, combined with nine historical drill holes completed in the mid-1990's, suggest Hoover has significant tonnage potential and may form an important deposit component in this emerging mineral district.

      The most encouraging results to date have returned:

      1. 0.56% copper and 0.11 grams per tonne gold over 89 metres, including 0.82% copper and 0.17 grams per tonne gold over 39 metres in HV07-22.

      2. 0.86% copper and 0.22 grams per tonne gold over 16 metres in HV07-21.

      "These results are an appealing start to this year's drill program and highlight the growing similarities in styles of mineralization between this poorly understood, underexplored part of Canada and the Olympic Dam district of South Australia," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Fronteer President and CEO.

      The eight widely spaced drill holes (2,400 metres) now completed at Hoover are part of an ongoing 10,000-metre drill program. Hoover remains open for further expansion to the north and south and at depth. In addition to the copper-gold-uranium identified at Hoover, there are other new significant copper, gold and uranium occurrences throughout Fronteer's 450-square-kilometre Wernecke land package that will be drilled in the 2007 drilling program.

      The Wernecke exploration program is operated by Fronteer, and funded pro-rata by the Company (80%) and its joint venture partner Rimfire Minerals Corp (20%).

      Hoover drill results returned to date are as follows:

      --------------------------------------------------------------------Hole_ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m) Cu (%) Au (g/T)--------------------------------------------------------------------HV07-19 214.80 238.00 23.20 0.39 0.21-------------------------------------------------------------------- and 264.60 313.00 48.40 0.28 0.12--------------------------------------------------------------------HV07-21 119.00 135.40 16.40 0.86 0.22-------------------------------------------------------------------- and 191.00 214.20 23.20 0.41 0.05-------------------------------------------------------------------- and 273.40 350.00 76.60 0.23 0.11--------------------------------------------------------------------HV07-22 79.70 168.20 88.50 0.55 0.11-------------------------------------------------------------------- incl 119.00 155.00 39.00 0.82 0.17--------------------------------------------------------------------HV07-23 20.70 39.10 18.40 0.08 0.01--------------------------------------------------------------------HV07-24 55.00 67.00 12.00 0.01 0.09--------------------------------------------------------------------HV07-25 170.00 254.00 84.00 0.12 0.08--------------------------------------------------------------------
      For a map showing the distribution of new and historic drilling at Hoover, please follow the link:


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer will have exposure to approximately C$42 million in exploration/development expenditures and 130,000 metres of drilling throughout 2007. Fronteer has approximately C$104 million in cash, no debt, and holds approximately a 46.8% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX: AXU), a leading Canadian uranium company with a market value of approximately C$1.0 billion.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of David Kuran, P. Geo, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC, using ICP-AES and fire assay. Assays were completed with uranium determinations by ME-MS-61 ICP geochemical analysis with samples returning over 1000 ppm U were then analyzed by U-XRF-10 analysis.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, and size of mineralized zone, size of exploration program and exposure to exploration/development expenditures an drilling involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver, copper, and uranium, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Contacts: Fronteer Development Group Inc. Camon Mak Investor Relations (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677 Fronteer Development Group Inc. Glen Edwards Media Relations (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677 Email: Website:

      SOURCE: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Copyright 2007 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 26.07.07 19:49:50
      Beitrag Nr. 369 ()
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.:
      New Surface High Grade Zone at Kirazli Returns Up to 17 Ounces Per Ton Gold

      Thursday July 26, 12:44 pm ET
      This bonanza grade mineralization is an exciting new development at Kirazli. The results are similar to those intersected in hole KD-01 (located in the central part of the resource area), which returned 44.01 grams per tonne gold over 9.1 metres and highlight the further growth potential of the Kirazli gold deposit.
      hier mal draufklicken
      mfg opi
      schrieb am 26.07.07 21:45:02
      Beitrag Nr. 370 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.865.436 von opiping am 26.07.07 19:49:50Umfeld ist gerade leider zu schlecht ... wird aber schon wieder ... keine Sorge ... gute News setzen sich immer durch :)
      schrieb am 27.07.07 01:13:39
      Beitrag Nr. 371 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.867.447 von seinfeld am 26.07.07 21:45:02Sehe ich auch so:
      heute war fast alles dunkelrot, da war Fronteer eine nette Ausnahme.
      Ich glaube, dies ist noch lange nicht das Ende von top Ergebnissen, waren ja "nur" grab samples der neuen Zone.
      Wenn die Drill-Ergebnisse das auch nur annähernd bestätigen können, sehe ich hier noch riesiges Potenzial.
      Und es ist schließlich nicht die einzige Property, allerdings werden wir hier "nur" 40% behalten, da Teck seine 60%-Option mit Sicherheit ausüben wird.


      P.S.: Wenn die Kanonen donnern, heißt es bei den Top Werten zuzuschlagen, viele günstige Gelegenheiten wird es nicht mehr geben. Vorsichtige warten die nächsten Tage ab.
      schrieb am 27.07.07 23:44:57
      Beitrag Nr. 372 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.869.511 von Fantomas96 am 27.07.07 01:13:39Zack, und da ging es mit riesen Schritten schon wieder in die andere Richtung (CAD 11,93 / + 0,34 / * 2,93%):

      Und wieder News (Merger mit NewWest Gold) :

      Press Release Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. and NewWest Gold Corporation Enter into Arrangement Agreement

      Friday July 27, 4:00 pm ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Jul 27, 2007 -- Fronteer Development Group (Toronto:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) ("Fronteer") and NewWest Gold Corporation (Toronto:NWG.TO - News) ("NewWest") announced today that NewWest and Fronteer have entered into an arrangement agreement pursuant to which Fronteer will acquire 100% of the common shares of NewWest through a court-approved plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement"). NWG Investments Inc. (the "Significant Shareholder"), the owner of approximately 86% of the outstanding common shares of NewWest, has agreed to vote in favour of the Arrangement. The agreement today comes at the end of 30- day exclusivity and due diligence period that was previously announced by the parties on June 28, 2007.

      "This transaction with Fronteer represents a significant premium for our shareholders and increase in shareholder value. NewWest shareholders will have an opportunity, through their ownership in Fronteer, to continue to participate in the upside of NewWest's projects while increasing the geographic diversity with respect to the assets of the combined company. The NewWest gold assets will add to the already impressive portfolio of assets of Fronteer, creating a formidable platform for continued growth," said Stephen Alfers, President and Chief Executive Officer of NewWest.

      Mark O'Dea, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fronteer commented, "This transaction is an excellent fit for Fronteer, bringing in a pipeline of 19 new projects in one of the world's best gold mining districts. The combination of NewWest's exciting Nevada projects with our growing Turkish assets creates an outstanding gold platform on which to continue building a significant mining company."

      The Board of Directors of NewWest has unanimously recommended that NewWest shareholders and optionholders vote in favour of the Arrangement. The NewWest Board has also received an opinion from its financial advisor, GMP Securities L.P., that the consideration to be received by minority NewWest shareholders under the Arrangement is fair from a financial point of view.

      It is expected that the management information circular for a special meeting of NewWest shareholders and optionholders to be held to approve the Arrangement will be mailed to NewWest shareholders by mid-August, with the special meeting of NewWest shareholders and optionholders to be held on or about September 13, 2007.

      Summary of the Transaction

      The acquisition will be completed by way of a court-approved plan of arrangement whereby each NewWest common share will be exchanged for 0.26 of a Fronteer common share, which represents a value of approximately C$3.20 per share based upon the closing price of Fronteer common shares on the TSX on June 28 2007. This also represents a premium of 36.17% to the closing price of NewWest's common shares on the TSX on June 28, 2007 and 37.93% based on the 20 day volume weighted average trading price of NewWest's common shares on the TSX ending on June 28, 2007, which was the last trading day prior to the announcement of exclusive negotiations. There are currently 67,857,681 Fronteer common shares outstanding and 58,392,000 NewWest common shares outstanding. Should the proposed arrangement be completed and Fronteer acquires 100% of the NewWest common shares, current Fronteer shareholders would own approximately 81.7% of Fronteer and current NewWest shareholders would own approximately 18.3% of Fronteer.

      In addition, all outstanding options of NewWest will be exchanged for replacement options of Fronteer and will be exercisable to acquire that number of common shares of Fronteer determined by reference to the share exchange ratio.

      The completion of the arrangement is subject to a number of customary conditions precedent, including that the Arrangement be approved by 66 2/3% of the votes cast by NewWest's shareholders and option holders present in person or by proxy at the special meeting, voting together as a single class, and the approval of the arrangement by the Supreme Court of British Columbia. The completion of the Arrangement is not subject to a due diligence condition. The transaction is expected to close on or about September 24, 2007.

      Both NewWest and the Significant Shareholder can terminate their respective agreements with Fronteer and pursue a superior transaction in certain circumstances, in which case Fronteer would be entitled to a termination fee from the Significant Shareholder of C$5.6m and of C$0.82m from NewWest. Fronteer has other customary rights, including a right to match competing offers, in this circumstance.

      NewWest has engaged GMP Securities L.P. as its financial advisor and Stikeman Elliott LLP and Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP are its legal advisors. Fronteer's financial advisor is Canaccord Capital Corporation and its legal counsel is Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP and Dorsey & Whitney LLP. The Significant Shareholder is being advised by Goodmans LLP.


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer will have exposure to approximately C$42 million in exploration/development expenditures and 130,000 metres of drilling throughout 2007. Fronteer has approximately C$104 million in cash, no debt, and holds approximately a 46.8% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (Toronto:AXU.TO - News), a leading Canadian uranium company with a market value of approximately C$1.0 billion.


      NewWest is one of the largest holders of precious metals mineral rights in Nevada's gold trends, spanning approximately 623,000 acres. NewWest holds 19 exploration projects, including advanced-stage projects with measured and indicated resources. NewWest's goal is to move its projects into production.

      This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes but is not limited to, completion of the arrangement, economic performance of the combined company, statements regarding potential mineralization and reserve exploration, and future plans and objectives of NewWest Gold Corporation and Fronteer Development Group Inc., including future exploration and development.

      Any number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forwardlooking statements, including, among others, risks related to international operations, the businesses of Fronteer and NewWest not being successfully integrated or such integration proving more difficult, time consuming or costly than expected, not realizing on potential benefits of the combination, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined as well as future prices of gold and silver, as well as those factors set out in the each company's Annual Information Form as of December 31, 2006. Although each company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed timeframes or at all. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Both companies disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Camon Mak
      Investor Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Glen Edwards
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      NewWest Gold Corporation
      Stephen Alfers
      President and Chief Executive Officer
      (303) 425-7042

      Source: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      schrieb am 31.07.07 22:08:43
      Beitrag Nr. 373 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.884.259 von Fantomas96 am 27.07.07 23:44:57Interessant, interessant ...

      15:44 12.950 150,000 :eek: :eek: :eek:

      Das sind mal eben 1,94 Mio. Kanadische Dollar bei einer einzigen Order!!!
      schrieb am 08.08.07 22:34:35
      Beitrag Nr. 374 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 30.958.827 von seinfeld am 31.07.07 22:08:43FRONTEER DEVELOPMENT GRP

      NewWest Gold Corporation Receives Interim Court Order for Arrangement With Fronteer Development Group

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Aug 8, 2007 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group (TSX:FRG)(AMEX:FRG)("Fronteer") and NewWest Gold Corporation (TSX:NWG)("NewWest") announced today that the British Columbia Supreme Court has issued an interim order providing for the holding of a special meeting of NewWest shareholders and optionholders to consider the previously announced arrangement with Fronteer.

      A special meeting of NewWest's shareholders and optionholders will be held on September 13, 2007 at 10:00am in Toronto, Canada. The record date for the special meeting is August 7, 2007. A management proxy circular and accompanying materials are expected to be mailed to shareholders and optionholders of NewWest on August 10, 2007.

      If approved by shareholders and optionholders of NewWest (voting together as a single class), and subject to final court approval and satisfaction of conditions to closing, Fronteer would acquire 100% of the outstanding common shares of NewWest in exchange for 0.26 of a Fronteer common share for each NewWest share acquired.

      NWG Investments Inc. the owner of approximately 86% of the outstanding common shares of NewWest, has agreed to vote in favour of the arrangement.


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making discoveries. Not including the results of the above transaction, Fronteer will have exposure to approximately C$42 million in exploration/development expenditures and 100,000 metres of drilling throughout 2007. Fronteer has approximately $102 million in cash, no debt, and holds a 46.8% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU), a leading Canadian uranium company with a market valuation approaching $1.0 billion.


      NewWest is one of the largest holders of precious metals mineral rights in Nevada's gold trends, spanning approximately 623,000 acres. NewWest holds 19 exploration projects, including advanced-stage projects with measured and indicated resources. NewWest's goal is to move its projects into production.

      This news release includes certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes but is not limited to, completion of the arrangement, exposure to exploration expenditures and metres drilled, and future plans and objectives of NewWest Gold Corporation and Fronteer Development Group Inc., including future exploration and development.

      Any number of important factors could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements, including, among others, risks related to international operations, the businesses of Fronteer and NewWest not being successfully integrated or such integration proving more difficult, time consuming or costly than expected, not realizing on potential benefits of the combination, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined as well as future prices of gold and silver, as well as those factors set out in the each company's Annual Information Form as of December 31, 2006. Although each company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed timeframes or at all. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Both companies disclaim any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

      SOURCE: Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.Camon MakInvestor Relations(604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677Fronteer Development Group Inc.Glen EdwardsMedia Relations(604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677Email: info@fronteergroup.comWebsite: www.fronteergroup.comNewWest Gold CorporationStephen AlfersPresident and Chief Executive Officer(303) 425-7042Website:
      Copyright (C) 2007 CCNMatthews. All rights reserved.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 20.08.07 21:07:51
      Beitrag Nr. 375 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.088.011 von seinfeld am 08.08.07 22:34:35Ich hoffe, der eine oder andere hat die günstigen Kurse schon zum Einstieg genutzt oder wird es in nächster Zeit noch tun, denn die Story von FRG ist noch lange nicht am Ende und mittel- bis langfristig werden wir wieder ganz andere Kurse sehen ...

      Monday, August 20, 2007
      Halilaga Copper-Gold Project Continues to Expand

      News Release 07-36

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (FRG - TSX/AMEX) is pleased to report that a new drill hole designed to increase the dimensions of copper-gold mineralization at its Halilaga project has intersected a 383 metre wide zone of porphyry-style mineralization. Copper-gold has now been intersected in eight widely spaced drill holes over an area measuring 1,000 metres in length and up to 300 metres in width, demonstrating the considerable resource potential of this emerging deposit.

      Drill hole HD-13A intersected:
      0.72 grams per tonne gold and 0.50% copper over 143 metres as part of a broader zone that returned:

      0.41 grams per tonne gold and 0.34% copper over 382.95 metres
      HD13A was drilled 250 metres southeast of previously released hole HD-01, which returned 0.50 grams per tonne gold and 0.53% copper over 298.2 metres including 1.03 grams per tonne gold and 1.03% copper over 105.4 metres.

      "We are committed to developing world-class assets and continue to be encouraged by the size and continuity of this new porphyry system," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Fronteer President and CEO. "At Halilaga, we have tested only a small part of a much larger geophysical and geochemical footprint. Halilaga is located along the same mineral belt as Agi Dagi and Kirazli, two anchor assets in Fronteer's gold portfolio in northwestern Turkey. Together, these projects form an emerging gold and copper district that Fronteer is playing a leadership role in building.

      Detailed results for HD-13A are as follows:

      From To Interval Au Cu
      Hole No (m) (m) (m) (g/t) (%)
      HD-13A 97.00 479.95 382.95 0.41 0.34
      Including 97.00 240.00 143.00 0.72 0.50
      Including 106.60 212.40 105.80 0.87 0.59
      Including 106.60 139.00 32.40 1.29 0.78
      Including 180.50 209.30 28.80 0.97 0.68

      Currently, there is one drill rig turning at Halilaga and a second rig is planned to be added shortly. The 2007 exploration program is focused primarily on the broader geophysical footprint of the Central Zone, testing the wide zone of known surface mineralization. Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has the property under option from Fronteer and is currently the operator. TCAM has exercised its right to earn back a 60% interest in the Halilaga project which is currently 100%-owned by Fronteer.


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$102 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 22.08.07 21:50:21
      Beitrag Nr. 376 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.232.833 von seinfeld am 20.08.07 21:07:51Wednesday, August 22, 2007

      Kirazli Gold Project Advances To Next Stage

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG -- TSX/AMEX) announced today that Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has met its requirement to earn a 60% interest in the Company's Kirazli gold project in northwestern Turkey.

      Kirazli -- located along the same mineral belt as Fronteer's Agi Dagi, Halilaga, and Pirentepe projects -- is an anchor asset in the Company's gold portfolio in northwestern Turkey. Together, these projects form an emerging gold-and-copper district that Fronteer is playing a leadership role in building.

      TCAM fulfilled its earn-in obligation by spending at least US$5 million on exploration in Kirazli and it now has 90 days to decide if it will exercise its right to acquire an additional 10% interest. To earn the additional 10% interest in Kirazli, TCAM must complete a final feasibility study within the next four years and arrange project financing for Fronteer's 30% portion of the production capital costs.

      "This is a significant milestone in the development of Kirazli and for our relationship with Teck Cominco," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Fronteer President and CEO. "It's a strong endorsement of both companies' commitment towards developing world-class deposits."

      TCAM has exercised its right to earn back a 60% interest in all of Fronteer's Turkish projects including Agi Dagi, Pirentepe and Halilaga.


      The Kirazli deposit, located approximately 25 kilometres by paved road northwest of Agi Dagi, consists of a single coherent resource area characterized by excellent near surface gold and silver grades. A total of 188 drill holes, for approximately 30,000 metres of drilling, have been completed at Kirazli.

      Details of the Kirazli resource estimate completed by Fronteer (from 07-27 press release) are as follows:

      Class Tonnes Au g/T Ag g/T Au ozs Ag ozs
      Measured 1,100,000 1.4 9.6 51,000 342,000
      Indicated 8,300,000 1.1 5.8 297,000 1,549,000
      Inferred 24,600,000 1.2 2 976,000 1,558,000
      Reported at 0.5 g/T Au cut-off


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$102 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.
      schrieb am 12.09.07 11:24:43
      Beitrag Nr. 377 ()
      Hallo in die Runde

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Halilaga Project Returns One of the Highest Grade Copper-Gold Intercepts To Date
      Tuesday September 11, 9:30 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Sep 11, 2007 -- Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (Toronto:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) announced today that a new drill hole at its Halilaga porphyry project in northwestern Turkey has returned one of the highest grade intervals of copper-gold mineralization to date, intersecting an important secondary copper enrichment zone.

      Bin seit letzter Woche mit im Boot

      schrieb am 12.09.07 11:25:42
      Beitrag Nr. 378 ()
      Das beste für mich an der Meldung war aber noch dieses hier :


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$100 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.
      schrieb am 13.09.07 08:47:59
      Beitrag Nr. 379 ()
      Diese Börse bedankts gestern + 10% an der AMEX nach oben ging es.

      schrieb am 13.09.07 23:16:26
      Beitrag Nr. 380 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.555.399 von x1960 am 13.09.07 08:47:59News - Thursday, September 13, 2007
      NewWest Gold Corporation Obtains Shareholder Approval for
      Arrangement with Fronteer Development Group

      News Release 07-42

      Sept. 13, 2007 - Fronteer Development Group Inc. (TSX and AMEX -
      FRG)(\"Fronteer\") and NewWest Gold Corporation (TSX - NWG)(\"NewWest\")
      announced today that at a special meeting held in Toronto on September
      13, 2007, shareholders and optionholders of NewWest voted 100% in
      favour of the acquisition by Fronteer of all of the issued and
      outstanding shares of NewWest through a court-approved plan of
      arrangement. Pursuant to the arrangement, each NewWest common share
      will be exchanged for 0.26 of a Fronteer common share. In addition,
      all of the outstanding options of NewWest will be exchanged for
      replacement options of Fronteer and will be exercisable to acquire that
      number of common shares of Fronteer determined by reference to the
      share exchange ratio.

      NewWest proposes to seek final approval of the Supreme Court of British
      Columbia in respect of the arrangement on September 19, 2007 at 9:45
      a.m. (PST). Fronteer and NewWest expect to close the transaction on
      September 24, 2007.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 20.09.07 21:26:52
      Beitrag Nr. 381 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.567.976 von seinfeld am 13.09.07 23:16:26Hier noch zwei News von gestern :rolleyes: ... die Zweistelligkeit auf CAD-Basis ist zum Greifen nah :kiss:

      Wednesday, September 19, 2007
      Fronteer's Turkish Mineral Belt Advances to Next Stage
      News Release 07-43

      View News Release in PDF Format

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG - TSX/AMEX) announced today that Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has earned-back a 60% interest in two more of the Company's core projects in northwestern Turkey, thus completing earn-in on the majority of the mineral belt area.

      TCAM has now fulfilled its back-in obligations on both Fronteer's Agi Dagi gold deposit and its new Halilaga copper-gold project. TCAM also recently met its earn-in obligation on the Company's Kirazli gold deposit (see Fronteer press release 07-37). The three connected projects are located along the same 30-km long mineral belt in northwestern Turkey. Agi Dagi, Halilaga and Kirazli are anchor assets in Fronteer's advanced stage deposit portfolio.

      "This is a landmark announcement in the development of our entire portfolio in western Turkey," says Dr. Mark O'Dea, Fronteer President and CEO. "The earn-in on the three projects to-date underlines the resolve of Fronteer and Teck Cominco to develop a world-class deposit in this emerging gold and copper district."

      TCAM fulfilled its earn-in obligation on Agi Dagi and Halilaga by spending $10 million and $2.1 million, respectively, on exploration. TCAM now has 90 days to decide if it will exercise its right to acquire an additional 10% interest in either or both projects. To earn the additional 10% interest in each project, TCAM must complete a feasibility study within the next four years. If a production decision is made, TCAM will use its best efforts to arrange project debt financing for at least 60% of the capital costs and offer to loan Fronteer the remaining equity component of project financing at commercial lending rates.

      TCAM is also in the process of earning back a 60% interest on Fronteer's other Turkish projects, including Pirentepe, the remaining project along the mineral belt, and nearby TV Tower and Dedidagi properties.


      The Agi Dagi deposit consists of two separate resource areas, referred to as the Deli and Baba Zones, which occur at either end of a five-kilometre long hill. A total of 373 drill holes, for approximately 55,866 metres of drilling, have been completed at Agi Dagi. Several other promising zones are also emerging at Agi Dagi, which with further drilling may develop into additional resource areas.

      Details of Fronteer's resource estimate for Agi Dagi (from Fronteer press release 07-27) are as follows:


      Class Tonnes Au g/T Ag g/T Au ozs Ag ozs AuEq ozs
      Measured 1,600,000 1.80 13.50 94,000 696,000 107,920
      Indicated 18,300,000 1.20 10.20 693,000 6,027,000 813,540
      Inferred 10,200,000 1.30 15.50 418,000 5,068,000 519,360

      **Reported at 0.5 g/T Au cut-off; AuEq @ $13 Ag, $650 Au. Gold-equivalent calculations reflect gross metal content that has not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries.

      Class Tonnes Au g/T Ag g/T Au ozs Ag ozs AuEq ozs
      Measured - - - - - -
      Indicated 15,000,000 0.80 1.00 400,000 464,000 409,280
      Inferred 9,100,000 0.80 0.30 235,000 86,000 236,720

      **Reported at 0.5 g/T Au cut-off; AuEq @ $13 Ag, $650 Au. Gold-equivalent calculations reflect gross metal content that has not been adjusted for metallurgical recoveries.


      Halilaga is an exciting new copper-gold porphyry discovery that is currently defined by 11 widely spaced drill holes, all of which have intersected broad zones of copper-gold mineralization. These holes have tested an area measuring at least 1,000 metres in length and up to 400 metres in width, with mineralized intervals, on average, of greater than 200 metres in thickness (see Fronteer press release 07-40).


      The Kirazli deposit, located approximately 25 km by paved road northwest of Agi Dagi, consists of a single coherent resource area characterized by excellent near surface gold and silver grades. A total of 188 drill holes, for approximately 30,000 metres of drilling, have been completed at Kirazli.

      Details of the Kirazli resource estimate completed by Fronteer (from 07-27 press release) are as follows:

      Class Tonnes Au g/T Ag g/T Au ozs Ag ozs
      Measured 1,100,000 1.40 9.60 51,000 342,000
      Indicated 8,300,000 1.10 5.80 297,000 1,549,000
      Inferred 24,600,000 1.20 2.00 976,000 1,558,000

      Reported at 0.5 g/T Au cut-off


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$100 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.


      Wednesday, September 19, 2007
      NewWest Gold Corporation Receives Final Court Order For Arrangement with Fronteer Development Group
      News Release 07-44

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (TSX and AMEX - FRG)("Fronteer") and NewWest Gold Corporation (TSX - NWG)("NewWest") announced today that the British Colombia Supreme Court has issued a final order approving the arrangement between Fronteer and NewWest. Pursuant to the arrangement, each NewWest common share will be exchanged for 0.26 of a Fronteer common share (the "share exchange ratio"). In addition, all of the outstanding options of NewWest will be exchanged for replacement options of Fronteer and will be exercisable to acquire that number of common shares of Fronteer determined by reference to the share exchange ratio.

      Fronteer and NewWest expect to close the transaction on September 24, 2007. Registered shareholders of NewWest will be required to validly deposit their NewWest common share certificate with a validly completed letter of transmittal in order to receive their Fronteer common shares. A letter of transmittal was mailed to shareholders in early August, 2007. Details of the required process are set forth in NewWest's management information circulated dated August 7, 2007, a copy of which is available at

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 24.09.07 22:55:03
      Beitrag Nr. 382 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.680.757 von seinfeld am 20.09.07 21:26:52Nochmal zwei News :)

      Fronteer Closes Acquisition of NewWest, Adds 3.5 Million Ounces Gold Equivalent to Resource Base

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Sep 24, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) ("Fronteer" or "Company") announced today that it has closed its acquisition of NewWest Gold Corporation (TSX: NWG) ("NewWest"), adding 3.5 million ounces gold equivalent to the Company's resource base and securing ownership of one of the largest portfolios of precious-metals mineral rights in Nevada.

      As per the arrangement, Fronteer has now formally acquired 100% of the common shares of NewWest. The acquisition doubles Fronteer's 43-101 global resource base and transfers ownership of 19 new projects over 623,000 acres, including 12 with drill-indicated gold mineralization located on some of Nevada's most prolific gold trends.

      NewWest's resource estimate - comprising its Northumberland, Sandman and Zaca projects - stands at 2.75 million ounces of gold with 18.9 million ounces of silver (measured + indicated), and 443,000 ounces of gold with 5.45 million ounces of silver (inferred), for an overall gold equivalent resource of 3.5 million ounces. Detailed information on NewWest's resource estimate can be found on its website at:

      Fronteer's global Turkish resource estimate - comprising its Agi Dagi and Kirazli gold deposits - stands at 1.5 million ounces of gold with 9.1 million ounces of silver (measured + indicated), and 1.6 million ounces of gold with 6.7 million ounces of silver (inferred), for an overall gold equivalent resource of 3.5 million ounces (see Press Release 07-27 for details). Fronteer currently holds a 40% interest in both Agi Dagi and Kirazli.

      "This transaction establishes Fronteer as a significant gold company boasting a large deposit pipeline located in one of the best gold mining jurisdictions in the world. The combination of NewWest's exciting Nevada projects and our growing Turkish assets creates an outstanding platform for growth," says Mark O'Dea, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fronteer.

      As part of the acquisition agreement, the Company exchanged 0.26 of a Fronteer common share for each NewWest share acquired.


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$100 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.


      Fronteer Development Group Acquires Shares of NewWest Gold

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Sep 24, 2007 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX News Network) --
      Fronteer Development Group (TSX: FRG)(AMEX: FRG) ("Fronteer" or "Company") announced today that it has acquired ownership of 58,392,000 common shares of NewWest Gold Corporation ("NewWest") from existing shareholders of NewWest in a private arrangement transaction.

      These holdings represent 100% of the issued and outstanding common shares of NewWest as of September 24, 2007. As a result of this acquisition, Fronteer presently holds, as of September 24, 2007, an aggregate of 58,392,000 common shares of NewWest (representing 100% of the issued and outstanding common shares of NewWest as of such date) and has reserved for issuance an additional 518,050 common shares to former holders of stock options of NewWest.

      This transaction was effected for business and investment purposes and Fronteer could increase or decrease its investments in NewWest at any time, or continue to maintain its current investment position, depending on market conditions or any other relevant factor.


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$100 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.

      Gruß Seinfeld :)
      schrieb am 03.10.07 10:52:08
      Beitrag Nr. 383 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.731.153 von seinfeld am 24.09.07 22:55:03Casey Still Bullish on FRG Long Term

      The most recent International Speculator summary for Fronteer concludes that is is fairly valued now for its proven resources in the ground, but Aurora has already discovered more uranium than has been counted so far in the resource calculations, and the drills are still turning in Labrador, on the gold JV in Turkey, and soon on the recently acquired NewWest Gold properties in Nevada with excellent chances of finding more resources. "There is plenty of news on the way to move the shares higher". The only reason not to buy now is if you that market volatility might give you a 10-15% better entry point in the weeks ahead.
      schrieb am 03.10.07 10:53:21
      Beitrag Nr. 384 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.731.153 von seinfeld am 24.09.07 22:55:03Tuesday, October 02, 2007

      Latest Drilling Further Expands Jacques Lake Uranium Deposit
      Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora" or "the Company") (AXU-TSX) is pleased to announce that five new drill holes at the Company's 100%-owned Jacques Lake Deposit ("Jacques Lake") in Coastal Labrador have all intersected uranium mineralization, expanding the size of the Jacques Lake Deposit along strike by 50 metres and more than 150 metres down-plunge.

      Mineralization at Jacques Lake starts at surface and has been traced to a depth of 365 metres. The deposit has a drilled strike length of over 650 metres and remains open for further expansion to the southwest and at depth.

      New drilling highlights include:

      0.13% U3O8 over 36.5 metres in drill hole JL07-066
      0.16% U3O8 over 12.00 metres, including 0.27% U3O8 over 4.00 metres at in drill hole JL07-070
      0.11% U3O8 over 12.00 metres and 0.12% U3O8, over 3.31 metres in drill hole JL07-065
      "The Jacques Lake Deposit continues to develop with encouraging grades and with enhanced prospects for further expansion. Jacques Lake is a significant deposit in its own right and when combined with the nearby Michelin Project, forms one of the largest hard rock uranium resources in the world - with the potential for long-term local benefits," said Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, VP Exploration for Aurora.

      Detailed drilling results are as follows:

      Hole_ID from - m to - m Interval - m %U3O8
      JL07-065 119.00 131.00 12.00 0.11
      and 281.00 284.31 3.31 0.12
      JL07-066 370.00 406.50 36.50 0.13
      JL07-067 199.50 206.00 6.50 0.05
      JL07-069 306.50 307.50 1.00 0.05
      JL07-070 403.00 415.00 12.00 0.16
      incl 408.00 412.00 4.00 0.27

      The orientation of the mineralized zones at Jacques Lake is interpreted to be steeply southeast dipping and stated widths are approximately 80-90% of true widths.

      For a view of the long section at Jacques Lake, please use the following link


      Drilling continues at Jacques Lake as part of a larger overall regional drilling program, which includes drilling at the Michelin Deposit, the Aurora Corridor, the Inda Lake Trend and numerous other targets. The program is aiming for 75,000 metres of drilling this year, with a budget of C$21 million. Aurora is planning to operate year-round exploration with two fully winterized camps. The current exploration program will continue until the end of the year, which will then be followed by a winter campaign of extensive in-fill and delineation drilling. The remainder of the 2007 drill program at Jacques Lake will focus on expanding the deposit at depth and along strike.


      Based on 2006 drilling results, the Jacques Lake deposit contains 5.4 million pounds U3O8 indicated and 5.0 million pounds U3O8 inferred (see News Release of February 13, 2007).

      An updated resource statement for Jacques Lake will be forthcoming in January 2008 pending further drilling results.


      Aurora is not invested in any short-term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The company has approximately $36 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.


      Aurora (AXU - TSX) is a uranium exploration and development company focused on the Central Mineral Belt in coastal Labrador -- one of the world's most promising new uranium districts. Aurora's uranium district has a defined resource of 58 million pounds of uranium (5 million measured and 53 million indicated) and 38 million pounds (inferred). The Company is undertaking pre-feasibility studies to move the project towards development. Aurora is committed to responsible development with lasting local benefits. Uranium provides clean, safe and reliable energy - the energy to change the world.
      schrieb am 09.10.07 20:02:37
      Beitrag Nr. 385 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.827.838 von seinfeld am 03.10.07 10:52:08Ich bin durchaus des Englischen mächtig, aber bitte sag mir warum
      wir hier in einem deutschen Chat Englisch schreiben sollten.
      Ferner schliest es Missverständnisse aus wenn die Infos in der
      Muttersprache laufen.
      schrieb am 10.10.07 01:12:26
      Beitrag Nr. 386 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.916.638 von Maiki01 am 09.10.07 20:02:37@ Maiki01

      Weil das die Original-Nachricht ist und es eine Menge Arbeit macht, sie "manuell" zu übersetzen.

      Wenn Du sie in deutsch haben willst, laß sie durch ein Übersetzungsprogramm (z.B. bei Google) laufen, bringt aber teilweise komische Ergebnisse.

      schrieb am 18.10.07 22:57:11
      Beitrag Nr. 387 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 31.919.688 von Fantomas96 am 10.10.07 01:12:26Welche Aktionen verfolgt das Unternehmen im Uranbereich?
      Gibt es hierzu Informationen?
      schrieb am 31.10.07 20:47:43
      Beitrag Nr. 388 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.075.259 von Maiki01 am 18.10.07 22:57:1115:26 11.870 100,000 :eek:
      schrieb am 31.10.07 22:20:42
      Beitrag Nr. 389 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.224.577 von seinfeld am 31.10.07 20:47:43FRG 11.870 +0.280 +2.42 1,197,362 :eek: :D

      Mehrere riesige Order heute im 5 und 6stelligen Bereich ... interessant :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

      Wenn da mal nicht was im Busch ist :kiss:
      schrieb am 07.11.07 13:41:20
      Beitrag Nr. 390 ()
      Neue Meldung :

      Drill Program Reinforces Fronteer's Sandman Gold Deposits in Nevada
      Tuesday November 6, 10:01 am ET

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(MARKET WIRE)--Nov 6, 2007 -- Fronteer Development Group (Toronto:FRG.TO - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) ("Fronteer" or "Company") is pleased to announce that recent drilling has further strengthened the economic significance of its Sandman project, one of the Company's principal Nevada assets obtained through the recent acquisition of NewWest Gold.

      Recent drill highlights include:

      - 1.56 grams per tonne gold over 132.59 metres, including 6.58 grams per tonne gold over 6.1 metres in drill hole AK07-37

      - 1.80 grams per tonne gold over 22.86 metres, including 3.40 grams per tonne gold over 9.14 metres in drill hole AK07-34

      - 3.37 grams per tonne gold over 15.24 metres, in drill hole AK07-41

      Sandman includes five identified gold deposits that are all open for expansion. The deposits, located approximately 16 kilometres northwest of the mining centre of Winnemucca, are near-surface, potentially open-pit mineable and contain significant indications of oxide heap-leachable gold. Numerous untested geochemical and geophysical anomalies present attractive exploration targets.

      In May 2007, four of the five deposits reported a first-time NI 43-101 resource estimate of 271,900 ounces (measured and indicated) and 38,000 ounces (inferred) gold - see resource estimate table below. The estimate is comprised of resources: Abel Knoll, North Hill, Silica Ridge and Southeast Pediment.

      Sandman is currently 100%-owned by Fronteer.

      Sandman's 2007 drill program -- 7,000 metres and 30 holes to date -- has largely focused on Abel Knoll, expanding the deposit in all directions and identifying mineralization for the first time in a new rock sequence, which expands the prospectivity of the whole property.

      Fronteer will be updating Sandman's initial resource estimate within the coming months.

      For a comprehensive table of recent Sandman drill results (inc. oz/ton), please use the following link:

      Sandman is a key project in Fronteer's portfolio of advanced-stage gold projects in Nevada and Turkey, says Fronteer President and CEO Mark O'Dea.

      "The deposits at Sandman are extremely attractive in terms of location and extractability. They are near surface, high-grade oxide ounces located principally on private land, which greatly facilitates the permitting process. There is strong potential at Sandman to further expand the discovered deposits and find new ones of similar style," says O'Dea.

      Sandman is one of 19 new projects obtained through the recent acquisition of NewWest Gold. Three of these projects - Sandman, Northumberland and Zaca - have NI 43-101 resources (See Press Release 07-45). Of the remaining 16 projects, 12 have drill-indicated gold mineralization.

      For a map showing the distribution of drill holes, please use the following link:

      Deposit Measured Indicated
      -------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------
      Grade Grade Grade Grade
      Au Au Au Au
      oz/ g/ oz/ g/
      Tons ton tonne Au oz Tons ton tonne Au oz
      Pediment 644,000 0.070 2.41 45,300 1,300,000 0.034 1.18 44,500
      Hill 387,000 0.037 1.28 14,400 2,684,000 0.029 1.00 78,400
      Ridge 511,000 0.032 1.08 16,200 1,382,000 0.028 0.97 39,000
      Knoll 168,000 0.037 1.27 6,200 957,000 0.029 1.00 27,900
      Totals 1,710,000 0.048 1.65 82,100 6,323,000 0.030 1.03 189,800

      Measured and Indicated Inferred
      -------------------------------- ---------------------------------
      Grade Grade Grade Grade
      Au Au Au Au
      oz/ g/ oz/ g/
      Tons ton tonne Au oz Tons ton tonne Au oz
      1,944,000 0.046 1.58 89,800 109,000 0.026 0.88 2,800
      3,071,000 0.030 1.04 92,800 294,000 0.021 0.72 6,200
      1,893,000 0.029 1.00 55,200 518,000 0.014 0.49 7,400
      1,125,000 0.030 1.04 34,100 497,000 0.043 1.49 21,600
      8,033,000 0.034 1.16 271,900 1,418,000 0.027 0.92 38,000
      The cut-off grade for Sandman Project measured, indicated and inferred
      resources is 0.01 oz Au/ton for all of the shallow deposits and 0.02 oz
      Au/ton for the deeper zones at the Southeast Pediment deposit.

      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$100 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer has a 40% interest in three world-class gold and copper-gold projects in Turkey, an extensive portfolio of advanced stage gold projects in Nevada, and a 46.8% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (Toronto:AXU.TO - News), a leading Canadian uranium company.

      Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability, and there is no guarantee that any resource will become a reserve.

      Michael Gustin, Ph.D., of Mine Development Associates, Reno, Nevada, is the Qualified Person for the Sandman resource estimate. Mineral resources have been estimated by Mine Development Associates ("MDA") in accordance with the standards adopted by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum ("CIM") Council in August 2000, as amended, and prescribed by the Canadian Securities Administrators' National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. The mineral resource expressed is based on the technical report prepared by MDA as of May 31, 2007. The cut-off grade (expressed in ounces of gold per ton) for Sandman Project measured, indicated and inferred resources is 0.01 oz Au/ton for all of the shallow deposits and 0.02 oz Au/ton for the deeper zones at the Southeast Pediment deposit.

      James Ashton, P.E., is the designated Qualified Person for the Sandman drill results. Composites calculated using cut-offs of 0.010 (0.34g/t) for oxide. Samples of drill core or RC chips were sampled on 5.0 foot or 1.52 m intervals and assayed by American Assay (ISO9002;2002) or ALS Chemex (ISO 9001;2000) for gold and silver by Fire Assay of a 30gram( 1 assay tonne charge) with an AA finish or if over 3.0 ppm Au was re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. Drill hole length intersections are estimated at 90% for all holes except AK 07-37.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, future plans for resource estimation and exploration, drilling exposure and exploration budgets and timing of expenditures involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold, silver and copper, economic and political stability in Turkey, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information form and Fronteer's latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C., and factors discussed in NewWest's annual information form. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Dr. Mark O'Dea
      President and CEO
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Development Group Inc.
      Glen Edwards
      Media Relations
      (604) 632-4677 or Toll Free: 1-877-632-4677

      schrieb am 14.11.07 12:54:50
      Beitrag Nr. 391 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.324.286 von x1960 am 07.11.07 13:41:20Tuesday, November 13, 2007

      Fronteer Reports Third Quarter 2007 Results

      NEWS RELEASE 07-53

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. (the "Company" or "Fronteer") (FRG-TSX/AMEX) reports its financial and operating results for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2007. Details of the Company's financial results are described in the unaudited consolidated financial statements and Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MDA") for the nine months ended September 30, 2007, available on the Company's website at or on SEDAR at All amounts presented are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

      Selected Financial Data

      This summary of selected unaudited financial data should be read in conjunction with the MDA and the unaudited consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto for the periods indicated.

      For the three months ended For the nine months ended
      September 30, September 30,
      2007 2006 2007 2006
      Net income (loss) $ (3,868,201) $ (585,003) $ (14,499,061) $ 7,617,871
      income $ (6,210,294) $ (585,003) $ (14,875,359) $ 7,617,871
      Basic and diluted
      earnings (loss)
      per share $ (0.06) $ (0.01) $ (0.22) $ 0.14; $0.13
      Cash invested in
      properties $ 2,998,105 $ 1,618,132 $ 5,716,590 $ 4,604,057
      Cash generated
      by financing
      activities $ - $ 1,383,269 $ 66,435,554 $ 45,681,904

      As at
      September 30, December 31,
      2007 2006
      Cash $ 101,830,868 $ 40,391,913
      Working capital $ 102,106,445 $ 43,338,290
      Investment in Aurora Energy Resources
      Inc.(1) $ 34,968,438 $ 37,508,155
      Investment in Turkish Properties $ 12,243,199 $ -
      Reclamation bonds $ 1,780,343 $ -
      Total assets $ 378,891,486 $ 102,311,386
      Asset retirement obligations - Current $ 503,268 $ -
      Asset retirement obligations - Non
      current $ 746,450 $ -
      Shareholders' equity $ 325,475,071 $ 99,364,065

      (1)Fronteer accounts for its investment in Aurora Energy Resources Inc.
      ("Aurora") using the equity method of accounting. At September 30, 2007,
      the Company owned 46.8% of Aurora compared to 47.2% at December 31,
      2006. Subsequent to September 30, 2007, Aurora announced that it has
      entered into an agreement to sell an aggregate of 5,312,500 Common
      Shares in the capital of Aurora at a price of $16.00 per Common Share
      and an aggregate of 750,000 Flow-Through Shares at a price of $20.50 per
      Flow-Through Share for aggregate gross proceeds to Aurora of
      approximately $100,000,000 on a bought deal basis. The underwriters also
      have an option (the "Overallotment Option") to purchase an additional
      796,875 Common Shares of Aurora at a price of $16.00 per Common Share
      for a period of 30 days from closing. Upon conclusion of this financing,
      the Company's ownership in Aurora will be reduced to approximately
      42.8%, not including exercise of the Overallotment Option. The financing
      is expected to close November 20, 2007.

      The Company's net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2007 was $3,868,201 or $0.06 per share compared to a net loss of $585,003 for the three months ended September 30, 2006. The Company's net loss for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 was $14,499,061 or $0.22 per share as compared to net income of $7,617,871 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006. Contributing to the period-over-period differences were increased operating expenses in 2007 versus 2006, such as the recognition of increased stock-based compensation expense (a non-cash expense), property investigation costs, wages and benefits and the write-down of exploration properties in Mexico. Also contributing to the difference was the recognition of smaller dilution gain on the Company's investment in Aurora in 2007 versus 2006 and the recognition of a loss on the Company's financial instruments in 2007.

      The Company has also recognized its share of the operating loss of Aurora for the three months ended September 30, 2007 which totaled $644,478 as compared to $1,093,132 for the three months ended September 30, 2006. For the nine months ended September 30, 2007, the Company has recognized its share of the loss, totalling $3,330,044 as compared to $4,357,749 for the nine months ended September 30, 2006. The difference primarily relates to the timing of stock based compensation expense of Aurora.

      Business Acquisition

      On September 24, 2007, the Company completed the acquisition of 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of Newwest Gold Corporation on the basis of 0.26 shares of the Company for each share of Newwest. The transaction has been accounted for as an acquisition of assets and has resulted in the Company acquiring 19 precious metals exploration properties primarily located in the state of Nevada of the United States.

      The transaction was accounted for as an asset purchase and the cost of each item of property, plant and equipment acquired as part of the group of assets acquired was determined by allocating the price paid for the group of assets to each item based on its relative fair value at the time of acquisition. The Company will continue to review the information and perform further analysis with respect to these assets prior to finalizing the allocation of the purchase price by year end. The summarized results of the allocation are indicated in the table below:


      Purchase price: $
      15,181,920 common shares of Fronteer 160,017,437
      518,050 stock options of Fronteer 1,615,416
      Acquisition costs 2,889,781

      Net assets acquired:
      Current assets 3,356,579
      Other assets 2,353,343
      Exploration properties and deferred exploration expenditures 211,020,431
      Current liabilities (1,515,400)
      Other liabilities (746,450)
      Future income tax liability (49,945,869)

      As a result of the acquisition of Newwest, the Company has recorded reclamation bonds of $1,780,343 and recognized an asset retirement obligation of $1,249,718, both of which relate primarily to the Northumberland deposit.


      At September 30, 2007, the Company had cash on its balance sheet of $101,830,868 and working capital of $102,106,445 as compared to cash of $40,391,913 and working capital of $43,338,290 at December 31, 2006. The change in cash and working capital of $61,438,955 and $58,768,155 respectively is primarily due to the receipt of gross proceeds of $72,164,308 from the March 2007 financing and exercise of stock options and warrants, offset by exploration expenditures of $5,716,590 and cash used in operations of $1,149,817 during the period.

      Exploration Projects

      Exploration and acquisition expenditures, net of recoveries for the nine months ended September 30, 2007 and 2006 totalled $635,558 and $2,237,524 in Turkey, $480,578 and $843,936 in Mexico, and $4,036,353 and $2,326,157 in the Yukon, Canada respectively.

      Teck Cominco Limited, through its wholly-owned Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has conducted all exploration activities on the Agi Dagi, Kirazli, Halilaga and Pirentepe projects, located in the Biga Peninsula of Northwest Turkey, in 2007. In July and August 2007, TCAM notified the Company that it had completed its earn-back expenditures on Kirazli, Agi Dagi and Halilaga, therefore earning a 60% interest in each project. The Company and TCAM now operate each of these projects as a 40/60 joint venture. TCAM may elect to earn an additional 10% interest in each of Agi Dagi and Halilaga, by taking each project to feasibility and carrying Fronteer to production. TCAM must notify the Company of its decision to earn the additional 10% in November, 2007. TCAM has elected not to earn the additional 10% on Kirazli.

      As a result of this ownership change, the Company now accounts for its investments in these Turkish assets as equity investments. All costs incurred by the Company on these projects and any related future income tax liability are now netted and recorded on the balance sheet as Investment in Turkish Properties.

      The Company and TCAM continue to search for and examine additional properties in the Biga region of Turkey (within a defined area of interest ("AOI"). This agreement will see costs shared on a 60 % TCAM, 40% Fronteer basis going forward through November 2008. An airborne geophysical survey has recently been flown over the area, with results now being analyzed. Any new properties identified from this survey for acquisition, if acquired, will immediately be subject to a 60% TCAM 40% Fronteer joint venture.

      The Company is also conducting project generative exploration outside of the AOI, in an attempt to identify other properties for acquisition in Turkey. The Company is conducting sampling and geological mapping as well as flying an airborne geophysical survey with an estimated cost of US$476,000, as the means of identifying new properties for acquisition. Costs associated with this program have been expensed to operations during the period.

      The Company is completing its 2007, planned 10,000 metre drill exploration program for the Wernecke properties. To September 30, 2007, the Company has incurred expenditures of $4,046,353, net of recoveries from Rimfire Minerals Corporation. A total of 6,520 metres of drilling in 28 holes has been completed to the end of September, over seven different target areas, with assay results pending. The Company completed de-mobilization of its exploration camp in October. Weather issues resulted in drilling delays resulting in fewer metres drilled than planned.

      Over the next couple of months, the Company will be analyzing the data from its 2007 exploration programs and will develop its exploration budgets for its newly acquired gold properties in Nevada and its ongoing program in the Yukon. The Company will also work with TCAM to further advance the exploration and development of Agi Dagi, Kirazli and Halilaga.

      About Fronteer

      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer has a 40% interest in three world-class gold and copper-gold projects in Turkey, an extensive portfolio of advanced stage gold projects in Nevada, and a 46.8% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX -- AXU), a leading Canadian uranium company. For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:

      Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO
      Sean Tetzlaff C.A., CFO and Corporate Secretary
      Glen Edwards, Media Relations
      PH) 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 23.11.07 22:17:35
      Beitrag Nr. 392 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.422.055 von seinfeld am 14.11.07 12:54:50Friday, November 23, 2007

      Ongoing Drill Results Strengthen Significance of Halilaga Copper-Gold Porphyry

      NEWS RELEASE 07-54

      Fronteer Development Group (TSX and AMEX - FRG)("Fronteer" or "Company") is pleased to announce that new drilling at its 40% owned Halilaga porphyry copper-gold deposit in northwestern Turkey continues to strengthen the economic potential of this significant discovery.
      Results from drill hole HD-16 returned:
      0.35% copper and 0.48 grams per tonne gold over 116.9 metres, including 0.54% copper and 0.72 grams per tonne gold over 30.8 metres (see table below for complete drill results).
      HD-16 is the last hole from this year's Halilaga exploration program, which consisted of 6,346 metres of drilling. Twelve drill holes have defined an area called the Central Zone, measuring at least 1,000 metres in length and up to 400 metres in width, with average mineralized intervals of greater than 200 metres in thickness (see Fronteer press release 07-40).

      The Central Zone is open to the north, south and east. The zone is one of several targets on the Halilaga property which have similar geochemical and geophysical signatures as the Central Zone.

      "Halilaga has many of the hallmarks of a world-class porphyry deposit in terms of size, grade and continuity," says Fronteer President and CEO Mark O'Dea. "Ongoing drill results continue to build on the economic significance of this copper-gold property."

      HD-16 drill results:

      Hole No. Zone From
      (m) To
      (m) Interval*
      (m) Au
      (g/t) Cu
      HD-16 Kestane 0.0 314.2 314.2 0.29 0.24
      Including 0.0 190.2 190.2 0.38 0.29
      Including 54.9 171.8 116.9 0.48 0.35
      Including 54.9 133.6 78.7 0.55 0.40
      including 54.9 85.7 30.8 0.72 0.54

      *Note: The true width of the mineralized zones is estimated to be approximately 90% of those stated.

      For a map showing the distribution of drill holes at Halilaga, please use the following link:

      Halilaga is located along the same 30-km-long mineral belt as Agi Dagi and Kirazli, anchor assets in Fronteer's copper-gold portfolio in northwestern Turkey. Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") recently earned-back a 60% interest in Halilaga, Agi Dagi and Kirazli (see Press Release 07-43). TCAM may elect to earn an additional 10% interest in Halilaga by completing a feasibility study within the next four years. If a production decision is made, TCAM will use its best efforts to arrange project debt financing for at least 60% of the capital costs and offer to loan Fronteer the remaining equity component of project financing at commercial lending rates.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Ian Cunningham-Dunlop, P. Eng, Vice President, Exploration, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. All samples were analyzed by ALS Chemex, North Vancouver, BC. The orientation of mineralized zones is interpreted to be near horizontal and true widths are approximately 90 percent of those stated.


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$98.5 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer has a 40% interest in three world-class gold and copper-gold projects in Turkey, an extensive portfolio of advanced stage gold projects in Nevada, and a 46.7% interest in Aurora Energy Resources Inc. (TSX - AXU), a leading Canadian uranium company. For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:

      Dr. Mark O'Dea, President and CEO
      Glen Edwards, Media Relations
      PH) 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 23.12.07 10:09:45
      Beitrag Nr. 393 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.545.503 von seinfeld am 23.11.07 22:17:35Fröhliche Weihnachten aus Vancouver ...

      Wednesday, December 19, 2007
      Halilaga Copper-Gold Project to Nearly Double Exploration Program for 2008
      News Release 07-56

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG - TSX/AMEX) announced today that Teck Cominco Limited's Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has agreed to solely fund US$3 million in exploration at the Halilaga porphyry copper-gold deposit in northwestern Turkey. In turn, TCAM has been granted an extension to December 31, 2008 on its election whether to earn an additional 10% interest in the property.

      The 2008 exploration program will nearly double 2007's initial drill program at Halilaga from 6,000 metres to a target of 11,000 metres. The program will focus on grid drilling the known porphyry deposit and testing adjacent target areas.

      "Our new agreement with TCAM continues exploration momentum on this exciting new copper-gold discovery, allowing additional data to be collected to fully test the limits of this project," says Fronteer President and CEO Mark O'Dea. "Halilaga has excellent infrastructure. It is situated at 400 metres elevation, accessible by road, on the power grid and has access to water."

      At Halilaga's Central Zone (also known as the Kestane Zone), a combination of geochemistry, geophysics and diamond drilling has outlined robust near-surface copper-gold porphyry mineralization that spans an area 1,000 metres by 400 metres and shows a variable but apparent vertical dimension thus far of more than 250 metres.

      TCAM and Fronteer are encouraged by multiple targets on the Halilaga property which have similar geochemical and geophysical signatures as the Central Zone. These additional targets have yet to be drill-tested. One target shows anomalous copper-gold geochemistry at surface, over an area approximately four times as large as the Central Zone.

      As of Sept. 19, TCAM has earned-back a 60% interest in Fronteer's Halilaga copper-gold project, and the Agi Dagi and Kirazli gold deposits. The three projects are located along the same 30-km long mineral belt in northwestern Turkey.

      To earn the additional 10% interest in Halilaga, TCAM must notify Fronteer before Dec. 31, 2008, that it intends to complete a feasibility study within four years of the notification date. If a production decision is made, TCAM will use its best efforts to arrange project debt financing for at least 60% of the capital costs and offer to loan Fronteer the remaining equity component of project financing at commercial lending rates. If TCAM fails to complete a feasibility study within four years from the notification date, its ownership percentage in Halilaga will remain at 60%.

      TCAM and Fronteer will invest approximately C$600,000 in exploration at Kirazli and C$500,000 at Agi Dagi during 2008. TCAM has notified Fronteer that it will remain at a 60% interest in Kirazli and Agi Dagi.

      For a map showing the distribution of drill holes at Halilaga's Central Zone, please use the following link:


      Fronteer is not invested in any short term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. The Company has approximately C$98.5 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large commercial bank.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 15.02.08 21:27:11
      Beitrag Nr. 394 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 32.851.551 von seinfeld am 23.12.07 10:09:45Frohes Neues :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

      Noch kein Posting in 2008 :confused: :confused: :confused:

      So schlecht sieht es doch bei FRG im Vergleich zu vielen, vielen anderen Werten gar nicht aus ...

      Hier eine News von heute:

      February 15, 2008
      Drilling extends strike of high-grade gold at Nevada property

      Press release 08-05

      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG – TSX/AMEX) is pleased to announce drilling has extended oxide gold mineralization at Long Canyon, further defining Nevada’s newest gold trend.

      Additional diamond holes from Long Canyon’s 2007 Phase 2 drill program have intersected significant gold grades and extended high-grade mineralization to the northeast.

      "Long Canyon represents an outstanding platform for growth through discovery and is a key exploration focus among our portfolio of Nevada gold projects for 2008," says Fronteer President and CEO Dr. Mark O’Dea.

      Highlights from two holes include:

      0.09 ounces per ton gold (3.14 grams per tonne) over 107 feet (32.6m) in hole LC066C
      0.12 ounces per ton gold (4.11 grams per tonne) over 90 feet (27.4 m) in hole LC067C
      These two holes were drilled approximately 80 metres to the northeast of hole LC063C, which intersected 0.88 ounces per ton gold (30.10 grams per tonne) over a true thickness of 23 feet (7.0 metres), within a broader zone that returned 0.39 ounces per ton gold (13.40 grams per tonne) over a true thickness of 75 feet (22.9 metres) – see press release 08-01, Jan 7, 2008.

      A third hole, LC065C, returned 0.02 ounces per ton gold (0.72 grams per tonne) over 5 feet (1.5 metres).

      Fronteer’s 2008 exploration program will both extend and further define Long Canyon’s high-grade mineralization, with the goal of producing the project’s first resource estimate by year-end. Long Canyon’s aggressive US$3M exploration program will include 16,000 metres of drilling, as well as additional geophysical surveys and district-scale exploration. Drilling will test the northeast, southwest and depth extensions of the Main Zone, the West Zone, and additional targets within the project’s 6,500-hectare area.

      Long Canyon shows near-surface mineralization similar to famous Carlin-style gold deposits. Gold mineralization is strongly oxidized, and occurs in stratabound zones and fault and collapse breccias, hosted in a sequence of lower Paleozoic shelf carbonates.

      Drill results table:

      Hole ID










      For a map showing the location of drill holes, please use the following link:

      A total of 61 RC holes and 6 core holes have been drilled at Long Canyon. Results from the final drill hole of Phase 2 are pending. For a comprehensive table listing drill results to-date, please use the following link:

      Long Canyon is under option from AuEx Ventures Inc. ("AuEx") (XAU - TSX). Under the terms of the option, Fronteer is the operator and may earn a majority interest (51%) by investing $5 million over a five-year period. Fronteer may earn an additional 14% by advancing Long Canyon through feasibility.

      Robert Felder, M.Sc. and Certified Professional Geologist, is designated as a Qualified Person for these Long Canyon drill results, with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of, and validity of, this data. Drill composites calculated using cut-off of 0.30 g/tonne. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. The mineralized intervals reported are estimated to be near true thickness. Core was sampled at geologically selected intervals and was assayed by American Assay Laboratories (ISO9002:2002) for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 10.0 grams per tonne Au was re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. QA/QC included the insertion of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream. Selected holes are also analyzed for a 72-element geochemical suite by ICP-MS.

      Andere Firmen würden sonst was geben, wenn sie solche Neuigkeiten verkünden könnten :eek: :) :eek: :) :eek:

      Gruß Seinfeld, der FRG auf dem Weg zurück in die Zweistelligkeit sieht :cool:
      schrieb am 25.02.08 21:32:58
      Beitrag Nr. 395 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.386.815 von seinfeld am 15.02.08 21:27:11Wir kommen wieder ins Laufen ... :look:

      February 25, 2008
      Fronteer's Aurora exceeds annual resource target, adds four projects


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer") (FRG -- TSX/AMEX) is pleased to report that Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") (AXU - TSX), in which Fronteer holds a 42.3% interest, announced that a new total resource estimate for its pipeline of six growing uranium deposits in coastal Labrador has produced:

      A Measured and Indicated resource of 83.9 million pounds of U3O8 (uranium); and
      An Inferred resource of 49.8 million pounds of U3O8.
      Aurora's new uranium resource base has surpassed Aurora’s annual target, increasing by 39% in just over 12 months. This new estimate is comprised of the Michelin Deposit (see recent press release of February 20, 2008), the Jacques Lake Deposit, and four newly estimated nearby satellite deposits called Rainbow, Nash, Inda, and Gear. Jacques Lake and the satellite deposits all have the potential for significant, Michelin-style growth and are located within 30 kilometres of Michelin.

      "Our goal for 2007 was to deliver a resource of 130 million pounds," said Dr. Mark O’Dea, Aurora’s President and CEO. "We have exceeded our resource target for the third consecutive year. More importantly, we have succeeded in demonstrating that Aurora’s new uranium district hosts a true pipeline of projects that have major growth potential, which will help sustain a long life, world-class mining camp. We are moving to develop these important resources as efficiently as possible, using industry best practices in geology, engineering, metallurgy, environment and health and safety."


      The new resource estimate for the Jacques Lake Deposit ("Jacques Lake"), has led to an overall 67% increase in deposit size. While still open for significant expansion, Jacques Lake now has:

      A Measured and Indicated resource of 10.4 million pounds of U3O8; and
      An Inferred resource of 6.9 million pounds of U3O8.
      Like Michelin, the characteristics of the Jacques Lake mineralization are well understood and similar to the Michelin mineralization. Jacques Lake mineralization lends itself to standard crushing and grinding technology and traditional leach processing. Similarly, the host rocks at Jacques Lake are competent, making them amenable to both open pit and conventional underground mining techniques. Like Michelin, there are no groundwater, metallurgical or rock mechanic issues identified to date.


      While the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits are clearly the backbone of the district, Aurora’s drilling programs have further defined four satellite deposits, each with the potential to become significant resources in their own right. The Rainbow, Nash, Inda and Gear deposits have been significantly expanded and now cumulatively have:

      An Indicated resource of 6.1 million pounds of U3O8; and
      An Inferred resource of 7.4 million pounds of U3O8.
      Of particular note, the Inda Deposit today is nearly as large as the Jacques Lake Deposit was 12 months ago. It is important to stress that all four of these satellite deposits are still at a very early stage of deposit delineation and have significant growth potential.

      For a map showing the distribution of Aurora’s uranium deposits and priority drill targets, please use the following link:

      The following table summarizes the Classified Mineral Resources of the Michelin, Jacques Lake, Rainbow, Nash, Inda and Gear deposits:

      Open Pit*

      lbs U3O8
      lbs U3O8
      lbs U3O8



























      * Aurora’s CMB Mineral Resources are reported at cut-off grades that contemplate underground (0.05% U3O8) and open pit (0.03% U3O8) mining scenarios, based on preliminary economic assumptions, and may be refined with more in-depth economic analyses.

      2008 WORK PROGRAM

      Aurora is continuing to advance the Project through its comprehensive development program. A detailed work program for the balance of 2008 is scheduled to be announced by Aurora within the next few weeks.

      Meanwhile, Aurora is carrying out a 20,000 metre, seven rig, two-month winter program of in-fill, confirmation, and geotechnical drilling on both the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits and is continuing with ongoing engineering studies designed to move the project towards development.

      Aurora is scheduled to submit its Project Registration to government authorities in the second quarter of 2008 to initiate the Environmental Assessment process for the Michelin Project (which includes the Michelin and Jacques Lake deposits). The Project Registration is the beginning of an extensive environmental assessment process under the federal, provincial and Nunatsiavut governments.

      Christopher Lee, P. Geo, Chief Geoscientist for Aurora, is the designated Qualified Person for the CMB resource estimates. All estimates were conducted using 3D geological solids defined by a combination of stratigraphy, alteration and grade, and hand-digitized on 25-50 metre cross-sections in Gemcom software. Assay composites were generated from capped U3O8 grades within these solids and used to interpolate grades into 3D block models, using either ordinary kriging (Michelin, Jacques Lake) or anisotropic inverse distance squared weighting (Rainbow, Gear, Inda, Nash). Optimum search parameters (ranges, orientations, number of samples) were chosen to reflect modeled or interpreted grade continuity, low and high grade populations, and sample density. A single mean specific gravity, as measured from 22 to 329 samples of mineralized rock, was used for each deposit. Mineral resources for the satellite deposits (Rainbow, Gear, Inda, Nash) are reported for only those blocks located less than 300 metres from surface. Blocks were classified into Measured, Indicated and Inferred mineral resource categories using a combination of the number drill holes, average distance of samples used in each block estimate, and geological confidence. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves, and there is no guarantee that any resource will become a reserve.

      Assay results have been prepared under the guidance of Mr. Ian Cunningham-Dunlop P. Eng, Exploration Vice-President for Aurora, who is designated as a Qualified Person with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of and validity of this data. Drill core was prepared and analyzed in accordance with industry standards by Activation Laboratories Ltd, Ancaster, Ontario.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 28.02.08 22:18:02
      Beitrag Nr. 396 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.472.365 von seinfeld am 25.02.08 21:32:5815:55 9.600 46,000 :lick:
      schrieb am 07.05.08 14:49:10
      Beitrag Nr. 397 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 33.509.862 von seinfeld am 28.02.08 22:18:02Gruß Seinfeld, der FRG auf dem Weg zurück in die Zweistelligkeit sieht

      Okay, okay, die Realität sieht (noch) anders aus ... ;););)

      Einen besseren Wiedereinstiegspunkt als zur Zeit dürfte es aber auf absehbare Zeit nicht mehr geben. Zweistellige Kurse wird es vielleicht so schnell noch nicht wieder geben, aber die Richtung dürfte bald wieder klar Richtung Norden gehen ...

      Ich hoffe es gibt noch Investierte :) ... oder zumindest Anleger, die über einen Einstieg nachdenken :rolleyes:

      Gruß Seinfeld
      schrieb am 07.05.08 15:24:24
      Beitrag Nr. 398 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.046.876 von seinfeld am 07.05.08 14:49:10"....Ich hoffe es gibt noch Investierte ... oder zumindest Anleger, die über einen Einstieg nachdenken ....."

      jo, die gibt´s ! :D

      hast du ne ahnung, womit der anstieg von gestern begründet werden kann ? :confused:
      und vor allem das volumen ( > 1,2 millionen) ca. 4 mal soviel wie sonst :eek:

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 07.05.08 15:41:22
      Beitrag Nr. 399 ()
      hier noch mal der gestrige chart

      und der 2-jahres chart

      wenn´s der wendepunkt (hoffentlich nach oben ;) ) ist, haben wir gut luft nach oben. aber erst muß die 5 cad nachhaltig genommen werden. we will see....:look:

      schrieb am 07.05.08 16:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 400 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.047.401 von pietry am 07.05.08 15:41:22".....hier noch mal der gestrige chart......"

      nu is es halt der heutige chart - obwohl der gestrige besser aussah....;)
      (ich denk immer nicht dran, daß das ding "weiterlebt") :cry::D

      schrieb am 08.05.08 22:48:16
      Beitrag Nr. 401 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.047.789 von pietry am 07.05.08 16:18:22ich denk immer nicht dran, daß das ding "weiterlebt"

      Hey, schön, ich bin doch nicht alleine ;)

      Nicht nur das "Ding" wird weiterleben, FRG selbst auch ... da habe ich keine Zweifel!!!!

      Ein 7stelliges Volumen gab es in den letzten zwei Jahren häufig, ist nicht ungewöhnlich ... wurde aber Zeit, daß wir mal wieder dahin zurück kommen. Aktuelle News, die das gestrige Interesse rechtfertigen, sind mir nicht bekannt geworden. Vielleicht hat ein Analyst zum Einstieg geblasen, recht hätte er :D :D :D

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 14.05.08 14:27:42
      Beitrag Nr. 402 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.060.485 von seinfeld am 08.05.08 22:48:16May 13, 2008
      Fronteer reports first quarter 2008 results


      Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (FRG – TSX/AMEX) reports its financial and operating results for the three months ended March 31, 2008. Details of the Company’s financial results are described in the unaudited consolidated financial statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the three months ended March 31, 2008. Further details on each of Fronteer’s projects and activities can be found on the Company’s website: and on SEDAR at All amounts are presented in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

      The Company is a gold-focused exploration and development company committed to discovering and advancing big deposits with strong production potential. The Company’s vision is to become a multi-billion-dollar, gold-growth Company advancing a pipeline of projects stretching from exploration through to production.

      The Company has an interest in several major gold and copper-gold projects throughout Nevada, USA and northwest Turkey. Among its large portfolio of precious metal mineral rights in Nevada, the company’s key projects include Northumberland, one of the largest undeveloped Carlin-style gold deposits in the state; Long Canyon, a discovery defining an entirely new gold trend in the Eastern Great Basin; and, Sandman, a property which Newmont Mining Corporation ("Newmont"), subject to finalizing a formal joint-venture agreement, has the option of advancing to a production decision within 36 months. In Turkey, Fronteer has built and retained a 40% interest in a new mineral district that includes two gold deposits and a copper-gold porphyry deposit, called Agi Dagi, Kirazli and Halilaga, respectively. Fronteer is also the founding and largest shareholder at 42.2% of Aurora Energy Resources Inc. ("Aurora") a company focused on advancing a pipeline of growing uranium deposits in Labrador, Canada. Aurora is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AXU.

      Significant Events
      Significant events for the three months ending March 31, 2008, through the date of this release are:

      Signing of a letter of intent with Newmont where Newmont may earn an initial 51% interest in Sandman by spending a minimum US$14 million on exploration and making a production decision supported by a bankable feasibility study, a commitment to fund and construct and, the undertaking to advance necessary permits within 36 months. Newmont may earn an additional 9% interest in Sandman by spending a further US$9 million on development. Fronteer retains a 2% NSR on production of the first 310,000 ounces at Sandman. Fronteer can also elect to have Newmont arrange financing for its 40% of development costs.
      Fronteer retains a 100% interest in the Northumberland Project and through the above mentioned Sandman deal will gain access to Newmont’s N2TEC flotation technology for Northumberland.
      The Nunatsiavut government in Labrador voted eight-to-seven in favour of implementing a three-year moratorium on the working, production, mining and development of uranium on Labrador Inuit lands, which directly affects the Company’s investment in Aurora. Uranium exploration is unaffected by the moratorium.
      Exploration Projects
      Exploration and acquisition expenditures, net of recoveries but including stock based compensation, for the three months ended March 31, 2008 and 2007 totaled $305,093 and $205,392 in Turkey (including costs added to Investment in Turkish Properties), and $75,085 and $108,548 in the Yukon, Canada, respectively. For the three months ended March 31, 2008, the Company has also expended $2,830,107 on its properties in Nevada, USA. The properties in Nevada were acquired with the purchase of NewWest Gold Corporation in September 2007, and thus there are no expenditures for the corresponding three months ended March 31, 2007.

      The Company has a cash exploration budget of approximately US$14,000,000 for its Nevada assets in 2008, while Teck Cominco Limited’s Turkish subsidiary ("TCAM") has proposed a total budget of approximately US$4,600,000 for the Agi Dagi, Kirazli and Halilaga projects in Turkey, US$3,000,000 of which relates to Halilaga which will be solely funded by TCAM. Aurora is currently evaluating its exploration and development budgets for 2008, in light of the Nunatsiavut government moratorium decision. Permitting delays at the southwest portion of Long Canyon, the Central Zone at Halilaga and Kirazli may delay the start of drilling. However, drilling has now commenced on the permitted sections of Long Canyon and Halilaga.

      Selected Financial Data
      This summary of selected financial data should be read in conjunction with the Management Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") and the unaudited consolidated financial statements and related notes thereto for the periods indicated.

      Three months ended March 31,


      Net loss

      Basic and diluted earnings per share

      Cash used in operations

      Cash invested in mineral properties and deferred exploration

      Cash generated by financing activities

      As at

      March 31, 2008
      December 31, 2007

      Cash and cash equivalents

      Working capital

      Investment in Aurora (1)

      Investment in Turkish Properties (2)

      Exploration properties & deferred exploration expenditures

      Total assets

      Asset retirement obligations

      Shareholders’ equity

      (1) The Company accounts for its investment in Aurora using the equity method of accounting. At March 31, 2008, the Company owns 42.2% (December 31, 2007-42.3%) of Aurora. Total market capitalization of Aurora at March 31, 2008, was approximately $395 million (December 31, 2007 - $989 million).
      (2) The Company began to account for its investments in the Agi Dagi, Kirazli and Halilaga projects as an equity accounted investment in 2007. The Company owns 40% of three TCAM subsidiaries.

      Company’s net loss for the three months ended March 31, 2008 was $6,223,412 or $0.07 per share compared to net loss of $1,142,677 or $0.02 for three months ended March 31, 2007. Contributing to the period-over-period differences was the recognition of increased operating expenses such as, stock-based compensation, wages and benefits, property investigation, office and general, and accounting and audit. Also the Company experienced increases in other expenses such as foreign exchange and changes in the fair value of financial instruments. Offsetting the above noted increases in operating expenses were the recognition of a gain on the sale of a long term investment and increased interest income on cash reserves.

      Stock-based compensation expense (a non-cash expense) for the three months ended March 31, 2008 increased to $4,063,294 from $144,367 for the three months ended March 31, 2007. Stock-based compensation expense is comprised of the fair value of stock options granted to employees, directors and consultants, using the Black-Scholes option pricing model. The Company also recognized an unrealized foreign exchange loss of $1,621,421, primarily relating to the translation of a US$ denominated future income tax liability.

      During the quarter, the Company realized a gain of $1,768,235, on the sale of shares of Latin American Minerals Inc. ("LAT").

      At March 31, 2008, the Company had cash on its balance sheet of $98,523,118 and working capital of $98,463,531 as compared to cash of $99,039,334 and working capital of $96,903,057 at December 31, 2007. The change in cash and working capital of $516,216 and $1,560,474, respectively, is primarily due to cash exploration expenditures of $1,693,286 and cash used in operations of $2,481,501 during the period, offset by the sale of the Company’s investment in LAT which brought in proceeds of $5,295,450.

      The Company currently has no operating revenues other than interest income and relies primarily on equity financing as well as the exercise of options to fund its exploration and administrative costs.

      About Fronteer
      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer has a 40% interest in three excellent gold and copper-gold projects in western Turkey, an extensive portfolio of advanced stage gold projects in Nevada, and a 42.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX – AXU), a leading Canadian uranium company. For further information on Fronteer visit or contact:

      Mark O’Dea, Ph.D, P.Geo President and CEO
      Sean Tetzlaff, Chief Financial Officer
      PH) 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 15.05.08 16:58:21
      Beitrag Nr. 403 ()
      hi seinfeld,

      habe frg von ca.2,50$ bis 12$ erfolgreich getradet, seitdem aber nicht mehr verfolgt. eine info darüber, ob der kursverfall eine folge der allgemeinen korrektur, oder fundamental begründet ist, wäre nett.

      gruß bull
      schrieb am 17.05.08 21:54:54
      Beitrag Nr. 404 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.102.314 von bull70 am 15.05.08 16:58:21Hi,

      fundamentale Gründe sind mir nicht bekannt, eigentlich hat sich an der positiven Situation der Firma nichts geändert, aber nach dem rasanten Anstieg der letzten Jahre und der allgemeinen Korrektur haben dann wohl doch viele Anleger Kasse gemacht, anders kann ich mir das bei der Nachrichtenlage nicht erklären. Bin ja selbst zu 1,06 CAD eingestiegen und habe den Hype bis zu tollen 14,20 CAD mitgemacht, bevor ich die Hälfte meiner Aktien veräußert habe. Die andere Hälfte ist somit auch noch im Plus, aber natürlich momentan nicht gerade zufriedenstellend. Ich hoffe sehr und glaube auch daran, daß wir die Talsohle bald durchschritten haben werden.

      Gruß Seinfeld :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 20.05.08 22:41:33
      Beitrag Nr. 405 ()
      Hallo Seinfeld,

      gibts irgendwas neues, oder wodurch läßt sich dieser wirklich schön anzusehende Kursanstieg der letzten Tage erklären ???
      Beobachte FRT schon einige Wochen und habe dann heute endlich mal ein wenig gekauft, scheint eine gute Entscheidung gewesen zu sein :-)
      schrieb am 21.05.08 10:12:47
      Beitrag Nr. 406 ()
      super, mit schmackes über die 5 CAD :D

      im 2-Jahreschart schön sichtbar, daß jetzt gut luft nach oben ist...:lick: (aber erstmal abwarten ob sie die 5 CAD halten:look: )

      warum auch immer der ausbruch, aber ich freu mich trotzdem

      gruß, pietry
      schrieb am 07.06.08 10:42:36
      Beitrag Nr. 407 ()
      schrieb am 19.07.08 09:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 408 ()
      Meine Güte, jetzt sind wir aber schon arg unterbewertet :eek: :eek: :eek:

      Der Rebound wird unser sein :laugh: :D :laugh: :D :laugh:

      Gruß Seinfeld (immer noch hoffnungsvoll gestimmt :) )
      schrieb am 19.07.08 09:42:03
      Beitrag Nr. 409 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.542.904 von seinfeld am 19.07.08 09:35:44Wenn wir die 3,50 Euro mal wieder knacken würden, wäre der Anstieg auf 6 Euro schnell möglich :)
      schrieb am 07.09.08 11:08:20
      Beitrag Nr. 410 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 34.542.927 von seinfeld am 19.07.08 09:42:03Ähem ... okay, irgendwie sind wir im Moment noch "ein wenig" von meinen genannten Kursen entfernt :( :rolleyes: :( :rolleyes: :( ... schön ist das sicherlich nicht, aber eigentlich eine supergünstige Einstiegschance ... jetzt müssen nur noch das Umfeld und die Fundamentals stimmen ... hoffentlich gibt es bald wieder positive News!!

      Gruß Seinfeld :look:
      schrieb am 22.09.08 22:42:29
      Beitrag Nr. 411 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.014.319 von seinfeld am 07.09.08 11:08:20Wir leben noch ...

      3.340 +0.590 (21.45%)
      schrieb am 28.12.08 19:14:59
      Beitrag Nr. 412 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 35.224.880 von seinfeld am 22.09.08 22:42:29Okay, vielleicht auch nicht :(
      schrieb am 29.12.08 13:22:55
      Beitrag Nr. 413 ()
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.

      TSX: FRG
      NYSE Alternext US: FRG
      Dec 29, 2008 07:09 ET
      Fronteer Development Group Inc.: Drilling Returns 9.03 Grams Per Tonne Gold Over 25.8 Metres at Long Canyon Project, Nevada

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Dec. 29, 2008) - Fronteer Development Group Inc. ("Fronteer" or the "Company") (TSX:FRG)(NYSE Alternext US:FRG) is pleased to announce that new drill results have both strengthened and extended high-grade, oxide gold mineralization at its 51%-owned and operated Long Canyon project in Nevada.

      Drilling that tested a 150-metre long gap between mineralized holes in the West Zone returned:

      - 9.03 grams per tonne gold (0.264 ounces per ton) over 25.8 metres, including 14.44 g/t (0.422 oz/ton) over 6.9 metres, in hole LC173C.

      Drill highlights from several step-out holes extending the Northeast and Shadow Zones include:

      - 5.45 g/t (0.159 oz/ton) over 7.6 metres, including 9.36 g/t (0.273 oz/ton) over 3.0 metres, in LC172;

      - 4.34 g/t gold (0.127 oz/ton) over 16.8 metres, including 6.63 g/t (0.194 oz/ton) over 6.1 metres, in LC130C;

      - 1.18 g/t (0.035 oz/ton) over 27.5 metres in LC158.

      With drilling consistently intersecting near-surface, high-grade oxide gold mineralization, Long Canyon is developing into a high-quality gold deposit. Mineralization has been intersected over a 1.7 kilometre (1.1 mile) long strike length and across multiple zones that are collectively up to 400 metres in width. Mineralization remains open in all directions - including at depth.

      Approximately 24,700 metres in 164 holes have been drilled in 2008, with assays from approximately 50 holes still pending. A project-first, independent National Instrument 43-101 resource estimate is planned for Q1 2009.

      For a map highlighting recent drilling, please click:…


      From To Length Au Au
      Hole ID (metres) (metres) (metres) (oz/ton) (g/t)
      LC117C 82.1 85.7 3.6 0.077 2.64
      including 84.8 85.7 0.9 0.244 8.37
      91.8 107.0 15.2 0.082 2.79
      including 100.9 101.2 0.3 0.389 13.33
      LC122C 78.0 81.1 3.1 0.022 0.74
      LC127C 43.0 47.6 4.6 0.113 3.87
      including 43.0 44.5 1.5 0.292 9.99
      49.7 53.7 4.0 0.016 0.56
      61.3 82.6 21.3 0.050 1.71
      including 72.0 73.5 1.5 0.170 5.81
      LC130C 44.8 61.6 16.8 0.127 4.34
      including 49.4 55.5 6.1 0.194 6.63
      56.1 57.0 0.9 0.260 8.91
      60.5 61.1 0.6 0.169 5.80
      LC135C 52.4 58.5 6.1 0.080 2.74
      including 53.4 54.9 1.5 0.154 5.25
      LC156 123.5 132.6 9.1 0.045 1.41
      LC158 126.5 154.0 27.5 0.035 1.18
      158.5 161.6 3.1 0.027 0.93
      LC172 50.3 57.9 7.6 0.159 5.45
      including 51.8 54.9 3.0 0.273 9.36
      LC173C 37.0 62.8 25.8 0.264 9.03
      including 37.8 39.9 2.1 0.326 11.17
      44.5 48.2 3.7 0.446 15.26
      50.6 57.5 6.9 0.422 14.44
      93.3 97.3 4.0 0.034 1.16
      True widths of the mineralized intervals are
      interpreted to be between 70-100% of the reported
      lengths. Holes LC154, LC167, LC177, LC178, LC181 had
      no reportable intercepts.

      For a PDF of comprehensive drill results, please click:…

      Fronteer is majority owner (51%) and manager of Long Canyon through a participating joint venture with AuEx Ventures Inc. (49%). Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland are currently Fronteer's leading gold properties in Nevada. Long Canyon, located 6.5 km (4 miles) south of the I-80 Freeway corridor in northeastern Nevada, is part of Fronteer's emerging 400,000-acre Eastern Great Basin portfolio.

      For more information on Long Canyon and Fronteer's other Nevada projects, visit:

      Robert Felder, M.Sc. and Certified Professional Geologist, as recognized by the American Institute of Professional Geologists, is designated as a Qualified Person for these Long Canyon drill results, with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of, and validity of, this data. Drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 0.30 g/t. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. Reverse circulation cuttings were sampled on 5.0 feet (1.52 metre) intervals and core was sampled at geologically selected intervals. All drill samples were assayed by American Assay Laboratories (ISO9002:2002) in Sparks, Nevada, for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 10.0 g/t were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. For these samples, the gravimetric data were utilized in calculating gold intersections. QA/QC included the insertion and continual monitoring of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream, and the collection of duplicate samples at random intervals within each batch. Selected holes are also analyzed for a 72-element geochemical suite by ICP-MS.


      Fronteer is not invested in any short-term commercial paper or asset-backed securities. Fronteer has approximately C$81 million in cash that is fully liquid and held with a large Canadian commercial bank.


      Fronteer is an exploration and development company with a track record of making big discoveries. Fronteer has an extensive portfolio of advanced stage gold projects in Nevada, a 40% interest in three gold and copper-gold projects in western Turkey, and a 42.2% interest in Aurora Energy Resources (TSX:AXU), a leading Canadian uranium company.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, potential size of mineralized zone, timing of resource calculation and size of exploration program involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations and joint ventures, the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold and silver, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation and permitting requirements as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer's Annual Information Form and Fronteer's latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      NEWS RELEASE 08-34
      schrieb am 06.04.09 19:45:13
      Beitrag Nr. 414 ()
      schrieb am 08.06.10 12:42:49
      Beitrag Nr. 415 ()
      Sehr geehrter Wallstreet-online Nutzer,

      für eine aktuelle Diskussion enthistorisieren wir diesen Thread.

      MfG MaatMOD
      schrieb am 08.06.10 19:27:12
      Beitrag Nr. 416 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 39.647.990 von MaatMod am 08.06.10 12:42:49FRONTEER GOLD INC. News ..wahrscheinlich deshalb aktuell +16.1% :)

      New high-grade drill results and expanded Plan of Operations for Sandman gold project, Nevada
      June 07, 2010

      Fronteer Gold (FRG - TSX/NYSE Amex) reports new high-grade drill results from Silica Ridge, one of four gold deposits that comprise our Sandman project, and announces approval of an expanded Plan of Operations for the Nevada property. Newmont USA Limited, as project operator, completed a 19-hole drill program at Silica Ridge in April. Results received from the first five holes show continued intersection of high-grade oxide gold mineralization. Highlights include:

      - 15.00 grams per tonne gold (0.438 ounces per ton) and 22.19 g/t silver (0.647 oz/ton) over 3.60 metres, including 43.87 g/t gold (1.280 oz/ton) and 51.50 g/t silver (1.502 oz/ton) over 1.13 metres, in NSM-172.
      - 16.33 g/t gold (0.476 oz/ton) and 18.41 g/t silver (0.537 oz/ton) over 1.52 metres, in NSM-168.
      - 2.47 g/t gold (0.072 oz/ ton) and 11.00 g/t silver (0.321 oz/ton) over 5.76 metres, including 13.94 g/t gold (0.407 oz/ton) and 27.91 g/t silver (0.814 oz/ton) over 0.58 metres, in NSM-174.
      - 9.20 g/t gold (0.268 oz/ ton) and 11.23 g/t silver (0.327 oz/ton) over 1.10 metres, in NSM-165.
      For a comprehensive table of new and previously reported drill results, please click:…
      The Winnemucca Bureau of Land Management recently approved a new Exploration Plan of Operations for the Sandman property, significantly increasing the area permitted for exploration and development work from two square miles to 39 square miles. This allows for work to be carried out beyond the Silica Ridge and Southeast Pediment deposits, which have been the primary focus for Newmont to date because of disturbance restrictions in the original BLM Notices. Newmont will commence exploration work in early June to test up to eight new high-priority targets identified through geophysical surveys completed in 2008 and 2009. The ongoing development drilling program will focus on the known North Hill deposit, which will receive infill drilling and metallurgical test work, as well as further step-out drilling at the Southeast Pediment deposit.

      Newmont continues to meet earn-in obligations and can elect to make a positive production decision by June 2011 to earn a 51% interest in Sandman. Thereafter, Newmont may earn an additional 9% interest by spending a further US$9 million on development.

      All known deposits at Sandman, like the historical Sleeper mine to the north, are epithermal in origin and have high-grade gold mineralization hosted within zones of quartz-adularia replacement associated with faults and breccias. The deposits are also silver-bearing, with composite grades averaging approximately half an ounce silver per ton (see table). Silver could be an important economic attribute of this mineralized system, potentially providing by-product credits to effectively reduce cash costs of any future gold production.

      The Sandman Property's four known high-grade gold deposits are located within trucking distance to Newmont's Twin Creeks mine, potentially eliminating the need for a stand-alone milling facility and other significant capital expenditures. Given Sandman's proximity to established infrastructure, Fronteer Gold believes Sandman has the potential to be the nearest term production-stage project within the company's large Nevada gold platform.

      Drill samples and analytical data for the Sandman project are being collected under the supervision of Newmont, using industry standard QA-QC protocols. Fronteer Gold's James Ashton P.E., who is the QP responsible for compiling the data contained in this release, has not verified all the data; however, the grades and widths reported here are consistent with Fronteer Gold's past results on the project. Correspondence with the operator and review of portions of the data, has given him no reason to doubt the results authenticity. The true width of the mineralized zones is estimated by Fronteer Gold to be approximately 90% of those stated. Primary composite intervals stated in this release were calculated using a cut-off of 0.3 g/t Au, 0.5 g/t Au and 2.0 g/t Au for the higher grade internal intervals. No gold values below the 0.30 g/t Au cut-off were included as internal dilution. The lower 0.3 g/t cut off is used to conform with the 43-101 compliant resources previously calculated on the Sandman Project. For further details on Sandman, please view the technical report prepared by Mine Development Associates (“MDA”), as of May 31, 2007, on SEDAR at

      ABOUT FRONTEER GOLDWe intend to become a significant gold producer. Our solid financial position and strong operational team give us the ability to advance our key gold projects through to production. Our future potential production platform includes our Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland projects – all located in Nevada, one of the friendliest gold-mining jurisdictions in the world. Fronteer Gold aims to build regional production by advancing these projects sequentially over the near-term using existing cash resources – funding the company’s growth with low-risk of dilution. For further information on Fronteer Gold visit or contact:

      Mark O'Dea, President & CEO
      Troy Fierro, COOSean Tetzlaff, CFO
      John Dorward, VP, Business Development
      Glen Edwards, Director, Communications
      Phone 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, potential size of mineralized zone, and size of exploration program involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer Gold to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to international operations and joint ventures , the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold and silver, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation and permitting requirements as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer Gold’s Annual Information form and Fronteer Gold’s latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer Gold has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer Gold disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.
      schrieb am 08.06.10 22:00:20
      Beitrag Nr. 417 ()
      Investment bankers Dahlman Rose say prospective Nevada exploration and mining projects--not belonging to Newmont or Barrick--also offer junior company investors high-return opportunities in a rising gold price environment.

      Fronteer's pipeline of three advanced stage gold projects-Sandman, Long Canyon, and Northumberland-have the potential to build a new Nevadan mid-tier gold producer with an annual production of 300,000 ounces and current resources of over 4.2 million ounces and growing, Graft noted.
      Graf asserted, "The company has unmatched balance sheet strength among its peer group. With nearly $200 million in cash and note debt (thanks in part to a pending asset sale), we think the company is well positioned to bring its pipeline to production."
      In his analysis, Graf said Fronteer is second only to Newmont in terms of Nevada mineral rights landholdings a total of 620,000 acres. "We believe the company's land position encompasses several prospective areas with the potential to discover new gold ounces."
      Graf also noted Fronteer also holds the Michelin uranium deposit in Labrador, Canada, and projects Michelin could produce 6.5 million pounds of uranium annually or 5.4% of global mine production. "This is a substantial asset that, while only providing modest double digit returns in the current environment, provides substantial leverage to high uranium prices going forward," he said.
      Dahlman Rose also suggested the company has strong partners with Newmont in the Sandman project and Teck in the Halilaga project in Turkey.
      Major shareholders in Fronteer include Royce and Associates with 8.77% of Fronteer shares, and Anchorage Advisors with 6.50%. Other shareholders include Morgan Stanley, RBC Asset Management, Vanguard, and Oppenheimer Funds.

      Artikel vom 11 Jan 2010 v. Adam Graf, director of equity research for Dahlman Rose
      schrieb am 22.06.10 19:42:33
      Beitrag Nr. 418 ()
      Drilling hits 2.35 ounces/ton gold and 33.18 ounces/ton silver over 9.6 feet at Sandman, Nevada

      June 21, 2010

      Fronteer Gold (FRG - TSX/NYSE Amex) reports additional intersections of near-surface, high-grade oxide gold at Sandman, demonstrating the Nevada deposit's strong open-pit development potential.

      Newmont USA Limited, as project operator, recently completed a 19-hole drill program at Silica Ridge, one of four gold deposits that comprise our Sandman project. All of the holes reported below intersected gold and silver mineralization within 10 metres of surface. Highlighted intercepts from these holes include:

      - 80.58 grams per tonne gold (2.35 ounces per ton) and 1,137.55 g/t silver (33.18 oz/ton) over 2.93 metres in hole NSM-164;
      - 66.98 g/t gold (1.95 oz/ton) and 49.82 g/t silver (1.45 oz/ton) over 1.10 metres in NSM-161;
      - 8.12 g/t gold (0.24 oz/ton) and 17.52 g/t silver (0.51 oz/ton) over 1.55 metres in NSM-45.
      High-grade gold and silver is a consistent component of mineralization at Sandman, reinforcing the high-quality nature of this epithermal system. For a comprehensive table of new and previously reported drill results, please click:…

      Newmont continues to meet earn-in obligations and can elect to make a positive production decision by June 2011 to earn a 51% interest in Sandman, which is located within trucking distance to Newmont's Twin Creeks facilities.

      Sandman, Northumberland and Long Canyon comprise Fronteer Gold's future production platform based in Nevada. All three gold deposits have high-grade gold starting at or near surface, and have encouraging production attributes.

      Drill samples and analytical data for the Sandman project are being collected under the supervision of Newmont, using industry standard QA-QC protocols. Fronteer Gold's James Ashton P.E., who is the QP responsible for compiling the data contained in this release, has not verified all the data; however, the grades and widths reported here are consistent with Fronteer Gold's past results on the project. Correspondence with the operator and review of portions of the data, has given him no reason to doubt the results authenticity. The true width of the mineralized zones is estimated by Fronteer Gold to be approximately 90% of those stated. Primary composite intervals stated in this release were calculated using a cut-off of 0.3 g/t Au, 0.5 g/t Au and 2.0 g/t Au for the higher grade internal intervals. No gold values below the 0.30 g/t Au cut-off were included as internal dilution. The lower 0.3 g/t cut off is used to conform with the 43-101 compliant resources previously calculated on the Sandman Project. For further details on Sandman, please view the technical report prepared by Mine Development Associates ("MDA"), as of May 31, 2007, on SEDAR at


      We intend to become a significant gold producer. Our solid financial position and strong operational team give us the ability to advance our key gold projects through to production. Our future potential production platform includes our Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland projects - all located in Nevada, one of the friendliest gold-mining jurisdictions in the world. Fronteer Gold aims to build regional production by advancing these projects sequentially over the near-term using existing cash resources - funding the company's growth with low-risk of dilution. For further information on Fronteer Gold visit or contact:

      Mark O'Dea, President & CEO
      Troy Fierro, COO

      Sean Tetzlaff, CFO
      John Dorward, VP, Business Development
      Glen Edwards, Director, Communications
      Phone 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677…
      schrieb am 28.06.10 19:06:22
      Beitrag Nr. 419 ()
      Mid-Year Updates über Gold-Projekte von FRONTEER GOLD von heute 28-06-2010:

      Let´s go FRONTEER ! :laugh:
      schrieb am 08.07.10 12:24:12
      Beitrag Nr. 420 ()
      Das konstelose FRONTEER GOLD Investor-Kit kann hier:

      bestellt werden , war sehr sehr schnell da per Post aus Kanada.

      Lohnt sich ;)
      schrieb am 12.07.10 12:35:03
      Beitrag Nr. 421 ()
      Fronteergold: "Where Gold comes to life"

      Wenn die Produktion ins Rollen kommt geht es richtig rund mit dem Aktienkurs - locker zweistellig. 1-2 Jahre noch dann ist es soweit meiner Meinung nach :)
      schrieb am 12.07.10 18:27:19
      Beitrag Nr. 422 ()
      Fast +10% heute :laugh:

      Frankfurt 5,209 EUR +0,459 +9,66

      schrieb am 13.07.10 22:51:11
      Beitrag Nr. 423 ()
      FRONTEER ist nicht nur ein zukünftiges GOLD Investment , sondern auch URAN.

      Aurora gehört zu 100% FRONTEER.

      "As of August 2009, Aurora has identified a significant mineral resource at Michelin and Jacques Lake, as well as four additional satellite deposits: Nash, Inda, Gear, and Rainbow. Combined, these properties rank as one of the largest undeveloped primary uranium deposits in the world."

      Ich bin recht "bullish" was den Uranpreis in den kommenden Jahren betrifft.

      Vor allem China und Indien werden massig davon brauchen.

      Interessanter Artikel:…

      Die Bigplayer wie CAMECO werden sich m.M. nach langfristig gut entwickeln.

      Risikobereite setzen auf Calls :)z.B.…
      schrieb am 25.07.10 09:47:57
      Beitrag Nr. 424 ()
      schrieb am 06.08.10 20:03:00
      Beitrag Nr. 425 ()
      Second high-grade zone at Northumberland returns 7.10 g/t gold over 37.4 metres

      Fronteer Gold (FRG - TSX/NYSE Amex) announces today that drilling has returned some of the highest grade gold intervals ever intersected at its 100% owned Northumberland project in Nevada.

      Drill hole FNU035, the first hole of the 2010 program, returned two separate high-grade intervals as follows, starting at a depth of approximately 225 metres:

      - Upper zone: 7.10 grams per tonne gold (0.207 ounces per ton) and 24.67 g/t silver (0.719 oz/ton) over 37.49 metres, including 14.31 g/t gold (0.417 oz/ton) over 2.87 metres.
      - Lower zone: 10.62 g/t gold (0.310 oz/ton) and 12.23 g/t silver (0.357 oz/ton) over 13.11 metres, including 13.91 g/t gold (0.406 oz/ton) over 5.49 metres.
      (Composites for broad intervals are created at 3.0 g/t gold cut off, with "including" intervals created at 10 g/t cutoff. Several values below the 3.0 g/t cutoff may be included as part of the mineralized zone.)

      Hole FNU035 is located 25 metres southwest of an historic high-grade hole (NN-5), and helps underpin the shape of a second growing high-grade domain at Northumberland.

      "Fronteer Gold is very encouraged by these results as it builds our confidence in the geometry of high-grade domains in parts of the deposit that have had relatively limited drilling," says Fronteer Gold President and CEO Mark O'Dea.

      Northumberland's current $750,000 drill program, which commenced in June, consists of a minimum of nine core holes totaling 2,500 metres focused on testing multiple high-grade targets. Assays from additional holes are pending.

      Northumberland is a Carlin-style deposit that has significant potential for high-grade mineralization. In particular, the western half of the deposit, despite several high-grade intersections, has not seen significant exploration drilling.


      Fronteer Gold is preparing a Request For Proposal to be distributed to select mining contractors for the construction of a 280-metre long decline to access high-grade mineralization within the deposit. Construction is scheduled to begin in Q3-2010 with completion targeted for Q1-2011. The decline will provide the most cost-effective platform for evaluating controls on high-grade mineralization, as well as conducting underground exploration/definition drilling and bulk sampling.

      James Ashton P.E. is designated as a Qualified Person for the Northumberland drill results, with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of, and validity of these data. Drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 3.0 g/t. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. Reverse circulation cuttings were sampled on 5.0 feet (1.52 metre) intervals. Drill samples were assayed by ALS Chemex (ISO9001:2000) in Reno, Nevada for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 10.0 g/t were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. For these samples, the gravimetric data were utilized in calculating gold intersections. QA/QC included the insertion of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream, and the insertion of duplicate samples at random intervals within each batch. Selected holes are also analyzed for a 51-element geochemical suite by ICP-MS/-AES.


      We intend to become a significant gold producer. Our solid financial position and strong operational team give us the ability to advance our key gold projects through to production. Our future potential production platform includes our Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland projects - all located in Nevada, one of the friendliest gold-mining jurisdictions in the world. Fronteer Gold aims to build regional production by advancing these projects sequentially over the near-term using existing cash resources. For further information on Fronteer Gold visit or contact:

      Mark O'Dea, President & CEO
      Troy Fierro, COO

      Sean Tetzlaff, CFO
      John Dorward, VP, Business Development
      Glen Edwards, Director, Communications
      Phone 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 10.08.10 19:11:06
      Beitrag Nr. 426 ()
      Fronteer Gold continues to intersect high-grade gold at Northumberland with 19.8 metres of 7.07 g/t gold

      August 9, 2010
      Fronteer Gold (FRG – TSX/NYSE Amex) announces today that core drilling continues to define a second high-grade gold-silver zone at its 100% owned Northumberland project in Nevada.

      The 2010 drill program is focused on the western half of the deposit where previous wide-spaced drilling and new geologic modeling indicate the presence of multiple areas where high-grade gold and silver occur over thick intervals. Two new holes have returned high-grade gold and silver over intervals comparable to those recently reported in hole FNU35 (See Aug. 3, 2010 press release). Together, these three holes expand an important target area and enhance our understanding of the distribution of high-grade mineralization throughout the deposit.

      Drill highlights from the two new holes, starting at a depth of approximately 240 metres, include:
      7.07 grams per tonne gold (0.206 ounces per ton) and 29.47 g/t silver (0.859 oz/ton) over 19.81 metres, including 10.61 g/t gold (0.309 oz/ton) and 23.47 g/t silver (0.684 oz/ton) over 3.81 metres, in FNU36.
      6.70 g/t gold (0.195 oz/ton) and 38.86 g/t silver (1.133 oz/ton) over 20.42 metres, including 13.40 g/t gold (0.391 oz/ton) and 70.80 g/t silver (2.065 oz/ton) over 1.52 metres, in FNU37.

      (Composites for broad intervals are created at 3.0 g/t gold cut off, with "including" intervals created at 10 g/t cutoff. Several values below the 3.0 gram/tonne cutoff may be included as part of the mineralized zone).
      Assays from additional holes testing this high-grade target area are pending.

      For a map, please click:…

      Construction of a 280-metre long decline to access high-grade mineralization within the deposit is scheduled to begin in Q3-2010 with completion targeted for Q1-2011. The decline will provide the most cost-effective method for evaluating controls on high-grade mineralization, as well as conducting underground exploration/definition drilling and bulk sampling.

      James Ashton P.E. is designated as a Qualified Person for the Northumberland drill results, with the ability and authority to verify the authenticity of, and validity of these data. Drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 3.0 g/t. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. Drill samples were assayed by ALS Chemex (ISO9001:2000) in Reno, Nevada for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 10.0 g/t were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. For these samples, the gravimetric data were utilized in calculating gold intersections. QA/QC included the insertion of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream, and the insertion of duplicate samples at random intervals within each batch. Selected holes are also analyzed for a 51-element geochemical suite by ICP-MS/-AES.

      We intend to become a significant gold producer. Our solid financial position and strong operational team give us the ability to advance our key gold projects through to production. Our future potential production platform includes our Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland projects – all located in Nevada, one of the friendliest gold-mining jurisdictions in the world. Fronteer Gold aims to build regional production by advancing these projects sequentially over the near-term using existing cash resources. For further information on Fronteer Gold visit or contact:

      Mark O'Dea, President & CEO
      John Dorward, VP, Business Development
      Glen Edwards, Director, Communications
      Phone 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 18.08.10 23:36:52
      Beitrag Nr. 427 ()
      Und weiter gehts mit den positiven Nachrichten nach den starken Quartalzahlen.

      Unser Baby wird uns in den kommmenden Jahren ganz sicher noch viel Freude bereiten und der Kurs wird explodieren, die Gold Produktion steht schon in den Startlöchern.

      Drilling along northern extension intersects 44.2 metres of 10.14 g/t gold at Long Canyon, Nevada :)

      Fronteer Gold (FRG: TSX/NYSE-Amex) provides an update on exploration and development activities at its Long Canyon gold project, including the reporting of significant intervals of high-grade oxide gold intersected northeast and southwest of the current resource area.

      Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland gold projects comprise Fronteer Gold's development platform in Nevada. Long Canyon's 2010 program is multidisciplinary and focused on resource definition and expansion, as well as metallurgical, engineering, and environmental work necessary to advance the project toward production in the near-term.


      Drilling in 2010 is largely focused in the northern half of the deposit. Five drill rigs are currently operating on the property and more than 40,000 metres of the year's originally planned 45,000 metres have been drilled to date (an additional 15,000 metres of drilling is forecasted through November).

      Drill result highlights from the northern part of the deposit include:

      - 10.14 grams per tonne gold (0.296 ounces per ton) over 44.2 metres, including 15.39 g/t (0.449 oz/ton) over 24.7 metres in LC529C;
      - 6.51 g/t (0.190 oz/ton) over 41.8 metres, including 20.00 g/t (0.584 oz/ton) over 11.0 metres in LC515C;
      - 8.48 g/t (0.248 oz/ton) over 20.3 metres in LC537C*;
      - 5.75 g/t (0.168 oz/ton) over 29.0 metres, including 13.54 g/t (0.395 oz/ton) over 9.1 metres in LC518.
      - 4.72 g/t (0.138 oz/ton) over 24.4 metres, including 14.32 g/t (0.418 oz/ton) over 2.7 metres in LC506C.
      *Hole abandoned in mineralization due to poor ground conditions. Assays from successful re-drill pending.

      In addition, new results indicate the deposit's growth potential to the southwest. Drilling 300 metres to the southwest of the resource area along trend returned several shallow intercepts, including:

      - 3.10 g/t (0.091 oz/ton) over 9.1 metres and 1.66 g/t (0.049 oz/ton) over 16.8 metres in LC560.
      The deposit is now 2.7-km long and remains open for expansion. For a map highlighting recent drilling, please click:…

      Five out of nine planned monitoring wells have also been installed at the project, with the remaining four to be completed by the end of August.

      Four, 15-ton surface bulk samples and one three-ton large-diametre core sample have also been collected for large-column metallurgical testing. Run-of-mine, heap-leach conditions will be simulated.

      Drill highlights

      Hole ID



      Intercept Length






































































































































































































































      Primary drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 0.30 g/t, with variably higher cut-offs for the sub-intervals. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. True widths of the mineralized intervals are interpreted to be between 30-100% of the reported lengths. Intervals less than 1 g/t are not reported in this press-release table. "C" indicates a core hole. For a PDF of comprehensive drill results, including non-reportable intercepts, please click:…

      Fronteer Gold is majority owner (51%) and operator of Long Canyon in joint venture with AuEx Ventures (49%).

      Moira Smith, P. Geo., Nevada Chief Geologist for Fronteer Gold, is the company's designated Qualified Person for this news release and has reviewed and validated that the information contained in the release accurate. Drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 0.30 g/t. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. True widths of the mineralized intervals are interpreted to be between 30-100% of the reported lengths. Reverse circulation cuttings were sampled on 5.0 feet (1.52 metre) intervals and core was sampled at geologically selected intervals. Drill samples were assayed by ALS Chemex (ISO9001:2000) in Reno, Nevada for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 5.0 g/t were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. For these samples, the gravimetric data were utilized in calculating gold intersections. QA/QC included the insertion and continual monitoring of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream, and the collection of duplicate samples at random intervals within each batch. Selected holes are also analyzed for a 72-element geochemical suite by ICP-MS.


      We intend to become a significant gold producer. Our solid financial position and strong operational team give us the ability to advance our key gold projects through to production. Our future potential production platform includes our Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland projects - all located in Nevada, one of the friendliest gold-mining jurisdictions in the world. For further information on Fronteer Gold visit or contact:

      Mark O'Dea, President & CEO
      John Dorward, VP, Business Development
      Glen Edwards, Director, Communications
      Phone 604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      schrieb am 18.08.10 23:42:43
      Beitrag Nr. 428 ()
      PS: Fronteer Gold (FRG) Aktuell + 13.50% :D

      Kurs in Kanada: $7.650
      schrieb am 14.09.10 23:46:22
      Beitrag Nr. 429 ()
      $8.120 ...Aktie nimmt so langsam richtig Fahrt auf richtig 10$, immer noch krass unterbewertet wenn die mal produzieren anfangen in naher Zukunft , und das werden die mit Sicherheit , dann gibts kein Halten mehr und ich weine solchen Kursen hinterher. Kaufe nach!! :)

      Fronteer Gold to Acquire AuEx Ventures

      Vancouver, B.C., August 30, 2010 - Fronteer Gold Inc. ("Fronteer Gold") (TSX/NYSE Amex:FRG) and AuEx Ventures, Inc. ("AuEx") announced today they have entered into an arrangement agreement under which Fronteer Gold will acquire 100% of the outstanding common shares of AuEx by way of a plan of arrangement.

      Under the plan of arrangement, AuEx shareholders will receive 0.645 of a Fronteer Gold share, $0.66 in cash and 0.5 of a share in a new exploration company ("SpinCo") for each AuEx share. Excluding the SpinCo shares, the offer represents a premium of approximately 50.9% based on the volume-weighted average prices of AuEx and Fronteer Gold shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") for the 20 trading days ended on August 26, 2010, resulting in a fully diluted equity value for the transaction of $280.8 million.

      SpinCo will own all of AuEx's exploration assets outside of the Pequops District and have $5.0 million in cash. On completion of the transaction, AuEx shareholders will hold 18.6% of the pro forma outstanding shares of Fronteer Gold, on a fully-diluted basis and 90.1% of the SpinCo shares, while Fronteer will hold the remaining 9.9% of the SpinCo shares.

      The board of directors of AuEx unanimously approved the transaction and all directors and senior officers of AuEx, as well as AuEx's single largest shareholder, collectively holding approximately 22.5% of the number of AuEx shares anticipated to be entitled to vote at the meeting have agreed to vote their shares in favour of the transaction.

      Fronteer Gold is currently the 51% owner and operator of Long Canyon, an advanced stage exploration project in Nevada. With this transaction, Fronteer Gold is acquiring the remaining 49% interest in Long Canyon as well as the rest of AuEx's interests in Long Canyon's regional "Pequop District," including AuEx's 49% interest in the West Pequop Project (51%-owned and operated by Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd.) and the South Pequop Project.

      "This acquisition consolidates ownership of our flagship Long Canyon asset and creates a dominant position in the Pequops, Nevada's newest gold trend," says Mark O'Dea, Fronteer Gold President and CEO. "Long Canyon is a unique, high-quality gold project and Fronteer Gold will continue to aggressively grow the resource while advancing the project toward production. The transaction leaves Fronteer Gold well funded to develop our exciting suite of gold projects. We have valued our strong relationship with AuEx and recognize the important role that the AuEx team has played in helping develop the Pequops into one of the most exciting districts in the industry. We look forward to having the AuEx shareholders as shareholders of Fronteer Gold, and look forward to our continued relationship with the AuEx team as a shareholder of SpinCo."

      Ronald L. Parratt, President and CEO of AuEx stated: "This transaction delivers an immediate and attractive premium to our shareholders while allowing them to continue to share in the upside potential at Long Canyon through their Fronteer Gold shares and to retain their exposure to an exciting portfolio of exploration projects through their SpinCo shares. We believe that the Fronteer Gold team has the drive, skill set and capital to bring Long Canyon into production and look forward to our continued involvement in the project as shareholders of Fronteer Gold"


      The transaction will be carried out by way of a court-approved plan of arrangement and will require the approval of at least 2/3 of the votes cast by the shareholders at AuEx's annual and special meeting expected to take place at the end of October 2010. The transaction is also subject to applicable regulatory approvals, including approval of the TSX, and the satisfaction of certain closing conditions customary in transactions of this nature.

      If the transaction is completed, AuEx shareholders will receive, for each AuEx share, 0.645 of a Fronteer Gold share, $0.66 in cash and 0.5 of a SpinCo share. Holders of convertible securities of AuEx who wish to participate in the transaction will be required to convert their securities for AuEx shares prior to completion. In accordance with the terms of AuEx's stock option plan, the vesting of all outstanding options will be accelerated and all options must be exercised immediately prior to completion of the transaction, failing which they will be terminated for no consideration. In accordance with their terms, any outstanding warrants will automatically be adjusted so that, upon exercise subsequent to completion of the transaction, for each AuEx share that would previously have been issued, the warrantholder will receive 0.645 of a Fronteer Gold share and $0.66 cash but, instead of receiving 0.5 of a share of SpinCo, the exercise price of the warrant will be reduced by the fair value of that half share as determined by the directors of SpinCo.

      AuEx will be entitled to nominate one director to join Fronteer Gold's Board of Directors.

      The transaction has been unanimously approved by the board of Fronteer Gold. After taking into consideration, among other things, the recommendation of a special committee of AuEx directors established to review the transaction and the verbal opinion of Dundee Securities that the consideration to be received by the AuEx shareholders under the transaction is fair from a financial point of view, the AuEx directors have determined that the transaction is in the best interests of AuEx and is fair to AuEx shareholders and have unanimously approved the transaction and intend to recommend in the information circular for the shareholder meeting that AuEx shareholders vote in favour of the transaction.

      All directors and senior officers of AuEx, as well as AuEx's single largest shareholder, collectively holding approximately 22.5% of the number of AuEx shares anticipated to be entitled to vote at the meeting have entered into voting agreements with Fronteer under which they agree to vote in favour of the transaction. The voting agreements automatically terminate upon termination of the arrangement agreement. Subject to Fronteer Gold's right to match, the board of AuEx may terminate the arrangement agreement in favour of an unsolicited superior proposal upon payment of a $10 million break fee to Fronteer Gold.

      venture or exploration earn-in agreements with eight companies. The Company applies the extensive Nevada exploration experience and high-end technical skills of its founders to search for and acquire new precious metal exploration projects that are then offered for joint venture.
      schrieb am 04.11.10 21:20:49
      Beitrag Nr. 430 ()
      Übernahme von AuEx Ventures, Inc. (XAU) abgeschlossen…

      Fronteer Gold Inc. (FRG) $8.680 Change: 0.540 +6.63%

      AuEx Ventures Inc. (XAU) $6.450 Change: 0.340 +5.56%

      Wenn Fronteer Gold mal in naher Zukunft in Long Canyon, Sandman und Northumberland anfängt zu produzieren sind diese Kurse Geschichte :-)

      Ich denke Kurse zwischen 10-15 Euro sind dann durchaus nicht übertrieben.
      schrieb am 09.11.10 00:22:09
      Beitrag Nr. 431 ()
      November 8, 2010
      Fronteer builds additional high-grade gold at Long Canyon with 10.46 g/t gold over 39.3 metres

      Fronteer Gold (FRG - TSX/NYSE-Amex) announces that ongoing drilling to the northeast of the current resource area continues to intersect wide intervals of high-grade gold at its wholly owned Long Canyon gold project in Nevada. Fronteer Gold recently completed the acquisition of AuEx Ventures, thereby consolidating 100% ownership of its flagship Long Canyon project and creating a dominant position in the emerging Pequop Gold District.

      “The Long Canyon deposit is the type of foundational asset upon which major mining companies have historically been built. Long Canyon is viewed a ‘company-maker’ for Fronteer Gold, with its combination of high grades, simple metallurgy, resource upside and favourable jurisdiction. We are well funded to advance Long Canyon on a 100% basis as we push forward on our development timeline,” says Fronteer Gold President and CEO Mark O’Dea.

      Six drill rigs are currently operating as part of the year’s ongoing 70,000-metre program. New results include:

      10.46 g/t gold over 39.3 metres, including 16.72 g/t gold over 15.2 metres in LC556C;
      6.35 g/t gold over 38.1 metres, including 10.59 g/t gold over 16.9 metres in LC548C;
      5.15 g/t gold over 42.7 metres in LC541C;
      5.29 g/t gold over 33.2 metres, including 20.23 g/t gold over 5.2 metres in LC557C;
      3.14 g/t gold over 46.3 metres, including 13.30 g/t gold over 9.8 metres in LC564C;
      6.38 g/t gold over 17.1 metres in LC561C;
      5.28 g/t gold over 13.0 metres, including 18.34 g/t gold over 2.7 metres in LC547C;
      8.42 g/t gold over 6.1 metres, including 34.3 g/t gold over 1.2 metres in LC555C
      schrieb am 09.11.10 18:30:54
      Beitrag Nr. 432 ()
      Jeden Tag einen Schritt weiter in Richtung 10 Euro :)
      schrieb am 13.11.10 12:38:55
      Beitrag Nr. 433 ()
      Hi, ich habe email an Fronteer geschrieben und umgehend Antwort erhalten, vielleicht interessiert sich jemand für diese hervorragende Firma :)

      Subject: Question from a german Shareholder :)

      Hi there!

      First Congratulations for aquireing AuEx Ventures.

      When is around to expect start to produce in Long Canyon or in any other project in genereal?

      regards from germany,



      Hi Martin - thank you for inquiry.

      The first project we anticipate Sandman as the first project, followed by Long Canyon and then Northumberland.

      Sandman late 2013. We don't control the time table as Newmont has to make a production decision by June 2011.

      Most of our focus is on Long Canyon. We have completed 70,000 metres of drilling so far this year and an additional 70,000+ for 2011. Some of this is infill to get an accurate resource estimate for early 2011 followed by an updated PEA. Then permitting and feasibility. Likely production in 2014 but may come early as we own both mineral and surface rights. This will allow state permitting and avoid federal which takes an additional 18 - 24 months.

      For up to date information we always update our corporate presentation in the investor section of


      Patrick Reid, CFA
      Senior Director, Institutional Marketing
      Fronteer Gold Inc.
      (T): 604-632-4677
      (M): 604-790-7343
      schrieb am 13.11.10 16:49:46
      Beitrag Nr. 434 ()
      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 21.11.10 18:28:17
      Beitrag Nr. 435 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 40.517.096 von BuySilver am 13.11.10 16:49:46Aktuell schön im Trend! Fundamentals stimmen auch!

      schrieb am 30.11.10 14:53:38
      Beitrag Nr. 436 ()
      7,299 EUR

      November 30, 2010
      Drilling delivers more high-grade to Long Canyon deposit, including 13.7 g/t gold over 21.3 metres
      schrieb am 01.12.10 20:15:48
      Beitrag Nr. 437 ()
      $10.300 Dec 1, 2010, 1:44 PM EST Change: 0.260 (2.59%)

      Im Juni 2011 legt der Partner Newmont Mining den Produktionsbeginn für Sandman fest:

      Denke mal 2014/2015 wird es soweit sein und dann geht der Kurs durch die Decke und wenn Fronteer´s Flagschiff Lang Canyon ins Rollen kommt...............:)
      schrieb am 03.12.10 16:41:41
      Beitrag Nr. 438 ()
      8,100 EUR :-)
      schrieb am 19.12.10 08:18:28
      Beitrag Nr. 439 ()
      8,86 ..die 10 Euro knacken wir bald ;)
      schrieb am 14.01.11 12:19:02
      Beitrag Nr. 440 ()
      schrieb am 19.01.11 08:40:12
      Beitrag Nr. 441 ()
      Fronteer Gold Inc.: Step-Out Drilling at Long Canyon Expands Deposit by 200 Metres and Lays Foundation for Ongoing District-Scale Growth

      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 01/18/11 -- Fronteer Gold Inc. (TSX: FRG)(NYSE Amex: FRG) announces that its recent round of step-out drilling at Long Canyon has continued to return wide intervals of high-grade oxide gold from new areas, demonstrating the ongoing strength and significant growth potential of this new Nevada gold district.

      During the last month of 2010, 31 step-out holes were drilled, largely focused to the northeast. Assays received to date from 21 holes include:

      -- 3.22 grams per tonne gold over 32.0 metres in LC708C, a step-out located
      200 metres northeast of previous drilling.

      Other step-out holes are highlighted below. Mineralization remains open in all directions.

      -- 3.35 g/t over 38.1 metres, including 10.22 g/t over 6.1 metres in LC728;

      -- 3.30 g/t over 25.0 metres, including 14.40 g/t over 4.0 metres in

      -- 4.17 g/t over 12.3 metres in LC706C;

      -- 2.11 g/t over 26.5 metres in LC712C;

      -- 2.69 g/t over 15.7 metres in LC717C;

      -- 1.76 g/t over 19.7 metres in LC704C.

      Primary drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 0.30 g/t, with variably higher cut-offs for the sub-intervals. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. True widths of the mineralized intervals generally range between 50-100% of the reported lengths."C" indicates a core hole. For a PDF of comprehensive drill results from 2010, including new and non-reportable intercepts, please click:…

      For a map highlighting recent drilling, please click:…

      "These initial step-out results demonstrate the gold system extends to several new areas. The grade and widths are comparable to step-out holes drilled in late 2009 that through subsequent infill drilling in 2010 came to define continuous zones of high-grade mineralization," says Moira Smith, Chief Geologist - Nevada, for Fronteer Gold. "The initial results also demonstrate that our geological model is highly predictive and we look forward to drill-testing of new areas along strike, and to the west and east. In addition, several exciting new regional targets have been identified through soil sampling and mapping and will be aggressively pursued in 2011."

      None of these late 2010 step-out results were included in Long Canyon's recently published interim resource estimate (See Jan. 12, 2011 press release), which already places Long Canyon among the highest grade primary open-pit gold deposits in Nevada today. The resource, quoted at a cut-off grade of 0.20 g/t gold, reported:

      -- A Measured & Inferred resource of 1,396,000 ounces at an average grade
      of 2.36 g/t gold (18,371,000 tonnes) and,
      -- An additional Inferred resource of 803,000 ounces at an average grade of
      2.24 g/t gold (11,170,000 tonnes).

      Within the next two months, Fronteer Gold will complete a second resource update that will include all drill results from 2010, inclusive of step-out results, to form the basis of an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment.

      2011 GOALS

      Since acquiring 100% of Long Canyon in late 2010 and expanding our exploration and development program to year-round, it is our intention to update the project resource base on an ongoing basis to keep pace with engineering work and mine-planning activities. Long Canyon's comprehensive 2011 work program is focused on aggressive resource expansion, as well as on the metallurgical, engineering and environmental work necessary to move the project to feasibility stage. A $30-million work program for 2011 includes:

      -- a year-round drill program of more than 100,000 metres of exploration
      and development drilling, currently underway;

      -- additional updated resource in H1 2011, inclusive of step out results;

      -- completing an updated Preliminary Economic Assessment in H1 2011;

      -- initiating permitting;

      -- completing an additional resource update near year-end 2011; and,

      -- commencing feasibility stage.

      Moira Smith, P. Geo., Nevada Chief Geologist for Fronteer Gold, is the company's designated Qualified Person for this news release and has reviewed and validated that the information contained in the release accurate. Drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 0.30 g/t. Drill intersections are reported as drilled thicknesses. True widths of the mineralized intervals generally range between 50-100% of the reported lengths. Reverse circulation cuttings were sampled on 5.0 feet (1.52 metre) intervals and core was sampled at geologically selected intervals. Drill samples were assayed by ALS Chemex (ISO9001:2000) in Reno, Nevada for gold by Fire Assay of a 30 gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 5.0 g/t were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. For these samples, the gravimetric data were utilized in calculating gold intersections. QA/QC included the insertion and continual monitoring of numerous standards and blanks into the sample stream, and the collection of duplicate samples at random intervals within each batch. Selected holes are also analyzed for a 72-element geochemical suite by ICP-MS.


      We intend to become a significant gold producer. Our future potential production platform includes our Long Canyon, Sandman and Northumberland projects - all located in Nevada. We also have a 40% interest in Halilaga, an emerging copper-gold porphyry deposit in northwestern Turkey. For further information on Fronteer Gold, visit

      The Long Canyon mineral resource estimate was completed by James Gray, P.Geo., Director of Mineral Resources for Fronteer Gold, who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and validated that the resource-estimaton information contained in the release is consistent with the resource estimate. The Mineral Resource estimation methodologies were independently reviewed at a high level, and were deemed to meet CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (2010), by Harry Parker, P.Geo., Technical Director, AMEC, and Georges Verly, P.Eng., Chief Geostatistician, AMEC. The resource model was constructed using a new and more geostatistically-driven approach than has been used in previous Long Canyon resource estimates, and was designed to capture the combined structural and stratigraphic nature of gold mineralization. The model is based on manually-digitized 3 dimensional geological solids for 10 different lithological units and 20 different structural domains that were used to constrain the interpolation of high and low grade indicator probability shells. Gold grades were then estimated for each 5x10x5 metre block inside these probability shells by inverse-distance-cubed interpolation. Finally, each block was diluted using grades from adjacent blocks and outlying blocks were manually removed to ensure that the criteria of 'reasonable expectations for economic extraction' have been met. Classification of the resource is based on the strength of the geological understanding of the deposit, combined with relatively conservative search parameters, such as the number of, and average distances to, nearest drill holes. This updated Mineral Resource estimate is quoted at a cut-off grade of 0.20 g/t gold to be consistent with the internal cut-off defined by Long Canyon's initial Preliminary Economic Assessment (see Dec. 1, 2009, press release or NI 43-101 report, "Updated Technical Report on the Long Canyon Project Elko County, Nevada, USA," dated June 28, 2010, and posted on SEDAR ( on July 2, 2010. Further details of the estimation procedure will be available in an updated NI 43-101 report, which will be posted on SEDAR (, no later than 45 days from the date of the Jan. 12, 2011, release.

      Except for the statements of historical fact contained herein, certain information presented constitutes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to, those with respect to potential expansion of mineralization, potential size of mineralized zone, potential type of mining operation and timing and size of exploration and development programs involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievement of Fronteer Gold to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, risks related to the actual results of current exploration activities, conclusions of economic evaluations, uncertainty in the estimation of ore reserves and mineral resources, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, future prices of gold and silver, environmental risks and hazards, increased infrastructure and/or operating costs, labor and employment matters, and government regulation and permitting requirements as well as those factors discussed in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in Fronteer Gold's Annual Information form and Fronteer Gold's latest Form 40-F on file with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. Although Fronteer Gold has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Fronteer Gold disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.

      NEWS RELEASE 11-02

      Fronteer Gold Inc.Mark O'Dea
      President & CEO
      604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677

      Fronteer Gold Inc.Patrick Reid
      Senior Director, Institutional Marketing
      604-632-4677 or Toll Free 1-877-632-4677
      Source: Fronteer Gold Inc.

      Read more:…
      schrieb am 20.01.11 10:11:38
      Beitrag Nr. 442 ()
      Was sagt ihr zu den massiven Insiderverkäufen-?
      schrieb am 03.02.11 15:02:24
      Beitrag Nr. 443 ()
      Newmont hat soeben Fronteer Gold gekauft!

      Newmont Expands Nevada Growth Potential With Acquisition of Fronteer Gold

      PR Newswire

      DENVER, Feb. 3, 2011

      DENVER, Feb. 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Newmont Mining Corporation (NYSE: NEM) ("Newmont" or "the Company") and Fronteer Gold Inc. (TSX, NYSE Amex: FRG) ("Fronteer Gold") today announced that they have entered into an agreement pursuant to which Newmont will acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Fronteer Gold by way of a Plan of Arrangement.

      Under the Plan of Arrangement, shareholders of Fronteer Gold will receive Cdn$14.00 in cash and one common share in a new company ("Pilot Gold"), which will own certain exploration assets of Fronteer Gold, for each common share of Fronteer Gold. The cash consideration represents a premium of approximately 37% to the closing price of the common shares of Fronteer Gold on the TSX as of February 2, 2011 and equates to a value of approximately Cdn$2.3 billion for Fronteer Gold (excluding Pilot Gold).

      Fronteer Gold owns a 100% interest in the development-stage Long Canyon project, which is located approximately one hundred miles from Newmont's existing infrastructure in Nevada. The proximity of Long Canyon to Newmont's Nevada operations provides the potential for significant development and operating synergies. Fronteer Gold also owns a 100% interest in the Northumberland project and a joint venture interest with Newmont in the Sandman project in Nevada, among other assets. Fronteer Gold has total attributable Measured and Indicated gold resources of 4.2 million ounces and Inferred resources of 1.7 million ounces at Long Canyon, Northumberland and Sandman.(1)

      Pilot Gold will own a portfolio of Fronteer Gold's exploration properties in Nevada, Turkey, and Peru (see Exhibit A for a list of Pilot Gold's assets) and will be capitalized at closing with Cdn$10 million of cash. Upon closing of the transaction, Fronteer Gold shareholders will hold an aggregate 80.1% interest in Pilot Gold, and Newmont will hold the remaining 19.9% interest. As part of the Plan of Arrangement, the Pilot Gold common shares will be consolidated on a one-for-four basis.

      "The acquisition of Fronteer Gold will contribute significantly to our anticipated growth profile in North America," stated Richard O'Brien, Newmont's President and CEO. "The Long Canyon project, with its Carlin trend-like metallurgical and geological characteristics, complements our existing project pipeline in Nevada. This combination of assets will allow Newmont to leverage our expertise and extensive infrastructure in the region. Based on the work conducted to date by Fronteer Gold, as well as our own due diligence, we believe that Long Canyon holds the potential to grow beyond 3 to 4 times Fronteer Gold's current stated resource estimate, with an attractive average gold grade of approximately 2.3 grams per tonne. Additionally, we believe that Fronteer Gold's wider portfolio of assets offers further upside potential for our portfolio."

      In January 2011, Fronteer Gold released an interim resource estimate for Long Canyon, which reported Measured and Indicated resources of approximately 1.4 million gold ounces and an additional Inferred resource of approximately 0.8 million gold ounces.(1)

      Fronteer Gold President and CEO, Mark O'Dea, stated: "This transaction delivers an immediate and attractive premium to our shareholders. It not only recognizes the current value of our key Nevada gold projects, but rewards shareholders for their future growth. The team at Fronteer Gold has done an exceptional job of creating value and we are proud of the high quality project pipeline that we have built in Nevada. Newmont shares our view that Long Canyon, our flagship project, is a 'best-in-class' asset with excellent production attributes and significant growth potential. Importantly, this transaction continues to expose Fronteer Gold shareholders to our ongoing exploration and development success through Pilot Gold. Pilot Gold will have an ideal new company structure, an experienced Board of Directors and management team, and sufficient financial resources to immediately undertake active exploration programs in both Turkey and Nevada. We welcome Newmont as our largest shareholder in Pilot Gold and we look forward to creating ongoing value for shareholders in the near-term."

      Newmont in Nevada:

      Newmont's land position in Nevada extends over 2 million acres. From its regional base in Elko, the Company currently operates six open pit mines, five underground mines, and nine process facilities. In addition, Newmont's project pipeline in Nevada includes Greater Leeville-Turf, Phoenix Copper Leach, Greater Gold Quarry, and our 'Sleeping Giants' (Mike, Fiberline, Greater Phoenix and Copper Basin). In 2010, Nevada operations produced 1.7 million attributable gold ounces, which was approximately 32% of the Company's total attributable gold production for the year. Nevada represents growth for Newmont, as evidenced by a 2011 exploration and development budget of approximately $285 million for near-mine activities. The Company plans to advance exploration activity in early and advanced stage projects such as Greater Leeville-Turf, Mike, Fiberline, Copper Basin and Greater Phoenix.

      Transaction Details:

      The transaction will be carried out by way of a Plan of Arrangement, the implementation of which will be subject to approval by at least 66 2/3% of the votes cast at a special meeting of Fronteer Gold shareholders that is expected to be held in early April 2011 followed by the approval of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Pursuant to the terms of the arrangement agreement between Newmont and Fronteer Gold, the transaction is also subject to applicable regulatory approvals and the satisfaction of certain closing conditions customary in transactions of this nature. The arrangement agreement also provides for, among other things, customary board support and non-solicitation covenants (subject to the fiduciary obligations of the Fronteer Gold Board and a Newmont "right to match") as well as the payment to Newmont of a break fee equal to Cdn$85 million if the proposed transaction is not completed in certain specified circumstances.

      The Board of Directors of Fronteer Gold after consultation with its financial and legal advisors, has unanimously determined that the proposed transaction is in the best interests of Fronteer Gold and is fair to Fronteer Gold's shareholders and will recommend that Fronteer Gold's shareholders vote in favor of the transaction. RBC Capital Markets, acting as financial advisor to Fronteer Gold and its Board of Directors, has provided an opinion that the consideration to be received by Fronteer Gold's shareholders is fair, from a financial point of view, to Fronteer Gold shareholders. All of the directors and senior officers have entered into customary support agreements pursuant to which, among other things, they have agreed to vote their common shares in favor of the transaction.

      The terms and conditions of the proposed transaction will be summarized in Fronteer Gold's management information circular, which will be filed and mailed to Fronteer Gold shareholders in March 2011. It is anticipated that the transaction, if approved by Fronteer Gold's shareholders, will be completed in the second quarter of 2011.

      Copies of the Plan of Arrangement agreement and certain related documents will be filed with Canadian securities regulators and with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") and will be available on the Canadian SEDAR website at and on the SEC's website at The management information circular will also be available as part of Fronteer Gold's public filings at and

      Advisors and Counsel:

      Newmont's financial advisor is BMO Capital Markets, and its legal counsel are Goodmans LLP and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. Fronteer Gold's financial advisor is RBC Capital Markets, and its legal counsel is Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP.

      Conference Call:

      The Company will hold a conference call on Thursday, February 3, 2011 beginning at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time (10:00 a.m. Mountain Time).

      To participate:
      schrieb am 09.02.11 15:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 444 ()
      I´m out.

      Gesamtperformance + 101,79 % innerhalb von paar Monaten, da muss man auch mal Gewinne mitnehmen.
      Werde das neu geformte PILOT GOLD INC. ( 80.1% Fronteer/19.9% Newmont) dennoch im Auge behalten und sehr wahrscheinlich wieder einsteigen.

      Denn das hier sind gute Explorer.Sehr gute Explorer und das zusammen mit interessanten Projekten und starken Partnern ergibt ein interessantes Investment.

      1 Antwort
      schrieb am 27.02.11 11:55:10
      Beitrag Nr. 445 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 41.010.472 von BuySilver am 09.02.11 15:44:24hallo ,

      weiss jemand wie das mit der Abgeltungssteuer ist??

      wenn ich fronteer behalte und 14CAD cash bekomme - muss ich die zu 25% versteuern...??

      dann muss ich vorher verkaufen?? um die 25% zu vermeiden??

      kennt sich da jemand aus wie das ist bei barabfindung??


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      Fronteer: unterbewertete Goldaktie!